Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

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Don’t worry Avatar 2 will surpass both. Based Jim never fails.


keep coping, it will ease the pain of knowing that Marvel Chads won

I actually gonna see it in the theatre
Fuck capeshit

>last highest grossing movie of all time was at the end of the last decade
>the next one is at the end of this decade

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But... but... Shazam was supposed to be kino!! Why did everybody forget about it once based Marvel puts out another film!?


it's like pottery

Nobody gives a fuck about that shit, everyone including me forgot it even came out, I wonder how WB execs are feeling right now

DChads will be king again and taken seriously when Joker comes out.

I think it will happen, this movie broke fucking records in my country, like it never happened before

it's over DC chumps and Cameronfags, sorry

Who cares? Why do you people autistically worry about this? Why do you feel like it affects you?

About time those giant blue smurfs got dethroned.

Cameron fags eternally btfo. This was the last shred of their fandom.
Like tears in a tanhouser gate.

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so it's definitely gonna get a sequel, yeah?

Okay I gotta admit. You got a chuckle out of me.

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Nice falseflag. Any sane person know that without a trend like 3D or some sort of relaunch with extras after a couple of months it will not happen.

just because of the inflation.

>no longer touting a new technology

Doubt it. Unless they make it the 1st VR movie ever. Unless you think people watched Avatar because they actually thought it was a good movie?

Haven't seen one article about that, but...

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It was actually better than Endgame. Shazam had a great core story and a lot of great themes compared to Endgame which was a cluster fuck of a plot and the only reason people capture any emotion with it is by pulling the "Oh, kill so and so trump card"

Sorry faggot it was actually a much tighter narrative than endgame.

Captain Marvel was shit. Shazam was better this is universal.

It's not Endgame was just not a great movie compared to.....SHAZAM!

big seethe

By stating facts

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I hope someone interviews Cameron if this happens. Imagine the absolute seeth!

He'd need to bump their designs breh, he'd have to make it pretty x3000
Spielberg has the right idea, it's all a matter of just doing it. Or already have done it since, well, anothef year or so before release.

Avatar 1 took over a decade to make last I heard. Dunno how much merit this has though.

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Not an argument.

>*stops dead your track*

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>why endgame is making less money than avatar, and that's a good thing

>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all the effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it doesn't do it
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began that cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine, after ALL that, it STILL doesn't come out on top
>just... imagine

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meant this pic, shit

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these threads are posted by Disney shills pretending to be both Avengers and Avatar fags to create a fake competition based on properties Disney both owns.

pikachu is still delated for the rest of the week though

why is that person saying it isn't good for avengers to pass up force awakens? everyone already hated the new trilogy

associating yourself with success doesn't mean you're successful

point is Avatar
you like star cringe that much though?

what are you talking about

>taken seriously when Joker comes out.
oh, the irony.

That's what butthurt haters actually believe.

Cry more.

absolutely based

Isn't the 3d going to have something like 4x more depth to it? It's also going to have the ocean in it. There is more tech than that too.

it will, the mouse will make sure of it at any cost, won't be the first time inflating numbers or buying tickets.

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You do realize Avatar is owned by the Mouse too right

Only took them 22 movies to do it.


Its already achieved more pop-culture awareness than Avatar ever did.
I can't believe I'm in the timeline in which Thanos and his magic glove are well known by the normiest of normies. It's neat.

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DC fags on suicide watch.

more than that

who gives a shit mickey stop flooding our board you and your homo box office friends can all fucking die your franchises are all dead i hope new contenders rise from the ashes and take you all down

yeah, even my mom who is never watch any capeshit movies know who is Iron Man and Thanos now.

And the best part of it all. Is Thanos is going to be as big as Darth Vader and people 30 years from now will be talking about him.

>Its already achieved more pop-culture awareness than Avatar ever did.
this is what 10 years of disney marketing does to people.

You do realise people were into Marvel long before the movies right?
not everyone is a miserable Zoomer.

