What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: muh deeeeeek.jpg (1500x2048, 328K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That he's retarded

he is such an insuffarable manchild

What does he accomplish by doing this?

He’s correct

Am I the only one who never knows how to read these

>What did he mean by this?
For once I genuinely don't know.


I actually don't get it. My dick. My dick. In response to valid criticism... My dick.

Lads help me out


I think he's saying a slurred version of "my dick", as in he's saying that MUH EVIL MASCULINE MALES feel like they have a huge dick when they criticize something or try to explain something

why are Xgens so unable to act like profressionals?

this is what happens when adults don't babysit jewish manchildren
the redditors who complain about le evil studios oppressing le auteurs want exactly this. they probably don't understand that but that changes absolutely nothing

what a detestable little worm

Nope, you got it right on the first glance. Grown man using teenage slang to deflect criticism.

Rian is so fucking insecure holy shit.

Kevin is giving valid criticisms not just being an incel sperg like most people that went at Rian. Rian still only knows how to respond like a retard. Kevin won.

stop posting this shit
it lowers my testosterone


Baste man triggering little children without breaking a sweat

Yet he was the guy who wrote a character that is, in essence, a girl he had a crush on.
Ironic, he could point out penis insecurity on others, while showcasing to world just how small and pathetic he is.

Who is this Reann Johnson broad anyway?

need another world war to wipe out these pathetic betas

This cunts is just sad.

twitter has been a disaster for famous people, they just cannot stop acting like retards and ruining their image

You see, often times the criticism behind certain story beats isn't always valid. You need to take outside elements into account for narrative decisions. For example, I'm pretty sure many people who criticize Rian Johnson's handling of Snoke are leaving out

He knows that no matter what he does - and all he ever did was shit, all he contributed to was shittier because of him - he will get applauded no matter what. Because he is an SJW. The game is stacked for him and his cronies.
And he is right. He can afford to be lazy now and that's why all capeshit films are shit, it's why GoT has become absolute dog shit. Because they can RELY on being celebrated no matter what.
This will get worse.

He's not wrong but he's still retarded

He has gone completely insane.

Attached: manbaby.webm (720x304, 687K)

>twitter has been a disaster for famous people
For people in general.
Your best shot at being taken seriously in front of any crowd of strangers in to shut up. They'll fill your silence with their own expectations.

Rian's attitude stinks.

He's enabled to act like this because he has nothing of his own on the line, he's been given the key's to an existing franchise and only has the goal to subvert expectations, anyone who questions him can be handwaved as a boogeyman/mansplainer because of the current climate

if he was building his own property he'd actually have to write properly and give the characters and story meaning, instead of using what was already built to purposely troll the fanbase like the round-headed cunt he is

He actually did make a good movie like 15 years ago

Attached: 220px-Brickmovieposter.jpg (220x326, 14K)

This really shows that it actually gets to him, the criticism, the fact he responds to it, the way he responds to it; his whole general body language through Twitter and in interviews reacting to criticism really shows that he's insecure about it and passively aggressively lashing out at people because he knows they're right, and that it bothers him.

The irony of it all is that the film he wrote, TLJ, apparently the message is failure, and admitting you failed and learning from it, instead he's doing the exact opposite, just like his character created "Jake" Skywalker did in the movie, moping about it and lashing out at others and not accepting he failed in making a movie and learning from it.

Attached: 27727828828.jpg (602x760, 110K)

>all capeshit is bad
>game of thrones, at any point, being good

Attached: 1471961146113.jpg (1696x1462, 705K)

I thought this was fake, but holy shit it's not. what the fuck is this literal toddler's problem?


this is what happens when the people who have control of a property hate and demean the existing fanbase of said property.

> fanbase is too white and too male! I'm justified in attacking them and then hiding behind feminist ideology so they now look bad and I look virtuous

So can we all agree that he can direct.
But he can't write.
And he definitely couldn't grow?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 35K)

Rian has gone a bit nuts due to social media creating this great echo chamber for him where lovers of his Mary Sue character praised him constantly so he'd ignore nearly every criticism he ever got.

Imagine him doing that right after he tweeted

So did Shyamalamadingdong, but nobody takes him seriously anymore

I think he’s referencing a variant of the racist /pol/ meme Tyrone Muh Dick. If only someone would photoshop it with Mahdeeeeeek..

Looks like he belongs in here.

