1 of the 6 which one would you possess, what would you do with it?

1 of the 6 which one would you possess, what would you do with it?

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mind control is forever and always the best superpower


Can anyone explain what they each do

time so I can put myself in a comfy loop forever

Time stone, repeat one day for years so I can catch up on my backlog of tv shows/books/movies/anime/manga/video games.

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one that would let me teleport out of the mcu

why is iron man associated with the soul stone?

Reality stone.
Then i can make my dream wife a reality.

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Not entirely sure what they do but mind if I can just put myself in an AR and erase my memory of it being an AR. The others are the equivalents of getting bored of a video game due to excessive cheat code usage

which one can make me desirable to women


Reality stone.
I'd bring back my father who died of cancer

Space stone. So I could travel for free. I'm a basic bitch.

I don't really know how to express this eloquently, but if you had the power to control reality, pretty much everything would be ultimately meaningless to you. The only exception being you use it to bring your dad back and disregard it entirely after

How is the reality stone not the most powerful option?
What do they mean by "reality"? Everything that isn't an idea? Are they implying time/space/power aren't real?
>pick reality stone
>change reality so that the choice was to pick all 6 stones

You can truly alter time and travel through time. This can be done large scale or localized entirely within your kitchen. Not dimensional travel like the Quantum Realm.

Mind control, though I do not know the range of the effects, but it's supremely powerful and has no drawbacks that I know of other than the people being controlled can remember what happens (I think).

Simply put, is raw power energy. Mortals can not handle it directly as seen in the first GotG film.

The most mysterious of the bunch. I'm not totally sure.

You can literally teleport behind you.

Reality can be whatever you like. Imagination is your limit.

the power of the reality stone was really ill defined

actually half the stones had little or no explanation of their power

>raw power energy

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Allows you to reverse and fast forward time locally (quickly rot an apple, and then undo it). No idea what the limit is on scale.
They use this one in the films to do whatever, but in Avengers they use it to mind control people, and it gives Scarlet Witch Psychokinetic abilities
Gives you power to inflict whatever you want - its used to disintegrate planets, kill people, and power up punches
No idea really. It's used in IW by Thanos to locate Dr Strange amongst a crowd of projections, but other than that it's not obvious.
Used to teleport a lot, and Thanos uses it to phase Bruce Banner so he passes through him and gets merged into a wall
Can change matter into other matter, not sure if it's permanent or not. It's used to change weapons into bubbles, it turns Drax into stone and Mantis into ribbons, and to also change the environment into an altered version of itself briefly. It's also used by the elves in Thor 2 to put the world into darkness.

All of them can also be used as an unlimited energy source too.

Aurora Borealis?

The reality stone would make it so you lose a grip on reality since it's ever changing within your grasp, you would eventually in theory lose any concept of what's real and what's not. Thereby going insane and dying. You would have to be extremely strong willed to use it and even then abuse could lead you down the wrong road.

You can alter reality to a large effect but it isn't all powerful in the sense of "use the reality stone to create other stones". It's almost an illusion in that regard.

With the reality stone, you could pretty much render yourself invincible and have access to anyplace on earth. You could cover yourself in literal Space Marine power armor, turn all incoming hostiles and attacks into butterflies, and turn the front doors to fort knox into tissue paper that you walk through. Nobody could stop you unless you yourself fuck up your defense.

use reality stone to make me have all the other stones and be capable of using them
then i would materialize my waifu and fuck her

Say the N word, doesn’t matter which stone

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>Allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead souls. The Soul Gem is also the gateway to an idyllic pocket universe. At full potential, the Soul Gem grants the user control over all life in the universe.

>Allows the user to see into the past and the future; stop, slow down, speed up or reverse the flow of time; travel through time; change the past and the future; age and de-age beings, and trap people or entire universes in unending loops of time. At full potential, the Time Gem grants the user omniscience and total control over the past, present, and future.

>Allows the user to exist in any location; move any object anywhere throughout reality; warp or rearrange space; teleport themselves and others; increase their speed, and alter the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics. At full potential, the Space Gem grants the user omnipresence.

>Allows the user to enhance their mental and psionic abilities and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings. At full potential, when backed by the Power Gem, the Mind Gem can access all minds in existence simultaneously. The Mind Gem is also the manifestation of the universal subconscious.

>Allows the user to fulfill their wishes, even if the wish is in direct contradiction with scientific laws, and do things that would normally be impossible; and create any type of alternate reality the user wishes. At full potential, when backed by the other Gems, the Reality Gem allows the user to alter reality on a universal scale.

Allows the user to access and manipulate all forms of energy; enhance their physical strength and durability; enhance any superhuman ability; and boost the effects of the other five Gems. At full potential, the Power Gem grants the user omnipotence.

>localized entirely within your kitchen

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Mega based

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time stone, go back in time to set up my immense fortune, roll time back when i get old, roll time back to manipulate favorable scenarios etc.

i'd probably fuck up history immensely

I'm taking the fucking soul stone then

wait, so reality stone can basically do all the shit the other stones can do then?

>acquire the time stone
>reverse time and make a whole bunch of good bets on the superbowl and march madness games and solid financial investments
Easy peasy.

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Mind stone
Make it so that every living creature in the universe sees a static image of my penis in their mind's eye for exactly 3 minutes at a random time each day (which differs for each individual person)

Can I see it?

time stone
>just make a loop for the next 10 years
>can't die because the loop would reset
>don't age because my age resets with the loop
>just fuck around and do whatever I want

>yfw the time stone really does tap into dark energy and it fucks you up

The Brap Stone.

why would you do something so evil

Time stone is clearly the best

to add to that:
>once I'm bored reset loop and thus my age
>travel 10 years into the future / put myself in stasis for 10 years
>set up another loop
do that shit until the end of the universe or until I lose my sanity

Auto time loops like the one strange used against dorm was only applicable in the dark dimension because time didn't exist there, and introducing time to it caused the loop

sounds like headcannon

>distract people from daily bullshit as everyone unites to try and locate the source of the penis and understand why they keep seeing it
>world peace as a result
The hardest choices require the strongest wills

The time loop works everywhere, it's just that the only reason Dormammu realised he was in a time loop was because he normally exists outside the concept of time. If you don't realise you're in a time loop, you won't understand the 'bargain' or perceive that you're trapped. This is why Doctor Strange couldn't automatically win every fight by doing the same thing against all his enemies.

>switch gotg 1 and 2
>move ws up to S+
>switch ant man 1 and 2
>switch iron man 3 and black panther with hulk and dark world

>Simply put, is raw power energy.

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what decade do you go to

Not always. It doesn't stop you from dying of pold age. The reality stone is much more flexible.