Stupid fucking movie

stupid fucking movie

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probably one of his best. I wish he did more like this.
He should have hit the medieval times before moving away from these types of films.

Stupid fucking thread. Get real.

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Having hair that gets like this when I grow it out sucks so much.

Care to elaborate on that?


Based Lynch.

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His best non-Twin Peaks anything is Lost Highway, get real.

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Stupid faggot OP

So, that baby was an animal fetus right?

You doin' okay, user?

Who is this?

True fact

In the East, the Far East, when a person is sentenced to death, they're sent to a place where they can't escape, never knowing when an executioner may step up behind them, and fire a bullet into the back of their head. Mystery Man: It's been a pleasure talking to you.

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based retardbro

Why are Lynch's films such a love it or hate it kind of deal?
Is it because his films aren't for everyone and only a certain type of person can truly get some kind of enjoyment from them?
Or is it because of Lynch's fans? What I mean by that is that some of Lynch's more fanatical followers insist that his films masterpieces, and if you don't like them you get classic responses such as "you didn't get it" or "haha LYNCHED!"
I think acting like this makes people hate Lynch just to spite his blindly loyal fans.
But I don't know, thoughts?

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I love that scene, thank you.

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But in heaven, everything is fine.

>only a certain type of person can truly get some kind of enjoyment from them
I'm gonna go with this.

You mean his best movie.

Elephant Man is the best lynch movie

Y'all hacks pretending to like his other stuff

>only a certain type of person can truly get some kind of enjoyment from them

Yeah, other pseuds.


delet that

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ummmmmmmmmmmm i don't think he's saying "delet this" on this webm.

yes he is

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They feel like they were made for me. First time I watched Mulholland Dr I ended up watching it again right after.

First time i watched mulholland dr. i stopped at the sex scene with betty and the other girl and that's all i ever rewatch from it

good for you

An overrated film by an overrated director