Ya hangin’ in there, Yea Forums?
Ya hangin’ in there, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
turned 37 this week, and I'm getting fat
Yeah, doing great, desu.
Ah yes the pretend sadboy thread by normalfag tourists
lmao have sex, you off topic sad fuck
Its not going to get better, ive accepted it.
>Ah yes the pretend sadboy thread by normalfag tourists
feels threads were a staple of Yea Forums before the rise of the 90s born queer and the zoomer invasion.
Getting ready for the inevitable collapse of society.
Shits popping off by 2030
Not really man, I'm trying to though. It's 1:35 am and I'm still up on here not doing shit. Ugh, life dude. Were living it Malibu style. Nothing better. But the loneliness is getting to me a little.
>off topic
zoomers should be executed
Literally no. I'm doin pretty bad desu.
I have gone back to the sweet indifference and apathy of depression. When I was feeling better, my anxiety attacks were non-stop.
Lonely as fuck but the wire is making me a little happy.
OP must be part of it since his filename dates after the invasion
or does that not count since it's when you got here too?
Kill yourself faggot
I'm winding down. Got a bunch of fentanyl pills I'm gonna pop when I run out of money and sanity
>wake up 3 times a night
>take 2 hours to sleep after the 2nd awakening
>After third awakening can't sleep at all
>5 hours a day
>Its been 6 months
No, it wasn't. Yea Forums isn't your incel safe space, coz. Now GTFO.
This thread was made by a 90s born queer, 90s born queer.
sort of
looking forward to the summer, going to be doing a cool internship in an amazingly beautiful town
but I can't stop thinking about how I fucked everything up with my best friend this semester and how she hasn't talked to me in more than 2 months now
Op must be one of the decent ones since he's not crying sbout "off topic" threads. Your ilk ruined the culture here. keep sucking that mod cock faggot.
>having a female 'best friend'
So you're one of those soiboys.
Excersise helps. Try running or something, just get you're body as exhausted as possible before bed
Why are you so obsessed with queers?
spotted the reddit nigger tourist.
>t. fat neckbeard 43yr old cringe fag
>tired as fuck all the time
Pic related is the only thing that brings me happiness
Why is this reddit tourist thread still up janitor? You've deleted other threads made after it
Just walk
Whats wrong?
nigga if he has insomnia like he's implying, exercise ain't gonna do shit
Willpower. Do it when you're tired.
No, I have the gun pointed at my head and am just about to finish the whiskey
just go for a long walk, go outside, literally breathe some oxygen
Not really
But since I'm le epik atheist I figured out that there's no point in killing myself
So I didn't, and I guess I'm still here
Go on a diet and start exercising fatty.
>Why is this reddit tourist thread still up janitor?
youre embarrassing yourself youngfag
yeah I fucked up for thinking women are worth anything more than the gash between their legs
Have sex
Based anti tranny dog
Same, except it's been 6 years.
You're the one defending a thread made by a quote unquote "90s born queer" thread, mid 2010s tourist
i like alcohol
Very much true, which is why you should have fun now
You took the boomerpill then
Fuck a random bitch, get her pregnant, build real relationship with your son/your friends
Bitches really ain't shit, after all
Its something we all must go through
bruh you hang out with them because you think it will get you closer to getting laid. But in reality you are her emotional tampon and lower than a support dog.
I guess.
Turning 37 and getting 3 7s. It's all a simulation.
I wouldn't have replied if I didn't have insomnia myself. I used to deal with it by drinking alot but I find that running and regular exercise has definitely helped me get deeper, better sleep.
Why it is that when women want to "transition" they just end up looking like dykes and nowhere near close to a man.
>crying to the jannies to remove feels threads
you're probably a sneed nigger too
nah I never wanted to fuck her, she caked on makeup like a fucking prostitute, my first thought when I met her was "damn how insecure about your appearance can you be"
t. ezra miller poster
just got back from a maid cafe I feel pretty good
you're a moronic child with no life experience
Those threads are made by "90s born queers" like OP too though
it's weird how mid 2010s tourists like you use our language, but don't understand it at all
i wish i had real friends that genuinely cared about me. everything was fake as fuck. I get jealous of some friendships i see in university
>our language
You aren't fooling anyone kiddo
He’s one of the janitors
Notice how those threads never get deleted
t. "man" who got cheated on and went
>Honey, we can work this out
fuck off, stay deluded kid, shit's gonna bite you in your fucking ass, I don't care
It will happen, you don't know how other people feel about eachother
They might not be fully friends with eachother too
You're second thought was "why does she date these jerks all the time? M'lady needs a real gentleman to take care of her!"
Despite adversity I remain in good spirits.
Upvoted and shared. I too hate my life. Thank you for the gold strangers
>start off a platonic relationship with a super qt coworker
>hang out every tuesday, watch movies at my place and drink
>eventually hardcore sensual making out happens after about two months of us hanging out consistently, i end up eating her out and we hold eachother for what seems like forever.
Thanks for reading my blog. She's going back home for a couple months next month and I know she's going to get back with one of her ex boyfriends. Hold me bros
>fuck off, stay deluded kid, shit's gonna bite you in your fucking ass, I don't care
I'm the person who made the original post you responded to, I didn't make the second post that quoted you.
Yeah i know. He deletes my posts while the threads stay up.
Enjoy having her stuck in your head forever bro. These ones are the toughest to forget.
too drunk for this shit
get off my lawnm
>t. "man" who got cheated on and went
>>Honey, we can work this out
What the fuck are you on about zoomer? Where was any of that implied? Setting out to impregnate some random bitch is one of the stupidest things a young man can do. Grow up.