Coping with the pain. Look at how he accepts the emotional charge of the criticism, redirects it to the onions center of his brain, and discharges it in the form of a senseless, zany outburst. This display is a counterintuitive method of letting the critic know how little they are affected.

I hate this insufferable prick.

is he a fucking toddler? Rian deserves a few boot kicks to the face for that exchange

I just always read top down, it does seem to be inconsistent

imagine george on twitter after the prequel reviews

It's a decent movie.

Yeah, pretty much. But I suspect he's that kind of director who leans on his cinematographer to get good shots. I just can't believe he has any kind of natural talent on hand.

reminder that collage forms of these are reddit tier shit for fags that don't know how to make a thought out joke so they post a bunch of meme shit so the reader can go "I KNOW THOSE THINGS"


the worst part is his fans are backing up this exhange

But we know who Sheev is in RotJ in the context of the two films that precede it by the time he's killed. Even if that weren't the case, all he's saying is that it's impossible improve on the storytelling of a film that's forty years old so it's wrong to even try.

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Thinner skin than Kevin Smith.

go outside little angry man

is this man really in his 40s?
he certainly doesn't act like it.


Attached: 183439.png (1222x939, 217K)

Very mature of Rian to admit that he's the villain.

Man I really hate how women appropriated "Troll" and made it to mean "anyone I don't agree with"

Attached: gandelf.png (346x296, 141K)

>a little bit of sarcasm makes everyone angry
Why is Yea Forums so easily angered?


Wrong. This movie is fuckin terrible. And Looper is even worse. Brothers Bloom is better than those two but even then is the definitive Reddit:the movie

What does Mary Sue have to do with Snoke?.. What?

either this user is
1) utterly based and redditt pilled
2) as clueless to the shenanigans of boomers and zoomers as I

Attached: prissyandsomehomo.jpg (720x480, 71K)

Yes, shouting MY DICK at the customer is perfectly normal. I do it all the time at my work. But then I do work as a male prostitute.

>a little bit
He's been doing this for a year now

Christ he’s a weak faggot. How did he ever make it in Hollywood?

It’s the sound NPC’s make when their computer brains are struggling to understand something.

you have to go back


When is this fuck going to kill himself

Why is Rian paraphrasing an A Wyatt Mann comic?

Attached: 933.png (534x548, 217K)


Honestly, for all its flaws, I actually think The Last Jedi has some okay themes going for it, but that Johnson is such a fucking infantile retard that every time he opens his mouth be proves these themes run entirely hollow to him. He responds to honest pressure to do better, with the same explosive paranoid schizophrenia as Kylo Ren does. What a joke.

literal autism

that's what I thought of too, but it doesn't make sense in this context because there's no niggers involved.

>"We have to give them something they don't expect, that we want"
>*audience applauds*
Subversion for the sake of subversion does not a good story make. I thought Homestuck demonstrated this incredibly well.

I dont even get how I'm supposed to be a fan of his movie yet enjoy these tweets. I don't mean to be a fag here, but his attitude and behavior is actually fucking toxic compared to the attempt at positivity TLJ can be lauded for. There's no way you can enjoy TLJ then read Rian Johnson's tweets and say 'haha yeah you go get them, hero!' He acts like the bad guy.

guys this is a genuine call for help he is gonna end it hopefully

>Tranny profile pic
yep, thats a shill

'deeeeek' isn't really very funny, either. Am I off base, here? 'muh' or #muhdick is pretty funny, but it doesn't have to be pure Yea Forums style, but I might be biased. #deeznuts would have fucking KILLED IT. Just imagine. 'He's from planet #deeznuts'. That'd be funny as shit.
Anyways Rian's sense of humor is fucking shot and he can barely think straight. '#roflmdeeeeeeekoff'? How many layers of dissociation and denial are you on? Dude can't operate.

its getting to him

He’s literally bullying this guy
but it shows that he has a fragile ego if he’s going to thin out the thousands of people that hate on Star Wars just to find the most NPC one to laugh at

maybe Mark is getting the line wrong because it's "something they didn't know THEY wanted" but I wouldn't be shocked at all if he was quoting Rian properly

Literally in crisis mode. He can't respond. His career is dying an incredibly slow public death. His jokes aren't hitting. He has to watch his magnum opus get retconned. And he's a manchild. Hence, tantrum

Listen, Ryan is a turbofaggot and a stupid fella but if some literal who try to teach me some "wise" lesson about my job in twitter my reaction would be insulting as fuck, but without the onions dose contained in Johnson's replies.

