How fucking dumb do you need to be to make Joe Rogan seem like a genius and a fountain of wit?
How fucking dumb do you need to be to make Joe Rogan seem like a genius and a fountain of wit?
Other urls found in this thread:
That guy is gay right? never heard of him before
uh im not an expert uh im just going off what trans uh folks tell me uh i dont have the actual FIGURES in front uh of me uh. were not going to achieve anything by arguing this uh whats my point uh............ and anyway cut kids dicks off OH i remembered my point it was cut kids dicks off
>we should be giving hormones to children
> your research, Joe
bravo Adam
>implying Rogan isn't actually just pretending to be a brainlet
>joe rogan
>the guy who invites scientists on his show to talk about weed and chimpanzees
>pretending to be brainlet
Adam is the perfect example of how much of an abominable amalgamation liberal productions are. He is but one tiny piece of a sjw machine that reads a script and acts smug, while having zero individuality or real knowledge on the matter. I bet the same could be said about everyone in his team, just a group of people agreeing with each other politely in a room and spouting things that kinda maybe sound vaguely right and can generate clicks.
like he's just pretending to be short? or like shwab and bryan pretend to be gay?
quick rundown?
Is this even worse than the le NYT toadie girl?
I bet Adam has never even done DMT.
dumb metro sexual guy that made a sketch show for funny or die somehow got a TV show for the last 3 years doing said stick and decided to go on Rogan but couldn't backup any of his claims and unironically name drops Contra fucking points
>We should be giving hormones to children
>I'm not an expert or anything, I just want to make that clear, but I have a trans friend who says their life was greatly improved by having HRT at a young age
What about all the people who say their life was ruined because they got HRT so young?
>I don't think we should be relying on anecdotal evidence...
Based Adam
>thinking the people Rogan invites on his show (Tyson, Pinker, Harris, Krauss et al) count as "scientists"
>look up what toady means
I can't see a solution for the trans athletes shit, but Joe is running contrary to medical consensus on the hormone blockers issue. It's a shame that Adam the brainlet was the one that breached this subject because it's one of the more vitriolic subjects that dumb fucks have absolutely zero idea about.
The virgin anecdotal brainlet onion VS the Chad manlet closet fag
Chips and various other animals are Joe's intergalactic space gnomes
The solution is to not let them compete because otherwise women lose everything and so there may as well not be separate female divisions at all.
What's the medical consensus?
You don't because he's just entertaining to listen to. Same way you like to watch your Capeshit flicks, people listen to certain podcast with certain guest where they discuss current events. Why are you fucking kids so retarded?
>mens devisions
>females devisions
>trannies fuck off
wow hard
Why is this board so obsessed with this bald fuck
Is there a norm every Yea Forums board need to be obsessed about some bald talentless youtube fucker? Yea Forums is the same with fattano
absolutely based and thispilled
That hormone blockers, right now, are the best way of preventing exacerbation of gender dysphoria and the side effects of hormone blockers are incredibly minor compared to the positives (allowing space to determine if a child is dysphoric, making it easier to treat in a case of confirmed dysphoria) which is contrary to the weird boogeyman stories people give. I'm sure I'll get assaulted by 30,000 people screaming about trannies, I'm not trans myself but I'm in the medical field (phlebology) and the way that people discuss these treatments makes me want to rip my hair out.
Let them compete in the special olympics.
Who makes these images, Jesus Christ. Max cringe
most based episode coming through
>apart from alex jones eps obviously
More like plebology.
>implying the fanbase of the most popular podcast of all time is specific to Yea Forums
Crowder is such a faggot.
>Crybaby Crowder and his emasculated onion slave
Trips of truth.
>I can't see a solution for the trans athletes shit
are you people for real, or am i getting baited?
maybe the solution is what we've been doing for 10,000 years - men are men, women are women, and trannies are shunned/killed
Thanks for the highlight and massive autismo explanation, I wouldn't have got it otherwise.
Given the fact that there's been a 4000% increase in young girls calling themselves transmen, the best way to prevent exacerbation of gender dysphoria is make it illegal to talk about and promote. It's hip and trendy and mostly bullshit by fetishistic losers.
Crowder is a closet homosexual.
Change my mind.
Has a long term girlfriend, who's associated with that show Bojack Horseman. And she makes really, really shitty cartoons.
An appeal to tradition isn't an argument. I'm certainly not advocating for biological men being jammed into women's competitions, but the reality is that trans people aren't going anywhere (as either a social or actionable class) and I'd rather sports bodies actually discuss this with some depth rather than get worn down by critique until they throw out some quick, shoddy fix.
Do you have anything to substantiate the claim that environment plays a primary role in somebodies association with gender dysphoria? Please don't make yourself look stupid and pull out the academically irrelevant Littman study.
you have to be either underage or severly mentally retarded to even remotly like crowder
>I'm not an expert but i have a show where I act like one
He's a lot like Adam Savage - he's personable enough to be a host, but has no real deep dive knowledge of anything, outside of some specific jobs skills. And under that thin veneer, they're both RAGING SJWs.
He plays a neckbeard on his podcast or whatever it is now, but he's not actually smart enough to be one.
He unironically endorsed contrapoints too
>uhhh can you test that hypothesis?
unironically fuck off science nerd you've done enough to the west you faggot
>most popular podcast of all time
lamao tv dumbos actually believe this
The solution has left the realm of political corectness and what is acceptable under the current overton window.
Which means biological females will be pushed out of their own designated sports by biological male transgenders
See above, that won't fly and no one is going to make a NEW division for transgenders.
> but Joe is running contrary to medical consensus on the hormone blockers issue
At some point you will have to realize that medical opinions and the opinions of individual doctors are fabricated due to the influence of material gain.
tldr shut the fuck up lab coat
A decision to switch and get HRT shouldn't even be considered an option until late post puberty.
Kids are fucking dumb.
Giving a 4 year old estrogen is the height of stupidity
>trans people aren't going anywhere
Rogan always references specific guests later on, while talking to people - I bet you a case of Onit that he never goes "Yeah, when I was talking to Adam Conover".
On the recent show with the black dude who rebuilt a Tesla, (good ep., too), he said there were a couple of shows where he couldnt wait to get out of the ya this was one of them.
>An appeal to tradition isn't an argument.
actually, it is. because the system we had until ~2012 worked perfectly fine and this was never a problem before. This is an artificial issue created primarily by Jews.
in 50 years, future generations will look back on us in disgust, and these people simply won't exist anymore.
you people are fucking insane
>Get told I should watch Contrapoints
>Watch the 'Are traps gay' video
>Just asserts Traps aren't gay without any real argument
Eddie Izzard has a more healthy answer - let trannies compete in sports where men and women CAN compete. Maybe new ones. Even he was leaning towards the "Trans men shouldn't be wrestling women".
In 50 years we'll still be alive, unless we die of some unfortunate event or because of the societal changes that led to transgenders ceasing to be a thing.
Which means we'll be the ones throwing trannies in the woodchippers
Trans people should stay in Thailand
>See above, that won't fly
Because leftist are being retard about it.
The solution is to vote leftists out of everything and ban transsexuals from women's sport. Leftists need to learn that their constructed reality is not bought into by everyone, or even the majority, or anything more than their tiny elitist minority. And even most of those people know it's wrong but it's easy for them to pretend otherwise for virtue points.
The progressive point of view is always so easy and lazy.
>i watch JRE
>At some point you will have to realize that medical opinions and the opinions of individual doctors are fabricated due to the influence of material gain.
It's funny that scientific consensus only seems to be a negative when it's something an uneducated person disagrees with.
