>Even after Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise or any depictions of harems in Star Wars, girls still cosplay as slave girls.
Explain Yea Forums
Even after Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise or any depictions of harems in Star Wars...
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They like the attention
Kennedy and her cronies should have picked up on that.
>Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise
Lol, did they really?
Waste of trips desu
Nobody actually likes Disney Star Wars.
Post other characters in slave leia outfits
>girls don't want to cosplay as Rose Tico
well imagine my shock
I thought they liked money
women secretly enjoy being slaves
Yes, they actually did. The price of those dolls will be ridiculous few years down the line.
But, you know, leftshits told me that there is no agenda, none at all.
Sexy and empowered
girls love to dress up in slutty outfits to show off their body, cosplay is a great excuse to do it
all political posters are faggots who can't even grasp the basics of thought because they skipped past this and went right on to jerk off about their ideologies, when the question has been completely answered.
>I've already posted myself in a bikini and yoga pants, how else could i present my body to followers?...
Modern-day feminists are no better than Victorian-era conservatives.
Well Tracer is a lesbian in lore but people still make her straight. Fandoms have the freedom to do whatever they want to a character, they can make Luke Asian, Rey a hermaphrodite or Kylo a faggot and there's nothing the studios can do.
its the only memorable thing leia ever did.
This is now a Slave Leia thread.
wait they banned Slave Leia merch? I wouldn't be surprised if they did but I want a source.
Because it's a sex outfit, and most women (who aren't filthy muslims) want to be free to wear whatever they want. Just because there's an old, ugly, hag running Star Was at Disney. doesn't mean all women are old, ugly hags.
True, at least some of them fantasize about it read fiction/erotic fiction about it.
Her body is perfect
1. It’s sexy
2. It’s one of the most iconic aesthetic costumes from the OT.
Carrie Fisher wasn't this stacked.
Why the fuck else would girls cosplay as anything?
Slave leia outfit pros:
pusy definitely fully exposed under loincloth
shoes don't show feet
Bitches and whores
And the fantasy of being in a (Chad's) harem
most women are whores
her knee is disgusting
elbows too pointy
it's too iconic to ban it
and what else could they do
remove it from the movies
yeah, imagine the outrage...
>Well Tracer is a lesbian in lore but people still make her straight.
what is, if it's rape?
Why do men cosplay as anything?
>show appreciation for the material
>show craftsmanship/costumery skills
>signal participation in fandom, instantly meet others with same genre and character favourites
>show personality
Everyone who dresses up as a fantasy character wants attention.
I imagine pic related is the same reason why.
It doesn't have to be erotic fiction. Even politicized stories that feature extreme violence against women that is not meant to be appealing is still subconsciously fantasized even by feminists like Kathleen Kennedy.
I forgot to attach pic related
>the handmaidens tale
>for planned parenthood
yeah, feminism at it's best, again
>women secretly enjoy being slaves
more like they want to enslave beta orbiters to shower them with incel bux
they didnt need to ban it. fin should have wore it
In what way does "thots want attention" fail to fall into many of this places ideologies
>being slaves
More like getting raped by their stepfathers.
Unironically this. The most popular SW cosplayers are stormtroopers, Sith chicks, and slave girls.
>Even after Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise or any depictions of harems in Star Wars
And people say disney isn’t run by prudefags
Oh, yeah the fucking cocksuckers who imploded anti-immigration rallies in the Czech republic. Thanks a lot you cringy larping inbreds. Who could have known that dressing like christcucks in the most atheistic country in the world that historically faced two crusades sent against it would turn people away?
Isn't rape the number one searched for fantasy by women on porn sites and such? Also they are more likely to climax
Well, the best in the thread so far, you can't argue with aesthetics.
>bunch of retards feeling nostalgic for a fantasy version of their culture and history that never existed
and I'm not talking about the dudes in armour
>no bikini
get out
>tfw i got a boner
damn nigger genes
Technically they are the most irreligious, not atheistic, there is a difference. By strict definition there is no way that a country like China or North Korea is not the #1 most atheistic by virtue of the fact that it is mandated by the government
>Kylo a faggot
How's that a change from the source material?
