When will we get the falklands kino we deserve?
When will we get the falklands kino we deserve?
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the only effective force the argies had was the Air Force, who was trained by an ex Luftwaffe
I can only imagine the eternal argie butthurt at the dramatisation of them getting rekt right on their own front door by a handful of harriers and some tiny mountain men
Friendly reminder that there are British left-wingers that hate Thatcher so much they think she was in the wrong in defending the lives of British citizens against a military junta led by old straight fascist white men
*teleports behind your position*
>heh, nothing personell, hermano
The British were undeniably in the right, and any film had better reflect that.
When will we get kino about the British willingly giving up land?
they want to stop the war since it was fascist vs fascist for them but you can't compromise the argentine junta so you protesting thatcher instead
>have treaty to give back island after 100 years
>give back land after those years pass, just as the treaty stipulates
>trained by ex-Luftwaffe
wehraboos with their fantasy history
>British citizens
only 20% of Falklanders are British and the territory is held by Britain only for strategic purposes. The only reason to support Thatcher is if you're some retarded British nationalist
>B-b-b-but it wasn't inside the zone reeeeee
>there are people who actually believe this number plate was a complete accident
these guys are cannon fodder
imagine being so starved to revive your glory days you pretend this stuff was relevant at all
>British strategic interests in South America in the 1980s
good one
>we need an actor for the role of an argentinian soldier fighting for his freedom against oppressive anglos
>I-it was just the Junta that wanted it! None of us regular folk even care about the islands that much!
>*chimp out and riot over a number plate*
The state of Argies.
>Argentine jets approach a British ship at low level while dodging flak
True kino moment
>yfw brits can literally only win against inferior forces
>Fight a war for a bunch of isles that are so far way, it forces you to hamstring your only useful fighting unit.
I didn't they use Port Stanleys airfield?
How does a country that has been on the winning side of so many wars still end up becoming so weak that their aircraft carriers need ramps?
Did the British Empire bankrupt itself on cameras and knife surrender bins or something?
>owie zowie, right in the infinity stones
I think it was the only war where Vulcan saw action. Show it.
>that pic
that's a joke account, right?
>only 20% of Falklanders are British
They're all British you mexican retard.
The thing that made Britain great in the first place was a policy of laissez faire capitalism. After WW2 the government got hard on loisences and almost bankrupted itself trying to grow peanuts in rhodesia.
Fuck the anglo it's the scum of the earth
Can i have a quick rundown on what this means? Why are ramps bad?
>going around stealing stuff
>laissez faire
the only time britain is cool is when it is blowing idiots the fuck out without regard for caution
>On a turnout of 92%, 99.8% voted to remain a British territory, with only three votes against.[5] Had the islanders rejected the continuation of their current status, a second referendum on possible alternatives would have been held.[4] Brad Smith, the leader of the international observer group, announced that the referendum was free and fair and executed in accordance with international standards and international laws.[6]
fug that's some amazing footage
It was the first and only real air-sea battle between two modern militaries since WWII, so of course it's relevant.
Kek they're more British than the UK at this point
Of course it is, there's no way Great Britain would ever fall to that level.
>ethnically replace the people
>the "new" people vote to remain
It's unaerodynamic. So the ship will go slower
Hong Kong island was ceded to Britain after the first opium war, and Kowloon peninsula was ceded to Britain after the second opium war.
The 100 year lease was only for the New Territories, those being the countryside to the north and the other outlying islands.
>ethnically replace the people
You mean the penguins?
lol argie in denial
Mostly for flying out transports, and Pucara attack planes. They withdrew the interceptors they had back to the mainland after the Black Buck raids. Argie air attacks on the task force and landing came from the mainland.
They're just a very low-tech and cheap means for getting modern planes off the decks of generally smaller aircraft carriers. They put more stress on aircraft and limit the amount of fuel and bombs they can carry compared to a catapult. The US and France operate catapults I believe. Russia, UK, China, etc all use ramps but China will probably ditch them for catapults with all future carriers. I was expecting the new British carriers to not use ramps but they disappointed me.
Oh fuck looks like I was wrong
Can't wait for anglos to cuck themselves into anarchy so argies can rape the falklands to death while the UK becomes a califate.
Nobody lived there before the British, not long-term and not recently at least. One of the few times it was literally just free real estate nobody was occupying.
They aren't bad. Countries that use them are using STOL aircraft. Harriers can take off with heavier loads using less fuel if they roll forward and off the ramp. Retarded yank marines do VTOL off a flat deck, because they are retarded.
