Max Landis is done

Instagram story from his ex-girlfriend who stayed with him through the worst of it in 2017/2018.

>Chloë Grace Moretz Says Her Max Landis Film Has Been Rewritten: ‘We’ve Distanced Ourselves From Him’

It's over, Max.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't believe women

>Father killed a hollywood star and two vietnamite kids
>Kept going making movies
>Son says some bad things and gets accused of sexual assault by some who attention whores
>Blacklisted forever


Guys, she didn't know more sooner, ok!?

It's quite clear Max did some really bad shit but nobody wants to come forward and say it because the prospect of getting crushed by a helicopter while grossery shopping or walking the dog is not very appealing

>his behavior toward me and every other woman in his life
>and some men
Women, they always go right for your balls

Shame. His imagination seems to be tuned pretty closely to my interests.

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What wont "almost a tranny" Moretz say for attention at this point. They just see him as an easy target.

This was a story of his from just under a month ago. He really believed things were about to turn around. Or perhaps he was going to pull a Spacey.

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literally /ourguy/ no wonder Jay "distanced" RLM from him

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literally what has he done though

I don't get it

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Maybe because he was an asshole and nobody liked him and his attitude

Is Max the rainbow haired guy that got posted a bunch here?

Reported for anti-semitism

At this point it's an open 'hollywood secret' that he's done.

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So I guess we can expect him to the new member of redletter


I used to watch a lot of this guy back in 2016 cuz he was really forward about the screenwriting business and seemed to have a huge imagination.

But in retrospect his imagination seems really shallow, just a bunch of flash and glitter made to impress people, and I really wouldn't be surprised if he's a total cunt and the rumors are true. He's in a position where he can always just live off his mom and dad's fortune, no matter what happens, so I can imagine him "seeing how far he can go" with people, AKA the hidden rationale of most actual abusive and manipulative people.

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Rian Johnson.

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my man

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They've just announced the how's and when's of his new trilogy will be released with DnD's new series.

>seemed to have a huge imagination.
Are you joking? All of his ideas are bottom-of-the-barrel low tier comic book writing ala "What if Goodfellas but with mechas" with an added bonus of every character talking like Max Landis

The Netflix movie was unwatchable first and foremost because the supposed cops were talking like meme-spouting youtube bloggers, very bad form.

>But in retrospect his imagination seems really shallow, just a bunch of flash and glitter made to impress people

>unwatchable first and foremost because the supposed cops were talking like meme-spouting youtube bloggers
You've never talked to LAPD before, have you user? They sound like they're shilling their /fit/ blog on an episode of COPS and you're the camera.

Dumb incel. If you ever knew any women, you'd know that they never lie and never try to harm people, unlike disgusting men.

>i didn't know more sooner

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So your interests are made of derivative, contrived copies of better ideas? Good for you user.


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Have sex.

Please dont use Yea Forums memes on Yea Forums

Jesus, used to I follow his insta and this this girl looked like his only hope.

>looked like his only hope.

I don't get it

Further elucidation from the woman who one user referred to as 'his only hope'



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Did Max get upset about Chloe's HPV rescue she maintains in her puss?

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For fucks sake I didn't know about this

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Why would you lie about that filename?

Oh nonononono

I think I have AIDS now

It doesn't matter. A woman said he did something bad and that's the end of it.

Chloe can't even say no to a cheeseburger.

Feet are more lewd that puss at this point, my man

More on this story as it develops

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>literal cuck

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Making women feel uncomfortable is worse than murder.

If his films hadn't bombed he'd probably still be ok. But literally nothing he made made money.

This guy is so done in hollywood. His best bet now is to fly low and do infomercials, people will believe him when he says "it slices, it dices".


Holy based

is this the guy who just laid down some obvious ground rules for their relationship like "don't drink around me i'm a recovering alcoholic, don't stay out all night partying with niggers," and that somehow got transmuted to rape?


What a dumb naive crybaby. Who actually speaks like this?

well why am i to hate women in this thread, what's the qrd

John Landis' movies actually made money. That's the difference.

He's unironically one of the best Superman writers out there right now. His Superman comics(American Alien and a few other shorts) really have a great take on the character that few others really get.

that was the nerdist guy, chris hardwick

Shocked that there's not only footage of this but it also cuts like a normal scene. I guess these are the dailies?


>Max Landis is done
Did someone realize he is a fuggin hack finally?

She is like a 14 year old. Jesus.

is this some type of ore that you can extract from child prostitutes?

AAAAAAAAA. someone post what the fuck he done already. I have no fucking clue what he has done.


>be literal brainded roastie
>meet rich screenwriter
>"muh abussse"

bring back dirk gently desu


Did Max...?

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bet he stuck her in the shitter

good riddance

based Jay

Max almost ruined the first Breen episode. You don't want to spend more than an hour with that annoying faggot. Doesn't matter who you are.

No, because Jenny is pure.

He had the most obvious case of borderline personality.


I only believe women versus the male Joo

kys marxist it's about ethics in shitposting

John sacrificed those children on Twilight Zone in exchange for success and a successful progeny who he called Max (Moses). That's what Yea Forums is slow to grasp. My grandfather worked in Hollywood, well he knew John and said he's the embodiment of smug (((evil))).

The irony of an Ain't It Cool News faggot reprimanding anyone for talking shit when that site only rose up due to talking shit. And then they kissed enough ass to get paying jobs on movies lmao. Absolute goyim.