I'd snort more coke off that tummy than she did in all her life
Lucas in general had patrician fetishes
Isn't like China projected to have the largest Christian population in the world because of sheer numbers?
Czech is the most unusual country that decades under Soviet occupation didn't make people more religious like most former Communist countries like Serbia or Romania.
Delete your internet, user.
I want to have half-white babies with her.
It's already deleted I'm Aussie
Dunno mate. DC tried the same in 2011 with Power Girl.
I guess they just have internalised misogyny.
delicious tummy more
>being so slutty that you go dressed like this to a comic con with your kids
Hey where's Siri on this pic
and that's why it's mainly a female hobby
attention whores gonna attention whore
but think of the children!
They also banned bare belly Jasmine.
Doesn't matter that belly dancing is a respected cultural phenomenon, navels are 18+ material and should be censored.
>Isn't like China projected to have the largest Christian population in the world because of sheer numbers
Depends, getting a real census is impossible because the peoples republic cracks down on them hard but yes, evangelical Christians are on the rise in China and already estimated at close to 100mil
>Banning one of the most iconic costumes in cinema over 30 years later because it doesn't fit into your milquetoaste family corporate image
>Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise
This really true or just fake news?
Because this is still a man's wold and they are just trying to cope with male's desires.
The fact that someone tries to fit other's desire isn't necessarily wrong ; what's wrong is when you need to belittle yourself in order to fit with such desires. In comparison, when a man fits into women's desires he is considered virile and gains empowerement.
It's only 31 million Christians in China like 2% of pop. And a lot of those are crypto-commies the state allows to be Christian in order to keep the church in line
literally google that sentence
Its other Evangelical retards here who estimate it at 100m so they can convince other dumb boomers than China is the future of Christianity or something equally insane
Why would they even be making merch from the first set of movies?
Why do girls still do cosplay from a 1992 chinese cartoon?
>A new rumor suggests that Disney and Lucasfilm have banned the use of Slave Leia in any and all Star Wars merchandising
>A new rumor
>Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise or any depictions of harems in Star Wars, girls still cosplay as slave girls.
They did to my knowledge. Disney only ever references the outfit when they're absolutely forced to. And they don't outright retcon it because of the massive potential backlash.
I want a star wars sex slave so bad how do I do it lads?
That sounds like Disney alright
And this is exactly why I hate them so much
Nice cross-cosplaying Leia AND Jabba
george lucas is a cultural marxist pornographer
thank fuck we have some decency now
Honestly, that Blonde in the background looks fucking hot
>belly dancing is a respected cultural phenomenon
Not as much in the Middle-East as you might think. Artists (even singers and cartoonists) are not considered respectable in general, but there is a special stigma being attached to female dancers due to exposing themselves in public being haram. Even liberals over there aren't particularly sympathetic to them because belly dancing as practiced today is a product of "orientalism", a buzzword used in the Arab world towards Western stereotyping them, even in a flattering manner.
If you pay close attention, the most popular belly dancing performers are usually named Anastasia, Alena, Oxana, Iskanderova, Martha, Katrin - mostly Eastern European women. Pic related is a Ukrainian and super popular.
The future of Christianity is actually Latin America and Africa.
When was the last time you saw Slave Leia merchandise on the shells?
>Its other Evangelical retards here who estimate it at 100m so they can convince other dumb boomers than China is the future of Christianity or something equally insane
Christcuck boomers are in for a surprise once they know what Chinese Christianity entails...
Being a gay isn't actually a thing. All girls love cock
I'm not even counting the muslim view on it, islam is destroying the previous cultures just as much as christianity destroyed previous cultures.
Serbia wasn't occupied by the Soviets tho.
was on board till i saw the tattoos, fuck that
i would be her jabba
I can't wait for China to start a war with Russia in the name of Jesus
hmm seems like women are whores
Maybe he means Poland?
Serbia is funny because it's hilariously Russophile only because they were never occupied by Russia and can't understand what everyone else is so upset about.
getting some brie larson vibes here
Cosplayers don't buy official shit outside helmets and armors. And Actual female fans of star wars don't give a fuck about what disney tells them it's fine or not.
fuck. watched this film hundreds of times as a kid and never noticed Bossk in the background
If she cosplays both Leia and Jabba, does she hangs herself in the end?