>A decision to switch and get HRT shouldn't even be considered an option until late post puberty
First: why? These are medical experts making these decisions, not the children. They're marked against peer reviewed criteria and if they show desistant traits they're immediately taken off of hormone blockers. Secondly: You're going to have to give an argument that isn't rooted in your gut feeling or emotions for forbidding the use of hormones in children. Thirdly: Before this inevitably turns into the same knuckle-dragging argument I've read a thousand times, no country in the world allows somebody to go through sex change surgery below the age of 16 (two countries) or 18 (most other ones).
>I watch Contrapoints
>It's funny that scientific consensus only seems to be a negative when it's something an uneducated person disagrees with.
look in the mirror discord tranny
How the fuck did you stand that disgusting tranny for more than 5 seconds
>most popular podcast to exist
>only watched by neckbeards in cargo shorts
there must be a hell of a lot of these guys
explain why I never really see them. when I do, they stick out because they're a minority
>I'd rather sports bodies actually discuss this with some depth rather than get worn down by critique until they throw out some quick, shoddy fix.
There is no actionable way that could happen.
1: Outside interference before and during deliberation will affect the results, specifically leading to a status quo outcome - ie biological male transgender athletes continue to grow in womens sports - biological females will in essence be excluded as they cannot compete
2: No ruling that isn't status quo will be accepted writ al, there will be defunding, advertisers pulling out, social media attack campaign against the sport, etc and the sport will cave into pressure as the Owners and Board members who own the sport/league/teams kick the delegation after the fact, which gets us further, why would a league delegate make a decision that would threaten his huge salary?
Science is never prepared for psychology anyway. People become "transgender" because masculinity by biological males is verboten, access to females is declining for biological males as well.
I'm advocating for medical and scientific consensus to prevail, you're arguing that because optimal treatment pathways hurt your feelings, we should stop them. I'd suggest practicing some introspection, but I'm probably too educated for you to be able to trust me. :)
why do leftists think the "are traps gay" thing is anything more than a meme? they literally take it as a personal insult and some kind of neo-nazi white supremacist attack on trannies. when it comes from anime art.
>the side effects of hormone blockers are incredibly minor compared to the positives
Not screaming, but what do these studies say about the effects of hormones on children and preteens, especially at the onset of puberty? You're making significant changes to a child's body chemistry in a crucial phase of their development, and while blockers may help with emotional and psychological issues (which isn't proven to be "better' than changes in society and support structures), that doesn't address the real, long lasting if not permanent changes hormone blockers can have on a developing child. THAT is the issue Rogan has been referring to, not the psychological/emotional impact.
To cite the AMA:
"The treatment option for the pediatric population entails suppression of puberty using exogenous hormones before the patient significantly develops the secondary sex characteristics of his or her biological sex [4], but it is still experimental, and some practitioners question the ethics and safety of this treatment strategy."
So, I'm more than a bit skeptical of your "best way" claim, since actual doctors aren't decided, are discussing the actual risks and permanent changes hormone therapy can have on the child's body. There are also significant health risks, that are not 'incredibly" minor, and I'm gonna flat out require you to prove that statement with proof, from credible medical sources.
Good fucking luck when leftists flood the country with third worlders looking for handouts.
They don't need you to vote for them, they import their voters.
The solution cannot be solved by democratic means.
It just cant.
or maybe traps ARE gay
whether they are gay or not gay, it's still a meme question. it's not meant to be an attack on trannies and first applied to japanese anime/manga/doujin/etc
Please evidence that this is scientific consensus.
Secondly, it was once scientific consensus that all gay and lesbian people were mentally ill and that “hysteria” was caused by a travelling womb. Is scientific consensus always reliable? Is scientific consensus always divorced from the prevailing ideology/ agenda of the ruling class?
As if there's any doubt. A man fucking a man is gay
Women cannot compete with men.
this isnt tv or movies
Do trannies know that they never come across as women? They don't even act like women, they act like gay men acting like women.
It's funny how science advocates never seem to understand that there is money, politics and private interests in play that affect the outcomes of "scientific consensus".
It's also convenient when they pick and choose what science to appropriate - like Caucasoid Europeans and East Asians being undisputably more intelligent than any other races on the planet.
Because in every other context a child is not responsible enough to make a decision, so why is the "science community" jumping behind adolescent HRT, when we literally have FUCKALL historical background data. If you want to change the AoC laws, the age of majority/adulthood, and the minimum drinking age with scientific reasoning it's one thing.
The "Scientific Community" isn't arguing to give HRT to 14 yo+
It's arguing to give HRT to 4 year olds and even younger, which means people are making the decision to transition that child, not the child itself, as it is incapable of informed consent at that age.
>Not screaming, but what do these studies say about the effects of hormones on children and preteens, especially at the onset of puberty?
We've got roughly 60 years of medical literature on the effects of GnRH agonists effects on children, from their use in the treatment of precocious puberty. The main risks of puberty blockers are bone mineralization (which is easily fixed, Orthopaedic medicine solved this issue 20 years ago) and potential fertility issues, which is something that has largely gone away in recent years because the treatment window has shrunk. There are other minor side effects, tummy aches and things like that, but this is true of practically all medicines.
>to cite the AMA
I'm moving over to my other computer, but these are out of date. The more recent APA guidelines are what doctors are following since large strides were made in the past couple of years.
>So, I'm more than a bit skeptical of your "best way" claim, since actual doctors aren't decided, are discussing the actual risks and permanent changes hormone therapy can have on the child's body. There are also significant health risks, that are not 'incredibly" minor, and I'm gonna flat out require you to prove that statement with proof, from credible medical sources.
"Actual doctors" are critical of literally everything, whether it's the treatment of vericose veins to the optimal way to perform heart surgery. Medical consensus means that experts in the field overwhelmingly agree with something, not that literally every person who is a doctor is on side with it.
>Is scientific consensus always reliable?
Why does it always return to this weird argument? "People got lobotomies 100 years ago, how can we trust neuroscience?!" Scientific consensus is never perfect but not following it is irresponsible as we have no better measuring stick to judge what is and isn't best to do.
>there must be a hell of a lot of these guys
>explain why I never really see them
Rarely leave the house and when they did they beeline for gamespot or McDonald's
>it's not meant to be an attack on trannies
But it's being used as such so they get pissed
Pepe was just a badly drawed cartoon frog and kek just a dumb way to laugh online too. Context matter for them. Its kind of funny to think about what next big thing could be RUINED from use to them, maybe pol can get leftists to hate a colour forever?
When are you going to understand leftists will twist "scientific results" or outright BUY them if they are leftist elitists, and they will suppress results that do not support their worldview?
There is an agenda behind EVERYTHING
Tagging in here, but contrary to common misconception doctors do not prescribe children hormones and doctors also do not make gender prescriptions without the child first admitting that they believe themselves to be another gender.
The common practice is the child evaluates themselves, the doctor usually suggests a period of living as that gender without any medical aid, and then they're prescribed puberty blockers -- which are safe medications and have been given to children before transpanic was ever a thing.
As for the medical consensus thing, here's an interview that outlines the general procedure when dealing with a child.
Children also are shown to identify with gender as early as 3, although I don't have a citation handy for that.
Here's also a study of outcomes for HRT for treating transgender people (they're all positive outcomes with the only negatives being societal pressure that comes from transphobia)
but you know, muh feelings and single datapoint dailymail article
predictable response, but does not sufficiently explain. there is not a massive shut-in epidemic with a massive population that single-handedly makes the audience of the single most popular podcast in the world
the one time I saw someone watching rogan in public, it was a chad.
