Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Sprite?

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Sprite?

Attached: Sprite_1024x1024.png (1024x1024, 857K)

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Because 7-Up is better

For some reason all of their dommexerciala heavily featu


Shit taste

Attached: 7up.gif (420x301, 995K)

This unironically

patrician opinion
cringe and bluepilled

my nigga

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I agree.

kys literally

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>consuming carbonated beverages

Don't tell me you guys actually do this.

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I also masturbate to 3D lolis

>inb4 "Don't tell me you guys actually do this."

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Sprite >>> Sierra Just >>>> 7-UP


They started peddling racemixing in Poland recently

>Television & Film

vanilla orange coke is where it's at

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read

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Why does every single Sprite commercial cater exclusively to a certain demographic?

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I cant have Sprite around because it's literally one of my favorite tastes on the planet and I'll go through way too much of it if given the opportunity. Seriously name one (1) more refreshing thing than an ice cold Sprite when you're really thirsty.


I only drink sprite immediately after brushing my teeth.

honestly can't tell the difference between 7up, sprite and mountain dew

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Water you ridiculous little caramite

because Squirt is superior

>when you're really thirsty
water unironically


Mountain Dew tastes nothing like Sprite or 7up.




A cold 7 up

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i hate them

You may not like it but this user is right

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So which would be Coke and which would be Pepsi?

Sprite is a Coke product, Sierra MIst is Pepsi, and 7-up is A&W


I prefer Pepsi® products myself.

It's apple soda for me

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Almdudler, it’s a Austrian soda that tastes incredible

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Sprite is for spades

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