Movies featuring morally ambiguous characters?
Movies featuring morally ambiguous characters?
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The redditor fears the incel.
This is what normies think of me because I'm a virgin?
>If it saves innocent lives, prevents another assualt or shooting, then it's worth it
How many attacks have been committed by incels? Probably causes more incel victims than victims of incels
>I'm stopping death by causing death
NPC logic
Any particular black person or muslim is probably more likely to commit violence.
Have sneed
No, only reddit. Most people don't really give a fuck since they don't know about it and mostly don't ask since they probably assume that you aren't one.
Kill yourself.
> Me telling this incel to kill himself will push him to just kill himself, I saved people cause he defo won't go take anyone with him.
>I saved people cause he defo won't go take anyone with him.
This is dumb because you've basically bought into the assumption that an incel is likely to go out shooting people
I love how much of a catch all term "incel" has become. It's moved so far away from the original meaning that now every white male not currently having sex with anyone other than themselves could be called one, and it gets used more often than not the same way "nazi" was until "incel" came around.
How the fuck do these faggots know these guys are actual "incels"? Are they going off on womern hating rants on the damn suicide hotline?
These faggots are just ascribing this term to every lonely white guy that calls up. What fucking cunts.
But it's okay when muslims do it, though!
user, they assume that incels are mass shooters in the making, so it's better to bully them into suicide, not understanding that someone who really thinks that he has nothing to lose anymore is more likley to take others with him then someone who still thinks that there might be something worthwhile to live for.
How obsessed are redditors with incels? It's not like they're popular on that site, you actively have to go out of your way to look for them
Redditors aren't normies.
Why do these people hate lonely people? Most "incels" are just lonely young men who have completely checked out of society and do nothing but binge anime/play video games while feeling miserable, they're literally harmless and will die off in solitude, why the extreme scalding hot hate?
It's the new goto insult that nazi used to be after they overused it until it's lost all it's intended meaning.
I actually receive Reddit's pressure to hate incels and to be a violent exclusionary liberal. I don't know how they did it, but I can tell they're completely biased yet I believe them when I say they're in charge. What do I do?
Antisocial behavior is a masculine trait and a redditor is essentially female
This is what drones are programmed to think because of one news cycle.
>young men
Ummm who do you think cat ladies are?
Have sex
you walked right into that one sorry
Larval Stage
>Cool Wine Aunt
Pupal Stage
>Cat Lady
Adult Stage
I literally have sex, that's whats so weird. I have sex and reddit still feels like this collective conscious flood of manipulative gaslighting bullshit
Because redditors obsess over mocking anyone that they perceive to be lower status than them. Suicidal virgins, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers etc.
When you view the front page of reddit with that lens it becomes much more clear who redditors actually are in real life.
>lets bully people with nothing to lose
nothing can go wrong
>collective conscious flood of manipulative gaslighting bullshit
It's men behaving like females. That's what it is. A redditor is essentially female.
>When you view the front page of reddit with that lens it becomes much more clear who redditors actually are in real life.
This is one of the weirdest phenomenon of modern times. It feels like They Live except irl. Like, you can actually pinpoint who redditors are based on how they respond to certain stimuli.
As long as you know, it's white guys. White guys are incels. Doesn't matter if they have sex or not, they are incels. So they need to die.
>diversity is codeword for antiwhite
>incel is codeword for white people
They want us dead, and what do white people do when people want them dead? WW 2.
you can just tell this guy fucking smashes pusy
>'I love [thing I actually hate]
Polite reminder that this is the kind of shit people who unironically type
That actually helps, thanks
I wonder what that person looks like...
Have sex
But don't have sex because you're not entitled to sex and no one will ever want to have sex with an incel eww
roasties fear the incel
it's anyone who disagrees. They were calling Kanye West an incel when he was doing his Trump nonsense
>not understanding that someone who really thinks that he has nothing to lose anymore is more likley to take others with him then someone who still thinks that there might be something worthwhile to live for
This, this, this.
Realizing your life is shit regardless & there likely isn't anything after & nothing you do here really matters anyway is a very dangerous fucking set of revelations.
Takes a hell of a lot of will to not lose it entirely & go on a mass rapemurder spree.
>if it saves innocent lives
>there's another part that feels like it's so fucking right
>it's anyone who disagrees
Ultimately this. They try to stick to the oppression tier but when push comes to shove all opposition are [MEME MIC DROP PHRASE](currently incels).
