Too many threads to link previous.
Tyrion blows up kings landing wit Wilf Fire, blames it on Dany, and causes Jon to kill Dany edition.
Will it play out as the leaks say?
Too many threads to link previous.
Tyrion blows up kings landing wit Wilf Fire, blames it on Dany, and causes Jon to kill Dany edition.
Will it play out as the leaks say?
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So far it doesn't seem that way, but D&D must subvert, so who knows
I took a drink each time Jaime took a drink so I am drunnk, sorry for the typos.
FrikiDoctor said Tyrion betrays Dany and his track record is 95% accurate.
How crushed will the casuals be?
>So far it doesn't seem that way, but D&D must subvert, so who knows
I agree, not sure about Jon killing Dany, but the earliest leaks from the most reliable source (Friki), claims Tyrion is responsible for a fire in King's Landing that kills almost everyone.
Newer, albiet less reliable leaks, claim Tyrion convinces Jon that Dany caused the fire. causing him to kill her.
This is 100% the sort of ending we'd expect from GRRM, so I'd believe in it.
feed seed fuck suck
why did they make tyrion so fucking retarded now?
>why did they make tyrion so fucking retarded now?
Because he has already betrayed Dany for Cersie in the cu scene after the dragon pit in season 7.
They have to make him seem progressively more retarded for it to fit.
what are the odds of Sansa getting the throne? She is super smart and it's so retarded it could happen.
>This is 100% the sort of ending we'd expect from GRRM, so I'd believe in it.
That sounds too good for D&D, Jon leaving for the wall out of guilt of being tricked would make sense and be fine, but if he doesn't know it's just retarded
I hate what they've done with him. at least Varys is still on the right track.
everyone took the stannis b8 again?
Last episode. Dany sets dragon on Jon, Bran wargs dragon, kills Dany. Bran gets stuck in a dragon forever.
Read it here first.
Lmao how angry are Stannis fans at this point?
arya will help the hound kill the mountain. arya will try to save the mountain from the dragon fire, but the mountain tells her to go. they have an emotional moment. she leaves.
I fucking hate how this show randomly kills the dragons. It feels so godamn cheap. Fuck these creators
Dunno about that, but they NEED to do something with Bran.
His purpose can't have been just to be bait for the Night King.
>arya will try to save the mountain from the dragon fire
i mean the hound, a wounded hound from fighting with the mountain
Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.
>Starks are told to be the most noble and honorable
>sisters swear to keep a secret
>Sabsa immediately brakes her vow
What a load of horshit
>In the books adult dragon scales is near impenetrable can only be killed by a ballista bolt to the eye.
>DnD make them the magic answer to stop Dany
Fucking retarded.
Daily reminder that Jaime is going to King's Landing to kill Cersei and redeem himself.
He recognizes he has done many awful things for her and that both of them are hateful people, with the world being a better place with them dead. He will kill her and either die in the process or kill himself.
This is abundantly clear after their last conversation.
>tumblr can go "dindu nuffin! slayy queen! she was too good for a world with men in it! men fuck up everything!"
definitely the ending we're getting
Those are Tully girls.
What the fuck else could they do? Dragons are like time travel in Endgame. Now that it exists, the answer to most questions is "Just use the fucking dragons". So they have to break their own internal consistency to de-power Daenerys. Otherwise, she would be impossible to control, impossible to refuse, impossible to oppose. It's clear they don't want her on the Iron Throne, so this is meant to be how they weaken her enough that someone can finish her off.
New episode means new smiles
He literally said he will protect his family no matter what in episode 2. He will either die protecting Cersei or both of them will die trying to escape.
Daily reminder that the Kingslayer should have slain the Night King as his final act and Arya should have taken his face to kill Cersei
I'm so glad this cunt is dead.
>"mom said it's my turn to use the xbox"
Why are dragons such fucking pussies now? And why is Dani's dragon so fucking tiny? Aegon's dragon was described to be so large that if he took wing his wing-spread shadow would cover all of kings landing.
Sansa was raised by Cersei and Littlefinger, not Ned Stark. Arya doesn't really need to keep the secret because she is gone now, probably returning for a last job and that's it.
Well to be honest, would these be considered “adult” dragons?
Drogon is estimated to only be 1/5th the size of Balerion or Vhagar, so they honestly could still only be large juveniles or sub-adults, considering dragons live for 100s of years in GoT it actually makes sense they are still small and weak by Dragon standards.
