>we need a star that will ensure our movie grosses a billion dollars but we only want to pay them a fraction of a white male actor's salary
>say no more
We need a star that will ensure our movie grosses a billion dollars but we only want to pay them a fraction of a white...
Other urls found in this thread:
best marvel girl
I hope she gets paid well
What race is she?
She is a bed wench. Fuck her
El mulatto de la cincuenta seis por ciento
>implying people go see these movies for her and not the special effects
I watched the first guardians flick because she was in it and she was easily the best part of avatar
>bed wench
seething black boy
>best part of Avatar
She certainly wasn't the reason people went to see it though
she was the reason I saw it a second time
>41 years old
She looks like she only fucks with white men.
Black don't crack. Angela Bassett is 61 and looks 40
>we need a bed wench that sleeps with white dudes to make our interracial movie and she needs to be cheapand do it becauze she like it
>say no more dude
>Give me the black mommy gf
>Say no more she's already waiting outside
White with a tan
>all her love interests where whit#d males
She is weak bedwench bros
What's the best black actress that loves white dudes Yea Forums? Halle Berry?
Blacks don’t witness black foolishness like whites people so it keeps them young
>Be in the 0.1% of attractive black women
>Regularly get bleached
Always the same story.
levels of seethe unheard of
Halle has had every color of the rainbow in her puss user not just white dudes
Was social media ever friendly
Perhaps but she only made children with white dudes. Wonder why...
Are those comments real? niggers are ruthless
>hurr durr only weak blacks chicks love white guys! Look how badass we are hurr cur
Me on the left
Zoe Saldana is mentally ill and ugly too. I hope she has pain
Is there a wojak version of this pic?
That doesntmake you a chad fagota
White males should never be alowed to date black girls and they dont want either,black girls are indoctrinatednto date ugly white males. White males are known for fetishing black girls.
I fully support attractive half-black women getting bleached
Thandie Newton
Her daughters are qt too
Is she the biggest bed wench in hollywood bros
Not really
Gugu Mbatha Raw
Zazie Beets, actress from DeadPool
>we a minority actress to by the white male's love interest
>she's already in the lobby calling your assistant cute
>We want a very dark black girl african and hot that dates white guys
>There is no such a thing,sorry
Why? Because all african goddesses go for their race,only mixed mutts go for white dudes
She must have signed a 12-Movie contract with Disney when she was 18 or something. They stuff her into every franchise they're booting up.
I wanna cummy in her tummy
>even with a white guy in that crossroads movie with Britney spears
lmao you aren't joking
What a dumb bed wench,she is evil
shameless swirler c00nette
Worst actress ever imo
Hands down she sucks hard
yikes, talk about seething incels ITT
Why are those people being so mean when she didn't even say anything outrageous?
Why is she such an auful actres?
No, people have been talking shit on the internet since it started but it used to be just nerds so atleast the banter was funny
They're bitter nigcels
Because she deserves it for being a dumb bedwench faggotys
Have sex
Zoe is ugly as hell,white girls look better,even average like Daisy Ridley looks god likecompared to her
lmfao the seething negresses itt
Damn,she is fat and ugly hair too. Only incels find that attractive
Was this genuinely written by a black guy? How is this suppose to make him seen in a good light?
Have sex
Whsy so dumb fag?
She is ugly as hell,same for her "husband"
Damn he's so close to being correct but also so far away at the same time. Wish there was a way to help him figure it all out.
Why would chocolate qts be seething? It's not a secret anymore that they love wh*tebois
>it's a black female in a movie for "diversity purposes".
>married in real life to a white guy
I love this kind of endings
checking holy trips of truth
how do i get a cute black gf?
She is married to a black chad. She did right. Based girl
I never knew black guys freaking out like this was even a thing until this thread what the hell
Search her instagram bro,her name is wrriten on the badgebadge
She is /ourgirl/ keeping black pure forever
One day wakanda will rise from ocean to ocean and crush the weste,east and south
Fake fuwishhfullneess of white dudes and their primitive dreams of actuallyty bring the! To think they are superior and basdass when they are actually weak and use sick black girls mentally ill that hate their our kind. Feels bad man
Remember that blacks are still a big minority. Racemixing will end them before it ends whites in the USA.
