Characters who are literally you

Characters who are literally you
When I let the beast out my strength and endurance increased by about a 100%

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tard strength is a real thing

where are his abs

Literally me.

Attached: b8b747fc26bdc4fe1c5041e303b9f61a.jpg (480x800, 78K)

under a layer of fat, he looks to be around ~15-20% bf

if you can see abs then they've cut too much and are in show mode. OP's build is definitely what you should fear most irl

literally and unironically the best thing about the movie and a very good performance
/myboy/ McAvoy never fails to deliver

I could snap at any moment and just beat somebody to a pulp who pisses me off even a little.

Faggots are afraid of me, I am exactly like the driver, although nobody has given me a chance to display my bottled up fury.

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He gets 10x stronger though.

most based pasta of all time. it's only two lines long and still ends up getting replies


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Who is stronger? The beast or Steve going Bananas?

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Cartoon power > capeshit power

He' just like me

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Almost to that point lads.

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Literally me

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is that The Dude?
i'd say yea i am literally The Dude

Ah a 56%

This is me after smoking the whole dippy.
Except hes wearing pants.

It's uncanny really

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On a subatomic level, I am the fathnier jockey from Rian Johnson's Star Wars: Episode VII - The Last Jedi

Attached: jockey.png (583x321, 173K)

whenever I hit someone, I hit so hard that I end up with a broken hand that takes about 2 whole months to fully heal. any tips to prevent this?

>literally me

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