I thought the rest of the wild fire was used on the Sept
This shit is just fucking bad, I mean what more is there to say?
>dragon gets 360 noscoped by an entire fucking fleet they couldnt see from a mile up
This is unjustifiably retarded. Not only unbelievable that they wouldnt spot him but unbelievable that theyd have such a lack of tactical acumen to send their valuable dragons BEFORE the fleet.
At this point were reading a very shitty fanfic.
Because her Dragons are only a few years old, while Aegon had one well over 112 years old, and the other 2 were between 50-100
Scorpion 2.0, Qyburn is the only guy in Westeros that actually cares about technology and science development. Give him some years and money and I'm sure Qyburn will create handguns, shotguns and other firearms based on wildfire.
thread about the manlet joke in this episode is right here
Honestly thought that was one of the best episode of the season granted thats not saying much.
Golden Company will declare for Jon due to Varys's meddling
>characters don't change guys!
People really thought that Dany will live in the end?
Whata fuck man?
So, if D&D nuke the YASSS QUEEN SLAY narrative, will their Star Wars trilogy get cancelled?
Yeah retards, and that's clearly become the target audience for this piece of shit.
What if the real game of thrones was the friends they made along the way?
>mfw Qyburn wins the KingsLandingBowl because he's the only non-brainlet left
>what are the odds of Sansa getting the throne?
Sansa Stark is literally Einstein so odds are good. She is the smartest being to ever have lived. It's her or Bran, or a progressive liberal democracy. Not fucking kidding based on the leaks.
The real Game of Thrones was getting us to waste time and in some cases money on this stupid bullshit.
This was a solid episode tbqh, especially in comparison to the garbage this season has been so far. You actually got meaningful character interactions for the most part and it actually served to move the plot along unlike the first two episodes. Arya still sucks, though, and she was definitely the worst part of the episode.
>progressive liberal democracy
Who the fuck and how the fuck?
Dany is liberation through blood-and-iron realpolitik shit and most of the Stark kids seem like they'd just be status quo monarchs, albeit better ones than Cersei or the Targ fucking shits.
Would it be Tyrion? Varys maybe since he's always going off about his for-the-realm shit?
He really is the only guy left im rooting for and he doesnt seem allegiant to Cersi
she was pointless and way too much importance was given to her and gayworm.
>all the main characters get killed off
>audience left wondering how it’s going to end
>littlefinger comes out from behind a curtain doing a jig
>”Are you surprised? Why it’s a game of thrones after all”
>puts the crown on his head and sits on the iron throne
What do
>when a necrophiliac child murderer is the only likable character left after 8 seasons
Admit it
It was KINO!
wouldn't that be really easy to edit out?
>post-apocalyptic Westeros theory FUCKING CONFIRMED
>its real
the absolute state of this season
Euron is looking at the Red Comet.
They were probably running out of time and used rehearsal footage or some shit way into the editing process.
jesus fucking christ it's actually real
this is beyond a joke now
Why didn't they pour coffee on the nightwalkers?
>Last episode was phantom menace
>This episode has attack of the clones green screens
Oh my god, so the only reason a big deal was made about Jon’s ancestry was because it would drive a wedge between him and Daenerys. It never added anything to his character. This pandering romance is the worst bullshit they ever pulled. They have no chemistry and have never been through anything together.
When did this word lose absolutely all meaning
Do the showrunners have zero faith in their writing abilities and the acting of the main stars. Why did they cut away from Jon telling his sisters the truth, their relationship has been cast to the side. They did this shit with Sam too
Sam should have said they'll name their kid Edd...
Why did Tyrion expect Cersei to surrender after she scored such a big victory by killing a dragon and an entire fleet?
It makes no fucking sense, and the audience will obviously won't be surprised when she refuses. It's a pointless scene and bad writing.
They don't know how to write the rest of the scene. It's a crutch that shitty writers rely on, forcing the viewer to infer and imagine what would have happened. Like in The Last Jedi when Luke goes "Where's Han?" and they just cut instantly.
exactly man wtf
why? she had probably the 2nd or 3rd best tits in the show
you aren't wrong to think that
For a couple years. She wasn't a baby when she went to King's Landing.
She wasn't that old either though.
It's easy to forget just how young all the Stark kids were at the beginning of the show.
