the butthurt already began
Oh no no no no
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
based jon using thots and disposing of them when they go wild
Some of these redditors seem pretty reasonable to me.
bend over whitey
I'm betting 90% of them bitching now thought the last episode was great and are only calling bad writing now because it's not playing out like their fantasy ending. Fuck them. I'm glad D&D are shitting down everyone's throats instead of just bookfags.
They are gonna piss off the normies by having Jon kill the dragonwhore just as they pissed of the fans by ruining the Night King/Azor Hai storyline.
Could it be that D&D are genius shitposters?
This. The normies have had their fun, now it's over. We shall laugh at their tears and watch them lose all civility this week. Just watch and see, articles accusing the show of racism, death threats on twitter...oh you just wait and see...
So it took Jon killing Daenerys to realize that D&D are hacks, not
>20 good men
>the butchering of Stannis
>Jaime’s halter character development
>the white walkers being an inconsequential threat
>the destruction of Jon and Bran’s character arcs
>the uselessness of Tyrion and Varys past s4
>the stupidity of littlefinger’s death
>the illogical battle tactics and plot armor
>the awful dialogue that’s obsessed with dick jokes
God I hate redditors, just a bunch of liberal cucks
It started turning to shit as soon as they fucked the kingsmoot and turned euron into a jukebox for dick jokes
as the ending is from the books, the dunkin donut hacks were simply unable to make the way for it correctly
No, the ending was given to them only as an outline. The details of it weren't George but D&D
All this shit will just be as bad in the books.
It literally won't because none of that dumb shit is even possible in the books. It's like a completely different universe.
well no because the books will never ever ever get written but yeah if they were to be written it would be just as bad.
This. Especially the first two points are impossible, 20 good men shit isn't going to happen and Stannis will die heroically, not a daughter-killer.
The guy who said
>"Turning her in 3 episodes is dumb"
Is completely right.
>will be same/different in the books
>implying there will be more books
c'mon guys, Kmart Tolkien has no depth and no plan, the 'kayhoss ish ah lah-duh' was his play, he literally has no idea to wrap it together so he just won't.
I'm so done with this show, it went from medieval west wing to lord of the rings with sex, more blood, and none of the inspiration. I at least hope Jaime gets a good ending if they're making it this retarded
yea. I rewatched S6-8 to remind where everything was, and it's a travesty what they did to her. Keep everything she's done the same but just have Clarke play her as increasingly power hungry and paranoid ad it would've been a really interesting character, as is she's been a shoehorn of wamenz power with no downsides showing but they realize that the place she's put herself in is so obviously leading to her death they can't chicken out, so have to rush an ending.
literally just give Clarke some pointers on how to play unhinged from stannis and maybe have her execute a few more people here and there and shit would be kino
>Crucifixion of the Maester's
>Burning of the Tarly's
Should have been framed as her losing it a bit, instead they were used as triumphant moments....
George Martin doesn't even talk about this episode in his blog but spin offs and other shit. He clearly hated it too.
She did the fire and blood stuff when she burned people alive and crucified the slavers
It's a nice-asshole see-saw that I can't blame the show on because this stuff is stretched out over years while a book can be read in just a day.
Why would Jon kill Dany? Im guessing she goes mad queen.
Either way, it's bad writing because they've been so inconsistent with whether she's the mad queen or not. She does things like bring in a horde of rapists (Dothraki) and slave soldiers (Unsullied) to conquer a foreign people (Valyrians aren't Westerosi) her ancestors conquered, has her fire breathing monsters execute and probably eat surrendering soldiers, etc but then they spend another 5 episodes humanizing her with Jorah.
And the evil shit she did is framed as being heroic and "good", but the evil acts they were/
Is Dany the manifestation of the gods flipping a coin and it landing perfectly on its side?
nah, just bad writing.
The Targaryens need to go away.
Every members is a potential chimpout.