What ep is this from?

>really wouldn't be surprised if he's a total cunt and the rumors are true
Because any anons who made millions selling movie scripts and had a famous legend daddy wouldn't end up slapping some ungrateful rich bitch trollops. Max Landis simply fulfilled the dream and now he's being destroyed.

Does anyone honestly think these bitchy sluts are angels? Los Angeles doesn't have pure women. They just want fame and orbiters. They produce nothing! Unless Max did serial killer shit he doesn't deserve this. Bryan Singer 100% should be hanged for his crimes. Weinstein is a gross kikkke. But Max didn't put up with manic pixie dream girls' bullshit after he had orgies with them! That's what any user would do if he could.

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>he made me feel like so much bad expresso
Holy fuck the absolute state of exes. What happen to kiss and don't tell? She prob wrote this at Starbucks


>What happen to kiss and don't tell?
Men misused it to abuse women.

Someone first tell me if Max Landis is a liberal or not, so I know if I should bother giving a shit that he gets hoisted on his own petard.

>max landis
>is jewish
Thats all you need to know pal

But what has he actually done?????

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I just want Dirk Gently to finish..

No, I don't like it, it's too simple.

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>>rlm tshirt

is he /ourguy/?

You fucks hated Landis for years, but are now coming around to him because yet again he's been outed as a dickhead and a sex creep?

Max Landis wrote Bright? Holy fucking shit, what a hack

All memes and shitposting aside, there is a 100% chance these whores are lying and shouldn't be believed, and that the only hope for mankind to reach Mars and the stars is to strip away all rights from women and enslave them to the level of chils bearing chattel that they deserve.

Oh no, now who will write shitty movies and blame other people?

You first

Well, it's about money in Hollywood

Maybe he’d be safe if all the movies he made weren’t shit.

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So what she’s saying is that Max is based because he fucks and dumps bitches?

I was told that women are strong. This is like something you’d write in high school. Was I lied to?

He did something so bad we’re not going to talk about it! But trust me it was a very bad thing!

>implying women delete anything off their instagrams ever
just shut the fuck up lady before i fuck you up

It's quite the opposite actually.
Max is very friendly, he helped me get a script out when every producer ignored me.

His ex is just a bitch blackmailing him for money.

I believe he is innocent but I fully support any #MeToo allegations against because he is an annoying hack who only made it because of his famous murderer daddy.

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This is what happens when you mess with Disney

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It looks like the Dangerous Men best of the worst. The one where the guy kills her boyfriend and then she runs after him and says "hey there tiger" and gets with him

Cringe and bluepilled

Has anyone ever specified exactly what he did?
All of the "allegations" I've seen have been either vaguely insinuating he's a jerk or some roastie crying about her mistreatment but no one has ever said anything concrete. What exactly did he do to result in being b& from everything?

Just a heads up, Ani misses his money the most. She was complaining a lot about her new found poorness not too long ago after realizing how easy it was living with a millionaire. She probably feels owed some sort of compensation by him.

I would kill Max if he so much as put a finger in Jenny.

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what a chad

So basically
>roastie gets asked for sum fuk by chad
>roastie says yes because "i can change him!"
>chad fuks and chucks (presently sneed) because she is a dumb diamond dozen hollywood hoe
>"omfg this is just like rape"
>"guys look at how like totally traumatized i am because chad didnt commit to my soggy generic vagina"

Did I miss anything?

I spit out my drink laughing, holy shit that's edited like a goof but that's actually a man and 2 confused as shit vietnamese children fucking DYING from some kike not doing his job

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Listen and believe, sweetie.

It amazes me that Landis apprently didn;t see how red pilled on race Bright was. He unironically thinks the "Elves" represent white people, when they are very obviously (((white people))).

I see it as a John Carpenter “They Live” situation. It’s entirely possible to create redpilled media without distinctly setting out to do so

>"what if Akira, but shakycam?"
>"what if Bourne was a stoner xD"
>"what if Fable, but bad?"
>"what if romantic comedy, but serial killer hitman?"

>Gay? I wish! If I were gay they'd be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost. You see...

Leftoids want to believe that what happens on their favorite platform actually matters

Universal suffrage was a mistake.

This. Only landowning males should be allowed to vote.

Rian doesn't really act like a asshole though. He has open discussions with Star Wars fans and basically blocks nobody. I never saw a tweet of him actively shitting on people.

Now she's overly dramatic and pretty much confirms that she lies.

My favorite was when he did this big movie pitch spiel and it was just "what if modern retelling of peter pan???"

Go be a 13 year old scene girl on Livejournal somewhere else.

Go be a 13 year old virgin boy on ifunny somewhere else.

Nobody knows and there is no answer. There is a public whisper campaign against him and WOMEN DONT HAVE TO TELL YOU WHAT YOUVE DONE WRONG BIGOT

Landowning males with 120+ IQs who can do pullups maybe.
I would but I don't feel like catfishing your dad right now.

>Main actor and one kid decapitated
>Other kid crushed to death

How the fuck was no one charged with a crime

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How do you think, user?

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>chage them with a crime

whoa, cool it with the anti-semitism!


thanks for reminding me what a gift it is to anyone with taste and an above normal IQ that his career is over.

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what one is the upper left there?

this poem sucks, it sucks