so i didnt know who this was until recently. i watched one of his shows for the first time the other day and he was talking to some british bloke in womens clothes and makeup...
so this joe rogen bloke is a jew, right?
so i didnt know who this was until recently. i watched one of his shows for the first time the other day and he was talking to some british bloke in womens clothes and makeup...
so this joe rogen bloke is a jew, right?
>not knowing who Eddie Izzard is
Zoom zoom
Fuck off
why are you so flustered?
I would consider a point of pride not knowing who Eddie Izzard is.
He's been doing drag since before it became politicised and when it was just blokes having a laugh. Him and Grayson Perry are based.
Having a few pints and dressing up as a bird with your mates is good for a laugh but some of these chaps take it a tad too far
becuase i just cut my fucking cock off user okay!???? people keep telling me to have sex but i just cut my fucking bellend off so STEP OFF
Eddie Izzard
Julian Clary
Paul O'Grady
The 90s had the best drag queens.
The mentally ill ruined drag
The idea of burly dudes dressing up as women is hilarious, but only when they change back into their clothes off the stage and go home to their families
It's weird how Izzard was this semi-tranny at the start of his career, then spent like 10 years distancing himself from the hole thing, then jumping back on the tranny bandwagon in a huge way.
Julian Clary is the GOAT drag queen
>since before it became politicized
Oh fuck off, you and every other sheltered bourgeoisie millennial the only fucking ones pretending that fags are in any way political.
Why are action transvestites so based?
>tfw when you realize all your protests against trannies, queers et al were just fearful byproducts of unresolved and deep insecurities that are simply arbitrary reactions
Feels good no longer having a problem with people I'll never know.
Not so fast, Satan
>talking to a crossdresser makes you a jew
>this is your brain on /pol/
based satan
This fag gets it. Most of us (non-americans epecially) have more important windmills to battle
>he cut his bits off like an absolute prat instead of just tucking it
Hang about, are you putting me on? S'truth bruv.
>Backed Britain joining the Euro
>Backed AV in the 2011 referendum
>Backed Labour in 2010 election
>Backed Labour in 2015 election
>Backed Labour in 2017 election
>Backed Remain in 2016 referendum
Is there a bigger bad-luck charm in British politics than Izzard? It must be such a punch in the gut when he comes out in favour of you.
Trans shit is a hot political issue at the moment
Palace fan too and he's hardly done us any favours.
>Julian Clary
fuck just reading his name gave me a flash back to that camp fuck
drag is just black face for fags
child like understanding of civilization
He's a careerist, always has been.
He did the tranny thing to be "alternative"
Once he got famous he tried to do Hollywood and 'serious acting' so he knocked the tranny shit on the head
Now he's old and wants to do politics and gender stuff is a big topic he's all aboard the trannymobile.
I'm not saying he's a pretender, just that his public commitment to how he says he wants to live his life is entirely in lockstep with how it will effect his career.
He's also a bit of a twat, but then he is a comedian.
Not to me and to others who aren't severely politically naïve.
Says the pathetic incel who inanely rage baits himself on Yea Forums, daily
What point are you even trying to make
im still right though :)
god you are so fucking stupid
I know what you are, but what am I?
Based Satan telling it like it is