Get fucked 4K cucks

get fucked 4K cucks

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Other urls found in this thread:–1941)

reminder that anything beyond 1080p is meaningless

>2019 USA trying to compete with 2019 China

8k now is like what 4k was in 2011. Give it about 5 years minimum and then maybe upgrading to 8k would be sensible.

No one wants chink trash

why technology bloggers feel required to shoehorn APPLE at everything? they had never sold tv's

5G tv
yay ads will load faster on my tv

8K has existed in Japan for a while now the Chinese creating an 8K TV is nothing special.


Everybody in the World : Enjoy superior HUAWEI phones and other products
US / Canada : KEKED by their governments

Attached: huawei phones in Europe 1.jpg (949x734, 264K)

>4k blu ray = 60gb >
>8k blu ray =????

does it come preloaded with chinese intelligence backdoor?

Attached: hmm.png (640x640, 111K)

Steer clear of anything made by Huawei unless you're fine with being spied on by a (not so) covert chink intelligence agency.

> 8K has existed in Japan for a while now
No it hasn't, you retarded weebcel

>t. eyelet
Even 1440p is a drastic improvement.

If there was a Yea Forums in the 1960s, the same loser user like you would like :


>UHD monitor
>not even full 4K
>needs 250% dpi scaling to be readable

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Did sony spy on me in 1960s? Fuck no

Huawei and other chink companies are fucking dogshit and they have no respect for privacy laws. They'll spy on you if they can and they will

>(((Jeremy Horowitz)))

I need to change my TV, i had ot for like 10 or so years and its a shitty ass lcd tv.
Do Huawei make good tvs? I wanted something with a OLED display and under a thousand bucks.

USA got you drinking that special koolaid

Huawei will be #1 in mobile market share in Europe within the next 10 years especially now with the poor reviews for Samsung's foldable phones

stop! we're being monitored now!

Attached: bp.jpg (620x400, 26K)

>chink apologist
Fuck right off back to baidu you chink dog

We get it, the chinks are based.

>5G 8K TV

unless you want a 20” tv keep dreaming

haha yeah China is completely innocent of corporate and goverment espionage. it's all in our heads haha

>Huawei will be #1 in mobile market share in Europe within the next 10 years especially now with the poor reviews for Samsung's foldable phones
Are you a fucking mountbreather?

>watch one 8K commercial
>data limit exceeded

Yup and it's a smart tv, so feel free to connect it to your network

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Tv is switching to always on DRM

I keep seeing the resolutions of televisions going up, but still 0 movies in those resolutions.

I lurk these threads just to laugh at americans shitting themselves over China taking over

10 years ago : China 0% market share in Europe
2018 : China 33% market share in Europe

What do you think will happen in 2028 when Chinese products are best in the market with a lower price than its competitors? The only reason why Huawei isnt dominating in the US like in Europe is because they are banned.

>taking over
With what culture? What entertainment?

4K TVs are still mostly worthless to 1080p, and even when there is 4K content the majority of casual media consumers won't notice the difference.

The idea of 8K is just ridiculous, I doubt I could tell it apart from 4K unless it was a huge TV and I shoved my head up to it to look for the pixels.

this. most hollywood tentpoles are still edited at 2K and oversampled

nice, I won't be able to keep the TV walled off the internet so I don't have to see their shitty ads or get recorded by the microphione

t. visualet

Taking over
Sparrows are eating Chinese grains and Ebola is infecting their pigs, they are going to starve

>The only reason why Huawei isnt dominating in the US like in Europe is because they are banned.


20 inch oled tvs cost like 30k usd

How the fuck is this Chink company suddenly pulling all these fancy phones and tv's out. Did they steal their technology or what?

This but unironically.

there isnt enough 4k content as of now why do we need 8k

>watch one 8K commercial
>data limit exceeded
Move to somewhere without data caps. Essentially any country that is not the United States
>Tv is switching to always on DRM
No its not, lol

the Chinese are the world's leading reverse-engineers, yes


>Did they steal their technology
When you have your products made in China, expect that they're going to make more under their own brand name for a lower price.

>When you have your products made in China, expect that they're going to make more under their own brand name for a lower price.
.. Dude, do you even know anything about operating business in China? To do business there, you need to sell 51% to Chinese meaning they're not doing copies of yours, but of their own. You sold them the fucking IP

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Lolol no double standards whatsoever, and firsthand I've had more data misused by your American Jew companies than Huawei

the only reason Huawei isn’t dominating in the US is because everyone has an iPhone
doesn’t matter, iPhones are assembled in China, so we are already under their heel

Fuck off and kill yourself, chink.

who gives a shit abut televisi

>To do business there, you need to sell 51% to Chinese
Right. China owns more than half of Apple and Nike.

