Why do people like Game of Thrones?

Why do people like Game of Thrones?

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Cultural decline
Lower testosterone levels

ASOIAF is one of the least feminist series out there, women constantly prove to be fucking retarded and useless. Obviously, granted modern social tendencies, I expect the next novel to shit on all that.

like tolkien didn't take from real history
Why is reddit like that? Why can't you faggots be normal for once?

Why do people like LotR?
Seriously, I've read hundreds of fiction novels and LotR seems more like some ultra-autistic fanfiction proof of concept than a story.
The Hobbit is a good story though.

Those hundreds of fiction novels you claim to have read wouldnt have existed if not for Tolkien.

>Practically steal the entire Bible
what did OP mean by this?

>be Tolkien
>steal from preexisting lore
>dude I invented everything!

But childrens book came first.

LOTR will forever be the only work of fantasy that will be taken seriously as a piece of art. ASOIAF is pretty good and does have great moments, but it will never be finished


Anyone else I'm missing?

Yeah I'm sure Heinlein, Niven and Asimov were really inspired by WW1 with pigs.

Korean War
>Niven & Asimov
dunno, I never read their works

>this is what literary midgets actually believe

>being taken seriously as a piece of art

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Everything popular is a result of a Jewish conspiracy to emasculate men and infantilize society. Only the based and redpilled know this.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch Alita again, like a real man would.


I'll spoil it for you right now, neither of them were inspired by it.
Both draw out sagas that focus on determinism and forces greater than man.

in books all of them are retarded

Not only just the Bible. Sagas, Beowulf, Kalevala, Arthurian legends, you name it,

Still smarter than most fantasy shit though, and the only author in genre that could be considered "serious" literature.

it used to be that way but tolkien has become more respected in recent years

what's serious about LOTR? or the other's works for that matter.

Insane idiot
Ded, now insane zombie
Insane alcoholic
In the books she's utterly irrelevant
In the books she's fucking up everything and has to rely on men to fix her shit all the time

Thing is Tolkien himself said that LOTR is just using tons of other mythology/stories and putting them into one. GURM would never admit that he's inspired by that

Expected something more, like everyone
anywhore, youtu.be/GI7zy1PTMp0

spoiled southron airhead who got her father killed more like it

>society becomes more infantile
>fantasy gets more respect

>GURM would never admit that he's inspired by that
I'm pretty sure Martin as admitted numerous times to have been inspired by real history and events. Like the Wall, War of the Roses, Valyria=Rome.

Occasional dicks and titties, incest. Well it used to be...

>This explictly feminist series of novels is one of the least feminist series out there

This is your brain on sargon videos.

I wouldn't say it's either 'feminist' or not feminist. Honestly i dont care what GRRM says in public: I think his writing is very redpilled. He has good and bad female characters but all of them mostly feel believable. The 'strong' women are only strong from having formative traumas and struggles. Catelyn is an older woman who had to deal with trauma.. Brienne is the real believable 'strong' 'empowered' woman who is basically a hideous freak / femcel who had to take on manly characteristics because being ugly basically negated her pussy power. Meanwhile the 'dumb' female characters are basically the entitled women who are beautiful / rich /important and thus realistically relied on their sex appeal and so have hugely outsized thoughts of their worth.

In the books they're all insane or retarded except dany, who's just a kid.

The fuck are you smoking where fiction started after Tolkien?
If you meant modern fantasy then sure but fiction in general has been around since Gilgamesh

>steal 80% of your plot from Wagner's Ring Cycle

Name literally one thing about the series that is "explicitly feminist", you cockmonglering faggotron 9000

because it's fun watching a hundred million dollar train wreck in action, I honestly won't know what to do when it's all over

Nothing that exists in this world is an original thought, all of it is stolen from something that existed before it, if you judge something based on the fact it's unlike anything else you'd end up with your favourite book being a string of random letters numbers and symbols

World building is worthless. Just give me a semi-interesting backstory then get on with the fucking plot.

Tolkien never claimed to invent any of that shit. It's his neckbeard fanbase. Tolkien came right out and said most of his works were reinterpretations of European myths and legends thrown together.

>muh plot
I can smell your low IQ

Holy shit no. GoT is feminist. ASOIF is not. Stop being gay.

you're an absolute mega brainlet, it's insanely obvious what they were referencing you fucking retard

I don't mind taking from real history. At least you can come up with an interesting point about it.

Martin's extended world though has very fucking clearly taken a lot of shit from Lovecraft. To the point where it's not even his own unique spin on it, but feels like a direct insert.

>GURM would never admit that he's inspired by that
>Martin dubbed The Accursed Kings "the original game of thrones", citing Druon's novels as an inspiration for his own series A Song of Ice and Fire

Can't have themes and shit without a plot to carry it and make you care about the themes in the first place. Now that you have revealed yourself to be a pleb, you can leave this board forever.