>Context matter for them
But it's not. They are just conditioned to hate pepe because a bunch of mongs on twitter with pepe avatars disagreed with them.
>that they believe themselves to be another gender
Yes, no place for mentally ill parents to influence their children.
muh feelings
>It's funny how science advocates never seem to understand that there is money, politics and private interests in play that affect the outcomes of "scientific consensus".
But this is only a factor to stupid people when it's something that they disagree with, I guarantee you don't forego medication because you're worried that your cough syrup may be laced with mind control serum.
>It's also convenient when they pick and choose what science to appropriate - like Caucasoid Europeans and East Asians being undisputably more intelligent than any other races on the planet.
Things like this are disputed because fringe science is, well, on the fringe. Science isn't settled on the role of race and IQ, namely because a lot of the early studying done was ideologically slanted (like Lynn or Turner) towards completely divorcing racial components or extrapolating them.
>Because in every other context a child is not responsible enough to make a decision, so why is the "science community" jumping behind adolescent HRT, when we literally have FUCKALL historical background data. If you want to change the AoC laws, the age of majority/adulthood, and the minimum drinking age with scientific reasoning it's one thing.
Whew, this is a gigantic tangle of stupid, let me see if I can untangle this.
1.) Pediatric psychology has existed as a field for a ridiculously long amount of time, medication is prescribed to children who are not even completely cognizant of where their parents go when they duck behind a couch. Your ability to measure and treat a child psychologically is not at all informed by their ability to understand grand concepts.
2.) I've never seen any scientific literature pushing for 4 year olds to be put on hormone replacement therapy as a treatment pathway for gender dysphoria. Do you mean *puberty blockers*? If so, we've got half a century of academic literature on this because it has been used for precocious puberty treatment.
So the context changed and made them hate Pepe? Whoa.....
Scientism is just another form of autism and not one of the okay or good kinds
a bunch of mongs on twitter and the internet in general also use pepe with racist memes. that's all it takes. the image to them is forever stained with altright propaganda, if you ever GLANCE at one pepe you're a raciss! and image is everything to leftists so they would never want to be capture near any green frog no sire
Not feelings, instinct.
Not instinct, sexual desire
I just think hes a nice dude, with a bit of common sense
3.) A child's consent is 100% irrelevant to adequately treating them, psychologically or otherwise. We do not ask a child if he wants a vaccine, we do not ask a child if he wants life saving brain surgery, we do not ask if a child wants to have his broken leg tended to.
4.) You seem to have this weird idea in your head that these are rogue doctors injecting comically large syringes of estrogen into 4 month old babies because it said goo goo instead of ga ga. Sexual reassignment surgery isn't in the cards until you're well beyond the typical age of puberty and hormone blockers are used, in part, to avoid the other argument that morons like to bring up. "I used to play with Barbie Dolls when I was 3, you'd want be dosed up with estrogen and have my cock cut off at 4 because of that!" No, children are closely monitored and are retested against the criteria for gender dysphoria multiple times a month when I last checked.
Actually here's a less retarded response, why do you believe parents would ever want their child to be transexual?
Additionally, HRT is actually reversible and the entire point of these meetings with the doctor (again, where hormones aren't prescribed) is to make sure the child understands and is comfortable with what is happening for when they're ready to start hormones.
Additionally, do you really think the vast majority of parents who have a transexual child "coerce" them into making the decision? Probably not, it would likely be an extreme minority within a minority, so why would you both expand that negative association to the entire group? It's like saying if one man rapes, then all men rape, so we need to legislate based around that one man raping.
Explain the fact that they retain male patterns of behaviour. They're men that like womens clothes, nothing else.
>Everything else in science shows children under 13/14 incapable of informed consent, unable to adequately make rational decisions.
We have scientific consensus and datapoints as to why the age of Majority/adulthood is 18, why the AoC is universally after puberty or at 18, why & how alcohol & other drugs adversely affect minors - supporting drinking and other *vice* ages of 17-21
Why is it suddenly acceptable for the Scientific community to take the opinion of a 4 year old child - who is PROVEN to be immensely gullible/suggestive- as a serious deal and greenlight HRT transitioning, for a 4 year old?
You gorgot Graham 'The Hack' Hancock
>Explain the fact that they retain male patterns of behaviour
I'd engage with that argument, but it seems like you linked a Twitter post instead of anything scientifically or medically salient. I'm sure that was a mistake and you aren't using some random person on Twitter as your sole case study.
>it would likely be an extreme minority within a minority
doubt. it already takes very liberal parents for transexualism to not be beaten out of kids.
of those that are left, a good percentage of them would be the sick kind that coerce it. you don't need to actively coerce it either. you just need to be overly enabling and turn something that was actually just going to be a phase into a life-changing decision because of all the positive reinforcement you gave
>the government is trying to give our kids chemicals which would alter their bodies and stop puberty
>they want to keep their bodies feminine so that later on, they can chop their dicks off and let them live as women. they want to degrade the family unit and collapse the west. look into, man
>HRT is reversible
A talking point generator you are.
Everything you say has been just been invalidated.
you got me dude, that twitter of a tranny you find ugly trumps all research and scientific consensus that states otherwise
anyways find me a study that backs up any of your claims because i can back up every claim i make
i don't know champ, you seem to miss the entire point where children aren't given hormones until close to puberty and are only provided puberty blockers
why would you want (supposedly) a real transexual to be stuck with irreversible 'damage' from puberty that would mandate harsh expensive surgeries when you could just give them puberty blockers (again, they're safe) and have them decide when they're ready?
>look at my daughter
>ruined because a bunch of pedos lust after her
It isn't the opinion of a 4 year old child, it's the symptoms of a child undergoing examination by a medical professional utilizing guidelines put together by a global body of experts sourced from countries of wildly varying political climates. Psychologists can determine a child is on the Autism Spectrum before they're even capable of grappling with the alphabet, would you forego treatment of that child because they can't fill out a tax form?
good post
fucking kill yourself already tranny. If your kind still exists 20 years into the future everyone will just murder all of you anyway. Tranny concentration camps need to happen
how about you establish they behave like women, rather than require people to establish that they don't. because they're men. of course they don't act like women
HRT is reversible
for ftm the permanent effects are vocal cord thickening
for mtf the permanent effects are (rarely, not always) sterilization and growth of breast tissue
if HRT was "permanent" HRT wouldn't work in the first place, otherwise you couldn't reverse estrogen/testosterone.
It's not talking points, it's I actually read the stuff I'm talking about and didn't base my beliefs around Jazz threads.
this but unironically
Watch how the uneducated man gets worked into a fervor once he realizes that his feelings do nothing in the face of overwhelming medical and scientific consensus.
What do you mean by "behave like women"? Set your parameters, I'm sure you've got a brain sloshing about in the pink goop that fills your skull.
>incredibly minor
That's pretty disingenuous. Anyone who goes on hormone blockers are told that they should assume they'll be permanently sterile.
>HRT wouldn't work in the first place,
It doesn't work. Male->female trannies look like men 99% of the time. The ones that look like women are the exception. You can't turn them into women.
>a..and again, i'm not an expert, but i do think we should radically alter the way society has functioned for the past millennia based on these couple of anecdotes i've heard from my trans friends
8 y/o and a 12y/o being administered puberty suppression/blockers
>precocious puberty treatment
Blockers were used to stop early onset puberty for a short period of time.
