Why aren't there more movies with the female character being nude all the time?

There are a ton of actresses trying to make it, there are porn actresses that can act (rare but they exist).

Why can't some director make a movie where one hot actress is naked all the time? You can come up with all sorts of contrived reason for it. Maybe she's an alien, maybe she escaped from some cloning facility and has no concept of shame, maybe she's a supernatural creature, like an angel and she doesn't give a fuck about clothing. Maybe she's a shape shifter.

Lifeforce is a great example of this but the scenes are way too short, I'm talking at least 30- 40 mins with nothing on full frontal. If a young actress doesn't want to do it then get an older (late 20s, early 30s) one. Surely it's possible to find actresses with an exhibitionist streak who's desperate enough. She also gets to immortalise her beauty for all time on screen before the wall hits.

If I was a director, I'd do it, just wondering why this type of movie is so rare despite the prevalence of nudity in films and the ubiquity of porn these days.

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because vaginas are messy and leak constantly and nobody can be assed with cleaning it up all the time,

If breasts ARENT sexual and ARENT comparable to genitalia as women always argue then why dont women just always walk around shirtless with their tits hanging out on warm days like men?
Free the nip i say.

It's called porn

hollywood wants to protect and inflate women's social value for some reason.

people would rather watch porn alone than go to a fapbait film in theatres

>If I was a director, I'd do it,

It's very clear why you aren't one.

Well I have a mouth but I don't have a job, I think I could solve that problem

why are men so gross?? kys

There are movie like this but they're very rare. La prede umane comes to mind but that was made in the early 90s

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In Feast 3 there are some bitches who are naked throughout the whole movie.

Gladly, post your bobs with a timestamp first

Tits or gtfo

Porn is just crap. I'm talking about a film with a story that also celebrates the female aesthetic. There's anime (not hentai) with nude female characters, can't remember the name tho.

Not Another Teen Movie

Elaborate. The way i see it, the reason is a lack of creativity. Obviously if you make the movies I'm talking about you're not going to win oscars but I still think it's doable.

Jess Franco movies are somewhat like what in talking about but those movies were made back in the day when porn isn't so widespread. I mean there are strictly lesbian only porn actresses these days. They've already been naked 100s of times on camera. Why not make a movie out of it.

You used a few big words there boy, but I think what you really meant to say was "why can't I have the wank fantasy I want?".
Don't worry, another 10 years in your basement and VR will have come far enough along so you can do whatever you want.

Yes but the scenes involving that particular naked girl was like 2 mins or something in total. Why not longer? Make her nudity a major part of the plot.

Why are you so mad? Obviously it's a wank fantasy. What's the problem with that? Is it worse than gangbang porn? Or even just average porn? Obviously it isn't.

well, if it ISN'T WORSE THAN PORN ...

Again, why are you so upset? There's nudity in film now, this is just longer nudity.

I'm not
why are you so wrong?

fucking based

would a movie with full frontal throughout get a nc-17 rating automatically?

jc the roasties in this thread

I'm surprised sexploitation hasn't made a comeback as a film genre yet. There's so many insta-thots, wannabe models and actresses you could draw on as 'talent'; plus it's completely in-line with the current cultural climate regarding sexuality.

>they think there is only two genders

fucking nerrrrrrrds

What are some other ones?

Watch Room in Rome

Julio Medem basically became a director just to put Elena Anaya naked over and over

lye-kin, elder-kin, wolf-kin, bird-kin, dun-kin

check your privilege, nerd


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Eva Green is pretty much naked throughout all of The Dreamers

>There are porn actors that can act.
Answered your own question you hedonistic, fagot. Go watch blue is the gayest color and fuck off. Nudity in film only deserves to be in film if it serves purpose to the plot and character development. Asking for 100 percent of screen time with nudity is fucking porn.

Because it'd be distracting
Also wasn't the dreamers like that

Yeah but it doesn't matter does it?

Take Jailbait 2014 for example. We all know that the only reason that film was made was to show Sara Malakul Lane naked. Instead of going 10% nudity, set it to 60% or 70% nudity. It's a straight to video movie anyway, why would certifications matter?

Room in Rome has good nudity but the story is lame as hell, it's just 2 women being pseudodeep or whatever they were talking about in some room. Cam girl live chats might be more entertaining.

Imagine instead a different story where they were naked out and about either wrecking shit or running from something or someone. Or maybe even shipwrecked on an island. Would be cooler, no?

Dumb idea.

sword and shield


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I think the real answer is just that it would be seen as a risk, get negative press straight out the gate, and probably get slapped with an NC-17 or equivalent, and no major studio wants the hassle. Just look at the spergrage your idea engenders in this thread alone. Pretending to be outraged over sex and sexuality is everybody's favorite sport these days. It's retarded but it's the reality.

for box office it matters because theatres don't show nc-17 flicks
I wouldn't be surprised if netflix et. al would all pass on it as well
in which case there's only dvd/bd/direct dl left, and porn struggles to make a profit with that with porn tier budgets

I would already be happy if the folks in Naked&Afraid weren‘t censored.

>caring about the story
fann i didnt even get subtitles for that shit. all i use it for is fap material

Aside from the tits, the female body is gross. Who the hell wants to see some skank's hairy roast beef flapping around for 90 minutes? Maybe 10 years ago when broads were still shaving their beavers it would be okay, but these days they are all stronk wymym and think that having a cunt that looks like they are squatting on a bear cub is sexy. Fuck I hate women.