Was that the plan this whole time?
Every single race hates race mixing
Well, maybe not blacks because mixing is upgrade for them but practically everyone else
We'll get her next generation!
>Search her instagram bro,her name is wrriten on the badgebadge
>it's censored
Nigga you gay
The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!
>he doesn't know about /blackpol/
Lad, just how new are you?
Here she is bro,no i love black woman like any brother
No you wont faggot! By 2050 africa is power! Or 201000!
are you blind?
this is not the same girls as this
>she is from brasil
Thank you based god. Not mutt kids for her.
Nooo,we must fight white wolfs. Black Panther needs to rise and beat white wolf in black panther too to show he stronger than him
I guess very new. I've only ever seen blacked threads here never this.
>i'm proud of her accomplishments
the absolute state of africuck ""men"" LOL
Good she's worth it.
Fuck overpaid morons who can't actually act
I'm looking at you mother of anurisyms and rdj
Such a bad actor,Daisy Ridley is better looking and better actor than Zoe Hackdana
Africa has to be THE most fucked-over and cucked continent. If it isn't the white man it's arabs or indians or the chinese
Pfft, considering that Cassius Clay was just another pseudo muslim black nationalist, how disappointed was his mind everytime he saw his grandkids?
uh oh
Delete this
How is sweden bro? :D
Pins you down with ancient snusnu mulatto mating press
>user give mummy your cummies NOW or I'll suffocate you with my brapper
What do ?
Who she?
Well, if you think /pol/ is bad then I guess you never went to black websites or god forbid arabic Twitter, that is an experience on its own.
Always find it refreshing when I then hear some bay area leftist squeaking how racism and hatred has no place anywhere.
Knowing languages is a redpill on its own.
that's tuff
not a continent in the first place, but pretty good
>takes bbc
Feels good man,whites btfo
got this on my pc, very gud
Blacks are racist ethno-supremacists just like all peoples.
They are ok with inbreeding white girls, but they don't want the opposite.
Like any male in any race.
think its Daisy cooper idk the scene either because the name was just some numbers
If you don't want to do it, there's a whole line of chicks who will
is he ok?
You definitely got me curious now
>tfw Zoe will never knee you until both your balls are busted
why live lads
Arab twitter is /pol/ x 100, enjoy the journey down the rabbit hole
Refuse to give her my cummies
Make her beg for it I like your style famlamamas
every romantic interest in her career so far has been a white boy
Give me a femdom Zoe mommy and no one will get hurt
She is ugly
More Zoe pls?
there's a thread for black celebs on /hr/ with nice Zoe pics
She is cute
Why does she love /ck/ so much?
is that a nigger in high heels in the backround or what? Absolutely disgusting.jpg
24 year old virgin checking in lads. We're all gonna get QT mullato gf's with white girl noses.
Do you think sjw's will turn on blacks sooner or later? After all blacks occupy precious resources that can be taken by Aztec, Inca and Muslim hordes.
I could finally live a happy life if I had just a Zoe mommy gentle femdom gf
What people consider /pol/ talk is a standard in the Arabic world, and I mean STANDARD, all of it - women, jews, degenerates - all of it. Not only is that common talk, it is also taught by scholars and public figures.
The languages is what plays quite a big role in this - while the Silicon valley leftists can do all they want with their algorithms to #ResistHate, that still applies mainly to anglosphere world, and even though english might be considered lingua franca of the world, only I think less than 5% of the world actually speak it. The rest of it though, man, when you can translate what people say, it is quite a different world, because foreigners by default assume that you don't speak their language, and speak their mind even in your presence.
With Turks and Arabs, people of european stock really have no idea how different can someone's worldview be.
Are you me?
Best thread on Yea Forums right now. How long until jannies notice?
yes this was taken in Paris so seeing something like that there isn't surprising
kill yourself my man
Black when she wants a black American role, "trigueña"(a black/mulatto Dominican in denial of being black) the rest of the time.
She's ugly
Man, she is a fucking gypsy. I see dozens like her during every nighshift commute.