What you are talking about is the use of puberty blockers to STOP puberty, upon which at an older age (say 14/15) the adolescent trannie will undergo HRT.
tldr shut the fuck up labcoat
The other (and seemingly only other) scientifically literate guy, I monitor the effects of HRT on people regularly since it's a common treatment of varicose veins. It's completely reversible and short of bottom surgery and the side effects listed by the other user, it can sometimes have an effect on the density of veins.
why don't you? surely you have plenty of studies that first set out to establish what the typical factors of female behavior verses male behavior are, and then compare the average scores in those factors over populations of women, populations of men and populations of male>female transsexuals? surely you have proof for what you're advocating?
Damn... Jonah Hill looks like THAT?
hey nice pivot
i like that you defeat your own low-test argument by admitting sometimes they end up looking good
keep crawling around your echo chamber and virtue signaling all your intuitive beliefs about retarded progressive politics to show how redpilled you are in the face of scientific consensus that completely disagrees with you.
>8 y/o and a 12y/o being administered puberty suppression/blockers
.. which isn't HRT, yes. In your abject rage, did you forget what your claim was?
>What you are talking about is the use of puberty blockers to STOP puberty, upon which at an older age (say 14/15) the adolescent trannie will undergo HRT.
*Delay* puberty, if the child is no longer dysphoric then they'll undergo (in most cases) a completely ordinary transition into puberty.
Because I'm not the one making the claim. What do you mean by "behave like women"? You're making a normative argument then asking why somebody else isn't substantiating it for you.
>most popular podcast to exist
Joe Rogan fans are drooling mongoloid retards
>Adam: so, i'm not an expert, but here is an anecdote from my trans friend about why i think pumping children full of chemicals to block puberty is the right thing to do
>Joe: well, if we're talking about anecdotes, how about all these people who regret it
>Adam: well now, lets not get into anecdotes here. i think we're loosing sight of the point
adam is such a retard. i can't believe we are supposed to take him seriously.
Again you are using puberty blockers to STOP puberty until the subject is old enough for HRT.
It is that simple. Full stop. You do not allow natural puberty to occur, period. The blockers stop when the HRT starts.
The use of puberty blockers beforehand was to DELAY puberty for precocious puberty - i.e. early puberty.
This generally was not done for over a year.
You are talking about blocking puberty with blockers at 11/12, and keeping it blocked until at least 15.
You are advocating against natural puberty
I saw a post about this episode on leddit and they spoke about it as though Conover VERBALLY DESTROYED Joe with FACTS and KNOWLEDGE.
They also said Joe is an Alt-Right figure that should be jailed for giving tyrants like Jordan Peterson a "Platform to spread their hate speech"
I should stop going on reddit. Look at the way I'm spacing this post I'm slowly turning into one of these faggots.
>i like that
absolute soi
>i like that you defeat your own low-test argument
what argument? is not me
>admitting sometimes they end up looking good
I would never not admit that because it's true that they sometimes do. but that's 1% of cases. why can't you turn the other 99% into convincing women? and I'm talking only about appearance, not behavior. though then again, I'm not going to think "that guy is definitely a tranny" just because he acts in a masculine manner, when he looks 100% like a woman
things that are true:
>kavanaugh is not a rapist or sexual abuser
>leftists still pretend he is
>trump did not collude with russia
>CNN, MSNBC, /r/politics and all other progressive forums pretended it was obvious that he did for 2 years
>maddow cried on air when she found out it wasn't true
>now democrats are trying to pick up the pieces by complaining they only got the report 4 weeks after they wanted it
The is no need for a solution.
Dudes who suck at sports arent given spots on teams.
Women sports only exist as a favor and for the most part are constant money drains and rely on charity to even exist.
>Adam: So yeah, um, Sean Hannity doesn't believe in global warming, right...
>Joe: He doesn't?
>Adam: Well um, I don't know what he personally believes in but let's just say there's this guy that doesn't believe in global warming...
What an asshole
>loses a scientific argument
>goes on an unhinged rant about the mean American leftists
Whew, I guess we know where your aversion to psychological care comes from.
>the side effects of hormone blockers are incredibly minor compared to the positives
nigga what?
This image feels like it was made for Reddit boomers
based and checked and underrated
>Look at me I'm a tranny AND smart!
You fucking faggot I would mentally wreck you any day of the week, but I'm a good guy and wouldn't want to make you any more suicidal than you are.
According to the DSM literature between 2-30% of people with dysphoria as children persist in it until adolescenthood. Hormone blockers have not been used long but hardly anyone gets off them, implying that taking the hormones reinforces dysphoria. When all your classmates have had their balls drop and had growth spurts years ago and you haven't it affects your psycho-social development, it's guaranteed that you're not gonna be normal. The medical side effects range from lack of bone density developing and sterility. A child can not comprehend what the consequences of this treatment is.
>I'm in the medical field
Can i have my opiods now?
>Because I'm not the one making the claim
the absolute dishonesty of you
If I come up to you and assert that the sky is blue, do you say "no, the sky is red" and then demand that I show you the evidence otherwise, and if I don't want to bother presenting it, insist that we must fall back to the default opinion that is your claim rather than mine, because I made the claim first?
>What do you mean by "behave like women"?
I'm not going to get into this because you're a disingenuous leftist who believes there's not any difference between male and female behavior, except perhaps that which is forced upon oppressed peoples by the patriarchy.
if you want to assert that men can turn into women, then show that the men you think have turned into women have actually changed their behavior to match that of men rather than women. first, establish what female behavior vs male behavior is after studying populations of women and populations of men (there are already plenty of studies that do this that you're currently pretending don't exist), then compare these factors over populations that include trannies.
don't demand I do it for you simply because I brought it up first in this internet argument. pathetic
A doctor in california has cut the tits off of 13 year old girls
>According to the most recent data, 19% of all prisoners are serving time for a sexual offence.
>It said that 60 of the 125 transgender inmates it counted in England and Wales were serving time for a sexual offence.
>nearly half
Read that. It lists excuses why transwomen want to stay in mens prisons. Does that sound womanly to you?
>*Delay* puberty, if the child is no longer dysphoric then they'll undergo (in most cases) a completely ordinary transition into puberty.
Forgot some info, champ. Taken from Britain's National Health Service.
>The blocker is a physically reversible intervention: if the young person stops taking the blocker their body will continue to develop as it was previously. However, we don’t know the full psychological effects of the blocker or whether it alters the course of adolescent brain development.
>we don’t know the full psychological effects of the blocker or whether it alters the course of adolescent brain development
what argument? is not me
>if someone disagrees with one of my claims, they must be the person I was already talking to
it wasn't a "pivot". it was my first reply to you.
>I hate reddit too guys! am I cool yet?
look at the reddit discussion to the episode in question and the comments are exactly like here. you are not part of an enligthend special club, retard.
Are there anymore clips of Crowder getting BTFO on his show? Never watched it before and don't want to.
You don't allow a child to go through puberty. They don't develop. You delay that and they don't develop properly. The puberty happens but it's affected. This mentality is just like doctors talking about "healthy" testosterone levels. A """healthy""" male can have 1/4 the testosterone or another healthy man and then he wonders why he can't build muscle like everyone else.... the idea that hormone blockers just don't affect anything is obviously wrong.
Then you faggot talk about "scientific concensus" on how its been "proven" that theres no environmental component. It is so incomprehensible to imagine a study that could actually conclude this. This is the probably with all social science. It's trying to apply rudimentary analysis to social systems that are unimaginably complex.
You're degenerating people into this bare minimum of sentient being that is just capable of being a mediocre nothing to consume bread and circus and calling it healthy. Blobs of flesh capable of working a keyboard and consuming marvel movies. I literally could not care less about the lives of these mental cases. If transgenderism can ever been diagnosed empirically at birth then those children should be left out to die. Fuck your retarded, superficial morality. Human life is NOT inherently valuable.
crowder and rogan both fagged out on each other.