And they wonder why incels are so bitter.
>wtf why are these LOSERS so bitter and angry?
>they should just fucking kills themselves god i hate those fucking losers just get laid you scum im gonna murder you
NPCs sure are funny
Except incels are too incompetent to do any damage
Elliott couldn't even open the sorority house door
The only people he killed were other beta Asian incels with tiny dicks
redditors are as mentally ill as incels
I think statistics from dating apps/websites like Tinder are what push a lot of these guys over the edge. Everyone is told from a young age that looks and appearances don't matter and it's what's on the inside that counts. These guys might have genuinely been nice and sweet and sensitive when they were younger, but the realization that looks are actually way more important than society says puts them in a position where they start to reject society completely. Some of them might have the potential for self-improvement, but guys like Elliot Rodger never stood a fucking chance.
You just shouldn't be allowed on the internet if you're that impressionable and stupid.
Incel has expanded into a catch all term for people who say anything collectively about women as a group, who think that concepts like “sluts” or “whores” actually exist, who believe that women who have had less sexual partners generally make better life long partners, etc. This is only an online phenomenon, literally the vast majority of adults in the real world believe this, even actual whores and feminists believe it which is why they desperately don’t want to hear it and actively try to silence anyone saying it.
The redditors are the social enforcers for basically any new cultural rule that involves worshipping women or nonwhites, they are useful idiots desperate to find a group that they can shit on to elevate their own status. That’s why “Nazi” and “incel” caught on so quickly as insults and why they’ve spread to describe completely mundane thoughts or behaviors, if you are one of those things you’re the lowest of the low, so if you’re able to call someone one of these things that puts you above them. In real life, redditors are the absolute lowest of the low on the social hierarchy, people find their gay humor and low social capability and lack of self awareness weird and annoying, so the internet gives them a space to feel above someone for a change.
>someone says incel in real life
>ask them what that means
>they explain it and look like a lunatic
>oh, ok
Nobody talks about this stuff in real life
Normies, redditors, NPCs. Call them what you will, I find them fascinating. In particular, I want to know what turns a human being capable of wild, creative, and critical thought, into carbon cutout caricatures content to swim in mediocrity and prepackaged 'truths'.
The face that just says "really sweetie? you wont blow a female dick? bigot"
because it makes them look like a lunatic
chads rise up
They're Nietzsche's Last Men
All of this is wrong. All of it.
A huge part of it is weak fathers & single mothers.
Womerns aren't going to be frank with their sons 9 times out of 10 about what to realistically expect from & look for in womerns, how they think, what they ACTUALLY want vs what they say, etc. Combined with the jewlywood "sonstant persistence will almost always win her over" bullshit. So a lot of these guys grow up molded into the perfect white knight captain saveaho orbiter & either stay that way, forever losers, maybe "lucking out" and ending up a wallet for some used up 35 year old whore in their late 20's; or slowly start to get the blinders ripped off one by one through brutal firsthand experience. And you only get but so many REALLY bad, soulcrushing relationships before you're either shopping in phillipine shitholes for an 11 year old wife to buy, or have had all interest & energy for it utterly & forever expended.
And that's IF you manage to not flip the fuck out & start fucking whoever you can up on the way out.
What kills that honest spark of humanity though? Were they just born lacking it? Did someone snuff it out? Did they lock it away to try to fit in?
Gee whiz headcanons are sure fun.
Stop lying, sex isn't real so you can't have it.
>most human of acts
This post is meant to be ironic, right?
This poster fails to address the role of women in the "epidemic" if you want to call it that. Hypergamy has killed any sort of monogamous relationship prospects for the AVERAGE male. When these average guys have nothing (and by that I mean sex) to gain by participating in society, then they start to do "crazy" things which aren't entirely irrational if you actually try to empathize with them.
Whereas a good, strong father figure who was raised with a healthy, realistic view of womerns can instill reality into them at a young age, which cultivates a far healthier mindset than gradually having your whole worldview be proven lies & snuffing out your ability to have faith, and usually your hope with it.
>the website known for nazis and pedophiles is ashamed of misogyny
how do people even formulate these hot takes
"have sex" is triple reverse irony that makes fun of these specific people. nobody fucking cares.
90% of mainstream culture forbids any criticism of women's behavior. They are the most protected members of society.
