Gets snapped back into existence after 5 years

>gets snapped back into existence after 5 years
>first thing she does is call her cellular provider and reactivate her phone and call her husband

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That sounds like a reasonable thing to do

>space wizards
>angry green/purple giants
>robot armies
>“BuT tHe SnAp DoEsN’T mAkE sEnSe”
Have sex

In the span of 30 seconds.

maybe Clint kept her phone on and charging at the house and reactivated her cell phone before the mission, in anticipation that he would succeed

>Have sex
I know you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

Awww, twiggered much?

you're embarrassing yourself. Just leave you little autist

Unlike you I don't care about my online persona, so stay mad bud ;)

yeah you dont care cause you're just pretending to be retarded right?

now you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

lol u just cant win, keep those (yous) coming ;)

You think you're smart or clever but dude you're a fucking loser. I know people like you in real life and they are sad sacks of shit. I actually feel bad for you.

unironically seething

>I actually feel bad for you.
what a sentimental little bitch lol

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Good luck man. You have serious issues.

Also replying in memes and reaction images doesnt make you funny. You dont have any original thoughts or comebacks. You just reply in shitty overused sayings cause you're a braindead incel. Try going outside. Talk to a girl, dont be a cunt.

Based dogposter. Got that faggot on the ropes

Thats love, you fucking incel

That's so sweet, projecting your insecurities like that

She didn't know 5 years passed. Spiderman said he felt like he only passed out for a short amount of time.

im not funny.
im just bullying you for being a faggot ;)

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>call her cellular provider and reactivate her phone
Why not use whatever phone she is apparently using to reactivate her cell phone to call her husband first?

presumably it only felt like a moment for her and she probably used the land line from home to call him. he might still have his house as no one touched it as it was government protected and off grid. so the family just disappeared and reappeared wondering where dad went.

Hmm, is freaks and geeks good enough for a rewatch?

meanwhile 20 years later on netflix....

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Shut you big mean poopy head.

This but it's because he is a too attached whiny beta who thought his wife would come back, despite all signs to the contrary

heh guess i won this round

have some sleep boi
u earned it

come back tomorrow, bring more lube >:d

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>he is a too attached whiny beta
Don't project user, he just cares about his family

All me btw.

>Awww, twiggered much?

Fuck off with your woman talk, whore.


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Lmao, definitely seething

It was a joke retard. Why was her phone still in service?

>It was a joke
of course

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Maybe Clint had some sort of family phone plan charged to his card or the Avengers have some special members only service that Iron Man rigged up?

Are you fucking retarded?

have sex

Dipshit. She called 20 seconds after getting snapped back. Sit the fuck down weeb. So many newfags here today holy shit

I know you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

I know you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

>I know you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

I know you just discovered this sick burn but you gotta know it's been thrown around for at least a couple years. So you just sound like a fucking retard just spouting it out every thread

>“BuT tHe SnAp DoEsN’T mAkE sEnSe”
Why has there been a craze of people typing like this lately and why is it always 'have sex' posters?

HaVe SeX

>wHy hAs tHeRe bEeN A CrAzE Of pEoPlE TyPiNg lIkE ThIs lAtElY AnD WhY Is iT AlWaYs 'HaVe sEx' PoStErS?