I think it’s a racist dog whistle thing, Rian the racist.

this movie is super fucking retarded lol

I actually do feel like Rian's able to get away with everything because of the climate. Like even though this is blatantly an act of mental illness coming from a man who's have a confidence attack, but I feel like normal people can't tell, and we're just like lost in this flood of shit and confusion that people like him get away with hiding behind. I absolutely hate it. If I'm using progressive terms, I really feel like I'm being gaslit, erased, or whatever. It's not THAT big a deal, but yeah I really feel like the prevailing theory in his head and in Disney World is that if you didn't like TLJ you're a fucking bigot with no point. I hate this shit.

Yeah I don't blame him for shitting on this UM ACKSHUALLY twitter extra, but his behavior is mentally ill and lacks the coolness of a smug prick telling off a loser. Rian looks like the loser here even though his 'opponent' is just your typical pathetic star wars forum complainer.

twitter has been catastrophic in general (for my sanity). Actors, politicians etc. show that they are absolute fucking retards who shouldn't even have an account. Back in the day they were retards too but they didn't have a platform to spout their nonsense all over the world.

i would just not be on twitter in the first place

Imagine Lucas screaming MUH DIIIIICK. Seriously, imagine that. What could've been

>Rian Johnson circa May 5th, 2019

Attached: dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Fair enough

>someone insults you/gives you unwanted advice over twitter
>don't ignore them because you're famous and rich
>instead engage them in the most childish, retarded way possible
Yeah, you sound like a fucking idiot

I have never seen nu Star Wars but holy fuck is Rian Johnson an embarrassing human being.

Lucas avoided the internet cause he never wanted that negativity in his life. He also only ever wanted to please the fans which is why things like Jar Jar changed so much and why the OT had a rerelease in the first place
>b-but muh shitty 70s b-movie vfx!

Midichlorian "Fantastic Voyage" and Lizard Man Han Solo?

I don't engage you, that's for sure.

Welcome to the realization that you in largely helpless against the power of collective consciousness. It's like everyone riding on a bus to hell and dragging you along with them. All you can do is prop yourself up as much as you can and toss you small ass pepple into the stream and hope it alters it's flow by even a little.

>a year and a half since his garbage movie came out and he is STILL obsessively engaging with people on twitter
imagine being this schizophrenic loser. he'll be breaking into cold sweats over the last jedi on his fucking deathbed lmao.

Thanks for the approval, I feel really validated that I'm fair by you

i know this g ets thrown around a lot, but have sex.
you're sitting here freaking out because you didn't find a picture funny. really? you desperately need the touch of a woman.

Imagine being a famous person on social media. Is there anything less dignified? It's worse than being a tripfag

Pretty much. I have my own little life and am working towards a family, but yeah even growing up being raised right by my dad, left me feeling ostracized and antisocial for not joining in on some daily hate, or for criticizing people who settled on these iffy mainstream ideas with such confidence. I can't let it turn me into some emo prick, but it really does weigh on me. Worst part is if I went to a therapist they would tell me to get over it.

But you did?

Attached: 1553966445479.jpg (600x660, 65K)

Reminder that 1/3 of men under 30 aren't having sex

>you're sitting here freaking out
project more

I myself am kind of tired of people saying you're "seething" or "freaking out" if you're just stating your simple opinion on some else's stupid opinion. It just feels like deflection at this point. Everyone always seems to have a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to discussion on the internet.

calling someone mad or saying theyre seething has literally always been a copout, any buzzword instantly kills discussion and unironically leads to the further decline of 4channel, and it all started when we called people reddit

i hated this fucking movie

Wow. Isn't this like toxic masculinity? Almost like he's assuming genders too and saying it's usually men who have criticism over his SW film.


lol I'm so fucking funny.

It's almost like the random bullshit nobodies on the internet post isn't worthy of changing anyone's mind, and anyone has an easy ability to just respond 'lmao retard' or 'seethe' or 'fag' to all the half-wit complaints the underachievers who use the internet pull out of their asses.
I mean honestly, do you really feel entitled to change ANYONE'S mind via the internet? Fucking cope retard.

lmao libs using memes that make fun of niggers

the left cant meme and are just followers with no knowledge of anything unless MSM tells them

Wow, a literal manchild gets to direct nowadays ?