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enjoy your testicular cancer

Japan should have exterminated these bugs in ww2

8K is ultimately meaningless. I have a 2080ti with an 8770k oc'd to 4.8 ghz, evo SSD 500 gig, 32 gigs of DDR4 ram with water cooling and I don't fuck with 4k. I like playing games at high fps with great fidelity. 1400p 144hz is perfect for this because even with my computer I probably couldn't play ever single new release at consistent 60 fps with no drops. But I can play every single game at 110-144 fps at max settings every time.

FPS is king, fuck 8K, fuck 4K and fuck niggers. That is unless the tech gets so good 4k can be run easily.

CCP shill pls go

don't keep it near anything flammable lol

>I've had more data misused by your American Jew companies than Huawei
ok, Jason Bourne. Hope you didn't get traced when making your post

This alt-righter doesnt know Germany helped modernize China and without Germany's assistance, China probably would had fallen to the Japanese during WW2–1941)

Also, here is Hitler's quotes about China.

Attached: hitler quote_honorary aryans_01.jpg (1280x954, 322K)

i mean, it would be pretty obvious
but youre delusional if you think apple and google and shit arent doing basically the same thing


Will it be able to detect whether any winnie the pooh media is playing through



The chinese are one of the biggest perpetrators of intellectual property theft, so probably.

The current Chinese standard is like the Japanese standard on property theft in the 1900s/1910s, where they just fucking sent as may foreign diplomats, scholars, researchers into other countries and then made them essentially "learn" what they could overseas then bring it back for domestic use.

Here's a nice little story about Chink scientists at a cancer research center in Texas being fired for literally stealing intellectual property for China's gain

It's better to be spied on a country with no jurisdiction over you, NSA shill.

Attached: b36.png (420x420, 7K)

You think 4ch boards are still anonymous?


>5G television
literally for what reason

The human eye can't see past 1080p, retard

>China laid out a clearer timetable on Wednesday for opening its financial sector to more foreign investment by the end of 2018, as Beijing looks to fend off growing criticism from the United States and others that it unfairly limits competition.
>China will raise foreign ownership limits to 51 percent in securities, fund management, futures and life insurance companies "over the next few months", the PBOC said in a statement on its website.
well fuck me with a rake

they haven't been since 2009. This isn't new information, idiot

You're retarded if you think this. Only poor people believe that so they can pat themselves on the back for essentially enjoying the new 720p. Don't delude yourself.

>Dr. Keping Xie, 55, a gastroenterology professor, is suspected of funneling advanced research from the facility to the Chinese government, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.
>Xie had been charged by local law enforcement with possession of child pornography, but those charges were eventually dropped.
lel fucking CIA niggers can't handle chinkoid glow in the darks

So I can stream my 720p netflix series to my 8k tv while getting cancer

just like americans at the start of industrial revolution stealing european technology. or europeans from chinese one thousand years before

Just like how Richard Stallman's old ass uses a mailer daemon to fetch usenet posts and send them to his unix terminal, I will always use 1080p

It's so weird, I remember when Huawei were mainly just doing small-scale network stuff and their consumer hardware offering consisted of badge-engineering other chinese phones for europeans. And now look at them. I should have bought shares.

Heh based yuropoors

Will they steal my info as well?

But you have wifi for that

>8k TV
>people using VR in front of it
what the fuck are they trying to convey?

upscaling technology is getting better and better. 720p is enough to produce a decent 8K result

nobody cares about your masturbation habits, incel

That's fine but don't pretend that people can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4k. It's just retarded, just admit you can't afford both the monitor or the PC to actively utilize it and call it a day. It's that simple. You just look fucking stupid and bitter.

This is true, I ain't disagreeing. I'm just saying part of China's big tech revolution right now is partly property theft, on top of a concentrated, government-backed effort to improve their tech development so that their economy bubble doesn't pop.

zoomers are all going to be homeless or living in vans so they'll need to be able stream game of thrones season 9 from anywhere

Huawei grew so big cause the CEO is friends with that corrupt fuck Xi Jingping. If that fat fuck didn't succeed in his purge inside the CCP Huawei would probably still be making routers for a living.

