How are Marvel going to deal with Brie moving forward? They're setting her up to be the face of the MCU and Iron Man's replacement (it should be Ant-Man)
She won't shut up about her hatred of white men and SJW shit and a lot of the cast already hate her. She might alienate the audience and make people stop watching the movies since white men are the largest demographic.
>They're setting her up to be the face of the MCU Except they're not. She doesn't care about Earth. She plays space cop so that she doesn't instantly solve every problem like Superman. She will only show up when it's convenient.
>it should be Ant-Man I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.
Oliver Ward
Who should it be then?
Joshua Russell
She is using her mouth in the worst way possible. She could go farther in Hollywood if she gargled cum instead of twitter beef.
White men were still the single biggest demo for captain marvel (by far), truth is, Brie can say whatever she wants, Marvel fanboys will still see the movie 10 times
Ian Green
I wonder how much her breast implants cost and if she feels like they were a good investment?
Samuel Jenkins
Almost anyone but Ant Man, he's the comic relief. If we're talking about who will end up leading the avengers it will probably be Captain Falcon since he got the shield. Or possibly Strange since he masterminded the whole thing. Although I expect he'll go back to being sorcerer supreme to maintain the old system.
Luke Brooks
White men bankroll everything for you spics
Chase Nelson
What if I told you I'm a white man and I don't give a fuck about your identity politics crybabying? I just want to watch some movies.
Jeremiah Long
She was worse in Endgame than she was in her own movie. In her film I at least believed Fury and her being friends, in endgame she's just a third wheel.
Jayden Peterson
This thread shows how utterly fucked capeshit will be. Marvel has run out of all the good IP that wasn’t sold off.
Levi Johnson
This. Do you think they realized how high they set her when they let her fly Tony from "1000 light years from the nearest 7/11" to Earth in... A couple days? Hours?
Elijah Adams
>instantly solve every problem like Superman. The absolute state of the MCU. You people have all been bamboozled into thinking she's stronger than Thor/Hulk/Strange/Witch when she actually isn't.
She has the strength of Hulk with the added powers of flight and long range blasts. She's on about the same level as Thor, and they sidelined him in a similar manner by putting him on Asgard. Obviously the power ratios are different between the MCU and the comics though.
Oliver Parker
>same level as Thor Thor's the closest thing they have to Superman. Whether he or Thor is stronger is an old comics meme but it doesn't really matter because Hulks endurance makes him practically impossible to beat.
Ethan Nguyen
Based on their fights with Thanos Thor seems to by physically weaker than Captain Marvel, but if they ever fought he would likely win because of the axe that lets him land lethal hits. That's why I say they're around the same level. Her power is more consistent, but has a lower maximum potential.