*gets raped by the CIA sponsored RWDS for being a nigger*
You suck at football too
>be britain
>win wwii
>lose key industries and almost bankrupt yourself post war
>your old buddies us and ussr are now superpowers
>your old foes japan and germany emerge from total defeat as industrial powers
It's a way of launching aircraft from a shorter flight deck with a much better payload than with no ramp at all. It's also a cheaper/simpler system, but can't match the performance of a proper catapult launch.
It's bad because people like to shit on anything that isn't proper CATOBAR.
Was this just before ship mounted SAM's?
Lmao Patagonia is more Welsh than the Falklands are Argentinas
There's a part of my soul that longs for the return of the empire. Just imagine...
>CIA doing something good for once
I wish user, i fucking wish.
Really should have pushed for Federalization while they had the chance. They would still have lost the African colonies and India, but UK/Australia/Canada/New Zealand in one country would even today be a force to be reckoned with. Now it's a pipe dream because we're in the era where countries only disintegrate, and the anglosphere has drifted apart culturally.
Delusional peronist, argentina is beyond cucked, literally the second worst country in the world right now
I was only exaggerating slightly.
>Just imagine...
They blow it and lose it again?
They should be putting those degenerates behind bars
why do the brits even want it? it's not remotely close to them. at least the US keeps the islands close to them.
Thread theme: youtube.com
When you've given up literally everything, a quarter of the Earth's surface or whatever, very little fight for 99% of it, you might get desperate at a point to stop once you realize you have a problem.
The French are doing the resurgent empire thing better, they can actually lead military interventions in some African shithole like America.
Considering the current state of France, I doubt the Africans even realise the soldiers are foreign.
>some African shithole like America
Chicago, Detroit, LA, New York... yeah. But other parts have less niggers.
stop taking the bait for fuck's sake
Commiefornia doesn't even have that many niggers. it's actually Mexico 2: now with more asians.
You mean like the entire non-native population of Argentina?
>1 loss in the Falkands
>cannon fodder
[chops you into hamburger while smiling]
Nothin personnell kiddo
>some tiny mountain men
Gurkha's were barely involved, during one of the documentaries they were huddled around a radio and it was announced that the argies surrendered and all the gurkha's looked so despondent and annoyed they didn't get involved.
Is it true that they a scalped argies in the war?
it is not. theyre still riflemen, the kukri is more of a last resort/tool. its not a video game where they are special melee only units
Doubtful, it was mainly a rumour spread by the British army to make the Argie conscripts shit themselves and surrender more quickly. I guess it worked.
Them being old white and straight matters because...?
Didn't they get caught beheading dead enemy combatants in Afghanistan and get asked to stop? I read that it was causing the enemy to fight harder because they didn't want to get there heads removed.
Lefties (especially anglo lefties) hate old white straight men with a passion that burns hotter than the sun.
Worked for Texas.
>be anglo
>only care about how many people you killed and things you have destroyed
Why are they such psychopaths
Gotta watch out for the Welsh. While you're playing fuck-around with Romans and Vikings, they're the ones cutting deals with Normans and making bank while worshipping the sleeper in Ry'leh and prepping to inherit the Earth.
Those are the only things that matter. Blood for the Blood God!
>be spic
>spend centuries in sullen resenment at your more successful (or at least less awful) anglo neighbour
From Gibraltar to Belize, there's barely an inch of clay you haven't failed to grab.
we order things from chaos, and others try to undo that
Based Winston churchill destroyed britain because he hated germans
>be argie
>send thousands of untrained teenagers to die to try and boost support for your military junta
>get btfo and spend the next three decades whining to the UN
>chimp out over a number plate
He must have shat himself when the Queen married a German.
anglos are germans
he must have shat himself when he realized the queen was german
That wasn't bait. That was bad punctuation and grammar.
they purposefully fly low to avoid anti air. pretty badass, many of the bombs dropped didn't have enough time to arm in air and just stuck into the deck of the ship, which actually turned out to be more effective at fucking shit up than a detonation would have been
that was a single incident involving miscommunication about dna identification, instead of waiting to get back to base to see if they screwed up, a soldier took the head. They aren't psychopathic marauders.
Especially funny fat white men with curly hair and nice cars.
Had it not been for the British war crime of torpedoing ARA General Belgrano, the final casualty statistics would've made the bongs look like fools.
>British war crime of torpedoing ARA General Belgrano
Mexi-nigger, even the captain said it was a fair cop.
>hit someone
>they hit you back
only reason argie casualties were so low was because they surrendered at the first opportunity
>Argentinians are still this upset about losing a war they started
got what you deserved
aka Les Îles Malouines. Rightful French clay.
its part of the populist shitfest they use to get the dumb people votes
>implying british meddling wasn't done for votes either
fucking gringo shit
>Attack enemy warship
Sweet mother of yikes!
why can't we be friends?