I’m arabic. I’ve been to arabic counties multiple times all my life, though mostly lebanon and syria.
I never talk politics over there. It’s fucking dangerous. People are fucking psychotic when it comes to talking about politics there. My father always told me “talking politics in my homeland makes brothers kill brothers” and he meant literally. You don’t understand just how fucking intense politics or religion is over there, you really don’t.
She's cute
post that ice cream webm
Out of all the white girls you pick fucking Daisy? Get some taste my man.
This is a blue board. Bestiality is against the rules
you just know
Hats wrong?
based as fuck, please continue to make these threads in the future
>this thread is still up
Can I just say how proud I am of this community right now
you sir have a kino eye
>Zoe is ugly as hell,white girls look better,even average like Daisy Ridley looks god likecompared to her
Pic is you!!!FACT!!!
Yeah nah
you have terrible taste. get fucked user
Seething incels
Do people just not use punctuation on social media? Or is it just the niggers?
I dont fo you baggot?
>biggest Hipocrates
yikes have sex
We need the cute white boi market
Shame about her being a butterface, but at least her body makes up for it.
ah bloo bloo
Is that the Gillette commercial?
She cute
you get what you pay for
white people are top quality and everybody loves and NEEDS them..you can tell by how they all run to white countries
I never knew Yea Forums was this based and junglepilled
I'm white male and hate white women,I married a black woman. Kys
This almost seems true, she has very white features but not the skin color.
Have sex.
whiwhite features
Zoe is for ____________
White Man
casting as the obligatory minority lead
>white features
Explain star trek
Ugly bedwench married a loser soiwhite boy
Lupita is next
Only one of Ali’s daughters has a white husband. The others have black husbands and kids.
Simone Biles, a gymnast
Built for BWC
Fatima Diame is better than Khaddi
Gamora is the best character in gotg
Talk to black girls, its easy snd exciting
Khaddi has a more revealing outfit though
Billion dollar baby
Is there a cuter black girl than Zoe? Post black qts
I wish I had a Zoe wife
Me too,how would life be? She would fix my tv and I'll cook.
Zoe Saldana is a sjw dumb piece of sh#t
based, triggering conservacucks incels
>We losing them
What a fucking retarded piece of shit
>‘We have a very gender-neutral environment where my husband participates in a lot of tasks that were normally given to women and vice versa,’ she previously told Us Weekly. ‘I get to do a lot of male things, which is, I don’t know, put the TV together, fix things that break. ‘We’re sort of a very gender-fluid household. I think it’s important to raise boys in that environment, and girls as well.’
BASED ebony tomboy wife. Cope harder nigboi
Youthink you deel good now but we gotta go fast and beat you rass faggot,your raing is over
That doesn’t sound like gender-fluid shit.
Then show me whats real gwnder fuid shit incel
Wife who can fix TV is cool actually.
100% swirler bedwench
100% based and redpilled. Smart black girls know what a lost cause black """"men"""" are
No, the mulatto that I dated for 5 years was indoctrinated because her white father never existed and her black mother was a dyke. She had all kinds of screwed up shit but a pretty face and the fucking ass and titties like crazy on a slim frame. shit was straight hourglass, white face on a caramel goddess body. one of the only gfs i've dated who has gone birth control after we started dating and i used to nut in her all the time... i miss that shit, but i upgraded to a 17 year old turkish/greek. i'm 31 btw and it's legal in washington
No,you should do it you lazy fuck,its a man job and tv is bad for your brain,read books.
>be America
>world capital of racemixing
>your mulattos are still so ugly that you have to resort to hiring euromutts
absolute state
>tfw you will never have a threeway with the Obama sisters ;__;
>looks like a man
Why do leftoids hate beauty?
Based Kenya
This,Zoe is a man faces ape. She is ugly as fuck nedwench
You're a racist dumb-dumb
>Best marvel girl's sister
There user, I fixed it for you
The Power of the Chocolate PUSSY
What DC character would Zoe play?
my glasses
Reminder: One drop rule unless if its an attractive chick then they're pretty much white
What kind of incel gets in the pool wearing a shirt?
Lol, yeah, she is mulato af.