I dropped the show years ago and only started paying attention last month, what's the 20 Good Men thing?
this desu, always knew dany was ill
Ramsay sends 20 men to burn the army camp which Stannis's army was stationed in...ends up destroying it.
>She did the fire and blood stuff when she burned people alive and crucified the slavers
Was shown as a triumphant moment in the show not as her starting to lose it.
Nah, the last episode was hated on this sub. People wanted big lore heavy Night King stuff. The White Walkers shit was the worst part of the show, so I'm just glad it's over.
>book danny
>since the begining the books dops hint that there is a possiblity she can go mad with power like her dad the mad king.
>show danny
>lol lets make her go crazy in one episode.
No, she's evil. Showing her have a nice conversation doesn't make someone who crucifies and burns people alive magically good.
I'd argue this plot started E2 not E4, when Jon announced his ancestry to her
thot patrolled
Based thot patrol poster.
>expecting to ever get another book
>lazy writing
so good writing is someone not killing someone because they saved them 3 times.
desu, while i don't mind dany's execution itself it seems out of character for Jon.
>So basically if you don't like something it's lazy writing
well yeah
This. The way she reacted to Jon’s big reveal is by immediately thinking of the throne rather than the fact that the man she is supposedly in love with and has been fucking is technically her nephew. Honestly it’s one of the only things d&d did well so far
Uh oh is this The Last Jedi for GOT?
>Hurr Durr liberals
You fags are triggered just as easily
t.Yea Forums after women exist in film at all
Thats because too targs incest comes as natural as breathing.
Le bump
Can't wait to shit on Reddit all week
>arya killing NK is a masterpiece of storytelling
>Jon killing Dan is lazy writting
where had you been? even redditards complained about quasiarya killing the nk
I'm already enjoying this episode because it PISSes off normies as much as Rob got pissed on every day since his marriage with that white trash whore Cercei
No one actually thinks the NK kill is good storytelling. They just feel the need to retroactively defend it, or the incels win.
god can you imagine how many girls self insert as her? they're going to go berserk when john kills her. especialy because they probably picture their crush as john snow
Jesus. The British are the most cucked fucking people on the planet at this point. Hands down.
Now even normies will be mad, D&D BTFO
I honestly could care less about Jon killing the dragonwhore, Sansa is a better choice for him anyway, Ghost needs to live to the end so he can see his big sister Nymeria and her pack.
What kind of shitty community name is this?
acutally now we love D&D. Normies BTFO
retarded feelfags
it was her turn!
Danerys was always another mentally ill targshit, heck Aerys was probably better.
top notch Kek
renegade sub for /r/got or something
what is the evidence
>this years shipment of salt brought to you by D&D
bravo gents, based long con merchants
She grew up knowing her parents were siblings and thinking she was going to marry her brother. Her fucking her nephew doesn't seem weird at all to her.
good, they didn't have the brains to see that it was gonna turn to shit an episode before than they deserve the penis that's causing their butthurt
This. The dragons too.
bro, we love D&D now - REDEEMED!
Nah, freefolk hated and memed the last episode. If you want plebbitors, go to /r/gameofthrones. Or look for the people who don't realize freefolk is a leaks sub and cry about it.
They always say 'have sex' but they never say 'Do you want to have sex?'. The world is unfair.
I love how they set her up as the biggest YASS QUEEN character ever, subtly implying she's evil but having her signal enough to be beloved by the woke crowd, only to then reveal her to be the villain and dispose of her.
It's like killing Beyonce off or something.
>implying the fat hack is even able to finish them
somewhere tolkien is laughing his ass off
how to expose the normalfags the post
Thanks for the fucking spoiler you piece of shit asshole. Fuck you and your crew.
I thought they confirmed that they got the Shireen burning from GRRM?
The absolute state of British police
>The future is female they said
Jesus, they already lose it when their female self insert goes insane, imagine if they sctual politicians in real life
>that last comment
Has this person even watched the show? She's been acting pretty evil for a few years now, the story is just trying to make it seem justified so she looks good
Wow, social "justice"people are so fair and moral and totally sane.