>didn't make people more religious like most former Communist countries
Probably because Czechoslovakian national hero is a general who led armed insurrection against catholic church. Problem isn't faith, problem is organized faith. Of course central Europe is still massively influenced by christian culture.
It seems that the reason is the legs, belly and arms
They banned the leotards from Marvel comics
And they also banned Princess Jasmin's most sexy clothes in Aladdin's live action
They are living in another world, out of reality
Name? I want to make her walk on all fours while holding the leash and then force her to suck me off and then fuck her doggy style.
Jabba noooo!
Lack of Ardella is the most egregious part.
>Fat cow
>Small tits for a massive landbarge
Dios mio... la creatura americana,
Islam is a lot worse because they are literally commanded to destroy all traces of non-Islamic stories. Libs want to pretend that all the vandalism against churches and statues is blowback against European colonialism, but Muslims have been vandalizing Buddhist statues in Sri Lanka, Thailand and India. Muslims have been calling for the pyramids to be destroyed - not terrorists mind you, but political activists considered respectable there. And they did try to destroy one in medieval ages, but they failed miserably because pulling down brick by brick was unfeasible. The only reason the Egyptian mummies were left untouched alongside all the Assyrian and Babylonian statues in Iraq were because they were submerged in sand and only discovered a century ago by European explorers. All historical value in the Arabian Penisula has been destroyed, both pagan and Islamic thanks to the Saudis leveling mosques, tombs and shrines to figures revered in Islam. Hell, Malian Muslims have destroyed all historical sites in Timbuktu for being idolatrous and just recently, the President of Maldives destroyed an unique statue made by modern artists to secure the Islamist vote and nothing make Muslims happy like destroying statues.
Even when the Greeks were fiercely Christian, they embraced Hellenic paganism as part of their identity. Same with Mexicans who somewhat revere their Aztec heritage yet fought in the name of Catholicism in the Cristero war. Unlike Christians, Muslims in general don't identify with any nation, culture, or language, but only with the Islamic nation—the Umma. There are exceptions to the rule, but that is what they are, exceptions and not the norm sadly.
Yeah, but not by you.
My mistake. I meant Hungary - I don't know why I said Serbia.
Investigative journalism.
Hoily shit she's ripped af
low IQ post. have intellectual introspection and sex
I didn't tell you shit, and this is Malthusian not leftist. They are hiding behind "protecting us" like they did when hiding behind rightwing christian fundamentalist a few decades back.
Women dress like sluts for male attention in places where males are desperate to find women? I’m... I’m fucking shocked.
olivia munn's psylock in the last xmen movie had that costume
I've said this in public settings that it's interesting how similar the alt left are with islamists when it comes to statue removal. Not wuite the same historical value as milenia old architechture but the purpose behind it is the same.
>no panties
Not bad woman, not bad.
Why is he dressed like that?
Calling yourself "alt-right" is already retarded, using "alt-left" is pure cringe
I still draw her with Genji myself, I don't care about Craptivision Blizzard's gay lore.
Its only rape if it is straight fucking, you can have a dyke molesting a straight woman or a faggot molesting a straight dude, no problem.
the twilek is obviously the best girl
You get out.
IIRC she had put some on after this photo was taken because people were noticing her gash was out.
Disney knows the more you restrict something, the more people want to buy it
Probably already used to her wearing bikinis on pool/beach visits. What a cougar, I'd knock the dust off her cooter.
me on the left
This "exposure" bullshit is a western concoction by CIA puppet regimes though. Them and their Malthusian handlers wanted to push this shit as a means of trying to promote less sexual encounters, and thus less birthrates. This shit is a high concern for these eugenicist.
Starting from top left: gob, arse, gob, arse, gob, arse, gob, arse, gob, arse etc
Fucking hell man. That’s three shunts and a grunt right there.
High IQ hot take
Also reminder that this is the scene in which Leia is most empowered. She may be dressed as a slave, but she chokes out Jabba with her own chain.
you're right they're just the left
Imagine the smell
Truly the irony of today's modern feminism. Concerned about superficial details while missing the point entirely.
I miss the old days when women could still be feminine and strong. Now they're just bland, ugly, androgynous Mary Sues.