Shit on men all you want. Give them the bitch end of the stick over and over. Just dont make women sad.
Partake in intercourse.
Redditors are failed normalfags one step away from suicide, that why they get so butthurt over incels (they are basically the same group)
Whole lot of self hatred
>Yea Forums members
Have sex
>blurring out reddit usernames
this is the gayest most reddit shit I've seen
Can somebody teach this fucking cunt how to punctuate his fucking sentences?
Which is funny because you can shut them right back up by responding with "Bend over"
>why would a wagie who was forced to spend his entire life following nonsensical orders conform to nonsensical beliefs??
Modern world sucks the life out of you. Only NEETs are the real human beans. Once you get into the "daily life" grinder, you get indoctrinated daily until you break
This is planned, and coordinated by the media and the elite. Violence is control. These radicalized young men will not kill those in power, they will kill NPCs, so in comes big daddy government or corporate to solve the problem.
The elite absolutely wants incels to shoot people up, to drive people over. It makes them money.
Slave Morality. They see anything that is strong as oppressive. They see timidness as a virtue.
Redditors tend to be turbo degenerates, so if you're into the wild shit they are, you're a prude.
>what, you don't like poly orgies with tranny period fetishists? are you an incel?
>They are the most protected members of society.
Not quite...
I tell people to have sex anytime I see more than one paragraph to be honest
This it seems like half the user base there are on antidepressant drugs and addicted to marihuana smoking
This all feels so fucking surreal. Like I'm reading through these reddit replies and doubting for a moment if these people are even human. How can anyone live like they do? Lacking self awareness, lacking empathy, so full of hate for people you have never, or will ever meet.
It's all extremely baffling, like a window to an alternate dimension.
The arrogance of the meek, to be honest I don’t think they are human beings.
Have sex
One of my major issues with present Yea Forums is that shitposting is now almost completely undistinguished from shilling or from posts made by the indoctrinated or the insane.
There's a problem when you can't tell the actual fools apart from the people making fun of them.
Philosoraptor would have been superior for this.
>There's a problem when you can't tell the actual fools apart from the people making fun of them.
Not in a clown world
Incels are seething at this lmao holy fuck
Ironic, considering those who hate women the most are the ones who have to constantly deal with them. Sex is had a plenty, but it's still not enough to eliminate misogyny.
Oh how "don't you want to be a productive member of society?" made me kek.
There's a silver lining in the sense that Shareblue and other Astroturfing agencies are at the same disadvantage. It makes things harder to subvert.
They legitimately are not human and were only able to blend into human society prior to the advent of mass communication (which is a relative unification of the collective consciousness). They mix with this consciousness like oil and water and will either entirely die off or get everyone killed. Global conflict is an inevitability.
Incels are monsters. I'm not saying that I agree with the people in that image but sometimes you have to do bad things to prevent monsters from doing things even worse. These people just took that idea too far.
Every other month there's a story about an incel murdering people.
>your average have sex poster
>...the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination - their prophets fused "rich", "godless", "evil", "violent", "sensual" into one, and were the first to coin the word "world" as a term of infamy. It is this inversion of values (with which is involved the employment of the word for "poor" as a synonym for "holy" and "friend") that the significance of the Jewish people resides: With them, there begins the slave revolt in morals.
If you have a keen eye you can tell what’s earnest and what’s not
have sex
This place is where the "inner voice" speaks.
Guess what it says about society when the most obvious, low effort bait works because it looks exactly like the sincere, actual thoughts of your average horker.
Incels are hilarious I’m sorry if you do t get the joke, hopefully one gets you next
Exactly, when your catchphrase is already used as a joke, it loses all power
per capita I seriously doubt incels kill more than say drug dealers
Seriously why can't you just have sex?
I think you're confusing incels with Americans. But I agree, they are monsters and we do need to nuke em all
>Every other month there's a story about an incel murdering people
Now take that & think about the fact that there's a nig mass shooting EVERY FUCKING DAY & has been since the fucking 90's; they just never get made anywhere near the same kind of big deal the "incel" killings do.
My mom is already asleep
You been living under a rock or something? An incel just threw a CHILD from the top floor of the Mall of America a few weeks ago.
per capita m8. there are loads of bitter sexless men out there
He didn't fly so good
"Have sex," is from Yea Forums, designed to work most wrestling fans into a shoot. Most of them are insecure about sex, which is why it works so well. "I'm beggin ya, have sex," is how it goes. It's usually coupled with, "Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue, gain height and grow a chin."
