Is she a bad actress after all? She's been in so many movies and none them were a success
Is she a bad actress after all? She's been in so many movies and none them were a success
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She's an assortment of self-cleaning holes, not an actress.
Maleficent 2 will be a box office hit
is she jewish? she looks like a jew
>Mary Elle Fanning
>Ethnicity: German, English, as well as Irish, French, Channel Islander
Super8 was a moderate success. None of the others ever had a chance at being mainstream successes since they aren't capeshit, wokeshit or oscar bait. So at least i respect her for picking interesting projects.
She's okay, not great and doesn't seem very committed to the craft, but she's unironically a 10/10 so ima keep watching ellekino just for that.
In terms of acting, Dakota's better than Elle.
Maleficent was a success
she looks like a typical slav jewess except for blonde hair
yep. then again they are different actresses. i cant see dakota playing the i think we're alone now as well as elle did. she doesnt have the looks for neon demon either, so elle has some roles that fit her better.
i thought maleficient was much older and wasnt including her child movies but i guess its actually from 2014 wtf
>Slav Jewess
this doesn't make sense. Jews are a Semitic people who were forbidden from mixing with Slavs. Most Ashkenazi Jews in Poland-Lithuania and later Russia spoke Yiddish, which was a German dialect mixed with Hebrew.
>Jews are a Semitic people who were forbidden from mixing with Slavs
yeah man you have no idea how many mixed jews there are in Poland and Russia. there are probably more jews living in Russia then whole population of Israel
but this is a topic for another thread
there are only 150-200,000 Jews in Russia, compared to 6.5 million in Israel
You're wasting your time, these people think literally everyone is a jew
She looks off and sickly to me.
I don't think she's ugly or anything but she looks kind of fake for some reason. Creeps me out.
The Neon Demon will start being seen as the kino it truly is in the decades to come.
Screencap this.
are you white?
I am, white Dutchman.
real white people are pale and can't get a tan
Her paleness is just part of it. She just excudes this frailness, she looks like she is sick very often.
she's /fit/
lmao they're trying to outmog each other like it's in their nature
Susan played Elle's granny in a movie
She lost all her confidence after Hayley Atwell bullied her.
I think that's part of her appeal. She has a sort of otherworldly mysterious kinda beauty I guess
that foursome would surely kill me
her friends called her piglet
Ive heard that Elle is sort of polarizing. I personally think she's perfect.
damn that camel hoof
She's going to Cannes soon to be on the jury. I expect some nice pics like last time.
is there anything more disgusting than a blonde cumskin girl?
nig larper detected
Average actress but not good looking enough to make it into big roles
she's still young
i wanna cum on her face
Why are women ok with their vagina being visible. I would feel so uncomfortable if my penis outline was visible when walking down the street. Even guys with big dicks dont do this.
She rode her more talented sister's coattails. The only people who give a fuck about her or her career are low IQ shut-ins whose broken brains couldn't lead them to a better waifu.
t. beta dicklet
Describe the taste of her pee.
jesus, it's happening again
what that guy said
she's worked with more A-list directors than Dakota
What did she mean by this?
White boys don't allowed
>can actually see the circumcision scar through the pants
she fucks black guys
black guys fuck me, so?
Don't get your hopes up, that's as explicit as they are going to get.
What's up with roasties and their addiction to alcohol?
she turned 21 recently
Literally built for BBC
she can now legally drink in the US
I want to see her Cannes...
she can do a very convincing British accent
She's just an uggo who happens to have that innocent aesthetic directors use because when they are lazy to rely on directing to convey it.
Where did it all go wrong?
I've liked her in everything I've seen her in. Neon Demon, Galveston, and At Least We're Alone Now were all pretty solid.
>she doesnt have the looks for neon demon either
she definitely would have been a better choice over Elle if Dakota was still 16 like Elle was in Neon Demon
>people don't drink until they're 21
>rich celebrities follow the law and are scared to drink until they're 21