What was his endgame?

What was his endgame?

Attached: pat bateman.jpg (585x399, 51K)

He wanted to fit in

My dubs will be sufficient.

these doubles

this, getting doubles usually does the trick





trips faggots.

Getting a reservation

Attached: dubs.gif (300x203, 643K)


It's what I do.

Attached: bateman_bake.jpg (300x432, 23K)

End apartheid for one

>Your digits, Mr. Bateman. So repetitive, check 5s

dubs for dorsia

Attached: DUBS POR FAVOR.jpg (618x824, 124K)

What a low energy shitshow of a thread

I'm unable to recognize patrick bateman as Christian Bale

But failed to realise the only way to do so is to get a lobotomy. Psychopaths need to be hunted down and executed

dubs and you're a low energy faggot.

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Pathetic. Have sex.
Thanks for showing them how it’s done.

I think he's bluffing

cool it with the antisemitic remarks