I feel this way about Ned Stark.
Glad you could expose yourself faggot
Without irony, it's one of the only based sub on Reddit
you have to go back
go back to where you belong
I'VE POSTED THIS MANY TIMES ON /GOT/ but I'll have to post it again.
Euron will be the Big Bad in the South, like how the White Walkers are the Big Bad in the North.
Jon and Daenerys will exhaust themselves in vanquishing the Night King, but then they will be soundly defeated by King Euron Greyjoy, the Iron King on the Iron Throne.
in the same fashion that William the Conqueror defeated Harold after the Norwegians distracted him
and what is Jon's real name...Aegon!
the final scene of the series will be
>Euron as the final victor
>Jon Snow's head on a pike to his left
>Dany's head on a pike to his right
>Tyrion's skull used as a footstool, with three dragon skulls surrounding him
>Dust of the Night's King in a transparent glass box next to the throne
>Cersei, Sansa, and Melisandre on a leash as salt wives
>Sam as an enslaved Maester forced to write up works glorifying Euron and depicting the events of the series, titled "A Song of Ice and Fire"
>and right before Arya makes an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Euron, Jaqen appears out of nowhere to kill her, avenging his WAIFu
>I hope she kills everyone and remaining dothraki rape and pillage every woman in westeros
state of white women
doesn't got come out Sundays? how do people know this?
Instead of getting the Dornish masterplan, we got a bad pussy.
Instead of getting an epic battle with Stannis, we got 20 good men.
Instead of getting the proper sorcerer king arc from Euron, we got a finger in the bum.
Instead of getting a meaning conclusion to the white walkers........
>I can't imagine how disappointed a person must be about being paid millions upon millions of dollars and suddenly at the end of a show their character gets killed off
Yeah, wiping your ass with $100 bills every day must be so tiresome.
>based micro-leaks that then confirmed a leak 9 months ago
>same leaker that got the past 3 episodes right
Worse, at least there’s a chance for redemption in Rise of Skywalker. Fans and Normies will hate this so much that social media will be unbearable for the next few weeks. It’s only going to get worse as it dawns on them that this is the canon ending and there’s nothing they can do about it. What are they gonna do, boycott a show they already finished? D&D already got their checks, the fans already wasted all this time investing in the show, and GoT will be forever ruined. It will fade from the public consciousness even harder than “LOST” and “How I Met Your Mother” and will have absolutely no rewatchability
friendly reminder that tyrion is a bastard which is why he hasn't died yet from the kinslaying taboo curse
cry harder, baby dick
>I am a woman the post
wrong I'll go back to season 1-4 but the the rest are non existent to me
>No one did!!!!
>Arya literally denounces the entire premise of being no one which is why the Waif was allowed to kill her
Fucking normies why are they all so fucking retarded
D&D now pissing off the braindead kek bravo
They're /got/ general fags
>Arya running a marathon with a serious open wound and then jumping into a filthy canal. Doesn't get a deadly infection when Drogo was killed by a scratch
>Turning the Sparrows from religious reformers with genuine concerns about corruption within the faith into Westboro Baptist Church
>Everything about Dorne
>Sand snakes killing Myrcella
>Euron going from cunning, ruthless avatar of the drowned god to cut-rate Jack Sparrow
>Littlefinger selling Sansa to the Boltons
>Vale soldiers getting past Moat Cailin
>Jon's mission north of the wall to capture a wight
>Gendry running all the way back to the Wall and sending word to Dany all the way in Dragonstone, and her arriving in the nick of time
If anyone wants to add on to that, feel free. It would be nice to have a master list of all of D&D's fuck ups to put into perspective just how badly this show went off the rails following season 4
freefolk is also unironically a pro-dany sub, so of course they’re pissed. They now feel the same way Stannisfags felt in season 5. But honestly, they’re right. Much as I hate the Targs, the whole thing is poorly built on. The real issue was D&D desperately white washing their favorite characters, which now makes there ending actions completely feel like it’s OOC
>anyone liking the last episode is just a conspiracy
>normies are retards who are impressed with literally any shit you feed them
can't have it both ways, kiddo
>It will fade from the public consciousness even harder than “LOST” and “How I Met Your Mother”
This is always fascinating to randomly realize and remember.