2 cringelords in the same room. It made both of them look bad
>tfw once consulted with a doctor about getting my testosterone tested and he told me that because I have body hair I'm fine and I shouldn't believe everything I read on the internet
top kek
>According to the DSM literature between 2-30% of people with dysphoria as children persist in it until adolescenthood
You forgot your link.
>Hormone blockers have not been used long but hardly anyone gets off them, implying that taking the hormones reinforces dysphoria.
I'd personally consider 60+ years long.
>When all your classmates have had their balls drop and had growth spurts years ago and you haven't it affects your psycho-social development, it's guaranteed that you're not gonna be normal.
Puberty blockers do not stunt growth and in fact GnRH is often used to help people reach the ends of their growth plates, for those with hormonal growth defects.
>The medical side effects range from lack of bone density developing and sterility.
>A child can not comprehend what the consequences of this treatment is.
A child's ability to comprehend what a treatment entails is 100% irrelevant to the veracity of said treatment.
>If I come up to you and assert that the sky is blue, do you say "no, the sky is red" and then demand that I show you the evidence otherwise, and if I don't want to bother presenting it, insist that we must fall back to the default opinion that is your claim rather than mine, because I made the claim first?
I don't know if you're just extremely upset, but this analogy is completely worthless. You're arguing that they aren't in line with "female behavior" which is something far more analytically involved than the color of something.
>I'm not going to get into this because you're a disingenuous leftist who believes there's not any difference between male and female behavior
When did I make this claim? The only person who has made (unsubstantiated) claims is you. Why is "female behavior" relevant here?
Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness, and should be treated accordingly.
If you want to be cold hard rational about it -
>Gender Dysphoria used to be called "Gender Identity Disorder" and was treated as a mental illness as soon as it was formally scientifically identified, until the APA revision and renaming, which made GiD into Gender Dysphoria, taking it off the serious mental disorder list.
>In the past 20 years other scientific institutions and national governments have jumped on the bandwagon.
We don't have a really long history of accepted transgenderism, esp. transgenderism which involves HRT and surgery. It was *tolerated* in very select few areas in the 70's, HRT and surgeries started in the late 80's/early 90's, for adults over the age of 21 - we didn't see the first post-op+ HRT trannies until almost 1990.
Not even 30 years and now suddenly childhood transgenderism is acceptable, blocking natural puberty until an acceptable age for an HRT comprised "puberty" is increasingly acceptable.
Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should
>“[R]egarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR6.6
I actually thought the description was funny. le red circle is incredibly reddit, but it still made me chuckle.
You realize that science has increasingly treated trannyism less and less like a mental illness since trannies started forming an identity group around it (similar to how homosexuality was considered a mental illness until homosexuals lobbied as an identity group). Science happens downstream from culture.
>it's true
based zoomer
>don't make claims, just disingenuously ask for a source for absolutely everything that would contradict your unstated claims, so those claims can be supported by implication
why can't you show any studies that present an informed opinion on what female behavior is based on data, and then test for that in trannies at different stages of transition? has it not been done? seems a pretty important thing to do if we're going to buy into this gender transition stuff, don't you think? or are we only interested in the surface physical signalling of sex?
It's getting increasingly harder for men to get test treatment anyway.
On the one end sports/athlete misuse fucking affected it, on the other is the aversion to masculinity, and the transgender issue.
"Healthy Testosterone" today is dramatically lower than what it was 40 years ago.
>I'm advocating for medical and scientific consensus to prevail
literally take your opiods goy
rekt and check’d
Doctors also say a healthy level of exercise is walking 30 minutes a day.
They only want to promote what is acceptable of the general population but the general population is fucking inferior.
I'm working my fucking ass off to exercise and maintain a perfect GPA in engineering but for what? To contribute to a country with no consistent goals or values or people? To just add as many people to the planet as possible? Just a bunch of fucking slackers who want to finish their 9-5 then go and consume their bread and circus.
If transgenderism is nature then it can be weeded out.
If transgenderism is nurture then those promoting it can be massacred.
Link me the source of the graph.
>>According to the most recent data, 19% of all prisoners are serving time for a sexual offence.
>It said that 60 of the 125 transgender inmates it counted in England and Wales were serving time for a sexual offence.
>nearly half
Why are you linking me non-peer reviewed/controlled demographic information? Is this from a broader, scientifically salient study that was improperly sourced in the article?
>Does that sound womanly to you?
It doesn't sound gendered at all to me, so no.
I don't know what point you thought you were making here.
>on how its been "proven" that theres no environmental component
Who made this claim? I asked if there was proof that there is an environmental component. I'm not sure if the rest of your unhinged rant was meant to have a point.
Once again, you're giving me a descriptive retelling of the history of classification but didn't put forward any substantiated arguments. "This thing is new, we can't let people do this" why? This is what I don't understand about uneducated people, do you think that people have guns to their head preventing them from submitting contrary studies?
Do you have any verifiable evidence that the treatment pathways have been altered primarily because of group action instead of advancement in our ability to analyze people?
I hope in the future we will have technology or medicine that can instantly transition you and reverse it. j-just for those tranny freaks of course hahaha
lol at all the seething trannies itt
>when it comes to Joe Rogan's videos. the audience usually dislikes when they find the guest disingenous, rude or intellecutally uninteresting
He's been around for a while, was in some sitcom in the 90's, did fear factor and worked as a comentator for the ufc, runs his own podcast and is a hillarious stand up. Surprised you never heard of him.
Homosexuality was always a mental illness, as is transgenderism.
Science is supposed to be cold, hard and rational.
There is no social and civilizational utility in homosexuality and transgenderism, such individuals are defective and would be recognized as such in a rational society.
There are only 2 biological sexes, everyone else is either"
A: A mutant/genetically impaired/compromised
B: Mentally deficient, and not fit to reproduce, and thus not fit to live and consume resources.
The mockery of "Science" that we have today is neither rational nor to be taken at face value, it's downstream of culture, it's influenced by outside socio-political forces, and consensus is bought and sold like a commodity.
Yes recently tranny activists tried to get a study on rapid onset dysphoria (AKA dysphoria being reinforced by kids watching youtubers and browsing tumblr) taken down. Buzzfeed and other left-leaning media outlets pointed to the (politically motivated) redaction of the paper as evidence that it was invalid.
>joe rogan was in a sitcom
honestly had no idea
>If transgenderism is nurture then those promoting it can be massacred.
They will be
We'll pull out the entire root and burn it
All of that is correct except the last part.
>muh cold, hard science
shut up faggot. you don't sound rational at all
>I don't know what point you thought you were making here.
You're advocating experimenting on the castration of children without research into the long term side effects.
>Why are you linking me non-peer reviewed/controlled demographic information?
Because it is pertinent given the fact that most trans"women" retain their male genitalia. near 50% of trans"women" in prison have sex offences. In no way should they be put in womens prison with women like how the ALCU is demanding.
>Link me the source of the graph.
>It doesn't sound gendered at all to me, so no.
>"uuuhhhhh maybe women would risk rape to get male attention in prison this can be disregarded"
>is a hillarious stand up.
anyone that chooses to look like that and is not part of some weird screamo band or dressing up on halloween should not be around children
>cargo shorts aren’t peak comfy in the summer
go dilate, you’ll never be a woman anyway
>is a hillarious stand up
Get out and go back to work, Rogan.
>muh naturalist science
the y chromosome which predicted to go extinct in the next 1mil years by pure natural causes implies civilization based on sex based reproduction is already outdated hence everything is to be dictated by individual will and the ability to assert said individual will
tl;dr you fucking pussy
Oh, Littman's paper? Yeah, that's because it is bunk. Did you read the methodology? They surveyed parents on forums of parents who were critical or opposed to their children's claims and they based the findings off of that. Didn't think I'd see somebody unironically cite it here.