Fucking shame that the trannies latched onto it and ran it into the ground like they did with "incels." Still, Yea Forums runs this shit and always goes over.
More people died in Chiraq this weekend, than all of the incel murders in the first half of this year.
That’s because of societal oppression though
I find that very hard to believe. I can't even remember the last time i heard about a black mass shooter.
I guess that guy from years ago that shot a bunch of cops with a sniper? That's all that comes to mind.
This is why government mandated sex workers would literally fix everything.
If as soon as you turn 21, you could apply for a government sex worker to have sex with, shooting spree rates would drop down to 0.
>I can't even remember the last time i heard about a black mass shooter
Nigger, if you shoot at more than two people, how is that NOT a "mass shooting"? The last "incel" shooter only managed to kill ONE & look at the huge fucking deal it is.
Meanwhile every day in at least one Merican urban environment there's at least one nig mass shooting.
You mean this guy?
Stacies never turn into Cool Wine Aunts though, they settle down with some absolute mediocrity and maybe cheat on the side.
You're thinking of Beckies.
That wasn't an incel you fucking retard, the dude had done a lot of shit in that mall and approaching/harassing a bunch of women was one of them, so a few dumb websites decided to highlight that and pretend he was angry because he was rejected by women.
Or just pay 50 bucks. Roasties like to pretend they control sex, but they don't. You can just buy it. It's love you can't buy and it's love people really want. Alas shaming people because nobody loves them sounds too fucked up even for normies
Got a source for any of that or nah? I couldn't name a single mass shooting in the last year that was committed by a black person.
>that allcaps in child for dramatic emphasis
the twitterspeak is real
Uh... yeah? Not sure what point you're trying to prove here by posting his image...
All this visceral hatred becomes crystal clear when you realize the things in the OP are just incels in denial
>couldn't name a single mass shooting in the last year that was committed by a black person
USA isn't the whole world retard
Only one I can think of is Elliot, but that was way before the term was popularized.
yes user, you know what you have to do now
he's talking about hoodrats shooting people over random bullshit
>Got a source for any of that
Try this. 34 million results.
Start counting the black shooters.
Stop giving an attempted child murderer publicity. He doesn't deserve to be well known.
bend over
He's pointing out that the man was in fact a NIGGER.
Normies don't post on reddit or read the comments. Only the autists do that. Normies just look at the pictures and scroll. It's literally vocal minority.
Basically. Every time incels are brought up on reddit you see the occasional "I may be a 30 old male virgin but I'm not one of those bitter incels!" post.
I fuck my GF every night and get called an incel on here lol! They’e calling married dudes with kids incels lol you can’t make this shit up.
>expecting anyone to remember that gay meme shit from 2009
Formerly known as cucks
Mass shootings are way less common than people think. The violent crime rate is actually decreasing quite rapidly each year. However, areas with large black concentrations like Chicago, Baltimore and New Orleans have extremely high murder rates. There are more murders in those cities in a month than there are casualties of mass shootings in an entire year.
kys fag
I bet you use "basically," "essentially," "honestly," and "I mean" liberally in conversations, even when the context doesn't call for it.
Have sex
I don't see what the color of his skin has to do with anything. Most incels are whites and they support doing stuff like he did.
>when you know the pollinators that sustain our food are dying, antibiotic resistant bacteria is rising, CO2 levels continue to climb with developing countries not giving a hoot, clean water supplies continue to be depleted and polluted, and no powerful political ideology has plans to deal with any of this
"""Have sex""" my friends.
>after a 1 year old infant & a 2 year old toddler were injured whe a street corner was sprayed with bullets
Jesus fucking Christ if that isn't a "mass shooting" I don't know what qualifies as one, unless it specifically means "white guy".
Imagine infants & toddlers getting hit in an "incel" shooting, the fucking huge deal it'd be.
Have sex
will he ever get sex, Yea Forums?
Just a reminder that the people on the internet are not the people in real life. These sort of hateful, emotionless opinions and drivel don't come from actual humans.
Incel does not have to necessarily mean that someone is a virgin. Incel is an ideology while virginity is a status.
Most incels are virgins, sure, but you don't have to be one to believe in the bullshit incel ideology that teaches men to hate women.
How dare you. As much as I support throwing children to their death, I would never associate myself with a negroid!