>Be you
>Having sex with your soulmate on beloved bed
>5 years later
>Wake up. Look on your left
>She's fucking with another guy on the same bed.
Be you
>Be Wakadian's soldier
>"Oh shit! Aliens attacking us"
>Get beaten senselessly. Aliens almost kill you
>5 years later.
>Wake up. Still having trauma over what happened.
>A wizard's appeared.
>He opens portal.
>Other side of the portal is the same alien's army but much bigger this time
>"Y- YIBAMB..."
>be a passenger on a plane
>everyone else is snapped
>you're not
>plane falls to the ground and you die
>5 years later
>everyone is unsnapped
>you are forgotten
>be a passenger on a plane
>suddenly five years have passed and you are falling to your death.
Yeah I kind of didn't understand this from an ethical standpoint. They brought all those people back from the snap just to send them into a battle where a large amount of them who weren't main characters probably died? Waste of life
Come back just to die
Yeah a lot of people STILL died due to circumstances. It's like teleporting into the wrong place. Pretty much most of the population who were on vehicles, they're now falling into the ground or mid-street getting rolled over by cars. Or maybe someone was standing at a building that doesn't exist anymore.
>working as a ground staff at the Avengers facility
>gets snapped
>5 years later
>reappear on the grounds of the Avengers compound and is immediately disintegrated by Thanos' missiles
Bravo Avengers!
>be janitor at high school
>cleaning shower room after school hours
>be snapped
>5 years pass
>surrounded by naked underage girls
>accused of being a pedo and go to jail forever stigmatized as a sex offender
>Be on planet earth, in the solar system, moving through space at 20 kilometers per second
>Snapped out of existence
>5 years later
>snapped back into existence in the middle of empty space
>th-thanks Avengers
God I wish that were me. Actually, what happened to people taking a shit at schoo or work when they got dusted?
And now they try to re-appear while someone else is sitting there? Do they merge? Or just appear sitting on top of them?
And whatever happened to the bodily wastes?
Imagine if they built a building/structure in the place of where people were snapped.
Would the revived person be stuck inside a wall, and nobody ever found out they were unsnapped?
>relaxing on the beach
>get snapped
>come back 5 years later
>due to the rotation of the earth you get snapped back in the south pole
>because 50% of all people disappeared the ice had the chance to grow back, you're stuck in it
>millions of years later your body gets found
>they find you were wearing cargo shorts and sandals
Why didn't the US military help fight against arguable the biggest alien invasion ever?
>Look at the windows
>There's no one coming back
>Look at the satellites
>Millions of dead people floating in space at the coordinates they used to be 5 years ago
i like thano
i am excited to see him in the next the advengers film
Yes. Basically the reverse snap did more damage than good.
>be driving on the highway
>come back 5 years later
>confused so look at the date on my phone
>go to articles the day after the snap
>billions of people vanished, billions more died on the roads around the world
>remember I was driving with my wife and 3 children to Disney world for my daughters 7th birthday
Th-thanks Avengers
What else could they have done ? If they didn't fight, Thanos would've seized the glove and snapped everyone again
Cuz its pretty obvious its a full on tranny army at that point.
Not attempt the unsnap in the first place.
They didn't even know the snap happened. Peter only knew because of Spidey Sense and Doctor Strange explaining it to him.
literally can't imagine it
I wonder how many people got away with gruesome crimes thanks to the confusion of 3 billions people coming back into the world in an instant.
Not everyone will look back for the people already lost, and many will be dying by situational stuff stated in this thread. With some quick thinking, whoever got snapped back could have raped and killed some hottie who won't be missed. Or they'll just think she died by being in the wrong place or whatever. Too many people returning, not enough time or care to look for them.
I just assumed the gauntlet was smart enough to return people in non-life-threatening circumstances, like ones in planes would just undust as groups in the middle of fields or in a place familiar and non to them personally.
Because it's magic ain't gotta explain shit right?
>Go scuba diving with instructor
>Get dusted in middle of lesson
>Your instructor goes back with equipment
>5 years later
>You're now in middle of the sea and no one is aware of your whereabouts
>half of life in the universe comes back
>ecosystems that managed to recover are suddenly overpopulated
>ecological catastrophe on a universal scale occurs
Why does his face look like a ballsack???
can someone explain to me why peter parker is back in school with all the same people 5 years later?
were they all snapped?