>castration of children
When did I advocate for this?
>Because it is pertinent given the fact that most trans"women" retain their male genitalia. near 50% of trans"women" in prison have sex offences. In no way should they be put in womens prison with women like how the ALCU is demanding.
But none of these are sourced from salient literature.
Did you read this before linking it? I think you may have linked the wrong one, because the findings were that it was beneficial.
Because mentally ill people have tendencies to lash out.
you’ll never be a woman either
>do you think that people have guns to their head preventing them from submitting contrary studies?
Have you ever met a researcher?
The entire system is corrupt. Mostly related to how people have to embellish the important of their work to get funding. These people's entire careers are dependant upon convincing funding organisations that their work is more important than it is and maintaining good relations. Journals have to maintain their funding and reputations to and doesn't just mesn publishing decent studies, it means not treading on particular toes. What kind of person becomes a social scientist? Not an intelligent person. Mathematicians and physicists and material scientists and chemists are off doing actual replicable studies but social is for women who couldn't make it into those fields. Most research isn't just proposed by an individual, it's created by these existing boards. Research that is proposed has to be submitted and approved and then compete against all others. Some proposals are rejected and people go to alternative papers who reject them until they end up going for a journal that has been discredited by the people who hold all the power for whatever justification they want. Don't forget it also has to pass a review by the ethics board to ensure it won't "cause harm". Oh, and if it is published and comes to conclusiojs you dont like then it was just funded by a conservative think tank or there wasnt enough diversity in the peer review.
The notion that this isn't subject to subversion is absolutely fucking retarded. Social science is worthless. Most of it isn't even replicable.
>nearly six minutes lmao
>The sexual assaults of women don't count because it's not in journals
You're an idiot. This is data provided by the prisons to news organizations. What is invalidating about that? Why should women be put in prisons with men who play dress up given the fact that nearly half of them are in prison for sex offences?
>I got molested
>did ya?
That's some good astroturfing
why is there never a guest on Joe Rogan or David Rubin or some other crap that can at least attempt to explain tranny shit like some anons here.
> to news organizations
"News organizations" here meaning Drudge Report and Fox News, I'm assuming.
they would lose their shows
Joe I don't know. But Rubin is paid for by the Koch brothers, no way they'll ever let a reasonable liberal on his show.
British Broadcasting Corporation. Read the link numbnuts.
I agree, I'm a man and identify as such. My heterosexual wife would probably have an issue with that, too.
>Have you ever met a researcher?
Yes, I work alongside them and am countered among their numbers.
Single case study demographic figures with zero controls are about as useful to us as a hypothetical.
Joe Rogan? Not sure. Dave Rubin? Because he's a coward. Joe usually gets very niche (not fringe) scientists on to talk about some admittedly cool thing he's interested in this month. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody ended up coming on and explaining this stuff eventually.
>no one is going to make a NEW division for transgenders.
Yes, so either 'MURICA will be excluded from Olympics and any serious competitions or they will ban transgenders.
Newsradio is pretty good, user.
>but not following it is irresponsible as we have no better measuring stick to judge what is and isn't best to do.
Sure we do, children are undeveloped mentally, if you believe that a 7 year old is mentally mature enough to say that they were genuinely born in the wrong body completely of their own will and volition then how can you also argue that said 7 year old isn't also mature enough to decide that they want to have consensual sex with an adult?
The point is that we should not be performing potentially harmful, needless procedures on children based on a nebulous and ill-defined concept like gender identity (a concept that I personally consider invalid since the man who coined it was a genuine pedophile who couldn't even prove his own theory since his principal experiments both killed themselves).
>a bunch of bullshit could in theory happen in 1 million years, henceforth a civilization which relies on sexual reproduction should accept useless "individuals" who refuse to reproduce.
Individualism isn't rational
Most of the major Olympic sponsors are American. They can't lose that by excluding the US. And it's not like the Olympic organization is a bastion of integrity. They will go along with this shit.
>Single case study demographic figures with zero controls are about as useful to us as a hypothetical.
To change your mind? Who cares. To change laws, that reporting worked, partially.
They aren't researching criminal patterns of behaviours of trans"women" because it is irrelevant to them. The researching of the criminal patterns of trans"women" would only be to benefit women by helping them retain their sex-based protections. You don't get funding for that.
You get funding for researching trans children and shit.
How kid can understand concept of woman and man at such early age. And if he is understanding it, it means he can give his consent to sex with anyone.
Pedophiles welcome.
I'd heard that joe rogan was on newsradio before I just always assumed that was a radio show about the news.
He's an investigative writer
So you will get 'MURICAN version where you will see other degenerate countries with trannies like AU. And alternative, more credible olympics.
Pinker and Krauss count as real scientists.
Because it would be beyond the realm of what is politically correct and tolerated in the mainstream overton window.
Joe Rogan's funding would be comprimised, and even if it wasn't Youtube (and other social media) would suppress it, as suppressing anything going against the grain of modern neoliberalism is suppressed.
>Sure we do, children are undeveloped mentally, if you believe that a 7 year old is mentally mature enough to say that they were genuinely born in the wrong body completely of their own will and volition then how can you also argue that said 7 year old isn't also mature enough to decide that they want to have consensual sex with an adult?
The child doesn't say that, the medical professional determines that they have gender dysphoria by checking it against (currently the best) medical and psychological criteria for gender dysphoria. I've answered this misunderstanding of how pediatric care works a dozen times at this point: a child's ability to understand a treatment is 100% irrelevant to the validity of that treatment.
>To change your mind? Who cares. To change laws, that reporting worked, partially.
To be statistically reliable and scientifically pertinent.
>They aren't researching criminal patterns of behaviours of trans"women" because it is irrelevant to them. The researching of the criminal patterns of trans"women" would only be to benefit women by helping them retain their sex-based protections. You don't get funding for that. You get funding for researching trans children and shit.
Do you have any proof that studies about this have been knocked back?
nobody whose names you know count as real scientists
He worked at a factory for some time too.
>the medical professional determines that they have gender dysphoria by checking it against (currently the best) medical and psychological criteria for gender dysphoria.
Which is worthless. Medicine is only legitimate because it has puts its theories to the test over generations and managed to establish proven treatments that accomplish what they aim to accomplish.
Treating children for gender dysphoria by putting them on hormones is like treating babies for SIDS by radiating their necks.
So let's dig right into the conspiracy theory territory surrounded JRE
why has he stopped live streaming and started just uploading videos after they are recorded?
>Which is worthless.
>Medicine is only legitimate because it has puts its theories to the test over generations and managed to establish proven treatments that accomplish what they aim to accomplish
Accurately predicting and treating gender dysphoria? That's what these criteria do, I'm glad we agree that it's a good idea!
>Treating children for gender dysphoria by putting them on hormones is like treating babies for SIDS by radiating their necks.
>the medical professional determines that they have gender dysphoria by checking it against (currently the best) medical and psychological criteria for gender dysphoria.
Except, again, like with all mental illnesses, most doctors are extremely prone to misdiagnosing, just look at all the children who've been misdiagnosed with autism because doctors don't understand that the human brain is not as simple as we seem to think it is.
Hell, just look at all the children (especially boys) who were put on mind-altering drugs like Ritalin because they were overactive, as little boys are apt to be.
I don't know how anyone who knows anything about the pharmaceuticals and mental health industries (and yes, I will refer to it as an industry) can so blindly accept the words of doctors as if they have no outside influence or agenda to push.