I wanna give her some cute race mixed babies
and she only extramiled with a white dude
Fags who make these threads are either themselves niggers or perceive White women as being completely out of their league.
does she do birthday parties?
Why parties?
Gay post,white women are the past let them die kill them. Why do white chads only go after blacks/latina girls then?
Hoow do I get a black gf?
and then anons like you go all keyboard warrior
It's white chads who are sick of Becky. Go away Zhang.
I'm sure your ancestors are proud, mr deadend
>even blacks are incels
The world is dead.
how do you get typecast this much, she must have been at least offered a role with a black love interest
She’s had 3 Black love interests.
I don't give a fuck,the white race is dying no matter what,at one point it will be over,so why not have fun?
>>We want a very dark black girl african and hot that dates white guys
>>There is no such a thing,sorry
>very dark black girl african
They could be
non white women are hideous
>Zoe Saldana
>a star that will ensure our movie grosses a billion dollars
Said no one ever? She's barely a B celebrity.
how do i get a black gf bros
she's in the two highest grossing films of all time and in three out of the top 5
>Seething at interracial couple
>Anime name
Holy based. That's gotta be a shop
That woman is gorgeous
user, i fap to a lot stuff. Black women are one of those things.
lots of qt brown and mixed girls in muttmerican universities. avoid the militant feminists.
lol fuck white people. have sex.
that tit must feel so good in the hand
unironically my favorite black actress
Damn her body was made to be fucked into oblivion. To each their own, but i would love to cum deep in that tight ass
This got my dick big hard.
>we need [literally any female character] in our sci-fi space movie
ahahahah jesus christ
ok, this is BASED
This is common for dark skinned Dominicans. Dictator Trujillo really did a number on them and they are all traumatized by years of anti dark skin pro white skin propaganda.
What do you think it feels like? Imagine how warm she is from being in the sun too.
Niggers and trannies leave my Yea Forums
everyone loses
this is the best timeline
1. Exercise
2. Stop eating shitty food
3. Stop drinking alcohol
4. Stop smoking
why is she so perfect and better than any white thot in every way?
I am south euro and I often have to bite my tongue with Anglos.
I can just imagine with Turks, Arabs etc
yeah im thinking he's blacked
hand looks like it's going through her chest
no one goes to a movie because Zoe Saldana is in it
what a redemption arc
Because she's already 40 years old and hopefully done thotting around
>pleasant pops
>w-we can do it to your women but you can't do it to ours
Stupid fucking nignogs
I would flush thousands of years of genetic european lineage deep into her pussy to get slaughtered like GoT writers wrote for my sperm without any regret whatsoever.
Janny loves chocolate and is busy touching his pecker.
Pffft, the real answer is exercise and genetics.
I do. So your argument is wrong and unfounded.
This thread really did trigger a lot of them
Is that man wearing fucking heels? Europeans are weird.
/pol/ are really easily triggered, it's not really a revolutionary insight
Look harder.
What sad lives they lead.
Please post an example
>i like dick
Could've saved me some time.
If we go down, they go down with us.
Have sex
she gets paid in while male cum
It's not good to lewd Zoe
No we can't meet up.
Just because she likes white guys romantically doesn’t mean she dislikes dark skin, Zoe isn’t like that.
she.. doesn't have white features, you're just projecting
Anyone who says "white features" doesn't really understand anthropology or genetics.
desu I think the real reason she stars opposite so many white guys is because the white filmmakers see her as a black woman they could imagine being with, and black filmmakers don't cast her because she's not black enough, they'd just get Rosario Dawson instead
I feel like even if you're racist towards black people you can see this white dude is punching above his weight lol
>that guy in heels
exercise makes you age faster
I'm White and my girlfriend is black and there is nothing you racist scumbags can do about it.
fun..let me tell you something, people say whites are racist blah blah bla, have you looked at africa, it doesn't stop with white vs black, it never stops..they'll be after you mixed kids in 20 15 years, they'll be the new ebil white man
the cameraman fucking zooming in lol. he knows exactly what he's doing.
>using daisy ridley as an example of a "godlike" white woman
is this a bot or are you legit brain damaged.