He's circumcised but cannot express his sadness and loss outright, so he lets it out through his work, ruining peoples entertainment.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm have sex sweetie

While on holiday in new orleans this year i met a guy in a bar who told me he had the same personal assistant as rian (and kept repeating how cool that made him) and that there was a russian plot against rian to spoil his career and was causing him to have a breakdown. thankfully his friend put him in an uber home shortly after but it was a really strange encounter

>tfw enjoyed looper
am I still allowed to? I mean I haven't seen it in years

Now you're gaslighting me.

>Rian and D&D are the future of Star Wars
So glad its finally dead.
I'm free to not give a fuck anymore.

Attached: samus rlm.jpg (744x969, 143K)

One watch is plenty.

You must walk a different path

Someone's going to kill him, he knows that right. He's just provoking a fanbase that will first abandon the new series and then look for something to blame and come back to him. We'll have some guy at a convention stab him in the throat or some shit like that.

Chances are it'll happen after Mark Hamill dies - probably in the next three years.

I don't know. 'have sex' isn't really funny or witty either. I guess their strategy is just to act retarded so that we can't engage them logically or sensibly? They're not gonna persuade many people of their opinions with that strategy though.

This isnt /r/gaming

>be Rian
>can't write for shit
>real criticism appears because your work is shit
>you act like a faggot because that is what you are
>even Disney is having a hard time defending your shit in film form
>suddenly, two faggots successfully produced a whole new brand of shit for TV
>they could be the cucks who will save your future dead career
>you act like a faggot
>the end
Warming up for his trilogy, more news anytime soon.

Seriously grow a dick crybaby puss
He will probably off himself.

>All the comments are people laughing their asses off and saying the dude "got owned"
Sometimes I feel like an alien

Further alienating anyone who might have watched his movies in the future.

I know I'll never spend a dollar on anything that smug cunt is involved in, ever.

Let him wreck his career on Twitter. How Disney hasn't told him to shut the fuck up already is beyond me, unless they know his trilogy is never happening, and he won't ever be working for them again, but just haven't gotten around to telling him yet.

You guys are actually, literally RETARDED. He's saying that because it sounds like the Emperor shouts "my dick" as he falls into the chasm. You fucking brainlets and your memes I swear to God.

The drones who follow hom are eating it up, look at those likes and the responses


> (OP)
>lmao libs using memes that make fun of niggers
>the left cant meme and are just followers with no knowledge of anything unless MSM tells them
fuck I'm sharing a board with a bunch of retard troglodytes

He's literally right and based for not humoring these faggots

It's a form of the Peter Principle.

"The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence."

He got blown up, career wise, without really earning it. He went from the first steps of a career, to being in charge of one of the biggest tentpole franchises in history...and generated one of the biggest fan backlashes in entertainment history because he wasn't qualified or competent to do it - and was weak enough as an artist to allow Kennedy to dictate the politics of his art, which he's now in lockstep with, because he's thin skinned and a manchild, and isn't prepared emotionally or intellectually to deal with any of it in a rational way. His ego looks at the Goodyear blimp and says "Do you even float, bro?"

His crash will be just as epic.

He's quoting what it sounds like palpatine shouts as he falls to his death
This fucking thread man I swear

have sex

someone create a new account rotating twitter bot that asks him how the trilogy is going every single day. he'll break eventually cause it's never gonna happen

One thing is certain: no matter how he dies, it’ll be more entertaining than TLJ

Mass shooter alert

Have sex

He's trying to make palpatine look like an even sillier character, it sounds like hes saying "my dick" as he falls into the death star

Yeah, and the same thing happens to corporations when someone is promoted past their competence level. Means nothing - suckups happen.

If I were Iger, I'd be calling Kennedy and saying "Is this the kind of person we want attached to our studio?" He's not acting in any way professionally, or even maturely. He's engaging with the public like a 12 year old.

Imagine Spielberg engaging like this on social media. Oh, wait, he doesn't need to, because he's not searching for validation, he gets all he needs from his track record as a film maker.

Johnson is a hack, and a weak sissy, as far as his self esteem goes. He's gonna crash, hard.

.....what the actual fuck is wrong with Rian Johnson?

Attached: zed296.png (429x410, 12K)

ive always really enjoyed this one, a well done noir homage

I think that what he's trying to say is that AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH MAHDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

>Imagine Spielberg engaging like this on social media. Oh, wait, he doesn't need to
Because he can just go molest a child

it one of my friend's favourite films, it lives or dies on whether you like the dialogue/characters way of speaking and i found it really annoying.