A lot of time has passed even though the teleportation bullshit of the last two seasons skewed things.
this tbqhwyf
So we know the leaks for this ep are legit, but the ending ones haven't been proven? Y/n
God-King Bran gets bigger the older he gets, like all dragons.
Ends up as Giant-God-King-Dragon
>let your enemy know you have dragons
>come back later with dragons
>oh noooooo how could i have predicted they build weapons 2 kill dragons
dany is the worst mom ever
This the. Once Danny and John talked during the celebration this episode just felt fucked up and got worse.
Please d&d turn this into a pleasing dumpster fire. I need laughs.
lmao so its just dune
The apes on Twitter sure aren't.
Nah in story time it’s only been like 5 or 6 years maybe
Loneley Dany is cute! CUTE!
not really, she could be opposed emotionally. but that would require too much actual character writing.
Starkbucks Coffee
how do you know thats not what happened
>Brienne is so bad in bed that it made Jamie go back to Cersei
Why did they kill off all the attractive women?
stand up and clap
Git gud Daeneshit
>not using top tier info to spread chaosh
>>let your enemy know you have dragons
It's not like she could hide that from anyone specially with the stuff she was using them for
>file name
I haven't been keeping up for a while. Did Stannis win yet?
It’s her first time be nice
Not sure what he was expecting. She's an uptight knight, a virgin, and drunk. That doesn't make for good sex.
So now that the dust has settled why aren't you watching the superior show?
D&D and Rian Jhonson will have a subverted orgy, so no.
Welcome to Starbucks your grace
reminder tha- AHHHHH SAVE ME GREY WORM!!
Bros is my gf a dumbass?
>Start talking about got.
>she says cercie should have sent a part of her army to the north and sandwiched Danny and Jon between her army and nk's army.
>Point out how stupid that is.
>Okay how about they help and then turn on the north after the battle.
>Tell her they had no way of knowing north would win and it was a suicide mission at best. No army would agree to it. Also sending your army to the north leaves your capital undefended.
>No you aren't getting it they would turn on them plus even if nk wins, she would have to go fight him anyway.
>Tell her why would she go all way north to do that when she could rally the remaining houses to her cause and defend her home turf. Tell her it takes months and tons of resources to send an army that big that far away and is not feasible.
>Tell her they'd know immediately if that big an army mobilizes.
>Tell her spies and scouts exist. Tell her they have an all seeing fuck.
>Tell her I know she is dumb.
Now she is crying. Do I smack her and kick her out till she calms down or just break up?
we know you dont have a girlfriend user please stop this
>Tell her spies and scouts exist
You werre in the wrong
you're a retard but so is she
perfect for each other
now don't post here again
neither of you should reproduce either
Tell her she's beautiful and you want to marry her.
so who sent word ahead to euron and cersei of dany's attack plans?
varys or sansa?
>Tell her they'd know immediately if that big an army mobilizes.
Considering what happened with the ships on the latest episode I'm gonna say you're wrong.
All I can say is you deserve each other. But please don't have kids.
Tbh this isn’t so bad if it’s real.
someone's about to get that TRIPODD
based Podd
the coffee cup is an incredible summary of how far the series has fallen
>Emilia Clarke just sippin dark roasts all day
>doesn't both to hand the cup off to anyone when they start rolling
>nobody on set notices or cares
>the director doesn't notice or care
>the editor doesn't notice or care
the frames of that coffee cup must've passed over hundreds of eyes, both in person and in digital form, before airing. just wow.
and they'll pass it off as an intentional "easter egg" if enough of a stink is raised about it.
The tit ring is doing things on my dick
Inb4 armored dragon
sansa, she's smiling receiving the news while talking with brienne
So which is the best ones?
Fucking Euron bringing balance to the clown world.
because we don't desreve da bad poosahy
>the scene where rhaegal gets shot and afterwards Daenerys' fleet gets completely btfod is real
lmao, not to mention that missandei gets captured by them somehow
>trying to blame it on emilia
she wouldnt even be able to reach it comfortably from her position
>showfags getting the ending they deserve
This is what vindication feels like.
did they give her contacts? her eyes were creepy in this ep
Brienne is still alive though...?
varys implies he is going to do something and is in a lot better position to let them know exactly where they are and when. sansa just knows the plan and couldnt possibly know their actual location
Now that we all know how this shit ends, which character did they ruin the most?
>that missandei gets captured by them somehow
This is what bothered me the most. Had it been a group of people, and she was one of them, that would be perfectly fine. But she was the only one captured and conveniently was her best friend. Come on.