They literally did not.
There's no actual left in america aside from people that actually defines themselves as commies or socialists. Fucking Hitler was to the Left of mainstream democrats like Obama.
I think there's room for a four
The correct term is "ctrl-left".
Women are pathetic
Nobody can give a source, because it never happened. Stuff has come out since people started saying they did. They don't use the word slave though. "Jabba's captive" and "Huttslayer" have been used instead.
hard for those without souls to have any user
Where’s all the slave leia loli tho
Visible rat. Noice.
>sauce? hurr, hurr!
there is a fucking watermark, google it with maybe a keyword or two
Having a ripped person in that costume doesn't look right. If it was designed at all it was to show off Leia's womanly assets and smooth skin, stronk women don't look womanly in it.
Hot girls are the only thing that makes life worth living, the rest is actually not significant and just derives from the motivation hot girls instigate.
True. Left is just left. The only difference is how fast they want to destroy all around them.
economically yes, socially however
gentlemen, google "elsa leia"
you are welcome
You jerk off to girls with birth defects, so your opinions aren't exactly valid.
Enormously disappointing
all women are attention whores in one way or another. they absolutely can't stand if some other woman is getting the attention of men
>elsa leia
me the big one in the back
>chapofag attempt at 'NotRealLeftist™' number 57 138
It's a sexy costume and Leia choked out Jabba in it. What are you getting at with this question?
you can see the jelly flow
Yeah, well, she has a nice body so I don't care.
All those pits and pusy exposed to the air must smell divine
>Mk11, before Leia got a burka
>men watching ripped guy
>'I wish I'd look like him'
>females watching sexy girl
>'I wish she'd look like me'
actually it's
>I hate this bitch
big iq user here
You've never been in a position to care, beggar.
why don't women want to cosplay as Rose Tico?
>Czech is the most unusual country that decades under Soviet occupation didn't make people more religious like most former Communist countries like Serbia or Romania.
they were always atheist.
Czechs are bit ancapish/libertarian
they have easy access to firearms and drugs but also hate all foreigners and value small town life
>feminism was a mistake
Authoritarianism isn't lefty or right wing. You have everything from Stalin to Neoliberals like Pinochet.
Hitler was unironically a Radical centrist, just on the authoritarian side, with most nazis leaning to his right tho. Hitler would fit better in many green parties from europe and south america instead of any neoliberal far right party in modern europe.
Women are more complex and retarded than that. Especially good looking girls, they always want to look different, if they have 10/10 tits they would prefer a 10/10 ass, if they are blond, they want red/black hair. The better looking they get the more retarded they react to other women, not only jelousy, but weird insecurities that make no sense.
The Mouse likes to pretend Disney is family-friendly.
ugly people, inside and out, tend to have a problem with people prettier than they are
>Me on the left
worst of all worlds with this. shit genetics.
>Authoritarianism isn't lefty or right wing
you don't have much luck convincing people of this in current_year. both sides genuinely think the other side is the root of all evil and genuinely cannot fathom that their side has any sort of shortcoming
>Authoritarianism isn't lefty or right wing.
exactly and progressives are authoritarian left
>don't wear underwear
>hmm people notice I don't have underwear on. guess I should put them on! LOL
No one cares about what Disney wants to do with the IP. No one takes Disney Wars seriously except themselves and the SJW.
U mad bro?
Women are easily the biggest misogynists, just google stories about all women work places and how they always end up failing not because they’re stupid but because they’re all insecure and animalistic towards each other
I really don't know why she didn't think that having no underwear on would be a problem in that thing. How dumb was she? Even those invisible panties would've helped.
>claim to oppose immigration
>suddenly change your mind when islam is mentioned
yeah very consistent and serious there
>authoritarian left
I'm not sure Stalin would agree.
>only thin ugly bitches with no tits or ass or any meat on their bones cosplay this shit
Yawn let me know when a bitch with F tits does it
>hang out with right wingers
>secretly a based and redpilled liberal
>its always crusader roleplaying
>man its getting repetitive
>people start genuinely believing crusader memes
>they start talking as if its their duty to cleanse this world
>spoken completely unironically
I honestly wont be surprised if I randomly get an email or a visit from the fbi about my knowledge of certain forums and discord servers
Cosplay girls all cosplay the same slutty characters despite the plethora of non-slutty characters, buy their wigs or have someone make all their shit for them. Women cosplay because they like the attention from men and the automatic celebrity status that comes with dressing up as a known character. Its mostly a girl thing now and instgram is flooded with girls who cosplay.