>Do you have any proof that studies about this have been knocked back?
I'm sorry they don't do statistically reliable and scientifically pertinent research into when they reject funding of trans-issues due to the potential backlash.
>James Caspian, a psychotherapist who specializes in working with transgender people, suggested the research after a conversation with Djordjevic in 2014 at a London restaurant where the Serbian told him about the number of reversals he was seeing, and the lack of academic rigour on the subject.
>According to Caspian, the university initially approved his proposal to research “detransitioning”. He then amassed some preliminary findings that suggested a growing number of young people – particularly young women – were transitioning their gender and then regretting it.
>But after submitting the more detailed proposal to Bath Spa, he discovered he had been referred to the university ethics committee, which rejected it over fears of criticism that might be directed towards the university. Not least on social media from the powerful transgender lobby.
This is one of those things, like splitting the atom, or the development thermonuclear warheads, that Science SHOULD have left the fuck alone, but didn't.
It should have always been considered mental illness and treated accordingly, with mental hospitalization.
It didn't and now we're racing torwards the bottom. At least the nukes are going to take out the cities full of trannies, so, thanks I guess.
My understanding is that a scientist has to actually provide something of interest within their set of fields.
Pinker and Krauss are, to me, barely learned prostitutes, who provide nothing of value to their field but market value.
Joe is so obviously compromised it's unreal.
he could not make himself anymore obviously a closet case
>My friend's cousin told this guy at a restaurant that people familiar with the matter were concerned
That essentially amounts to an anecdote. I'm afraid that's not what we in the research community call research.
You're going to have to substantiate the purportedly demonstrable misdiagnosis of kids with gender dysphoria.
>Accurately predicting and treating gender dysphoria? That's what these criteria do, I'm glad we agree that it's a good idea!
And they have the same outcomes as healthy people? Or better than patients who have received different treatments? And how do you know?
>to me
TLDR a Publically funded Research University is more concerned with public image, politics and social media brownie points than pursuing scientific truth that might cause some "backlash"
>You're going to have to substantiate the purportedly demonstrable misdiagnosis of kids with gender dysphoria.
We both know it happens with children regarding other mental illnesses, why would gender dysphoria be any different?
Again, it is an objective fact that all doctors have their own opinions and agendas to push, and not all of them have the child's best interests at heart.
The biggest "redpill" on the planet is that most doctors are pieces of shit that just want to make as much money off of a patient as possible, hence why they're all quick as fuck to start filling out all the prescriptions they can, hence why Americans nowadays have such an insane fucking opioid issue.
Dentists are bro-tier though.
>And they have the same outcomes as healthy people?
>Or better than patients who have received different treatments?
The reduction in gender dysphoria would imply that the things that gender dysphoria is a predictor for are reduced, yes.
>And how do you know?
By paying attention to the medical literature? Read the APA guidelines.
>We both know it happens with children regarding other mental illnesses
You'll have to demonstrate that gross misdiagnosis and prescription is a universal concept.
>Again, it is an objective fact that all doctors have their own opinions and agendas to push, and not all of them have the child's best interests at heart
I don't understand why you're making this argument. What does "some guys do bad shit" have to do with "the vast majority of medical professionals all around the world, including countries with directly contrary political views on the validity of transgenderism, have agreed that this is the optimal treatment pathway"?
A: Ethics
B: Social Responsibility
C: It would have been in the best interests of Civilizational cohesion and longevity - now the scientific community will cease to exist in when this civilization inevitably falters.
>you're going to have to back your arguments with facts
Why are suicidal trannies so smug bros? Is it because their only accomplishment in life is to make everyone as miserable and wrong as them?
Remember when you used to be able to have an opinion about something without needing a mountain of scientific data from unbiased sources to support your argument even thought you're just saying what you think and how your life experience has made you feel about a certain issue?
I love Joe Rogan's podcast because I like the man himself, but he's attracted a cult of right-leaning pseuds who treat everything like a top class political debate and it's fucking obnoxious.
>By paying attention to the medical literature? Read the APA guidelines.
Yeah, so (you) don't know how the impersonal you knows, being unable to explain it.
>You'll have to demonstrate that gross misdiagnosis and prescription is a universal concept.
You can diagnose correctly all you'd like, doesn't really matter when the diagnosis itself is wrong as a concept.
What ethical framework?
>Social responsibility
To who?
>It would have been in the best interests of Civilization
Why do you guys keep attempting to call the guy doing nothing but sourcing studies a tranny, as if that reduces the validity of the science?
Unable to explain what?
>You can diagnose correctly all you'd like, doesn't really matter when the diagnosis itself is wrong as a concept.
Why is it wrong as a concept?
>You'll have to demonstrate that gross misdiagnosis and prescription is a universal concept.
>"the vast majority of medical professionals all around the world, including countries with directly contrary political views on the validity of transgenderism, have agreed that this is the optimal treatment pathway"?
Because they said the exact same thing about Ritalin for treating ADHD.
The issue isn't that the treatment is wrong, the issue that the "disease" it's trying to treat often isn't actually present in the patient.
And I'm going to need you to provide me a source showing just how extensive the process is for a doctor interviewing a child saying that they're really the wrong gender, because a child can say anything and genuinely believe it with conviction.
Just because a child is determined to genuinely believe that they're the wrong gender doesn't mean they actually are, especially considering we're talking about a group of individuals who genuinely believe that an obese man comes down their chimney and leaves toys under a tree in their house every year.
Gross misdiagnosis, not that misdiagnosis exists. None of these are majority cases.
>Because they said the exact same thing about Ritalin for treating ADHD
Once again, this isn't an argument against diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
>Unable to explain what?
Are you trolling dude? I'm going to assume that's what you're doing and stop responding, since that's the more charitable interpretation than you being literally unable to follow this simple a conversation.
But if that's not the case, get yourself a coach on... communication or wherever it is that's going wrong in your head.
>pinker isn't a real scientist
Hello tumblr
>Why do you guys keep attempting to call the guy doing nothing but sourcing studies a tranny, as if that reduces the validity of the science?
For the lulz, obviously. Why do we call people faggots here even though they are probably not faggots?
If you were capable of writing out legible, coherent arguments it'd be a lot easier. It's okay though, I accept your capitulation. You should read up on the science that you're so upset about, it might put your mind at ease to know how utterly uninformed you were about these processes.
>None of these are majority cases.
20% in the entire medical industry encompassing all practices is a pretty insane statistic user, especially considering medical errors (many of which arise from misdiagnosis) are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
>Once again, this isn't an argument against diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
It is, because just like many kids are misdiagnosed with ADHD and autism, many kids are also misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria.
Still waiting on a source for that extensive interview process you mentioned earlier.
>especially considering we're talking about a group of individuals who genuinely believe that an obese man comes down their chimney and leaves toys under a tree in their house every year.
What the hell are you talking about? First the Trump/Kavanaugh tirade, and now this. Debating with right wingers is always amusing; there's inevitably cracks in the conversation where just when you think they're halfway reasonable people, they suddenly go off on this irrelevant incomprehensible tangent that nobody asked for.
I've made many eligible arguments. You've done nothing but respond by disingenuously avoiding them while handwaving in the direction of unknowns.
If your goal isn't to come off as someone who literally has no idea what they're talking about and is just faking expertise by referencing surface concepts then you're doing things very wrong.
I'm actually left-leaning, I'm just not white enough to be a shitty enough parent to allow a doctor's diagnosis to have potential permanent, long-lasting effects on my child's development.
Sometimes you need to tell a child no, if they have such intense emotional issues that they feel they need to kill themselves because they're "the wrong gender" then that falls on you as a parent being shit.