Didn't notice before but what the actual fuck.
She looks like a slow loris or some shit here.
the crazy bitch with great hip bones that was into the guy who cut off greyjoys dick, the sand snake bitch, and the beheaded chick from last episode.
but gottam them some nice titties you posted
Night King
some trash writing. grey worm told her to get into one of the skiffs, so shed have had a head start at the shore. a shore no fucking advesarial ship was near.
i don't blame her at all. to not give a shit as an actor on that show is a given. i'm just pointing out the fact that she, or whoever's coffee it was, is so out of touch with their character and the story taking place that they're just walking onto set enjoying themselves and not giving a fuck about the craft. because there is no craft. it's a fat paycheck with 0 integrity.
It's not even the same character on a basic level, it's just using his name. Loras is a deliberate merge with his brothers. The others at least started in the same place where they should have.
>dragons built up and made out to be unstoppable weapons of war
>they conquered the whole world a couple hundred years ago
>all you have to do to kill them is build a big ballista
No one thought of this before? Doesn’t it seem fucking obvious?
Cute titties
night king doesnt really exist in the books though? or is that why..
>show well known for killing important characters since season 1 even MCs
>one secondary black character dies
>twitter goes mad like this is the first time it happens
It's funny that they are the same people who clapped when Arya killed the Night King with the stupid knife trick.
Qyburn had a very good telescope and he saw the boat and did a very fast run to catch her.
And the real joke is that ballista are in and of themselves just really big crossbows. Even the fucking ancient Greeks and Romans had them.
you had no reason to mention her sippin on dark roasts all day then. you clearly had an agenda, dont try to walk it back now.
Link to the leaks?
Also pretty sure Varys (possibly with or without Tyrion) is gonna try to assassinate Daenerys next episode. No way Varys and Tyrion will just sit by while Danaerys genocides King's Landing and they do nothing.
Well the Others in general were fucked
I have a personal theory that 99% of the fuckery comes entirely from the decision to call them White Walkers and not Others
Someone, please. I'll take even a completely fucking retarded excuse at this point. War was won right there. No Daenerys, no dragon. Cersei goes north, kills the remaining northerners done. No risk, 100% success rate.
What in the FUCK
Someone fucking please explain this retardation.
>dany forgot about the iron fleet
are there any actual episode leaks or just spoilers from them? god, i'd love to get this shitshow over with in just 1 day.
oh fucking hell. I'm going to go download tonights episode and look for that shit. that's fucking ridiculous.
Books have a bit more going on with the Others, but it's kinda all in the realm of legend. However, it seems like they have some sort of fey seelie court thing going on.
Good taste. The Sand Snake girl was S+ tier.
There are episode leaks, but this entire shitshow will be a trainwreck in slow motion. I can't wait for everyone to get mad about THE COUNCIL OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS.
Did I miss it or did they not explain how Tyrion found out Cersei was pregnant?
you on some nut shit chief but im with ya
Melly Slavefu and Snek
I just noticed the K in the first word, lmao. nice one.
i'm sure feminists will love the portrayal of a lady that breaks her promise for the sake of gossip
>they made Varys actually do things and finally say 'wait hang on Dany is literally retarded and you're retarded if you back her'
Only good thing about the episode, desu. Oh, and Jaime remembering he has a character, too.
>giant 100 year old dragon big enough to eat a horse whole and when flying its shadow can cover all of KL at once
>this is just as tough as a dragon thats a couple years old
Watch the end of S7 again
A qt
>Cool, laid back friend. Always has time for you. Always looking out for the boys. The kind of bloke you could depend on.
>moves in with a new girl
>Seems like he is always with his girl. Gets ordered around by her. Becomes more distant. No more time for the boys.
Fuck. I watch fantasy to escape from bullshit like this.
Ygritte should have lived
it was stupid yes but cersei doesnt advance. she turtles imo.
>mfw its actually real
Fucking christ almighty
The secret conversation they had in S7. It was off-screen and presumably is gonna get a callback this season when Tyrion betrays Dany.
Where were Jamie and Tyrion when Bronn just walked into them and threatened to shoot them? I can't imagine that they were in winterfell at that time?
ill take her off your hands, trade my annoying bitch wife who plays total war and hammers my fuckin ears every episode on tactics and strategy and shit instead of just enjoying the show
>be emilia clarke
>unhappy with your character
>irreplaceable on the show
>sip on dark roasts all day because fuck it, what are they gonna do, fire her?
i respect her lack of respect. you read wrong. don't reply to me.