Holy shit, how funny it will be when the bookfags find out that the game board will be the same as it is in the TV series.
There is nothing pointing out in the books that it won't be Cersei in landing, Daenerys in the North, Arya Uchiha omaewing everywhere, and big brain Shansha pulling the strings.
just because D&D decided on different portrayal, doesn't mean the players won't be the same.
Read the fat fuck's blog from time to time, it will put your feet back on the ground.

>proof of concept
Lord of the Rings IS the concept you low IQ nigger.
You pretty much cannot find fantasy series that isn't stealing from it. Maybe Steven Eriksson's Malazan series, maybe.

>thread about fantasy
>retard brings up science fiction authors

There should be automatic ban on underage dumbasses.

why are Tolkiengfags so aggressive and insecure

>Book about traditional moraldand higher values is more respected

>Inb4 ACKSHUALLY contrarian fags shitting on Tolkien

Gonna get some popcorn, dis gon b good.

Firstly have you read Asimov or Heinlein? That's called Sci-fi, the only one I can think of from ither of them that'd count as fantasy is Glory Road aka Flash Gordon in Wonderland. Pretty much everything called "fantasy" post-LoTR is Tolkien inspired, there was fantasy before him but it was mostly based on either fairy tales or Greco-Roman mythology

Tolkienkeks are the scum of Earth. They've read one fucking fantasy book in their entire miserable lives and act smug about it.

I've read Tolkien, GRRM, Sanderson, Jordan, Howard, MacAvoy, Cook, Pratchett, Moorcock, Myers, Ruckley and Lovecraft if you wanna count his shit in the genre.

This is just the Fantasy I read.

What have you read, you braindead manbaby? Seems like you're projecting.

>LOTR is so generic than anything after it can be associated to it
>everything is inspired by LOTR!

Why do reddit soicucks love Tolkien so much all of a sudden?

What's up with this board's obsession with Tolkien? Anytime someone brings asoiaf and lotr in one sentence there's always a ton of angry retards autistically defending muh father of fantasy. Calm down, Tolkien is not the only one fantasy author and there's nothing wrong with people preferring other fantasy works to his ones.

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Spot the newfag.

We've been having regular Tolkien threads on this board since 2011.
Way to out yourself as a tourist, dumbass.
Have sex.

Will Yea Forums start to appreciate Tolkien again now that anti-tolkien is popular and no longer seen as edgy contrarian?

Except the writing quality in AOIAF is third rate shit

LOTR appeals to alt-righters so they feel they have to fight to protect their all white power fantasy

>obsession with Tolkien
Again, where do you see that? There's an overwhelming consensus that Tolkien is to Modern Fantasy what Herodotus is to History. Not only that, but he's undeniably the best there is.

If you see him pitted GRUM so much is because the latter is a complete hack and people are not only discontent with this shit fucking show that is GoT but also with the ASOIAF books because they took a nosedive in quality after Feast of Crows and it's taking that fat, irresponsible cuck a fuck ton of time to put up a follow up. This discontent is expressed in many ways.

Rent free in that dome of yours.

Can't wait for the bookfag tears when the remaining ones come out and they're basically the show script

LOTR seems to be the only fantasy book that doesn't read like some dorky ass fan fiction type shit. what gives?

other fantasy books I have tried always felt like it was trying too hard. and this was before I even ever gave the hobbit or LotR a shot.

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Marketing for the new tolkein biopic

>Trying to bait me into an argument by being purposefully retarded
No tah

>rent free
>literally the first reply in the thread was complaining about muh decline and feminism
dishonest as usual

>Recognising valid issues in society is the same as living in a constant state of childish preoccupation with LE EBUL NAZIS

You realise this retarded "LE HORSESHOE" shit isn't real and that you're a low T manbaby, right?

Have sex.

>books has a group of heroes doing something
it's like the fellowship! clearly based on Tolkien
>book has ancient evil
Clearly Sauron! Inspired by Tolkien!
>book has other races
Clearly created by Tolkien!

>alt-righters don't love LOTR and obsess over it
even more dishonesty

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Was Moorcock the first to do a "literary universe"? I can't think of anything else I've read that's similar other than series that follow different characters but follow the same story


I think it's because it never tries to explain too much at once. A lot of fantasy books go overboard trying to explain their world to the reader.

I think you have the wrong fans, lad. Take a look at your own bleachers, manbaby.

Have sex.

I'm not entirely sure if he was the first, but IMO he's probably the best.
Hawkmoon to this day is some of the best Fantasy I've read.

>I'll keep hiding because I have no counter-argument
Thanks for playing, kiddo.