Who would have thought about it?
I’m sorry, George. You only ever wanted what was best for us.
What the fuck is your post even supposed to mean?
Shut up dude
Well then you would be wrong.
stuff that didn't happen
now, that's not to say that Islam isn't a disease that humanity can well do without!
Surely no Christians have ever destroyed heretical iconography. There’s nothing wrong with Islam per se, Arabs are just a violent, backwards people.
>Disney banned all Slave Leia merchandise
But why? She breaks free and strangles Jabba.
Why does Disney hate strong female characters?
its not because of the grrrl power angle, they doing it because of the SLAVE angle
I beg to differ, that religion and its writings prime its adherents for death as surely as nazi propaganda
>Surely no Christians have ever destroyed heretical iconography.
I think that was kinda the point.
If you look at the history of Christians in the Roman empire, they first persecuted, then accepted, they even got a Christian emperor, a century or two later they began destroying all traces of the empire's pagan history, tearing down temples and statues and violently persecuting people who still practiced the old faith.
She still breaks free. What's wrong with self emancipation?
>not CMD+Left
lmao poorfags
Sure thing bud
its current year user, a history book saying the word Nazi is still bad despite already portraying the Nazis as clearly in the wrong.
the existence of the word itself is the issue
Thot status: still thoting
>Unlike Christians, Muslims in general don't identify with any nation, culture, or language, but only with the Islamic nation—the Umma.
Source? I’ve worked in various Muslim countries and they all talk shit about each other. Even the Arabs I know talk shit about Arabs and identified more as their national identity. Am I getting next level taqiya’d?
Nice trips off by one thousand kenobi
Its because it's still sexy as fuck, and while it was intended to be a degrading outfit forced on her by a gross slug monster Leia still owns it, kills her imprisoner, get herself free, and it turns out it was all part of the keikaku.
I mean if they want to avoid that kind of cheap pandering in their movies, then fine, but trying to white wash something that iconic doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm a Christian and I don't identify with any nation, culture or language
Typical protestant.
>Having a ripped person in that costume doesn't look right
Nigger what about every lady barbarian red sonjia rip off ever?
Red Sonja has a Red Sonja costume.
fucking whores
Disney literally said, around the time of TFA, that they were going to GET RID of all the old Canon.
I can't see that any new Slave Leia stuff was in the marketplace anyway, probably all that the Mouse was doing is remind publicists and shill reviewers not to back reference it in discussions
You're mum is a whore for your dad. Your gf is a whore for you. Lost souls are a whore for everyone
They are paid, moron.
We don't have easy access to firearms, you're wrong there.
>not because they’re stupid
Sure thing.
>There’s nothing wrong with Islam per se
That is where you are mistaken. Islam opposes idolatry or anything that can be perceived as such, but also pictures in general. The hadiths say that Muhammad was so autistic that drawings triggered him and he said that angels don't enter the houses of people who have "pictures" inside and the "picture makers" (i.e. artists) are going to hell when they die. This goes a long way explaining why early Islamic flags were extremely simplistic, lacking symbols or details that are distinctive enough or why never had renowed and distinguish Islamic artists like the inexhaustible list of European or Japanese painters. Islam is the mother of all bad ideas.
I never said Christians never persecuted paganism or non-Christians since what said is true. But trying to claim "Christians did it too" reeks of whataboutism and Islamic apology. And I can certainly smell a Muslim behind the keyboard posting this.
>Hitler would fit better in many green parties from europe
Sounds more like an indictment than praise, 2bh
they even had the toy mold destroyed
>implying disney doesn't like that
I'd like to Bobba her Fett if you catch my meaning
Nudes of She-Han plz.
she looks like this now
>Czech is the most unusual country that decades under Soviet occupation didn't make people more religious like most former Communist countries like Serbia or Romania.