>Defending your own territory against a foreign attack is 'meddling'
That bloody Maggie Fatcher ay! Amazing how she had the Machiavellian guile to manipulate the Argie junta into attacking the Falklands. Between that and planning her bloodthirsty scouser genocide it's amazing she found time to polish her broomstick.
It was fun/comfy banter till a few minutes ago but since we are on that vibe
>Ç before an E
Wanna know how I know you're a mutt?
is this kino?
Anyone who uses "Ç" is automatically a turk to me
>Built in the 1930s
>Survive Pearl Harbour unscathed
>Survive the entire Pacific Theatre
>Get decommissioned in 1946
>Get sold to Argentina, given piss-poor upgrades and recommissioned
>Get sunk by a state-of-the-art nuclear submarine while ferrying teenagers to die in a war for some military junta
The USS Phoenix deserved better.
worse than a mutt, a hue.
what is the correct way of writting "belongs to" in spanish?
I don't know, but I doubt they put a Ç before an E and an I
They don't use "Ç" at all iirc.
>Spanish rape-babies call other nations 'imperialists' or 'colonisers'
I genuinely don't understand this logic. I can get it coming from the likes of Africa but Latin America was built on genocide.
you're from a country that either has 1 or 0 aircraft carriers, get fucked poorfag
>Latin America was built on genocide
Only Argentina, uruguay, chile and brazil.Unless you consider racemixing to death a genocide.
>two modern militaries
Hahahahah, pathetic coping. The argie teenagers were dying of hunger and cold in the trenches and their shitty SLRs were bending backwards.
Even the fucking paratroopers took pity on them when they found out what they were fighting against when they surrendered.
>Did the British Empire bankrupt itself
in virtually every war it started
that's why britain is such a shithole today
>that's why britain is such a shithole today
no thats because of empire guilt. we effectively ran the world for decades, other countries could start things or influence them but everyone had to consider what we thought about the situation if it was big enough. After WW2 and the empire was dismantled, the idea that we did something wrong by being a global empire started to appear and then the narrative that the british empire was entirely bad exploded. we flooded ourselves with the postwar immigration and then in the 80's and 90's the idea of britain being a place for everyone really grew, that twinned with the idea that the government should be involved in everything created britain we know today. filled with people who dont speak english and dont hold british values while the goverment bans anything that might cause any harm. i hate my country
suck it bonglord, you're just cheap labor for the frogs, gerries and japs now
Imagine losing so many ships to a third world country. The absolute state of bongs.
And they would've lost more if those missiles the frogs sold to the argies actually worked, not to mention the fucking torpedoes that got all serviced the wrong way.
you realize they were destroy by exocet missiles right? argies had a lot but many stopped working so its lucky they didnt lose anymore.
iirc they needed a code or something to be activated and the French government refused to cooperate.
The history of the handover is kind of interesting. Some historians refer to the meeting between Thatcher and Deng Xiao Ping as “The Iron Lady meeting the Iron Man”.
While the terms of the lease laid out the conditions of the handover, the Portuguese handover of Macau set the precedent of all or nothing. Thatcher tried to talk her way around the issue but Deng called her bluff and said to the effect “Either you handover Hong Kong or we walk right in and take it.” Resulting in the 1997 handover which gives Hong Kong a certain level of autonomy until 2047. The British were never in a position to protect Hong Kong, Kowloon or Lantau Island and all China had to do was embargo the city and cut it off from the rest of the world.
WW2 showed that the British never could defend Hong Kong.
I think they were working fine until the last maintenance where the argies think a bunch of the missiles got sabotaged by the exocet technicians.
The french govt simply blocked more sales when the argies tried to buy them through proxies like Peru.
>no ww3 in 80's/90's against china
should have just got everyone involved and squared china away then before they got too big
Imagine sailing thousands of miles with less troops than your opponent and still beating the living fuck out of him on his literal doorstep, to such a degree that your opponent is still assmad about it over 3 decades later.
What's the story behind this pic?
A Top Gear special in Argentina. The Argies got assmad about the license plate of the car having 82 and FKL in them and chimped out.
The British ground to air systems (Sea Cat / Sea Wolf) was too retarded to lock on to low flying targets. Also if there were two planes in its view finder, it couldn't differentiate the two and it could not lock. If the Argies zerg rushed more ships they could have won.
>top gear to go argentina for one of their trip/challenges
>said licenseplate on car
>argies see it, get upset
>chimp out
>they have to escape argentina as crowds of people start protesting and threatening them
A top gear episode where they went to South America, including Argentina, and at the end they got forced to flee the town they were staying in because hundreds strong mobs of assmad argies were hurling rocks and shit at their cars and trying to fuck them up.
