Stannis the Mannis

The Return of the King. Fucking kneel.

Stannis Confirmed.

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D&D are not worthy of such a based character. That's why they killed him.

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I wish he would come back to fix this trainwreck

How can a single man be so based?

We still didnt see him die

Isn’t he alive and kicking ass in the books?

pls pls pls be true.
Can mods confirm?

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Also, don't forget anons.

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He was preparing for battle against Ramsay, Ramsay sends a letter to Jon saying be defeated him. That's all we know it doesn't say what happened. Its thought that Ramsay was lying.

The best theory is that it's actually Mance pretending to be Ramsay.

syrio pretending to be jaqen larping as mance skinchanging as ramsey

Nothing is confirmed retards.

D&D said he's fully dead and is NEVER coming back. Deal with it. I'm a Stannisfag too, it sucks, I know.

It’s confirmed that Ramsay was lying since we got a chapter preview featuring Asha from TWoW.

Give it to me straight Yea Forums is he confirmed coming back or no?

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The Dream Is Real, Lads

Fuck how can you kill one of the most based characters in tv history?

>tfw I'm starting to believe that repeating digits on a Chinese table top enthusiast website may actually bring back the rightful King Stannis

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Stannis is cringing at D&D right now with this episode

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this. It's the only shock ending that will actually surprise everyone.
Stannis is's going to resurrect the 50% who died and they'll all be on his side in the final war.