So now we know this plot leak is real. Is the movie going to be kino?

So now we know this plot leak is real. Is the movie going to be kino?

>Sonic comes to our planet as a baby with a bag of magic rings that can create portals to other dimensions
>He grows up outside of the town of Green Hills, where he becomes known as a local legend known as the blue devil, he stays off the radar and scavenges shoes and supplies
> Sonic is separated from his rings, which end up on top of the Golden gate Bridge in San Francisco
> Sonic is caught speeding by Tom, a local police officer who is about to move to San Francisco to prove to himself he’s capable of being a big city cop, along with his girlfriend who is a veterinarian
> sonics speed creates an EMP blast which attracts the attention of the government, who send Dr. Robotnik to investigate. He finds Sonic’s quills and starts experimenting with them, trying to find a way to drain his speed. He chases Sonic and Tom as they head to San Francisco.
>after a few hijinks in San Francisco, Robotnik corners Sonic and steals his rings, while Sonic transports Tom and his girlfriend home with his last ring. Robotnik is able to se the rings to supercharge his hovercraft with Sonics speed and they engage in a chase over several continents.
>eventually in a desert, Sonic is able to create a sandstorm that destabilizes Robotniks ship and sends him flying into another dimension with a ring, being electrocuted by their energy in the process
>Sonic returns to Green Hill to help protect Earth from future threats
>Eggman ends up in Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic & Knuckles. He has his signature look now, and retains one of Sonic’s quills he wants to use for further experimentation (implies Metal Sonic or Shadow for a sequel).

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No, Jim Carey looks annoying as hell. Says a lot about the fanbase who say Jim Carey was the best thing about the trailer.

>Makes a movie 27 years too late

I didn't even have a problem with it. Is everyone just upset that he looks weird? Rest of it looked fun. I'm sure kids will love it and adults will love jim carrey

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Fans just want the old Jim Carrey back hope is powerful.

This. Jim Carrey was never funny.

ace ventura the both of them were a wild time

shoeless sonic
maybe sonic gets really full from eating too many chili dogs
baby sonic wearing a diaper

It's all coming together now, I think I finally understand.

Hello, obvious paid shill. How are you?

Looks better than half of all official Sonic material already, and definitely better than ninety-nine percent of all unofficial material.

I just wanna see some sort of death egg or egg robo.

People are upset because Sonic in the still images doesn't look the same as in the games and it's questionable as to how you'd even make a Sonic movie.

People that remember The Mask hope for a return of funny Jim Carrey and it's hard to say how likely that is.

Sorry user
Robotnik has a large tank that houses a smaller tank as seen in the trailer; an army of egg-shaped drones, and his hovercraft that is vaguely egg shaped (and has a few strips of yellow/black tape on it). That's it for his army of robots

The plot is fine...just fucking fix him so all the stupid bullshit Jumanji memes can end

Your faggotry is annoying

Do you not sanction his buffoonery?


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You know, people have differing opinions than you...even shitty opinions. It doesn't mean they're a "paid shill." You look like a retard when you say it.

It's been proven paid shills come to Yea Forums. They try to 'grass roots' market shit like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Star Trek Discovery. It's always obvious

Fuck you sonic looks awesome. Its gonna be a glorious, meme rich movie.

Im particulary looking forward to Sonic flossin. It will make a great webm or gif to troll with!

Obvious paid shill.

Im sorry you dont like fun. Your a minority. Everyones talking about sonic, people cant wait.


>self aware
>"he cute" black gf character
>based music
>Jim Carrey

Looks like kino is back on the menu boys

>black gf

Why do you accept this?

Are the Sonic/CWCville/Arthur universes going to finally merge into what we call "reality"

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Miles better than Black Bf / white gf

>He has his signature look now
I hate this shit so much. Why do they always pull this horseshit? Just make them look like they're supposed to look.

So they can recast in Sonic 2 and get someone cheaper. Probably the Apu guy.

>setting up a sequel

Attached: sonicjust.png (449x449, 377K)

so this is why all the youtubers and shit were saying they showed the post credit scene setting up a sequel, they already knew

Because they want to have 1 good scene. Instead of a lame Sonic movie with Eggman.. they make it into a lame Sonic movie with one
reveal scene at the end when he gets the original look and everyone says
not knowing this is what they should have given us since the very beginning. Also origin stories are fine to make people care about your character in the sequel (if there is one)

white man fucking non-white woman = based
white woman fucking non-white man = cringe

It will be garbage, but it will make money because of sonic being in it.
Hollywood ruins everything it touches.
You are all gay.

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