Contrapoints just makes the same tired debunked leftist arguments but dresses like a fancy fruitcake while spewing them.
Pinker is an actual cognitive scientist you fucking plebian leftist.
>Still waiting on a source for that extensive interview process you mentioned earlier
Here is an overview with layman terms and links to studies.
Graham is literally correct though. Keep seething, Zahi.
>leftist sociopaths think they are decent people
These are real women experiencing real womenly feelings:
>Sometimes you need to tell a child no
Doctor: Hey ma'am, using rigorously tested criteria we've determined your child has a brain tumor.
"Uh, my kid doesn't know that is, wait until he's old enough to understand how tumors are formed dude, what the fuck. He isn't even old enough to smoke!"
Consulting with childhood gender identity experts is helpful for many families. It’s particularly
important when some or all of the following signs are present:
>The child’s sex- and gender-related distress is severe
>The distress lasts for a long period of time
>The child expresses disgust about their body, especially their genitals, and may even harm
these body parts
>The distress worsens as the child gets older, particularly as puberty begins
>The child asserts that they are a boy (if assigned female) or girl (if assigned male) insistently,
consistently, and persistently, with little or no ambivalence
>The child requests a meeting with someone who knows about “gender stuff”
Is this your idea of an extensive process?
>rigorously tested criteria
You mean criteria that would be met by literally any mentally ill cutter who wants attention?
>itt retards that label others as either right or left wing are making fun of others
So basically, what I'm getting from this is that if your child throws a big enough tantrum for long enough, the obvious solution is to capitulate and potentially mutilate them.
Wow, white people are fucking godawful parents.
This explains so much.
Pinker is a sellout like Rubin; they both are vampires on their "regressive left" boogieman.
Formula for making money in today's political climate:
>Appear to be intellectual
>Claim to be on the left even though the only progressive opinions you have are milquetoast ones that were common 50 years ago
>Criticise the left
This is what millions of sad 20-30something men are paying for simply because they're frustrated with women and people who are different from them.
It's actually sad to see. Rubin is even such a sellout that he renounced his atheism. I'll give him 5 years until he's claiming he's a born again Christian, just for more of those benjamins.
>Samoan babies that can run fast
>>Claim to be on the left even though the only progressive opinions you have are milquetoast ones that were common 50 years ago
Believe it or not, progressive is not a synonym for leftist.
I'm a full on workers' rights borderline Communist, but faggots and trannies make me fucking sick since 99% of them are disgusting corporate sellouts trying to destroy the lives of anyone who doesn't capitulate to their idiotic bullshit.
That was an error in the data, the Y chromosome is not going anywhere
>on the far left
>actively opposes strong components of the far left because of bigotry
This is what allows the right to keep winning. Wake up and realize who your real enemies are.
Hint: it's not people with sexual identity issues who just want to be left alone to explore their own sexuality. It's the white male republican WASP republican vanguard that thinks living differently from them is heresy.
No, I don't support corporatists, and most faggots and trannies are giant fucking corporatists.
You are NOT on "my side."
Joe "manlet whos obsessed with weed" Rogan
And I'm not white, so that dumb shit won't work on me.
The left would be so much better off if we just got rid of all these annoying faggot and tranny corporate mouthpiece fucktards who bend over for corporations so long as they tickle their assholes enough.
I might dislike Muslims, but they're 100% right on the gay/tranny issue, and ironically they have less corporatist tendencies than most whites (aside from the wealthy ones, but that's to be expected).
>exhibitionistic faggots and mentally ill degenerates
>strong components of the far left
this is why you lose. and always will
Holy fuck based and truthpilled. He really is a manlet and obsessed with weed
>just want to be left alone
Bake the fucking cake bigot! And don’t you dare question the schools decision that your son is a girl now or we’ll take away your kids :^)
White people need to step their game up.
When faggots try to push that shit on Muslim children Muslims put their fucking money where their mouths are and pull their children out of school.
>we just want to be left alone!
>that's why we stage open vulgar displays of our deviant sexuality and demand you expose it to your children, while changing your society and laws to suit us!
you are such dishonest piece of shit
Yep, like most of these white "leftists" he's so fucking transparent it hurts.
They don't give a FUCK about any worker's rights but their own, they don't give a FUCK about the state of exploitation of certain peoples by their owners, the ones with money AKA Jews, they don't give a FUCK about anything but their stupid fucking social issue distractions made to rile up upper middle class suburbanite white retards like themselves.
They are a fucking pox, cannot fucking WAIT for people to start telling them to fuck off and die.
It's actually ironic how the left loves islam and islam is so fucking right wing they're basically exotic pedophile nazis.
>and pull their children out of school.
Because it would be racist if you tried to stop them. Sorry you xenophobic anti-semite, but we need respect people and their faiths and beliefs. Now let me tell you how much I hate Christians and white people...
Personally I would prefer to put them all on island, sort of like a leper colony, and let nature take its course. Much in the same way that I want to solve the famine issue in Africa by stopping aid. You understand the r/K selection theory and how it applies to humans (or in this case blacks), I'm sure.
(most) muslims aren't white, therefore they're good. the left's muslim-worship completely exposes it for what it truly is: anti-white
Who is contrapoints?
Television and film
the left's newest intellectual leader. lol
>800 pound black man just destroying my wife's pussy
>friend of mine recommended contrapoints
>hear it talk
>turn it off
I don't want to hate these people, but they make it so easy to
Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV. Source:
About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older. Source:
Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older. Source:
MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men. Source:
41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. Source:
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source:
Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months. Source:
65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year. Source:
37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year. Source:
1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year. Source:
Leftists were supporting the whole "gender is a social construct" campaign that said men can cry and show their feelings while women can be tough and dominant. So called gender norms were considered harmful and bad.
Now it's oh your 3 year old wore a tiara? IT'S A TRANNY
So me having a ton of chest hair means I have appropriate testosterone levels? Also, I'm not balding, I thought increased testosterone men lose the hair on their head.
none of those things count because they don't agree with me
look up the articles that prove you wrong instead and change your mind
Why can't you just have two enemies?
threadly reminder that one of the most aggressive propaganda campaigns being waged by the far right today is the one against trans people
and that's a good thing
People or children?
Here's why
>against trans people
against the castration and sterilization of children based on the clothes they wear
Joe Rogan 911 is essential listening
No child in a vacuum grows up thinking their gender is the opposite of what it actually is. How anyone can attribute dysphoria to non-environmental factors is beyond me. It's a man made problem that's being created out of thin air and promulgated by the same people who purport to be the ones who know how to treat it. An autistic brain is an autistic brain at birth, we know the difference. Feel free to look into children (from birth) to see if their brains have signs of gender dysphoria. If there is any difference further down the line, I don't think it would be surprising to anyone what kind of environment causes different results. I won't say don't do the research. Do it. But all we really have is "criteria". Criteria based largely on the spoken input of a child.
is he /ourguy/?
Laugh now before it becomes forbidden to question black revisionists.
When you have a average IQ, you can seem like a genius.
>scientific consensus only seems to be a negative when it's something an uneducated person disagrees with
When did they ever say that? Why do you retards always rely on lies? Illiterate? Dishonest?
>im such a trendy cool millenial liberal who is totally chill and not like those other liberals btw you should deplatform everyone i dont like and have you visited Israel?
>propaganda campaigns
>these are medical experts making these decisions
>doctors do not prescribe children hormones and doctors also do not make gender prescriptions without the child first admitting that they believe themselves to be another gender.
Yes, children are the subject at hand.
What an absolute Jewish puppet
I hope you are no longer friends with that person