>Posting alt-right dog whistles on twitter
Is Rian, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>calling others brainlets
>has actually sat through star wars

Attached: Johnny What.gif (480x270, 2.3M)

Absolutely fucking based.
I actually feel kind of bad for ever shitting on Rian.
He's so far out there he's back in.

Attached: kek overdrive.gif (800x430, 564K)

sometimes I want to join Twitter just to trigger these thin skinned celebs who can't fucking stop looking at their phones when they get an @ tweet

most specifically Rian the most, god he's insufferable

whoever directed rogue one should have directed the whole series of nu wars. kathleen kenedy still not being fired is a worrying sign

When it's multiple people, top to bottom. When it's one person, bottom to top.

I know it's noir, but he could have cleaned it up better and easily shaved off 15 minutes to make it well paced and forward.

Sometimes some scenes just dragged the fuck on. One hit wonder.

>Talks about there has to be a pay-off in stories when a big bad is killed, rather than the person's death being nothing more than a shock to the audience.

Attached: wthayta.gif (298x167, 1.91M)

never forget the day user discovered the perfect counter

Attached: counter to you mad.jpg (1277x304, 90K)

Has it always been this bad in the Hollywood or has the nepotism become too much just recently (5-10 years)? Fewer and fewer good films coming out.

Imagine if George Lucas talked to people like this.

Attached: 1446942806425.png (241x318, 106K)

winston churchill you mean

Hollywood's always been a cesspit, it just used to be a talented one

No, more like "Hollwood has always been a cesspit, where talent occasionally escapes and rises to the top."

Never forget, the vast majority of the output of Hollywood going back to the beginning is utter shit that nobody cares about, will ever watch, and much of it was lost. Look at the number of films released each year. How many of them are remembered? Go look at the lists of Oscar winning films and actors. How many of them have you even seen, especially before 1960? Sure, the big ones, but how many have you never heard of?

Literally nothing wrong with it.

Fucking armchair critics think way too fucking highly of themselves, a director that actually has experience and credentials has every right to mock some fucking no-name wagecuck from bumfuck nowhere

Any of you fags unironically offended that rian johnson doesn't take your shitty, unqualified, infantile remarks as """""valid criticism""""" are legitimately worse than fucking reddit.

>Means nothing - suckups happen.
This. He's preaching to his choir at this point and repelling further sources of money while doing so.

Hey, look, a Rian Johnson suckup is here.

even if he was right that would be hilarious

imagine Kubrick reacting like this to people asking about details on the big baby in space

Attached: 1556784570304.jpg (768x960, 168K)

Hey, look, a fat slobby retard with absolutely 0 cinematic credentials pretending his opinion matters.
Nobody cares about your opinion sweaty, especially not people who work in the big leagues :(

Those no-name wagecucks have the power to make or break his career by refusing to watch his shitty movies. That he doesn't keep this in mind is what's making him act unprofessional, and it's a huge part of what killed his career.

>Hey, look, a fat slobby retard
>absolutely 0 cinematic credentials
Don't need them to see Johnson acting like a cunt on social media as him acting like a cunt on social media.
>his opinion matters.
It matters enough that you're triggered enough to act like a 12 year old as well.
>Nobody cares about your opinion sweaty,
Except you
>especially not people who work in the big leagues
Not you.

So...was there a point in all of that salt? Or were you just larping?

So why doesn't the vastly more successful and qualified Ron Howard spend all his time on twitter defending Solo?

Attached: ron_howard.jpg (300x300, 9K)


You know, Ron tried. I believe he did. He's talented. But he had such utter shit to work with, even he couldn't save it. I'd love to have seen him start over, what he would have done - and with a better cast.

>Those no-name wagecucks have the power to make or break his career by refusing to watch his shitty movies
Holy fucking lmao reddit, calm down. You aren't that important.

You think rian johnson spends all his time on twitter defending TLJ, and just goes to show how fucking warped your opinion is on everything, especially cinema.
He mocked a bunch of crybabies for thinking their opinions mattered and kept spamming his twitterfeed. Too bad.

Again, your opinion doesn't matter and you getting offended by Johnson proving that is really cute.

Well obviously their opinions did matter since all mighty Rian Johnson felt the need to validate them with attention.

Midichlosis Jones could've been magnificent

I think if he had less studio interference and an original character not tied to the OT he could give us something great.