Unusual? That's the norm, most countries under Soviet occupation ended as significantly more irreligious: East Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Belarus, you name it.
>fails to mention Poland
I always thought that the cloth in front should wrap underneath and form the back, or is that not feasible?
>Yes, they actually did.
According to their licensors like Hasbro, you are full of shit. As soon as this rumor hit, Hasbro released a new slave Leia action figure debunking it completely. They're even planing a new release this year to go with the Khetanna.
Nice try though.
An outlier, Catholicism was deeply tied to polish nationalism, and the poles always hated the Russians, so they stuck to their religion as a way to defy Soviet occupation
Most countries didn't experience that
Obi-Wan in slave bikini WHERE
based pusy poster
FoX Men isn’t MCU.
>t. leftard
The Force Awakens (second biggest success in the series since the first)
>Han Solo (dies)
Rogue One (successful)
>Krennic (evil)
The Last Jedi (as successful in relation to TFA as Empire was to ANH)
>Luke Skywalker (dies)
Solo (complete fucking bomb)
>Han Solo (gets more screentime than any protagonist in a SW film, is white, male, and the best character in star wars)
Why did you boycott the only hope for white males in Star Wars, Yea Forums?
Try tumblr
I thought it died when they banned porn
>banned all Slave Leia merchandise or any depictions of harems in Star Wars
why are they so cucked now?
“Hitler was a great man. History will look back differently on him.” -JFK
The problem with Chinese Christianity is that they're not allowed the full Bible and the pope isn't even allowed to visit as far as I understand. They may be believers but it's not exactly proper Christianity because that's underground due to the government not wanting uprisings.
That's called marketing
reminder that if you're attracted to muscles on women you're literally attracted to masculine features and are gay
she is too beefy for me. I don't mind a bit of muscle and I don't mind a bit of fat.
A woman with a muscular back is hot imo.
I thought everyone agreed those dudes that post muscle girls are closet gay? Was anyone not in agreement about this? Seems like common knowledge
Not him, but he's saying that you're not actually an atheistic country because you refuse to oppose islamic immigration. Because you're a moron like most atheists.
You would think that the materialism meme would've died with communism but somehow morons still follow it.
It's always good to have reminders
Sources: my rectum.
lmao call me when they actually do something, that criticism goes to anyone who isn't yet apolitical due to sheer apathy.
left wing blogs are no different they just have open support
>Hasbro released a new slave Leia action figure
This story is from 2015
took a long time, had to look through some weird shit, but I managed to find this, enjoy
I thought Carrie Fisher really liked that costume?
where is the Olivia Munn version?
Posted already
I love Lena Paul
Have sex, virgin
what about the angle where you can actually tell its her?
and the Ana de Armas version?
what about the GIANT mole on her right shoulder?
If that bothers you you're fucking retarded. That's not what I'm looking at when I watch her. She has a great body.
Shit body, skinnyfat women are truly disgusting
I just saw endgame. There are four big titty white girls in that movie. SJW Disney is an over blown meme.
One is enough
Women are naturally submissive. That's why they call their boyfriends 'daddy', transforming their bedroom into an extension of the patriarchy. Women like to be choked, most have rape fantasies, they all love to be dominated. An incredibly attractive slave that doesn't put up with hardship, but is lusted after, is every woman's dream.
>the han outfit still has to show skin
lmao, fucking women.
>why don't women want to cosplay as Rose Tico?
They don't have the sexy body for it.
>Not post Captain Tittays
You had one job..
I think this slave is actually being overfeed for the Christmas supper
Must have a number sequency for rolling, actually.
Disney acting like retards by listening to shrivelled ugly femcels on Twitter and the boardroom. They ruined SW and Marvel by pandering to them.
Kennedy and all her ilk despise beautiful women. It’s why uggos like Zendaya are in everything.
That tattoo looks like was made in jail
Women are whores and crave male attention
Is that supposed to be that other woman from prince of Persia Warrior Within?
Is this the Disney masterplan for men to turn gays?
now its time to destroy the thought of a space bikini and replace it with the gay frogs!
>J. Scott Campbell speculated that there'd be no more slave Leia merch
Hey, look at this 2019 slave Leia merch from last month's Chicago convention.
Shit thread.