Haha you troled those Nazis.

Now excuse me, I have to do an assignment for my engineering course holocaust class about how evil whites just woke up one morning and decided to murder 6 million Jews for no reason whatsoever. Then, I have to make a post on Twitter about how every judge, politician, lawyer, prosecutor, victim and law enforcement officer is in a grand conspiracy to get away with murdering random black children walking to church for no reason whatsoever except racism.

I'm an intellectual.

Good. Fuck popular people and everything they like. They need to leave my nerd shit alone.

That's because fantasy readers now are by and large autists who need everything babywalked for them otherwise they freak out.

Back in the day men fought in world wars and went through Hell to get by. They didn't turn to fantasy to make sense of it, they did it to escape.

GRRM is the most obvious "spew SJW bullshit for pussy" ever. He knows if he doesnt his fanbase of females will abandon him.

moorcock moar liek MOAR COCK amirite lel

Do you really believe that?
At least you're not the fuck-up is.

comparing LOTR and asoiaf isnt really fair since

>Do you really believe that
Do you really believe a fat nerd who wrote a book series that is 15% descriptions of sex with hookers by volume is a serious feminist? Are you a woman yourself by any chance?


He invented the modern fantast genre, not the fucking monsters and mythology within it, you mouthbreather.

Don’t misrepresent him if you’re gonna complain about Tolkien.

And for the record is right

I remember they forced us to do an unreal amount of assignments on the holocaust looking back on it. Not even in History class either! We were forced in ENGLISH class to read Maus in a serious non-fiction manner and watch Schindlers list in the same way as well. Both of those were not only misleading and manipulative to show kids in that context, it was a grossly irrelevant waste of the limited time in my youth. Quite frankly the incessant imposition of jewish cultural opinion onto mine has become adversarial. I wish for their destruction, if only to not have them whinge at me anymore about how I should feel or what attitudes are appropriate.

Do you literally believe there's an evil white conspiracy to murder innocent blacks?


>books has a group of heroes doing something
>group has ranger, elf and dwarf
>not Tolkien
>book has other races
>those races are orcs, hobbits, ents and goblins
>not Tolkien
Cringe and resetera pilled Martinfag.

Mate, go read Martin's blog, go read something about his involvement in the Sad Puppies drama and tell me otherwise.

Keep in mind people think that prostitution is a form of sexual liberation.

Dude, Lord of the Rings is full of appendices of information about the world.

>thinking people won't spout epic amounts of shit
I remember all that I'm not saying he's some right wing patrician shitlord, but he is CLEARLY a textbook "male feminist" like pic related.

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LOTR has far more "muh stronk women" character. Eowyn? Galadriel? Arwen? Eowyn in particular is in "YASS QUEEN SLAY" mod. As far as I recall, there are no such characters in ASOIAF.

>from Stormland bannermen to Northern soldier

Man you white people are really something. And not even classical white, more like mongrels who have homogenized yourselves too much to realize what you consider white, used to be discriminated against. Irish, italians, russians, etc. You people need culture apart from western/american popular culture. I don't see anti-jewish shit from most other cultures, apart from mudslimes and dumbass neo-nazis.

Just watch, there's gonna be 9/11 deniers all up here soon. People born in 2001 are 18 this year. And even with proof, people will be retarded.

Gas yourself kike

How did no one freak out over the Gringott's goblins? I always knew that they were a depiction of Jew's even when I was a child.

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If ASOIAF sucks what are some better fantasy series or books? Serious question

Zelazny and Moorcock for obscure post-modernist fantasy
Guy Gavriel Kay for historical (I mean realhistorical) fantasy.
Glen Cook for "dark but without extrimal gore" fantasy

>I don't see anti-jewish shit from most other cultures, apart from quarter of human population

Imagine being this much of low IQ mutt.

>Glen Cook
You mean Black Company? I think it aged poorly, but still I think he was first of the 'Bad guys can be fun too' fantasy authors.
Love that when you think about the entire plot, it can be summed up as 'Black company solves problems that those bastards from Black Company caused'.

>Yea Forums tolkien fags
>reading shit
They are just tribalistic manchildren that got memes into believing tolkien is redpilled.

>I don't see anti-jewish shit from most other cultures
Fucking americans.

>It's his neckbeard fanbase. Tolkien came right out and said most of his works were reinterpretations of European myths and legends thrown together.
So what you're saying is that his rabid fanbase is so devoted to him yet don't know that he took from Euro myths and legends?

Stag logic my man.

You and your lot has already been outed as a bunch of autistic, contrarian, braindead manchildren.

Don't push it, mutt.