She had a nice ass. Literally only reason I gave a shit.
It was in winterfell
Considering that the prophecy was complete bullshit. Is it safe to say that Rheagar is a fucking crazy self-important arsehole for trying to seduce a noble girl and taking her to his vacation tower so he could breed the chosen one with her?
What was worse was when Dany gave the entire fleet an even better shot by flying towards them in a straight line, and then they all magically miss for some reason???
i would instantly give brienne a go desu
why is she suddenly insane?
>one dragon killed with great precision
>second dragon somehow escapes a dozen giant arrows, all shot at once
Her running away and everyone being okay about it.
ACKTUALLY sweaty, without Jon to give Arya needle she never would have started to learn swordfighting so she could eventually kill the Night King :^)
>she just forgot xD
What a shitshow. How do you fuck up the final season out of all things this badly. I would even buy a she underestimate them but no she just forgot lmao.
break up with her user. after this you will have plenty of time to play Skyrim and roleplay as John Snow.
in the show they are considered "full grown dragons" and there is dialog expressing this
these hacks have ruined the power level of dragons, its not your fault for being logical
if ep 5 is leaked where the fook is it
second BIGGER dragon
>final epsidoe of the series
>Cersei gets falcon punched in the womb by Euron after he figures out the baby can't possibly be his
>Long scene of mindbroken Cersei cuntbarfing out the stillborn fetus
>Euron turns to the screen
>"This is the future she chose. Never let degeneracy take root. Today Westeros, tomorrow the real world. You know what you must do, dear viewer. Honk honk."
>Cut to credits
I'm gonna have to disagree with you:
>Redhead whore Jeoffry kills was best
>Sand chick with pixie haircut
>Missandre or whatever decapitated girl's name was
Honorable mention: Red Woman
>tfw even the very beginning of episode 4 foreshadows Daenerys is going insane
Yeah, she's gonna die.
damn I forgot about her. she was actually a cutie.
Are Clegane and Sansa going to fuck or what
Tbh, Cersei probably fucks like a fighter jet.
That scene where she forcibly blows Jaime was diamonds.
To be fair, could you bargain with anybody else captured from that fleet? It would be the remainder of the Unsullied, which don't count for shit. The issue is her getting actually captured at all when all the others, including fucking Varys also robes and shit, somehow swam ashore. They even had a shot where Tyrion seemed to get whacked by the falling mast.
We already know and should understand why the fuck nothing makes sense. These retards just write a situation and it happens. It's not like they strain anything through a logic filter before putting it down in ink. They wrote a bunch of battle scenes and it happened. Nobody questioned it and if they did they clearly had no influence. Nothing in that fight against the White Walkers made sense other than to serve one purpose: deplete Dany's forces so they cannot defend her when the Westerosi betray her. This was the only concession to logic we will have. Nothing else has to make fucking sense including Missandrei's capture - the only reason it happened was to goad Dany into burning King's Landing thus turning all her allies against her.
Even fucking Jamie hitting it and quitting doesn't need to make sense. It's going to serve some fucking retarded purpose we don't know yet. But in all likelihood it's a "dog kicking" moment that paints him as pure evil; in fact, they force the actor to explicitly explain to the audience he's a fucker. A high school graduate can setup situations and develop characters better than these writers.
im angry
Show Euron is a fucking pussy, but goddamn, at least he's doing work.
you both have the tism.
You're perfect for each other
yup. ive rubbed it in their face a few times today on twitter already. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a angry reply yet.
im not about to debate you on great tits. your list is clearly great.
oh fuck, didnt really think about that but now it hit me in the feels. rip ygritte.
>hese retards just write a situation and it happens
correct. their only concern is the dramaturgy and they even get that wrong.
>plays morrowind
>every nord in skyrim: "seen any...ELVES? HAHAHAHAHAHAH"
wtf morrowind?
goddamnit I fucked that up
every nord in morrowind* (I thought of Solstheim and then typed Skyrim)
because she was too focused on the image of daenerys army slaughtering women and children. she is unhinged and ruthless but not as pragmatic as tywin was. if he was still around, this wouldve been the last episode.
hit it and quit it and let the next man get it
Anyone got a torrent link for the latest episode?