>wrong I'll go back to season 1-4 but the the rest are non existent to me
This guy gets it. GoT season 1 - 4 was every bit as good as the hyped made it out to be.
A pity D&D and all the actors didn't tragically die in a fire or something afterwards, as this literally means accessing immortality as an artist.
Yea it's truly amazing to me how many times they have completely dropped the ball. They have all the pieces, all they have to do is put them together in a way that denotes sapience. Instead, they go with the most lazy, childish, unimaginative things they can think of. The new star wars movies have the same problem. Where the fuck did all the good writers go? Are they hiring people out of a 8th grade creative writing class?
>Arya killing the Night King
characters should be wrotte thinking about the feelings of the actors
Reddit is eating itself
>Drogo killed by a scratch
drogo got killed by the witch
But there is a chance that the king or queen could also be brilliant. You just gotta take your chances bro!
That sounds wonderful user. Thanks for cheering me up.
Is Dany supposed to be the progressive version of Luke Skywalker?
On the top of my head
> Tyrion becoming a backbencher after season 4
> Ser Barristan Selmy's pathetic death
> Arya's training being the worst build up in TV history, as she is only shown begging, cleaning and scrapping and all of a sudden turns into a deadly assassin.
> The ice dragon melting the Wall but unable to cook Jon Snow behind a rock
Freefolk unironically hates episode 3 and absolutely loathes the current leaks.
Shireen burning is likely but by Melisandre, not by Stannis to, either probably revive Jon or "awake stone dragons" in some way.
Wait, is Dany dead? Fucking based if true.
Why did she believe the witch lol. What a retarded cunt
It all went down hill after sansa's wedding/rape. The 24/7 twitter users were ranting about how someone could do this to a female character and ever since then the writers capitulated to burlington bar normies.
The show would have been so much more successful if they showed some spine to the mobs on social media. There is a silent majority out there watching. & if they stood up to the blue check mark bullies they would have 2-3 times more viewers than if they pandered to yaaaaaaaas queeeeeeen slaaaaayy
at no point in that post are liberals mentioned
how can you write this but dany literally is murdered in this episode?
not very girl power is it.
ur an pleb
wtf I love D&D now
No, the progressive version of Anakin.
She should have died in season 4, killed by jorah and a mob of slaves
>Ser Barristan Selmy's pathetic death
This honestly was too much. A knight like him shouldn't have gone down so soon and so easily. Imagine if he actually made it all the way back to Winterfell. He'd hands down be the best fighter there
It's the truth faggot
I'll believe it when I see it
>the stupidity of littlefinger’s death
I was glad they finally killed him off. His "scheming" was always retarded and relied on everyone else just being painfully gullible. It was less bad in the books and early seasons where everyone else also had schemes going on, but it was fucking awful by the end.
Cersei's even worse. Her entire rule is propped up by writer fiat and a cartoon pirate.
>Gendry running all the way back to the Wall and sending word to Dany all the way in Dragonstone, and her arriving in the nick of time
this is the only fuck up thing from the things you mentioned
A good writer needs time to work. There is no time for good scripts in the industry nowadays. You have ridiculous deadlines and you have to rush your job without time for further considerations
And I with Bobby B. The show was not the same without him
I WANT PROOF.WHERE'S THE LEAKS!!! I'll go to one of these fucking bars or w.e. where the reactions are happening and laugh as she dies.
these aren't free folkers though.