If they are literally brought back to life exactly where they were snapped, then billions of people and trillions of aliens were brought back into existence floating in empty space where they would have just instantly died.
So what happens to all the people who took a shit but couldn’t finish?
This. But who cares about science in a dumb comic book movie
Why not have Thor go back in time to just before Thanos snapped, aim for his head, kill Thanos, take the Gauntlet with all the stones, and go back to his timeline? It would've saved them a lot of trouble and saved everyone from that alternate timeline.
>riding on bullet train
>5 years later
>Appear in middair flying at 250mph
When you're talking about dissappearing HALF the sentient beings in ALL THE UNIVERSE... It doesn't look that contrived to have most members from a certain school gone. It wasn't even half the earth. It's half the population in the universe. The entire earth could have been wiped out in this universe full of galaxies with aliens in them, and it'd be an unnoticeable casualty.
This is actually stupidly dangerous, it's a bad idea user if you're in that situation don't risk it. Nothing guarantees the events will play out the same. Maybe you just put too much pressure on Thor and he fails, or he tries a different thing now that you talked to him, or Thanos notices you and feels like using a different attack than a laser beam and just turns everyone into bubbles.
There are no absolute locations in space, only relative. So they'd be teleported back to wherever the fuck earth was during the hulk's snap.
nah but there would be a ton of new students, and half of them would be finished with college by the time the rest of them came back. it's pretty ridiculous that every single person that you saw in his class in the first movie is now going on a school trip in the next spider man movie.
also the odds of hawkeyes entire family disappearing are astronomically low.
The snap was very direct in intent, 50% of each distinct population group was wiped out. A near infinite number of smaller scale lotteries rather than one giant universal one which may leave a planet here or there untouched, while entirely wiping out others.
>all the same people
I don't think it's all the same people.
>Be you
>Five years later
>Come back into the cold vacuum of space to freeze/melt/suffocate to death as the earth is no longer in the same place.
all the main characters like the blonde girl, the asian dude, the indian dude, MJ, etc. apparently they all got snapped
No way, just have future Thor waiting in the bushes, as soon as the axe from past Thor hits Thanos in the chest, have him jump out and behead Thanos. Hell, just chop off his fucking arm even.
Even if you limited it to Earth relative, the Earth's rotation and changes in tilt would end up depositing people back on a different point of the surface than when they were snapped. People would be reappearing inside mountains, midair over somewhere of lower elevation, in the middle of the ocean.
Based retard!
When was that specified? Thanos only ever said half of all universe so that other user is correct.
>the odds of hawkeyes entire family disappearing are astronomically low
1/(2^4) is a pretty high probability all things considered. Calling a number on a roulette is half that chance and it happens all the time.
This. 50% of the population of every species in the universe was turned into dust.
It is the only reasonable way to explain the result of the snap as shown at the end of the movie. Every large crowd or group being shown off is 50% dusted every time. You just wouldn't see results like that if it was a giant universal lottery.
>Thanos only ever said half of all universe
No, he didn't. Thanos also said to Tony "You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive.".
Thanos used a reality stone to warp the world in such a way exactly 50% of life would be extinct, if it was a flat 50% the planet would suffer more because of failing sewage/electricity/hospitals/etc
The reality stone reverting the decision was also warping back the reality to the state where everyone would be in the world they would have been without the stones
True this, it's not stated but the results show it to be that way. I wonder how specific Thanos' wish had to be in his head. Actually we never get to see how specific you have to be with your wishes.
Hulk says he tried to save Wanda when making everyone come back... so in one snap he probably thought
>Bring everyone who was snapped back, also revive Wanda
Which begs the moral question of why not also revive people who died before. If Wanda was unable to come back just say
>Revive Quicksilver and Vision
Vision only needs a power source. I'd imagine the power of the snap is enough to power up his remains. And let's not even get into how many others he could have tried to revive.
Last 2 Polar Bears on Earth. Thanos kills 50%. Meanwhile 6 billion Pajeets survive.
What an actual retarded plan.
>”On your left.”
They don't experience time during the dusted phase though. For them, it would be like passing out in a battle, waking up in the same battle and continuing the fight.
What about species that only have one member left? I'm sure Thanos used the Mind Stone to spare every species that only has one member left from being turned to dust, since Thanos was so autistic about being as fair as possible in stopping overpopulation of the universe.