I mean if you're the director you can get the actress to be fully shaved

I always thought it would be interesting to have a film where one female character is simply and inexplicably nude 100% of the time. She interacts with everyone else normally, they generally treat her normally, it's accepted in the movie universe that she simply likes to stay nude and perhaps doesn't even own clothing. And not a joke like the girl in Not Another Teen Movie, but a central character in a serious movie.

This would be a must. Merkins and unkempt female genitals are just awful. A girl with well shaped and easily visible genitals.

Lesbian, dwarf, RoboCop, Spiderman, anime

It could easily be done if it was like a National Geographic type setting with African qts just naturally wandering around tits out all day. Maybe you could even pitch it as "diverse" and whatnot if you had to play the game. National Geographic: The Movie.

Because 24/7 free porn exists now you stupid brat.

Quit being lead around by your dick.

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Nah, the point is for it to be in a modern western setting with a hot white actress.

>Because 24/7 free porn exists now you stupid brat.
Why do people thing that porn is the answer to everyone's interests? Some people would rather have something that is not watching people fuck but instead looking at a girl who is confidently and casually nude in a way they can appreciate her beauty. Stop answering every interesting idea with "watch porn." For some people porn is gross but hot women naked in a more aesthetic way is really hot. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean that it's not a legitimate interest for others.

Yeah. It's a shame though. I can think of a lot of sci fi movies and series that would be better with straight up full frontal nudity.

Imagine if the showrunners of westworld weren't feminists. Then you'd have a much more realistic show. Robots that don't care about covering up. Why would robots care anyway? Then you'd have a lot more scenes of that snake tattoo girl killing people like season 1.

There are only two, and only one that matters, whore.

Camgirls like these?

>No male
>Busty white young
>Pink pussy and nips
>Small hole
>No tatoo and body piercing

I will finance this.

The word of god.

Nudity shouldn't be in movies. You're a hack fraud if you think someone needs to be naked in a movie.

>Why do people thing that porn is the answer to everyone's interests?
Because they're out of puberty already and no longer obsessed with sex and nudity like a 15 year old boy.

Now fuck off, brat.

I like it a lot but I think there must be a reason if it's going to be a serious movie

The character just doesn't like wearing clothes. In the same way there's no big deep explanation for why a character has a certain hairstyle or fashion style, there's no need to do it with this. She's just always nude but always causally and confidently.

They should make an entirely nudist film. The basic premise should be that the climate was such that people never needed to invent clothes and everything in the world is the same as it is except that everyone is naked all the time. It would be weird at first but then you realise how much of a non-issue it is.

I'm not a nudist myself but I've noticed it when you go to nudist beaches that the first time your grossed out by fat people's bodies but the initial shock wears off very quickly and phases out completely after subsequent visits.

>They should make an entirely nudist film.
theres an icelandic movie like that

Nudity isn't porn, you degenerate. Porn is infinitely worse.

All men like looking at naked beautiful women and some women like showing it all off. With the right people involved it's a win/win situation.

This. Such a dumb response.

>porn is worse than fapkino
>therefore it cannot outcompete fapkino
actual retard

Cool, I'm down with it. Just make sure the actress is hot.

Erotica/story driven porn is definitely due a comeback desu.

outcompete? Just fuck off, brainlet.


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If you have nudist film then chances are the libtard director is going to be inserting a ton of cocks because feminism. Call me sexist but I only want hot women to be nude (shaved)

Imagine Daddario fully nude an entire movie. People will probably die from jerking off too much.

Good point well made.

Good. Thin out the incel population, they're wasting my oxygen

>Nudity isn't porn...
Humans, especially men, are visually oriented creatures, and as such, are susceptible to visual cues, like nudity, that initiate an unconscious mating response within the brain. This is why you get a hard on looking at bitches on film despite the fact they're not real. Nudity, like porn, is just another way the kikes try to exploit your biology for financial gain, and the sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be.

>All men like looking at naked beautiful women
No shit, and obese people on a diet like looking at food. It's the lack of self control that leads people to eat shit, and it's the lack of dick control that leads idiots, like you, to throw money at any kike willing to hire some slut to take her clothes off.

Just save your money and go BUY some pussy already. That way it will no longer have its control on your little virgin beta brain.

Do you not realize there's literally millions of nude bitches online 24/7?

What the fuck is your problem?

No bitch is "special", user, so quit making them out to be.

What were those movies that I watched on Skinemax as a kid in the late 80s? There would be a movie but like, a bunch of girls would wash a car topless in the middle of it, and other porn-lite scenes like that. Do they still make those?

Women who I find attractive who aren't naked all the time deserve to be beaten

Imho lewd / sexy stuff is waaay more hotter than full nude.

Attached: Prime ScarJo pantykino.webm (608x336, 933K)

Haha imagine the smell lol grosssss haha

Because it's illegal.

Alright Dave. See you in ten mins yeah? Nice post btw.

>Room in Rome... Elena Anaya

The Skin I Live In is a far better use of Elena Anaya's body and is a fantastic movie period.

>The Skin I Live In is a far better use of Elena Anaya's body
watch Lucía y el sexo, she's not the main character but dammmmmmn if she doesnt steal the show when she appears

Appreciate the tip but I've seen it and would still direct people towards The Skin I Live In.

have sex.


>wanting older anaya instead of prime anaya

your loss

Projecting really hard here, virgin boy. I have more self control than you will ever have.
Bitch please, I don't pedestalize women I just like looking at them, big difference. Daddario looks amazing, there's no denying that.


Nowhere near enough nudity for its premise.