>women can't create
>jews can't create
>only white men can create
makes sense

>So what you're saying is that his rabid fanbase
Yea Forums autists are not his "fanbase". Just retarded redditors that took /pol/ too seriously. You are just a manchildren that gets triggered by anything that is popular among people that you don't like, so you just drag yourself into liking the "other team". The irony is that that's why your "lot" supports and loves israel.

GRRM is the type of person who is interested in pussies of women who can't yet read, if you catch my meaning

You realise Tolkien threads were a thing on Yea Forums since 2011 at least and on Yea Forums since long before that, right?

It has nothing to do with Martin and this shitfest of a show that is GoT, you absolute imbecile. You're absolutely unhinged, get help you paranoid, mentally stunted child.

I'd say have sex but I'm pretty sure it'd be considered abuse in all Western countries to even tie the shoes of a limited, braindead cunt like you.

>SJW Tolkien wannabe for millennials
They can't compete.

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The Dark Elf trilogy.

>a bunch of spergs on a Taiwanese catfishing forum whomstve have never made anything in their lives talking shit about some of the most successful authors of our times

Really jogging the nogging. I bet if half of you put in half the effort to write your own books that you do bitching and complaining at least a few of youd be famous by now.

Ariana Grande is famous. Kim Kardashian is famous. Madonna is famous.

All of them are successful.

Fame and success aren't metrics for quality, you fucking inbred. Get help.

Kek, brave and stunning Chapo revolutionary™ cannot help himself but to sperg about unrelated shit like Israel in thread about Lord of the Rings. Is this the only talking point your college handlers taught you to use when you get blown the fuck out in unmoderated discussion?
Time for you to run to /qa/ to cry about toxicity.

Actual tolkien threads? sure. Redditors larping? No. You are a child, just a retarded child that is pissed that his children's tale isn't talked about as much as other children shit.
>Fame and success aren't metrics for quality
Of course they are not, just like the opinions on quality writing from manchildren thart fail to understand simple quotes are irrelevant.

>whomstve have never
Ahahaha, did you read this in one of the Martin's pseudo-cooking books?

Unrelated shit, big talk when Larping tolkinefags here cry over SJWs and pretend Tolkien was redpilled. Reminder that /pol/ is and will always be a zionist board.

>talking about authors
>brings up kim Kardashian

Oh I get why you're mad now.

You can't read so good :(

They're all fucking morons except for maybe Dany.

Again you out yourself as a tourist who's new here.

Boy did I break you hard and exposed you as a completely braindead, low T, low IQ mutt.

Tolkien will forever be the father of Modern Fantasy and Martin can't even aspire to lick his boots.

COPE harder. Have sex, manchild.

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>Irish, italians, russians,
didn't happen

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's.

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Already posted a list of the authors I read.

You go ahead and post yours.

>I don't see anti-jewish shit from most other cultures
you are incredibly blind/stupid then.

>Tolkien will forever be the father of Modern Fantasy
Who has ever said otherwise? You are the one triggered by other writers
>gets accused of being a redditor so much he actually has a saved picture to justify it
Retarded redditor.

I'm How exactly am I triggered by other writers?

It's all you got, you braindead manchild?

Have sex.

I'd say that majority of people that came into contact with jews hates them. Only western liberals eat up jewish lies. Chinks for example are redpilled on da joos, but they copy jewish methods for dem monies.

>Only western liberals
ANGLOS and Forced into guilt Germans

Ahahaha, I was spot on,run away to lobby with your beloved corporation to stop the hatespeech, you oppressed you.

Its baby's first medieval. Losers that never played RuneScape

>be some stupid fucking user
>never written anything
>think that authors are bad because they draw inspiration from other authors and real life

Adding to that - if you want to read something hilarious, you can look up how the populations of countries like Thailand or Peru reacted to the massive influx of israeli backpackers - almost instant hatred, lol.

>Seriously, I've read hundreds of fiction novels and LotR seems more like some ultra-autistic fanfiction proof of concept than a story.
>The Hobbit is a good story though
But that's wrong dumbass. The Hobbit is just a bunch of random encounters that could as easily be placed in any order. LotR is much better plotted, if somewhat padded.

Based intellectual.

>The Hobbit is just a bunch of random encounters that could as easily be placed in any order. LotR is much better plotted, if somewhat padded.
The hobbit is better than LOTR


You clearly haven't even read LOTR

>I don't see anti-jewish shit from most other cultures, apart from mudslimes and dumbass neo-nazis.
Oh you don't? Maybe you need to do your research then?


Or are you going to accuse this Guatemalan native tribe of being "antisemitic neon nazis"? Because we all know tribal Guatemala is a hotbed for white supremacy.

You have just been btfo

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>white supremacists

Same in my English classes. Maus, The Chosen, Anne Frank, etc.
About half my class turned into neonazis because of it