>You have ridiculous deadlines and you have to rush your job without time for further considerations
They had two years between s07 and s08 user
putting those animals down
The people banned for shitposting and discussing leaks on the show subreddit formed the new one, naturally since the only fun people got banned everyone flocked over there and now it's gone to shit
>implying that liking an episode and recognizing good storytelling are mutually inclusive
No. Someone can enjoy an episode and also have zero investment in the nuances of the plot.
the arya night king kill was pandering cause they were already feeling the backlash from when dany dies. dany being killed by jon is not optional, as its something grrm told them.
The second to the last post in that image is 100% accurate, though. I still want her to die so I'm not mad.
>Melissandre on a leash
Perhaps you missed last week's episode?
>Her entire rule is propped up by writer fiat and a cartoon pirate.
She is the widow of the late King Robert Baratheon.
I'd actually like that ending. Euron is the only manly man left.
Or he should've had a death resembling that of Mormont or Oberyn. Even the fucking Sand Snakes had the honour of being slaughtered by relevant characters, but fucking Ser Barristan, a knight who we are repeatedly told that he's a prodigy with a sword, gets killed in a dark alley by a bunch of nobodies.
Freefolks hate 3 because it made Jon and Dany look useless.
>Ser Barristan Selmy's pathetic death
Wasn't that bad at the time, but it's ridiculous bullshit after all those wight group hugs last episode.
She's been a lunatic the entire show. It's well within her character to go completely off the rails when Euron kills her pet black lady and dragon.
Chaos ladder was a D&D original iirc. As much as I think GRRM overestimates himself he has more class than dabid do. Yes even despite "sunset found her squatting". He might put out another books, but yeah we're never seeing the last one unless he was just fucking with us all this time and wrote a will where the last book is to be released without any advertising a month after his death just so everyone thinks it's never going to be finished.
The wall is made of frozen water, Proffessor.
Does Jon fuck her one more time before he kills her? This is important.
he fucks her one more time after he kills her
The Wall is stone covered by ice, youngling.
Euron is beta. Jon snow and jamie are the masculine charaters
Dragonfire melts stone
In the same chapter you see the same dragon destroying Winterfell walls
Which therefore furthers my point that
> The ice dragon melting the Wall but unable to cook Jon Snow behind a rock
Robert claimed the throne via rebellion, and the last several years of her regency have been marked by constant insurrection and blunders. The Lannisters have no gold, none of the other great houses like or support her (other than aforementioned cartoon pirate- and the Iron Islands are effectively irrelevant as a fighting force outside their navy), and the kingdom was on the cusp of a religious-motivated populist revolt BEFORE Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor. The only reason Cersei holds the throne is because the writers have decided that only a narrow slice of characters (basically the North, Dany's crew, Cersei, Jaime, and Euron) exist and everyone else has disappeared off the face of Westeros.
the dragon only had half of his face left at the time so he lost the ability to melt rocks
>arya jumps like michael jordan to kill the night king
>Dany goes full mad king & kills everyone, then gets put down by Jon
I would believe this was D&D's actual reasoning.
haha is this real?
summary of the leaks plz
The court seemed pretty small when they summoned everyone last time.
To us as viewers we know the Truth. But especially now that Stannis is dead, she is the heir.
>Cersei Baratheon
>inb4 Gendry
>not legitimized yet
Why did you not spoiler this image you fucking faggot? Now it is ruined for me.
Does Game of Thrones actually have any good female actors? There seems to be so much focus on the women characters but they all seem awful.
3 are already confirmed by webm leaks
>the dragon only had half of his face left at the time so he lost the ability to melt rocks
I actually have nothing to counter this reasoning.
>"To be honest, the last season is gonna suck"
>talk show host winks
>"oh yes, I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of sucking"
>"No, I'm serious, the last season is gonna be shit"
>more laughter
Asking for it at this point tbqh
I unironically liked Carice van Houten. Or maybe it was just her sweet tittys that I liked.
technically 4
>Stark meeting about Jon confirmed
>Sansa knowing Jon is Aegon confirmed
D&D is the great equalizer of modern media!