>you definitely cared because you responded with asinine mockery
imagine being an armchair critic and being upset that you were poo poo'd by a man far more successful than you

>directs the lowest grossing mainline star wars movie
>not one character he's created sells in any form
>the first Star Wars flop follows because people still had the bad taste of TLJ in their mouth
I'm not that important, but the masses certainly are, and they've fucking spoken.


And I'm reaping all the benefits

Attached: giphy (2).gif (300x250, 839K)

this dicksucking of some guy you dont know is bizarre

Ah, you're larping. Well, that's enough (you)s for you tonight, faggot.

How to you manage to be such a colossal fuckup that you can't even last five seconds in a bounce house?

legitimately how you sound

>film succeed
>"well, it didn't succeed in conditions i deem fair, so its clear it didnt"

he's a white goy Hollywood director in 2019
his mind has likely been scrambled

Yeah, last (You). You aren't even trying and your blatant samefagging is telling me you might even be Rian himself.
Fuck off.

Shut up you fucking autistic nerd

He's a fucking moron. That's what he means.

Look at all those hearts he got hearted. Looks like Rian wins again.

>bounce house

Attached: alita disdain.png (400x489, 345K)

Well said.

I'm sorry. Lego® Star Wars™ bounce house.

>bounce house
It's a bouncy castle, you absolute pleb.

you say good words

Attached: it actually gets to him.png (1747x180, 34K)

What he failed to jump in wasn't even castle shaped.
Pic related is a bouncy castle.
That travesty is a bounce house.

Attached: 800px-Jumping_castle.jpg (800x600, 215K)

World Wars kill betas maybe but they don't kill sniveling little cowards who can't even take instruction right.
We need another Holocaust. Put some Israelis in charge; they'll know which Jews they don't need

It really shows where Star Wars is now and how low it's sunk that nobody gave a fuck about May the 4th and Rian is just shouting "MAHDEEEEEEEEK" at anyone who offers criticism.

Jebus, didi the TLJ backlash break him?

Man i fucking hate this faggot and Disney Wars

The Emperor was killed in the final chapter, after Luke had rejected his offer and was part of Vader's last act of redemption. What pivotal characterization or story climax did Snoke and his death provide?

Me either, man. Disney's handling of Star Wars in general and Johnson's behavior in particular has turned me off to all forms if Disney. It opened my eyes to what a void of creativity they've become and the level of contempt they have for their audience.

It will be a cold day in hell before they see another penny from me.

based rijo pwnt that hater ȽȰȽƵȰƦƵ

this shit has been around on Yea Forums for like 8 years though

I agree. The complete absence of self-awareness is fucking disturbing.

Rian posts on here, doesn't he?


They gave this guy full control over making a sequel to the original star wars trilogy, with the original cast. Something they paid billions of dollars for, and are investing billions more for the future of their company. Something millions of people have wanted for over 30 years. Not only that, after his product killed off all of the excitement and momentum, they stood behind this jackass (and his pile of shit movie) and are allegedly giving him more projects. At least half of the fans disliked or hated what he made, and thats more important to the future than slapping the Star Wars brand on a new piece of shit every year or two. The fuck are they doing

The fact that he bothers to respond at all says far more about him than the "nobodies." No one of any level of confidence would be responding to criticism like this. He's a spoiled little faggot and every exchange he has just further illuminates that as irrefutable truth.

It's a moon jump, what kind of 3rd world shithole are you from?


Hey look. Actual Rian Johnson. How's it hanging tonight, retard?

stop fucking mansplaining you bigot

>Make people hate TLJ even more and completely destroy any good will you might have had from the fans
This guy probably cries himself to sleep every night because of the criticism the movie recieved. Love it.

Attached: 1556629611103.jpg (268x284, 17K)

I feel so bad for Ron. He did the best he could, but ultimately Solo was narratively DOA. It's too late to tell a thrilling space adventure about a charming rogue once you've already seen him tragically die as an abject failure.

how can people not call rian a troll. Look at that nigga dabbing on manbabies

It makes sense that plebs love Ozyman episode,

this shit was around before reddit
way to play yourself, tourist
>8 years
think 12+ years

newfags, newfags everywhere

Attached: 1398265548391.png (400x371, 159K)

i only really started seeing those specific ones around that time

>if he was building his own property he'd actually have to write properly and give the characters and story meaning
Have you seen Looper
>psychic powers for no reason
>inconsistent time travel logic
>future mafia kill Bruce Willis wife even though that goes against the whole plot
There are just endless logic gaps

Attached: Looper_poster.jpg (220x339, 57K)

I legit don't know what he's trying to say.