FIRST LOOK: Yen and Triss on set of Netflix's THE WITCHER

Thoughts Yea Forums?

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Triss > Yen

That better be black and white dress on Yen and not some blue garbage.

Looks sort of blue

yes that the issue, the color of her fucking dress

Oh look, canonical color of hair on Triss.

This is gonna be so shit

Place of’s gotta be

damn, they're ugly

its going to be trash

I dont care

Literally everything is wrong about them.

>the shitcher
Lol if they race swap a character then i don't care about it


>vilgefortz, the mage who almost kills geralt
>played by a fucking pajeet


As if we didn't have enough with GOT, now yet another show based on yet another LOTR wannabe.

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that shit aint auburn, are you blind?

Yea I'm gonna have to drop this one

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Too young. Don’t care about the ethnicity of the actresses, I just don’t wanna see Henry grope children.

Is this the Bollywood adaptation?

>nigger triss
>paki yen

Yen looks like a smoky indian semen demon but she isn't Yen.

I eagerly look forward to mocking the shit out of this.

they look like niggers

>Netflix's THE WITCHER
good goys

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Ahh, finally I can see the reason I cancelled my subscription, fuck all of Netflix kurwa

said no one ever

They care about progress, though.
Are you literally some kind of nazi?

It would be so easy to make a series about The Witcher good. Honestly it's main fan base will be people who played the game. So much of the blueprint for the aesthetic has been set by that. I wish showrunners would realise that it's best not to alienate your core fan base by churning out an intentionally inauthentic production so that they can pat themselves on the back for politicising fiction.

It's escapism why can't they just let it be just that?

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I wish i was a literal nazi

It was doomed from the start when jewish bitch become screenwriter for it.

What a subversion of expectations - instead of fantasy Poland they went with fantasy Bulgaria.

can't they just follow the vidya goyim design?

Not even going to pirate this shit

Jesus nonwhites are so fucking ugly

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T. Fat ugly pasty fuck

more like

god shes awfully brown

how can white women even compete?

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You will never be white, or a woman

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>It's escapism why can't they just let it be just that?
Because they don't want you to escape the paradise of equality and socialist justice you fucking white male.


absolutely delicious. i wanna suck those milkers

how do they spin the yen/geralt thing? he used magic to make her fall in love with him (rape).

Christ what the fuck is next to that black Frigilla
Hopefully its just the first book with the golden dragon and none of these fucks are geralt companion especially the dwarves. A black fucking dwarf jesus christ imagine that RIP basketball genes all you have left is maybe BBC and a small brain

>politicizing fiction
Oh but that wasnt a problem for you when witcher 3 turned sorcerrers into analogues for Jews in the holocaust

w-why ?

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shit you stink

fuck netflix and fuck shills

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>You will never be white
Says the mutt

Gross. Sand snake tier.

Please dilate

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