She has a point
She has a point
I'm confused here, since when were women people?
>this ""person"" is employed as an entertainment journalist by major film magazine Empire
some days I wake from my slumber in the middle of the night, tormented by troubled dreams. I pour myself a drink, walk to the window overlooking the city, and I think "man, why is everyone such a faggot". And I sleep no more that night.
She's right. Indie films are nothing but a pile of garbage. And nobody cares about them, except some pretentious hipster faggots.
If most people eat at mc Donald's it means it is the best food ever
I mean it might be that
It might also be that they don't have a $200+ million advertising budget, and if the 50s-now taught us anything is that the quality of a product doesn't matter as long as the ads are good
Indie films have been trash in the 2010s. The last good ones were made in 2009.
The best restaurants in the world are packed and reserved every single day of the year
>Food analogy
The absolute STATE of women
artificial scarcity, what's stopping them from opening more restaurants and competing with McDonalds?
If trump won the election that's because he's good and hillary bad
>popular = good
These are the people they hire for one of the biggest movie magazines in the industry? Jesus Christ.
>hurr if the Michelin man give me gold star my food da best durr
>Harry Potter is the best piece of literature in the world because it sells
Social media was a mistake
Ask them
Strawman, didn't mention anything about that
It's because Hollywood movies forgot how to tell entertaining stories, and because indie movies are pretentious garbage nowadays, that normies only trust Marvelshit to consistently entertain them. They could watch any literal who drama on Netflix.
people will eat up what is shoved in their faces. I'm sure the movies tick enough boxes for people. After awhile it just gets repetitive.
God, is this was being a brainlet feels like?
In the actual abhorrent state of the agonizing cinema industry, this woman's comment validates like never before the meaning of the epithet "cunt"
Where do you people find all this stuff? If you like movies so much why don't you talk about it instead of twitter shit?
>Food analogy
Also, notice the way she said "these are good movies" and you shifted the claim to "the best ever." What a dishonest post.
>number of indie films in theaters nearby: 0
>number of capeshit films in theaters nearby: all
>"more people watch capeshit so capeshit better"
wowwwwww womyn brain think good
lel I was just thinking this
>so this is one of those brainlets 4chins is always talking about
I just told you, artificial scarcity retard.
That and availability. Most of the world can probably watch Endgame after driving for at most thirty minutes.
If you make the best movie ever but only show it to 200 people in a little theater in the middle of nowhere it's also not gonna sell well (unless of course you charge thousands of dollars per ticket, in which case the food analogy from makes sense).
Yea Forums - Anons talk about TV shows and movies they haven't seen
Yea Forums - Anons talk about video games they haven't played
/fit/ - Anons talk about lifts they don't do
/vg/ - Anons talk about everything except the game their general is dedicated to
/mlp/ - Anons talk about horses they don't fuck
Yea Forums - Anons talk about anime they don't watch because the manga they haven't read is better
It's always like this.
Maybe theaters don't screen indie films because they're not very good, sweetie?
McDonald's is also clearly the greatest food ever made
yes that must be it, i can't remember a single time in history a theater ever screened a bad movie. you nailed it!
the source is called using your brain and putting your business hat on.
Just reply to this post if you think women are retarded
So no source. Ok I accept your capitulation
But her argument is that they are better because they are successful
By this logic McDonald's is better than the local mom and pop burger joint because it is successful
>movies for little children
>good and thought provoking for adults
she's a retard
Not a real argument. "Big numbers=good" is a retarded way of thinking about it.
Right, and claiming something is better is not the same as claiming something is best.
nah your a retard lmao.
answer this, retard: if there was a large number of a specific four star restaurant in the same capacity of mcdonalds, would it be just as popular? would they have the same number of customers every day?
And claiming something is better just because more people consume it is retarded. You're a brainlet capeshitter so you have no idea but basically every single household item and entertainment option from your daily routine would be worse than menial indian and chinese products/alternatives if "MORE PEOPLE MORE QUALITY" is the retarded mantra you want to propagate
Capitulation has been accepted I will no longer reply, try again next time.
we don't require blue checkmark anymore
>blue checkmark
You're replying to two people dipshit. Never get into business because you would fail instantly.
It's not because they're not good, it's that they typically get no recognitio, as anything not breaking box office records is screened at film festivals the average person doesn't get invited to.
>most people eat grabage so maybe its just good bro
translation: i lose
Those indie movies eventually provide actors and directors who go on to direct huge blockbuster movies, like Taika Watiti and Jon Watts. They are a necessary part of the industry if you want to just keep watching your shitty superhero films, you dipshit.
formerly we did though
Based mentally ill retard, if you had any importance in this world you would have one too
I feel like this has to be constantly said these days.
Popularity is probably a good indicator that something isn't good. At the very least, it only indicates a certain level of effort
Sounds like an argument to authority to me
>lots of people like x so its therefore the best
Lots of people also like putting live,laugh,love signs all over their home, does that mean that we should all do it?