I admit I haven't watched the whole series, but isn't Rhaegar getting shot out of the air with three hits (and no prior shots) just a little bit ridiculous? Even within the logic of the show.
>just build a bigger ballista
Why are you trying to defend shit writing? Either dragon scales can deflect ballista bolts or they can’t.
I watched your show, Cao Cao.
I'm sure you can find it in the same place you find it every week and also where every other show is uploaded to.
Literally her main character trait (which, admittedly, the writers constantly forget) is that she's immensely insecure of her power and afraid of losing it and it leads her to do retarded things.
She's a lot more like her father than she thinks.
She could've just flanked them since Euron's fleet was facing the same direction.
Also how can't they see the fuckin ships coming miles away? It's a plain sunny day.
This is dumb af, such ballistas might take minutes to manipulate, the only thing they could do is aiming up and down.
This show sucks but people are mad about it and I like that.
I thought we were supposed to see Stannis or at least based Euron doing shit? All he did was BTFO a dragon and most scenes were boring ass Dany/Jon/Northern Crew shit. Half the episode should've been King's Landing, instead all of those scenes were just the ones in the trailer. Goddamn the whole Dany crew is just boring as fuck to watch.
nah nah nah yes ofc she kills them on the spot
im talking bout the rest of the army.
Thank you friend.
>Night King missed point blank
>Euron got 3 (three) shots in with perfect accuracy superhuman reload speed a billion lightyears away
>the state of brienne
imagine saving yourself all that time just to be pumped and dumped LMAO
OC incoming, 10000 hours in premiere pro
What a STUPID fucking show, this is honestly somehow even more embarrassing than capeshit
the show has gotten so bad that i'm actually impressed that d&d manage to write the worst episode in the series every week without fail. that kind of commitment is commendable.
it's an easter egg!
nah all his forward ships has the crossbows. reloading wasnt required. still stupid. dragons are fucking sissies.
this episode was better than the trainwreck we had last week though. Not saying it was great, but it was okay.
Based Euron killing the dragon to be quite honest with you
Todays episode settles it: Varys and Qyburn are the only good characters left.
>All these retarded showfaggots that don't know the precedent for killing dragons with ballista and scorpions was set in Dorne hundreds of years before the events of tonight's episode
Yeah, him getting three direct hits while on a boat was retarded but dragons have been killed by ballista before in the series. Look up Meraxes you brainlet niggers.
You're confusing Lord of the Rings with GoT. Dragons got killed with launched spears in the past.
>so impressive now let's kill a fuckin dragon with it
>actually the arrow get stopped mid-air by the wind
why did Varys and Tyrion have the exact same conversation twice?
Don't think people care about the viability of a ballista killing a dragon, just the absolutely retarded way in which it was done
At least show it as a hail of a dozen bolts or something and 1-2 of them getting a lucky hit
King Qyburn's first decree is lowering taxes across the board, all you have to do is send him your recently deceased, and no one is allowed to talk about what happens in the Red Keep
ms. sunday noooo
Can Bran even have kids? Who will rule after him? Can he even die of old age
what is his policy on monetary inflation though
Meraxes died because the bolt pierced his eye
Dragon scales should make bolts to the body useless
He really is /ourguy/, isnt he?
Fucking lost
how did they know gendry was a baratheon, did they read the script?
how did the hound know what happened to sansa with littlefinger and ramsay, did he read the script?
how did brienne know all this stuff about jaime, did she read the script?
many such cases
no, it's not even close. that you could barely make out what was happening half the time in last week's episode is a positive in retrospect.
dany getting ambushed by the iron fleet on the open sea for the second time it's absolutely indefensible. there's no way someone flying on a dragon could fail to see an entire fleet lurking. there's no way they could fail to land three shots on one dragon then miss 15 shots on the other. there's no way dany and co would meet cersei out in the open like that and expect not to be killed. there's no way that cersei would pass up the opportunity to kill dany, tyrion, and the last living dragon who are standing still 150 feet away from a dozen ballistae.
but this is d&d we're talking about so of course all of this dumb shit happens.
>Takes the black
>When the wall doesn't need to be manned again
then again there has been worse writing this season already
tpb is blocked on my isp bro
former Targaryen supporter here, its hilarious to watch Daenerys crash and burn but seriously we can't let this madwoman get her hands on the wildfire!
GRRM said it was "one in a million" himself and that mature dragons are almost invulnerable. Good argument you used there, mate.