Lmao it isn’t her birthright tho. There was a massive civil war over a woman trying to rule Westeros. Plus it’s Jon’s birthright. Also also fuck targ shits it should be Bobby Bs line
Watch the movie Black Book. I saw this before GOT was even a show and I read the books. When I saw Carice Van Houten playing Melisendre my boner went into orbit.
Where are the webms
they literally would not have been in any danger at all if she didn't show up and give Nighty a dragon.
ffs i just want to get back to Tarkov but I'm addicted to channel 4
What did he say, i can't find the tweet or account
The widow of a king does not inherit the throne you fucking imbecile. The throne goes to the children of the king. All of them are dead so the throne goes to some Baratheon. Also all of the (main) Baratheons are dead but there must be some cousins who have a claim to the throne.
>Littlefinger selling Sansa to the Boltons
I still don't understand what they were even trying to do with that one
>everyone dies : the show
hack writing t b h. its ok to have main characters die every once in awhile but doing these mass kill-offs is just boring
>The throne goes to the children of the king. All of them are dead
I thought that was already obvious enough.
>there must be some cousins
I could scour the books family tree but what purpose would that serve, we know D&D don't care about that nerd shit
What stage are they now bois?
>She lost everything why she shouldnt she be mad REEEEEEEEE
>D&D making everyone hate the show
The prequel show is gonna have 3 seasons at best
I'll give you 1 user, but I ain't your daddy
When the Sauron of your fantasy is an aftertought and the real showdown is between some queenz
>Dragons can be killed by regular ballista found in most medieval castles
How the fuck did the targaryens take over?
Dany is set to die as she is in the books, but because they're appeasing the grrrl power crowd they whitewashed her character and arc, putting off her making stupid, dangerous and insane choices and making the betrayal come out of nowhere in the show.
The show would have major bants if in the final episodes they call this event "The battle of the Mad Queens"
with twenty good men
A common misconception, but false.
>Jon kills Dany
>Normie girls even hate manlets more
Why do they do this to us?
Is this just one episode or the remaining?
you forgot how badly handled/easily dismissed highgarden and dorne/the sandthots were
literally all the starks deserved their deaths with their wanton stupidity
The great houses of Valyria were all sorcerers and dragon lords. Not some amateurs or first time dragon riders. They understood dragons in a way that normal men understand horses. House Targaryan wasn't even a major house yet when it moved it subdued an entire continent.
you don't understand the series
Don't worry brother, there will only be small men in the future
fire melt ice
fire not melt rock
>When the Sauron of your fantasy is an aftertought
NK is Witch King at best. Based Euron is Feanor tier though.
>everyone is dead because wildfire and dragon fire
>Dragons die from ballista bolts
>Cersei vs Dany
>Epic sword fight that puts Ep III Obi Wan vs Vader to shame
>Cersei is about to say it
>'It's over Daenarys! I have the h....'
>Arya teleports behind Cersei and cuts her throat
>Daenarys collapses from exhaustion
>Arya jumps on her and hacks her throat out
>She stands up and looks into the camera, breaking 4th wall
>'Valar Morghulis'
>Stabs her throat and collapses
With less autism
>everyone is dead because wildfire and dragon fire
>Dragons die from ballista bolts
>Cersei vs Dany
>Epic sword fight that puts Ep III Obi Wan vs Vader to shame
>Cersei is about to say it
>'It's over Daenarys! I have the h....'
>Arya teleports behind Cersei and cuts her throat
>Daenarys collapses from exhaustion
>Arya jumps on Daenarys and hacks her throat out
>Arya stands up and looks into the camera, breaking 4th wall
>'Valar Morghulis'
>Arya stabs her throat and collapses
>pay me to watch me react to a tv show
wow millenials are so fucking pathetic
This. In the books, she’s set up to start going nuts, torching the Dothraki, Meereen, and probably Volantis and Pentos too on her way to Westeros.
aren't they profiting off of copyrighted material? maybe we can get them shut down for the keks
Because nobody likes manlets. And I know, because I'm one.
bollywood bobs vagene poo in the loo fan service and jewish subversion
it's even worse than we thought
Un-ironically this.
