>tfw I finished one of the best pieces of media I've ever seen
The finale was 10/10
Breaking Bad
It's fucking trash and when you can unironically relate to Walter white you are onions boy cuck of the highest order. Imagine thinking some old faggot who pisses his pants even thinking about breaking a law is some sort of cool gangster. This show is reddit and onions. Accept it and watch a good show like The Sopranos instead loser.
The sopranos meanders too much.
Imagine caring this much what other people like lol
>premise is about a man’s descent into evil
>twist: he was evil the entire fucking time, it was just about him realizing his potential
>you can unironically relate to Walter white
Never said that. Even then, it's still one of the best written shows made with great character development, not just for the main characters but also most of the minor characters too. It's really well done.
I only have 3 10/10 tv shows and this is one of them.
What are the other two?
Yeah TV doesn’t get better than this. Better Call Saul comes close, but no other show is great all the way through 5 whole seasons.
>tv show with commercial breaks
Nah fuck off
twin peaks and the wire but i'm considering to drop the wire, need to do a rewatch sometime.
it would be 10/10 if the last season didnt feel so rushed
Felt rushed in some ways to me, but I also saw it as kind of a growth. Like in the first couple seasons there was such a big focus on actually cooking and finding grunts to distribute the meth, but in the 5th they set up the whole distribution network from talking to one dude because the scope of their operation changed so much.
How many shows that lasted 4+ seasons were able to have a satisfying conclusion like BB did? Off the top of my head only Six Feet Under and The Wire(great finale but pretty weak finale season)
it's fine. it's a perfectly depicted, simple story. but did it change the game? no. did it truly transcend and deliver an experience that people will revisit decades later? no.
dont get me wrong, i had a blast watching it. there's zero bad episodes. but compare it to a sopranos, a deadwood, a six feet under... is there really any comparison to be made?
even smaller shows like the knick, leftovers, or the young pope had far greater impacts on me and i still think of them to this day.
breaking bad is the best show of it's kind but it's just pop entertainment.
>song playing during final scene wasn't Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by Joe Cocker
No 10/10 would have missed that opportunity.
nobody has ever respected you
>Even then, it's still one of the best written shows made with great character development, not just for the main characters but also most of the minor characters too. It's really well done
I wondered if this was a troll thread, now I know. Fair play, you made me look.
Don’t listen (too much) to the contrarians in this thread. Breaking bad is a great show and was at the frontier of television
The characters are developed so well that by the finale you don't care what happens to any of them, including the MC.
The projection, it's real
>It's another case of popular = bad
Boy you Yea Forums critics sure aren't predictable
You can have differing opinions but no need to be retarded. Walt's character growth is what made the show such a big thing
What is with your autistic hatred of this show? Its really not that bad. Pretty good actually. Refine your shit taste before posting on this board, please.
Game of Thrones had a G O A T conclusion. Only incel would disagree.
Literally The Sopranos.
s1 was I thought the best but realized it was weakest on multiple rewatch.
s2 is a straight upgrade
Every season has a great plot line, story or B-plot worth watching.
Season 6, yes including the Vito arc, was great. The final 9 episodes were transcendentally great
You are a tranny and a democrat.
I actually liked the show and found it pretty entertaining, the statement I highlighted was just so obviously false. The characters on Breaking Bad were not particularly well developed or fleshed out at all except perhaps Walt. To assert that even the minor characters were well written when even the main characters were fairly two dimensional is just plain dishonest. Breaking Bad is alright, user, but let's not start telling lies here.
>it’s another case of “you’re just a contrarian!!”
You Yea Forumseddit children really need to lurk more
Holy r*ddit
it was fun watching it with Yea Forums but it really doesn't hold up, The last time I rewatched it I got so fucking bored because the show relied heavily on cliffhangers for most episodes and most of the enjoyment came from the speculation. After season 3 as well the show kind of became a victim of its own success and increasingly relied on spectacle and "epic" hype moments instead of the characters which lead to a mediocre fourth season and the incredibly rushed final season (split into 2 parts for 0 fucking reason)
Use your words and give me an argument.
This thread is literally just people saying reddit now
Just go back sweaty :)
My father literally cannot finishes the show because of how much he relates to Walter, I caught him crying while watching season 5 and the only other time I saw him cry was when his mother died (basically my father dropped his dream project to have a family)
Very astute
>(split into 2 parts for 0 fucking reason)
Money, baby. Money.
That's every thread.
The final episode was fucking shit.
You have proved my point that people who argue points like the one I replied to are either trolling or too retarded to form an argument to support their claims. Again, fair play, made me reply.