Apparently not, nobody, because he's immortal.
So what happens is Westeros gets a shadow government using Bran like a puppet while he's stoned on Sansa's adventures at the Dreadfort.
He makes some cryptic comment about embezzling to Tyrion, who arranges him to fall down a staircase "accidentally"
Only for Bran to warg into a flock of ravens at the last minute
>MAWA (Make Westeros Great Again)
Here's a stream
flixtor to/watch/tv/79578/game-of-thrones/season/8/episode/4
Were going to get (F)Aegon after all boyz
GRRM isn't doing shit with the serie anymore, he's irrelevant.
tell me his concept of money lending first
thats why he cant finish it, he sets rules without thinking them through
D&D never stood a chance (although they did fuck it up impressively bad)
Was there any doubt?
there are some people who are incredibly smart (they were born in 1980s) who don't know the basics of using the internet. i was born in the 90s, my brother was born in the 80s. he is currently getting his PhD and I am working some shit job. he emails me every once in a while to get pdfs of books he doesn't want to buy and to ask about tor and bitcoin. he doesn't know shit about this but he can prove the fundamental theorem of calculus.
he types with his index fingers lol. people born in the 90s who grew up with internet are just faster, not necessarily smarter.
>they manage to land THREE shots on a flying fucking dragon with a ballista
even with a GUN you'd need luck to hit a dragon at that distance. And why didn't she fly up high and do a divebomb? Doesn't look like these things can shoot straight up.
GURM can put his money where his mouth is and release something
he's gonna die brutally, isn't he?
In which episode of the show did Meraxes appear?
If you don't know how to get around that you should reconsider piracy
He's gonna be lucky if he gets to have 1 line or 2 at all.
>he types with his index fingers lol
fuck, my father in law is like this. He's been working in the public sector for 40 years, and he only uses his right hand index finger to type.
He's a project manager, most of his job is emailing people. It's fucking infuriating.
Dany was giving him the stink eye
Because she’s a retard, unlike Aegon, who used the dive bomb strategy against Harrenhal
have sex
>Like in The Last Jedi when Luke goes "Where's Han?" and they just cut instantly.
That's actually a good edit, as you don't need to hear the explanation and Luke is seen next coping with it.
Similarly here, they don't need to explain it as we've gotten that scene already. So the importance of the reveal is more in the aftermath
You said they said he was killed by a ballista/scorpion in the serie, it's established. He wasn't in it but he was mentioned, that's what I was getting at. I don't remember it frankly, so I'm taking your word for it.
All in all, a pretty based episode.
>Intelligent Varys is back
>All this foreshadowing of Bran becoming King
>Arya fucks Gendry, then leaves
>Jon fucks Dany, then leaves
>Jamie fucks Brienne, then leaves
>Happy Euron
i had sex once and frankly did not enjoy it that much
To be fair he was still injured from the WW battle
Anthony Edward Stark become the new King in the North with the help of technology
>how did they know gendry was a baratheon, did they read the script?
Davos told Tyrion or Jon thought it would be good pillow talk.
>how did the hound know what happened to sansa with littlefinger and ramsay, did he read the script?
The whole North knows Sansa's used goods at this point. The littlefinger trial was as public as you're going to get.
>how did brienne know all this stuff about jaime, did she read the script?
Brienne and Jaime spent a good deal of time together. Podrick spent alot of time with Tyrion. No doubt Tyrion talked about his brother.
Too predictable.
I think you're confusing me for the other user. Someone said that it's established that dragons can get killed by that way, using the series as base, but GRRM himself said that this was extremely rare and that dragons are mostly invulnerable. Someone (you?) replied to me that the series are irrelevant now (kinda true), so then using a book example as a base doesn't work.
nth for Stannis
It happened once because they hit it in the eye
My bad then, it was a misunderstanding fren.
Bran takes a wife, wargs into a Dothraki, cucks himself.
>Warcouncil outright states that Cerseis only allies left are the FUCKING IRONBORN
>whoops, tehee, who would have guessed they'd have a naval barricade in place
>All this foreshadowing of Bran becoming King
I must have missed this. What foreshadowing?
Yeah, all good.
Why does he wear the watch?
>Kill everyone in this city to avenge me, Daenerys
I never knew Missandei was this based
Also they mentioned a new prince of Dorne, who the fuck is that
Isn't he married?
Shouldn't he at least visit his wife at one point?