>Sunset found her squatting, desperately trying to shit out all the cum that Ramsay and his dogs shot up her ass
>Bron and Jaime half-hand somehow besting 4 spear wielding Dornish horsemen, whilst on foot.
>Jaime and Bron somehow managing to hold their breath underwater long enough to swim the length of an entire lake, and only surfacing after the dothraki and dragon have fucked off.
>Jon holding his breath underwater long enough for the NK's zombie army to mostly shuffle off.
>The Hound bringing Arya close enough to the red wedding that she can see her murdered brothers corpse being paraded round, and Stark soldiers being butchered, but still somehow managing to escape unscathed with her in tow.
>Thinking the Tully's would hand over Moat Caitlin just because Mr obviously_being_threatened turns up at the gate.
I like you user
>GOT spends 4 seasons ruining their series with female empowerment shit
>in the last season they prove, via the fanbase, why women are too temperamental to be in power
Bravo 9D underwater Parcheesi
Someone build a bot to crawl all the GoT subreddits and find people who YASS QUEENed when Arya killed the Night King and now have turned on the writing because it doesn't suit them
I would but I... don't care enough
>game of thrones = war is bad, selfish, leads to suffering, misery, we must unite against humanity's common threats
>game of thrones = good, use it to put women in power, murdering everyone who wronged you is good, war is justified, kill those who stand in your way, you deserve to be at the top unopposed
I think the amount of deaths is fine, but the spacing is off. It feels like every season theirs an episode were 5+ main characters die rather than 1 or 2 dying every other episode.
Ned Stark was an asshole.
You can take the nigger out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the nigger.
i love it. fuck all the feminists and normies
now they get to suffer
Anyone got a stream site to watch it?
Someone give to me a torrent link, it hasn't turned up on any of my regular trackers yet
lol crazy women vicariously living through her
>ywn corner and dry hump a policewoman while she squirms and pretends to laugh it off but doesn't stop you because you belong to an eternal victim class
feels bad
>dany stands in a room with her advisors
>keeps yelling "burn them all"
>people are about to start fucking shit up
>sword pierces dany from the behind
>she falls over blood spilling from her mouth
>jon smiles behind her as she draws her last breath
butthurt kino incoming
>Bronn on council
lol what?
lol, does jon really kill dragon lady? i can see tomorrow's headlines already:
>No Surprise: Incels Celebrating [Dragon Chick]'s Death. Here's Why That's a Bad Thing
GoT can only be redeemed if the writers kill off every main character the normies have invested in, and spend the last 3 episodes droning on with some pointless shite surounding the lives of some severely minor characters, like Gilly and little Sam. Or Hot Pie.
The screeching would be epic!
>medieval west wing
you must hate west wing pretty fanatically to drag it down that far
yes only this time its the yaaasss queen slay crowd that will get their just desserts
wait, is this fucking real?
Its really not D&D fault to be honest. Dany in the book supposed to be this extremely beautiful chad queen can understand her narcissism getting a hold of her. Show its harder to portray this image with a innocent looking fat girl.
The dragons in the books CAN'T be killed with regular arrows and ballistas. Their hide is described as being like iron. The only dragon ever taken down by a weapon was Meraxes and that's cause the Dornish got lucky and hit it in the eye.
The dragons in the show have become a joke and are falling down like flies cause the plot demands it.
>Episode 3 comes out
>S-Stop hating on the show, Incel! You just didn't like it because you hate women!
>Episode 4 spoilers release
How the turn tables.