Holy fuck i just i did now, the final season was a masterpiece beyond anything ive seen on tv
The ending felt rushed and very unrealistic
Have sex
So cute how you try to hide your reditness, it still shines through tho
>Better Call Saul comes close to BB
Skyler alone made me go from liking her to hating her and flip flopping on that several times because of her motivations and the way she went about things changing throughout the show. Jesse has a bunch of moments where he grows too, with big changes coming from his relationships with each of those girls.
Yeah to be fair the unrealistic part is my only gripe with the ending, in that it wrapped up so nicely for Walt. Either way though I was incredibly satisfied by it
Again, Have sex.
Jesse saying no to shooting walter at the end was amazing as fuck and showed how much his character grew
Again, Have sex.
glad you enjoyed it
wish you could've joined in on the livethreads, just pure enthusiasm before our innate contrarian could try to spoil the goodwill
Yeah I imagine the theories people came up with were interesting as fuck.
Exactly. Still rough to see him go, I can't imagine he got super far after leaving, especially with the fucked up state of mind he must've been in after the torture and them killing Andrea.
>being so new that he doesn't know s o y is filtered
Get fucked, faggot
I like Sopranos but don’t tell others to watch it you faggot. I like knowing I prefer a show that isn’t liked by the mainstream anymore
LMAO at all the shill for LOLpranos in this thread. Imagine trading an intense thrilling plotline with tons of character development and layers of storytelling for a buncha overweight boomers stuffing their fat faces with Italian gruel and talking gibberish for 95% of the shows runtime.
>layers of storytelling
What layers tho?
Reminder that Walter died from hypothermia
>wat layers
Have sex incel.
>rat jesse survives
>10/10 ending
pick one
Lame theory
The constant retarded brainfarts and fuck-ups by Jessie made me mad when I watched it for the first time and I had to quit rewatching it in the middle of season 3 because I couldnt take it anymore.
Breaking Bad isnt even my favorite show but it's a timeless masterpiece compared to guttertrash like GoT
You’re the one who brought up layers you faggot
Cold opens were kino. More shows need those.
Game of Thrones seasons 1-4 kicks Breaking Bad’s ass tho.
>like The Sopranos
>shitty soap opera instead of Breaking Kino
no thanks.
This bitch sucks at acting
Eh the finale was ok but the big baddies of S5 where pretty meh apart from todd
You have it the other way around Breaking Bad is the action thriller with shitty soap opera and shallow melodrama on the side. Sopranos is the show with real drama and criminal shit on the side
I read this out loud to my mum and your a fag she said what's wrong with him?
Based mum dabbing on soya sauces
Ever watched Shrek you fucking faggot? Yeah I thought so
post mom or never happened
No she's naked in the shower
Walter was the bad guy
Also sopranos is just as good but imho it's better overall.
Better ending better acting
No I mean as characters the bikies where under written.
I liked Walt going full anti hero
Literally what did he do wrong. He never seemed that bad
Skyler.... THERE'S ROT
Selling meth
Twin peaks is great but it’s far as shit from 10/10
>somehow a bit of plastic hits Walter's back
>later on he shows his stomach wound so literally from the other side and that small piece of plastic wouldn't go clean through the whole body
That was my biggest problem
Great show but the finale is literally the worst episode you retard.
BrBa is great but has it's problems, especially having a whole season about twin spics who are actually T-1000s, Jesse just stagnating as a character, the last seasons meandering and retreading old ground too much. Suffered the same problems shows like Boardwalk Empire and GoT did, starts off great then once it's popular the execs get more involved and teams change and the focus stops being on telling the story the creators wanted and more on keeping it on the air for the views. Top-tier meme factor though, and fantastic as a vehicle for Cranston to step out of Hal's shadow.
Unironically Spartacus. It may be dumb macho pleb fighting drama but it was consistently the best dumb macho pleb fighting drama ever made. I think in terms of completeness nothing comes close to Six Feet Under though.
Well apparently the movie's going to show ehat happeened to Jesse after the finale, so there's that.
Was there anybody on the show who actively didn't break the law or was shown in a negative light? Only Hank comes to kind but even then he does after shit goes south and Walter and Jesse push him too far.
>I am Du'wan Hoonoks
Well Yea Forums, would you challenge him?
Jessie's parents at least on screen.
The goodie goodies in this show are pretty true to form at least in my experience with doogooders
Yeah Better Call Saul is leagues better than BB
The patrician's choice
Yeah but finished story >>>>>>>>> unfinised story
total shit