The licence plate caused controversy because obviously, the Falklands war was in 1982 and FKL could easily be shorthand for Falklands.
Where's the aircraft carriers?
>If the Argies zerg rushed more ships they could have won.
They tried but the ships stayed out or radar sight from mainland, they had to resort to tracking down the British ships via recon planes that flied low as well.
I want to buy Pebble Island.
can I get a bunch of anons to chip in?
Based af.
Absolute mongo take. Holding the Falklands is a ballache and one the UK would rather do without, but because the Argentines were too retarded to follow sensible diplomatic routes - like maybe trying to win over the Falklanders with guarantees of investment, hugely expanded economy, and automony/local laws and language maintained - we're fucking stuck with them.
>attacking the enemy in wartime is a warcrime
The constant - still ongoing - REEEING over the Belgrano is one of the most embarrassing things Argentines and British leftists do.
Based moron
>before china got too big
Um, user...
big in the sense of major world player, they were emerging in the 80's and early 90's, obviously had the landmass and population but 2019 china is very different to 1985 china.
>wut is antartica?
I knew what you meant but they were still a big power.
>if you're some retarded British nationalist
Yes, what a horrible thing to imagine.
>we were flying so close to 0 that salt started clumping up infront of the cockpit, I had to turn my head to my right, to the shoreline, in order to guess what was in front of me.
>Since our bombs didn't had fuses we where just trying to pierce the haul and hope it sank by midnight, we may got lucky and hit some ammo compartment.
Fucking legends, at the end of the day it was the first and last war for the FAA, and one can only dream about having such strong convictions about yourself and your country.
I went to Malvinas back in 09' after signing a shit ton of papers, visited the graveyard and had a mesmerizing conversation with a local, well thought on argentinian history, that made me realize that we are not so different at core, family, beer, football and rock music. Back in the day it would be 'clean water, a roof and a handful of pennies' as he told me.
I got 'called' almost every day by the locals, some nasty shit, until some of them actually approached and heard about my dad dying in that godforsaken land, frozen to death in a fox hole.
I wouldn't go back, I can't even watch films about it, we had 'major' film releases about that war, but I can't put myself together to watch it.
>falklands kino
One has already been made
There is already a movie about falklands
Nice blog spic but stick to cheating at football.
>tfw you come up with a ridiculous midair refuel plan just so you can bomb a runway.
Thanks, at least you are not calling it soccer. I can't vent this issues outside of the internet, I just can't.
>the Argentines were too retarded to follow sensible diplomatic routes - like maybe trying to win over the Falklanders with guarantees of investment, hugely expanded economy
Nigga we can't even manage that for ourselves you want us to do it for foreign people?
Actually that wouldn't be beyond us considering the sheer amount of border hopping Peruvians and Paraguayans on welfare and free Healthcare /education
Fuck this shithole and everyone in it, me included
too white to be Argies tbqh.
Baguette weapons baby.
Fun fact, the SAS were actually planning to carry a raid inside an Argentine airbase through Chile to destroy the last three remaining Exocest missiles and aircraft, and even killing the pilots as well.
Chinks OUT
>I went to Malvinas back in 09' after signing a shit ton of papers
I didn't know there was even a line between the Malouines and Argentina.
They landed in Argentina by helicopter, the patrol commander chickened out and walked his men to Chilie
If they hadn't sperged out and launched an autistic unprovoked pre-emptive strike and deployed boots on the ground then our cucked government would have probably given it to them by now anyway.
This shows its age and budget a bit but it was kino all the same. Tumbledown with Colin Firth as well.
I wonder what her pussy tasted like
I love how the Falklands are like our version of Vietnam but we won against Argentina and don't need to be ashamed of it.
Mongrel Argie detected
Haven’t you got to stop your baby being eaten by a pack of wild dogs in the straw-covered barn that passes for a house in your 3rd world shithole?
Nobody wants to listen to a fucking loser whine about being a loser
That’s why literally nobody likes your country
What the fuck were Argentina even thinking? I can't even figure out why they invaded the Falklands in the first place.
What were they trying to achieve?
If anything the Malayan Emergency was our version of Vietnam
>Jungle combat in Asia
>Lasted well over a decade
>Fighting Commie guerillas
We won that too though
A quick popularity boost for a failing military regime.
They also assumed that Britain either couldn't or wouldn't bother to respond because the islands were the other side of the world and (at the time) had no known valuable resources to bother keeping them.
Of course they were completely wrong, their poorly trained teenage conscripts got thrashed, their WW2 battleship got turned into a submarine and the junta fell even quicker.
If the Argies had waited a few months then HMS Invincible (one of 2 aircraft carriers deployed in the war) would have been sold to the Aussies and it would be nearly impossible for a UK naval task force to retake the islands