ITT: Characters that did NOTHING wrong

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last I saw, France looked like Africa

Given that this was a movie supported by the government, based on the memoirs of a FLN militant, directed by a commie, and made a few years after the war ended, this character is portrayed in a surprisingly unbiased and even somewhat positive manner. There's a very realistic "he's just doing his job, what did you expect?" attitude towards him that you don't see a lot in movies nowadays.

Felt like a relatively even handed film desu
Even showed FLN attacks on French civilians

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Mathieu's introduction says he is a hero of Free France against the Nazis, his first lines are him literally saying that most Algerians are just regular good people, and the FLN is just a radical minority.

Meanwhile the FLN is shown killing Algerians that do drugs and alchool

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France is entirely to blame. The French conquered half of Africa and forced the natives to learn French. When France needed cheap manual labor, they imported people from their former colonies, who never fully intergrated into French society.

Fuck NATO, Fuck ZOG, Fuck the Federal Reserve

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Maybe half of your fucking online boogie-men don't exist irl. Ever thought about that?


Even worse, France never truly decolonized from most of Africa. Most of Francafrique is under various forms of French economic or political control. They jealously guard against other powers intervening. The Rwandan genocide was worsened by French intervention because they thought it was an Anglo-American plot to take over.

It's not a coincidence that former French African colonies do far worse on every metric than British colonies.

he fucked himself when he supported terrorists

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That was decades in the past tho. Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy monumentally screwed up. Now everyone is trying to fix it by putting Haftar in charge.

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adolf hitler unironically

He ended the white Australia policy

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>*deports your jewish wife back to nazi germany*
hehe nothing personal kiddo

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i thought this was van damn from street fighter movie. then i read the thread and i have no idea who this is now

Pretty cringe desu

you have made an enemy today

Literally every government that has some type of aggressive foreign policy supports terrorists, including Europe, US, etc.

>kills himself

Ted Bundy looks good in that pic.

>((((""kills himself""")))