Defining your own tastes based on majority opinion is a sure fire way to become a mindless drone. Do you just do whatever you're told by the majority?
Hitler was voted in to power with majority decision.
it indicates that it's been made to appeal to as many people as posdible, if nothing else. that itself entails making it really fucking stupid to appeal to brainlets, and full of action in place of anything that could be controversial so as not to turn people off who dislike it for its message instead of the objective ways it delivers that message.
Argument to popularity but otherwise yeah.
I mean, sometimes actually good things get popular. Alien,Super Mario World, Mad Men, David Bowie, and so on ( couldn't think of a book besides classics)
Why are people making mock accounts of a fucking dog? Is this some new meme?
*argument to popularity
fuck thats what i meant
>50 shades of grey is the best book ever written.
those are thinfa that slip through the cracks though. the mass usually goes for things that are generic and safe. those things you listed are things with an intersection of appeal and safeness that they squeeze into the public conciousness.
>She has a point
No she doesnt. McDonalds is very popular. Justin Bieber and Rap/Hip Hop are very popular. Popularity does not equal quality. In fact it often indicates the opposite. Marvel movies are soulles cash grabs that appeal to the braindead drone herds. Why do you think they do so well in totalitarian china? This dumb jew bitch is obnoxious and normally we wouldnt hear from her, but Twitter has given her a platfrom and social marxism has encouraged her to voice her idiotic opinion.
OP will NOT get my (you)!
This thread is full of incels. Popularity is directly related to quality deal with it
>Justin Bieber
>popularity equals quality
that's economics 101
Free market economics does not put enough weight on pricing or established brands/franchises.
The idea that the best quality product will always be most successful does not actually pan out in reality because people (and businesses especially) will rather buy a $30 dollar product at 30% quality than a $100 product at 100% relative quality.
When it comes to established brands the 'too big to fail' phrase becomes relevant. People associate quality of older products with the new product, independent to whether it is actually good or not. This works for mindless bees that just lap up what they're told to but people who actually know their stuff about whichever product they're being pedaled will know the difference.
mcdonalds is the best food ever though
That's not true about Yea Forums. Yea Forums has the opposite problem where the anons mass-consume so much of the media that they legitimately watch shows on 2x speed, then participate in conversation with less comprehension than someone who has only read a Wikipedia article.
So why do critics have a job if a value of a movie is determined by its income?
smoking must be good for you because so many people smoke
All this projection lmao. Let's imagine a single movie theater, one showing capeshit alongside mumblecore. Which one do you suppose sells more tickets at that particular single movie theater? We both know it's capeshit. Maybe, just maybe, that's because capeshit is better than mumblecore at entertaining people. And if the better movie is the movie that most entertains, what does that imply? If we rate movies along some spectrum other than "more/less entertaining," then are we not entering masturbatory hipster faggot territory?
Completely wrong in every way.
Indie films aren't getting seen because the few distributers left won't take a risk when a single flop will flatline them.
Capeshit and shared universes as a whole are actually strategic based on the fact that the average person sees only three or four movies in the theater a year, so it pays to make them invested so future releases have an in-built audience.
>implying it isn't
Following this, the most desirable women in the world are whores because the most men have had sex with them.
GoT and Walking Dead are best tv shows ebar
Yea Forums - anons talk about books they haven't read
/sci/ - anons talk about math they don't understand
/g/ - anons talk about phones they don't own
/ck/ - anons talk about food they don't cook
/k/ - anons talk about deer onaholes they don't not fuck
Typical Irish retard.
>Let's imagine a single movie theater, one showing capeshit alongside mumblecore.
How about we stop imagining and talk about real things because that doesn't happen
Theatres are a business and they're paid better to put big marketed hollywood shit on them. It has fuck all to do with quality. If you're still bent on insisting they both have equal screening opportunities and market budget to stand solely on their content and people choose capeshit "because its more entertaining" then go sit on a cactus cause you're a hopeless brainlet.
you got me there, user, gonna go buy a pack now
>go sit on a cactus
how erotic...
I like popular things because popular things are good. Very cool.
I guess marketing doesn't exist in this dumb cunt's fantasy world.
> Advertisement/ marketing budget doesn´t matter
> Distribution doesn´t matter
> Industry pushing of the star system in pop culture doesn´t matter
> Media pandering doesn´t matter
> The fact that majorities are brainlets doesn´t matter
The fact is that the quality of a movie has little to do with commercial it´s success. Some shitty movies win awards while some good movies go unnoticed.
If someones dumb enough to pay for it you'd have to be dumb not to charge for it.
Based mega corporation defender, fuck films not made by disney, sony, universal or warner bros
so the common theme here is that Yea Forums/4channel is a website for retards
ok let them make their shitty movies for shitty people until they get a real gig that allows them not to make shit anymore
>corporations are bad mmkay??
t. commie tranny
>the most easily digestible piece of entertainment is the best one