All other characters have teleporting abilities, surely he could make time for a quick visit?
There are no dothraki men remaining just small children
this would be great. everyone thinks he's siding with her, but he knows it has to end by his hand.
At least this episode was better than last week's dumpster fire. I felt like something happened at least
>gets killed by a fucking boar
>his coffee gets stolen by an albino immigrant
>That makes you the rightful heir to Winterfell
>I don't want anything
A few moments later
>Maybe someone should be king who doesn't want to be one
should've stayed in that fucking cave
>all the foreshadowing
>1 episode 3 episodes away from the end
Welcome to D&D's peak writing
So she can do it in the next episode
Kill me
What foreshadowing of bran becoming King?
another leak mentioned that bran says something like the night king isn't truly dead and might come back again in some time or whatever.
Then what you need is goblin sex.
hmmm, pondering if I should post this to twitter. I don't like it when my tweets get too popular though.
bran as king would make zero sense. if he does, there has to be a puppet king. they're making a big deal that jon might be the only other one who people could get behind. imagine getting an emotionless cripple on the throne
Top 5
>Night King
9 years of build-up, 8000 thousands years of lore, hundreds of possibilities to make the long night and the battlef for the dawn intresting plotwise, gone. They should have cut the walkers from the show, if they were that useless.
With one stroke he is turned from a master manipulator, to a bumbling idiot with no coherent plan or support from anyone.
Inifinetly tragic and fascinating chracter, a broken girl who only learns death and murder as reliable options turns into super smirking ninja who does cool shit.
Was fine untill they made him a complete retard.
First 1-4 seasons they remove all ambiguty from the chracter, he is saint. But now, he i also a fucking retard, who has not done a single smart thing in 5 seasons. Yet, everyone keeps sucking his dick about his intellect.
Honorable mentions
I really hope is coming to kill Cersei, otherwise his arc of leaving her is streched really fucking thin over the course of the series. I feel he should ahve killed Cersei and died a season ago.
So, what the fuck does he want?
Muh children, also she is the most rational chracter in the show.
Could have been a dark, magic weilding pirate serving the Night King and Bringing everyone down, but he is just meh.
She is in the right place, but how she got there is bafling. Again, she has notthing to prove that she is a good leader, apart from people sucking... licking her cunt about how smart she is.
More latte your grace?
I'll say this again because last time the thread immediately got archived afterwards and died. Bran looks awesome in that robe. In a more magic heavy world (think dark souls x 100) I would think of him as a high ranking corrupted priest who also has shamanistic powers (seeing the future and all that). If he was a dark souls npc he would be someone like Sister Friede but could not use melee weapons, just some very strong dark magic and dark miracles.
oh shit thats from another thread, oh well.
How does this happen?
for fucks sake, it looks like he's even looking directly at the camera, lol. What is that? That canadian coffee place...I forget the name but I know of it from Deadmau5's "Coffee Runs" on youtube.
> in some cases money on this stupid bullshit.
The joke is on these faggot, I torrented this show and by the time I could have gotten HBO+ channel in my shithole country the quality had already dropped significantly enough for me to realize it was going to be shit.
Definetely Stannis, i knew something was wrog at the very start when they showed him trying to bump melissandre's leg lke a horny puppy. It was all downhill from there, the differences between book stannis and show stannis were so grotesque it was impossible not to notice.
He wants to finally serve a good king. He's always been clear about that. Seems he forgot for a bit and just kinda hung around, but at least last episode, seems like the writers finally remembered he's there.
The worst character on the show by far.
>Father dies, gets captured, fails to do anything about it
>Robb dies, does nothing about, gets captured again
>Gets raped, gets saved by Theon
>Gets thousands upon thousands killed in Battle of the Bastards because she couldn't do anything or think or prepare, even with LF at her disposal.
>Hangs out in Winterfell for a bit.
>Is now supposedly one of the smartest and most powerful people in the north, despite having no claim (hello Bran), no real army (the wildlings and northerners follow Jon, you know, someone who actually did things) or a single good decision.
Damn, sounds like getting raped is a pretty good deal.
She did have claim to title when Bran was assumed dead
>no "my feet hurt"
so close
Because you generally don't kill people that have come to negotiate. You can kill the messenger, but not really the lords. Killing Dany will make her even less popular and her enemy, most of which is not there, will be even more determined. Dead or alive Dany doesn't matter too much.
thanks bro (and saved)