Are you excited? Only 10 days away.
Are you excited? Only 10 days away
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I remember that night, good times.
ISIS is planning a terrorist attack to disrupt the contest
I'm sure they are, but Israel actually knows how to defend itself unlike most of europe
So even ISIS do good sometimes
ISIS was funded by Israel
Are they going to invite Australia again?
When did you grow out of Eurovision? Me at 19.
mad that you aren't invited?
Poland had a nice 14 yo singing on the junior eurovision. She even won. Roksana Węgiel - look her up. She cute.
pic rel
who was that "woman" thing with the facial hair
that shit was weird
Always fun to shitpost on Yea Forums during eurovision
that was an actor doing a bit, like Borat or Bruno.
Based irl shitposting ozzy
>Caring about Faggetvision
Based Straya
shows americans will never understand
>wins Eurovision with a James Bond song
heh nothing personal kid
he had aids
That's not how aids works.
sweden's last few years were pretty kino but they are reining it in this year, no idea why
damn shame
>That's not how aids works.
Unless he's dead...
>mfw it's coming home
I still think about Lena and Satellite from time to time
Lena has not been the same since the nudes leaked.
Why is Israel part of Eurovision
When will they break out the big guns?
You wanna now a fun fact about Israel in Eurovision? Israel was the first country who had a transvestite sing. Really interesting isn't it?
>Eurovision in Israel
So can we except big jewish BULLS to fuck little white Europa (white males, females and children) live on air in full HD 4K? Just have it be one giant orgy on stage and in the audience, like the ending of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.
You"d like that, wouldn't you.
they pissed of all their neighbors so now they have to play with Europe instead