For streaming to 8k it is still shit, there simply isnt enough data

>economy bubble
keep dreaming. china is already the biggest economy in the world. all america has going on for it nowadays is its former glory

new AI chips are able to create detail out of blurry pixels in real time. you couldn't distinguish native 8K from upscaled one. that shit will be standard on tv sets in less than 5 years

fake news, garbage in - garbage out

>The boomer eye can't see past 1080p, retard


>you couldn't distinguish native 8K from upscaled one
Bullshit, 720p doesn't emit enough data

ching chong ping pong to you too, Lee Bing Choi

Attached: AI upscaling.png (962x478, 183K)

yeah, sure
even waifu2x is shit

Why is Huawei so based they literally dab on the competition every year

waifu2x is fucking OLD, not optimized for video, and slow af since wasn't created with an specialized chip in mind

Which is different from getting spied on by your country, the company you bought the phone, all the apps you install, and all the people they sell the information to how?

Tbh Samsung phones are really shitty
Xiaomi and Huawei are gonna take over the market

How about when we subtract the unreported printed currency?

What is a 5G tv

china lets them get away with doing and being shady and that lets them get a head up on the competition
pretty devilish when you think about it

a datamining platform

They're as good as samsungs at like 1/4 the price. Apple is just a retarded conpany that keeps bricking their own phones and ramping up the already outrageous prices

I see you glow in dark

+1 social credit has been deposited in your account.

All American tech is made in China so it has US Intel backdoors plus Chinese backdoors. At least chinkshit just has Chinese backdoors, and they can't touch me on US soil. Have fun sending all your info to the FBI, CIA, and NSA retards ! I'll be laughing while shit posting on my Huawei smartphone!!

Cancer generator at home

literally the dumbest post I've seen on Yea Forums in recent memory

good point

Imagine actually thinking Chinese garbage is as good as anything. Everything done over there is shit and always has been. Every time one of our companys outsource part of its manufacturing there the product gets worse. Their own “design”(read: 90 percent stolen design 10 percent made up broken shite because the insects can’t innovate) wholly manufactured and assembled in China is, predictably garbage. Cheap? Yes. Garbage? Also yes. That’s what they make over there, always have always will. How god damn young are you zoomers that you don’t know this. Or are there literal shills here or what

>any form of wifi
>radio waves
>artifical electromagnetism

based Machiavellian cryptonazis culling the horde so they can watch the latest STAH WAAAAHHHHS on wireless chink tech

Attached: radiation.png (1066x800, 1.35M)

where was it that the 5g test killed a shitload of birds?

>this is a 100k tv with 2000G technology
Oh boy I missed the bit wars of the 90s.

Berkeley, Japan?

I would like to thank China though for letting me buy 100% replica sneakers for a fraction of the cost. Fuck overpriced brands

belgium but snopes debunked it

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>snopes debunked it
Literally kys

>he doesnt want his DNA to be microwaved into mush by chink and isr*eli dev'd tech
what are you, some kind of racist bigot?

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Dude, even standing in front of a battleships radar doesn't cook you alive, it just makes you infertile

found the poor fag. Do you even go out? You can see a clear difference at stores.

what about standing in front of a wireless router for months on end would that cook you

like cell towers do to you when you're asleep

>Buying Hurrway

5G is evil and cancerous, as long as china have the technological advantage
as soon as america will be able to copy the technology it would became okay
is basically the global warming bullshit again

just take this thalidomide babe, it'll stop you throwing up lol

4G is just as bad as 5G, why isn't american press crying about it?

4G is very bad, but 5G is much more dangerous due to "densification" of signals which are then focused in beams. if one of those beams is going through your head, you're going to get brain damage and a much greater risk of cancer

>global warming bullshit again

>replying to yourself

You're confusing frame rate with resolution

It's a Chinese century laowai, you're just living in it

also -500 social credit score for these niggas, just because i can

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Kek. I laughed.

Based UK defence secretary leaking the report saying it's dangerous to deal with them. Paid with his job. Sadly, not stopping Europe+UK.

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I haven't even jumped to 1080p.

>One up Samsung
Who the fuck do you think is making the screens? Samsung provides everyone.

this is what screenlets actually believe

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most chinese brands dont even include 4g US bands in their phones to begin with

>implying ill ever procreate
Jokes on him im a loser

Same. Can't wait for the Chinese golden age where... uh... they keep being extremely mediocre and stuck in a middle class income economy