>only African males and white females are left
It's almost as if his name, "The Mad Titan" means something...
Wasn't Groot the last of the treepeople though? He still got dusted
I don't know about mountains and oceans, I feel like the stones would know not to do that, but where is the line where people get materialized in man-made buildings that weren't there 5 years ago? There should be a ton of clipping for sure, but of course all that is simply being ignored and we're to expect this new influx of people after the world has moved on wouldn't actually be bad (as evident in all the hilarious examples anons provided). They should've just brought back the heroes and none of these problems would arise.
Wouldn't be counted and be spared since they would make up such a small % of the total life wiped out.
Even if every single male/female of said species would be spared it wouldnt make up even 0.001% of the dominant species in that planet
I remember reading an interview with the writers that Thanos was in the dusting lottery as well (hence his surprised look after the snap) and he's the only surviving member of his species, no?
Space stone exists retard
Also killing 50% of a minor popular creates a gene pool too shallow to not produce retards. Thanks for literally making universe retarded.
The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!
Mad isn't retarded.
Somebody get this hothead outta here!
>Wasn't Groot the last of the treepeople though?
I don't know if he was. Maybe he wasn't. In any case, the Mind Stone is basically a quantum supercomputer, so it could be used to calculate the population numbers of species throughout the universe to make the snap as fair as possible.
Mad, in the context of his nickname means insane, not angry. As a viewer, you are supposed to view him as dillusonal. He's a villain for fucks sake.
What's the population cut off point?
Because they were too strong. Remember a single tactical nuke took out the entire chidori army along with their mobile base.
Oh I get it. But his actions aren't those of a crazed who dictator. It's the actions of a retard somebody let loose near the nuclear football.
>I remember reading an interview with the writers that Thanos was in the dusting lottery as well (hence his surprised look after the snap)
I don't remember reading anything like that and it doesn't make sense to me that Thanos would include himself in the dusting lottery since I think Thanos would choose to keep himself alive to prevent anyone from possibly undoing the Decimation. But yeah, he's the last member of his species (i.e. the Titans).
>Implying that interspecies breeding and hybrid children aren't possible
>have dinner with the love of your life at their place
>lose consciousness for what feels like couple of seconds
>your lover is dead hanging from the ceiling and the place looks like shit
Yeah this isn't an anime where guns and rockets are useless. In fact, Thanos was saved by just bombing down the heroes. Once he lost his ship and they got the gauntlet, a normal army could have gotten him with missiles just like they could kill the Hulk or Ironman or any other living thing that way besides Cap Marvel.
Couldn't mobilize fast enough
That's not the point I was replying to, fag
The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!
Fighter jets would be in the air in under a minute if something like the ship appeared and fired
It makes sense to me from a standpoint that Thanos is autistic enough to make it "fair" for everyone but Endgame kind of shits on that idea since if he got dusted who would've destroyed the stones like you said. Thor could just pick up the gauntlet and snap again.
The big bang snap should be the plan from the start all things now that I think about it, and he would actually save the universe from heat death. In the billion years that followed surely some kind of successor would arise and come up with the same plan, repeating the cycle.
>that guy is black
>you're there too, sitting on a chair in the corner, holding the camera
Yup, this isn't after the snap. It's been 5 years and I assume the military returned to operations, a ship showing up and exploding a city would be promptly detected. Actually we never got to see the city's reaction to it.
>being so horny for cuckporn that you post on a thread without even knowing what's the topic is
The fight was actually taking place in the mirror dimension.
How did all the wizards synchronize their arrival to the battle? Are they part of a whatsapp group or something?
...I hope the answer to that is yes. Saying that Strange used magic to send a message to the wizards isn't as funny as sending a wsp message. And the thought of all of them synchronizing just to make it look pretty is hilarious.
They're wizards.
They are not barbarians. They use Viber.
Wizard's 5G
>Faint girl screams heard and car crashing noises
and how retarded do you have to be to think just adding 3.5 billion people to earth overnight is a good idea that won't result in starvation?
They can use nuke. Didn't a nuke destroy Chitauri 's mothership last time?
Look up paradox theory
I also mentioned this, the big bad end of the world event in the first avengers was basically that in case they couldn't hold the army back, they could just shut it down with a single nuke. The concern was only the civilians, Earth itself was never in any danger.
>Me. Having sex
Good joke user. H-haha.