I think her point is that everyone thinks its her birthright for most of the show after Viserys dies, but then she "loses" it to Jon when the truth about his parentage is revealed
all those things happened to men. Now they only care when it happens to a women
He had a job, the love of his family and friends, a gf and his life didnt revolve around shitposting on Yea Forums.
>first 3 shots all hit perfectly
>4th shot conveniently misses
Maybe have the obvious marksmen take out the bigger dragon first next time
is she really supposed to be 24 in the show? 40 is believable
Well Danny's not gonna die in today's episode, I bet it happens at the end of next week. This week will just be the set up and maybe start of the battle with between her and Cersei's armies.
He hated Jaime for his most honorable act. Saving Kings Landing from the mad king and his pyromancers. Ned never gave him a chance to explain.
>inb4 secret incest nobody knew about
this looks like a fucking videogame cutscene what the fuck lmao
This is the best thing that could have happened, if they made it good some how would be the ones losing
She likes it.
I completely forgive them for Arya now
its a fake leak you faggots
John dies at the end
The show's timeline is a complete fucking mess that contradicts itself all the time. I think she's supposed to be Emilia Clark's age in the show, so 32.
someone, just check on tumblr. Jonerys and her fans are being too fun to watch.
Jaime and Cersei are around 40 and they're what, 15 or so years older than her
>No it's lazy writing because they turn her into a mad queen in the last 3 episodes while they had 3 seasons to do so
fucking kek
They've been building the mad queen gig up since the fucking start.
yeah if these leaks are true, which it looks like they are then I can forgive them for how shit episode 3 is. its obvious they are just doing damage control before they troll all the feminists with this ending
I remember
It's not out of nowhere on the show. Did you people sleep on the Tarly situation, threatening Varys, being aggressive with Tyrion, made Jon a prisoner, how she arrived in WF and threatening Sansa to Jon's face?
You're overestimating the normie trash that posts on reddit. They still can't even spell 'Cersei' and think Daenarys's name is Khaleesi.
>reddit hates GoT
wtf? I love HBO's lazy writers, now!
what kind of crazy bitch would do that to some innocent slave owners??
She also burned the healer in S01 and put her old SLAVE and the black dude to die starving in S02, yet everyone didn't care.
The series showed it.
She herself was a former slave owner. Did the show put the bit about she doing it to everyone older than 13, as well?
>The only dragon ever taken down by a weapon was Meraxes and that's cause the Dornish got lucky and hit it in the eye.
Except when the peasants stormed the dragons pit with spears and killed a bunch of fucking dragons.
this but unironically
Dany is really not that crazy. Her only mistake was not killing Tyrion out of hand instead of planning an execution. Just stomp the little fucker's head in ffs.
He actually got mercy killed by Dany but he was absolutely going to die from the infected scratch. What the witch did was to save/punish him by putting him into some incurable comatose.
wait does she actually die tonight? please tell me it's true, might actually save this shitshow.
nah probably episode 4 or 5
The whole theme of the show is that power corrupts those who possess it and people are still angry at danys fate? Fucking ledit dum-dums. Her ending makes the most sense considering who she is, where she's coming from and what she went through. Without the people who protected and advised her it was bound to happen and it's a great end for her character arc.
No, tonight is the night she will go crazy.
>T. muh soggy kneeeests!
You're not helping by being a total dipshit, right? Go back to freefolk, roastella
She didn't. She was doing a ritual and told she couldn't be interrupted or something. Then Dany started to go into labor and Jorah took Dany to the woman's tent. Ritual ruined, baby dead, but it wasn't the witch's fault.
fuck yes. im so excited I know a few people who are die hard dany fans. i really hope they make her look like a fucking lunatic
so... let her have the revenge she seeks but without any consequences? that doesn't make any sense, people like that should be banned from social media
oops i meant 5 or 6
This is actually a pretty good summary about main goals of the feminist religion.
Lena Headey. Also Natalie Dormer and Diana Rigg before they got asploded at the end of season 6.
freefolk is for edgelords
check r/game of thrones, that's the subreddit for normies