Characters who are literally you

Characters who are literally you

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Have sex.

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You're not supposed to identify with him

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>hates society
>is dark and mysterious
>is anti social
>is smart and cunning
>kind of good looking and fit
>can run and jump over things and do parkour
>is sly and malicious
>can solve problems with logic
>doesn't like to show his face
>is rejected by society and is an outcast
>can fight and take down people bigger than him
>has cool knifes to help him fight.

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90% of people think they are are really

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Based female

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Shut the fuck up retarded incel

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You're literally afraid of incels because you know what they'll do to you.

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For me it's pic related

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The illustration makes me feel personally attacked

I watched it yesterday. i was dissapointed by it. I only kept watching for Ricci.

Thick ricci was something else

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Are you talking to me?


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I don't have an addiction but I can see a lot of myself in him

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based and sneed'd

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You must really think highly of yourself

Where's Rust?

unironically this


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Literally me

ive never seen this wojak in real life anyone have an example

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I like singing and I'm an alcoholic.
No legendary story about me though (yet)

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>creep who sets off all possible alarm bells
>but he's handsome so still manages to pull prime Cybil Shepherd

Scorsese with the blackpill there

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have sex holy shit its simple

based and mostly true

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>dude just bang fat chicks like me
Nah I'm good.

Man, Richard was the best. Poor bastard

>pilling sprees
>coke addiction
>have weird rich midget friend
>get ass kicked outside roller rinks from trying to pick up strange

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>convince yourself of this
All american man this weak?


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No ones impressed by the ppl you lay.

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It something I'm trying to escape. Already lost 4,7 stones.

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