The worst part is that we've won with one of the worst films Marvel put out.

You're deluded if you think Marvel was ever even remotely as mainstream as it is now.

Comics used to be a nerd thing. Now everyone likes superheroes, even if they still don't read the comics.

90s was absolutely saturated with Marvel cartoons, and video games.


Also China has already bailed on this shit. So doomed.

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For kids. Marvel today is for everyone. It's a very different and more global phenomenon.

Actually, the popularity of the morning cartoons in the 90s probably contributed to Marvel's popularity with adults today. People love nostalgia.

Alita was a colossal flop though.

Uhh, sweetheart? That shit is STILL for kids, you just never grew up. Have sex.

B-but Shazam did the funny fortnite dance!

I don't think so Tim

Marvel needs teams films to be relevant mean while DC can make solo films that make billions. Cope.

Predictions are that OS-China BO for EG will have to be 25% greater than OS-China for IW in order to beat Avatar.
Do you guys think EG can make it?

Give me one reason why Thanos wont be as big as Darth Vader?

200-300 years from now, Captain America and Iron Man will be seen as the equivalent of King Arthur, Apollo and Siegfried.

Vader is iconic and has soul. Thanos is a soulless, dishonestly CGI'd piece of shit nobody will remember in two months.

Apollo? Why Apollo? Nobody cares about Apollo.

Sorry, meant Achilles.

Honestly, I want Endgame to win just to show that hard work can beat talent. All of this careful planning and feelings put into it should be able to defeat a mere gimmick.

That's better.

If you say so buddy.

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Hard work will NEVER beat talent.

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Man I don't even like Marvel. They're low-intelligence movies for the masses. But the masses consist of manchildren, normies and kids.

>what is inflation

>1 usd (2009) = 1 usd (2019)


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This argument is moot because Avatar can't even dare to touch GwtW.

Mods should permanently range ban the faggot making these threads

avatar was never highest grossing film considering inflation at first place

Avatar was a terrible libtard fantasy. No one even talks about it


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>film released in a time where theater attendance was completely different due to a wide range of factors that didn't apply 2009 or 2019 and was in theaters far longer than even avatar

gone with the wind isn't relevant in these comparisons

And avatar was purely used to push overpriced tickets, your point?

>theater attendance was completely different due to a wide range of factors
yeah also there were less people, less theaters and complete absence of world market

it's comparably with other films released today and to get a fair comparison you have to account for inflation

which makes it even more of a unfair comparison, the context is simply to different from then and now or ten years ago

>a decade of build up
>20+ movies
>billions of dollars and untold talent invested
>to finally just beat a single standalone movie from a decade ago that had fancy 3d
>cause for celebration

go team! you the fans are the real super heros!

These movies make so much money purely because the same neckbeards see it over and over again.

Friend went to see this 4 times so far.

This. Avatar is literally NOTHING.

You are literally RETARDED.

It's just a little flick from 2009. It took you this long to beat it? YIKESAROONEYDOODLEDEEDOO

wait... uh, what's your stance here?

Star Wars brough more 2019 bucks than avatar. Or you gonna find another reason why these movies are uncomparable?

aka your are a salty DCuck

That Avatar is just one movie with no build-up to it that nobody cares about and Disney couldn't win against it for 10 years.
That gets a yikes from me dawg.

Are you all niggas even trying?

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k, well, chunks of that are true


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haha yeah right

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why now Snyder is back to making Zombie kino


>needing China's help

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>when all that effort and financial success is also made in china

>first week
Talk about front-loaded!

No one thinks this

Comics used to sell millions of copies in the 90s

>rolling black outs to btfo of capeshitters
>Avatar remains #1 forever

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remember what really does it is that pop culture
simpsons will need to do it, rick and morty, family, etc etc
even kids cartoons will need those parodies with Thanos and snapping

Talent is being original and not taking from something that already existed. Cope.

He's already in Fortnite.

yeah it was so popular so marvel had to sell the movie rights to diffrent studios meanwhile filling for bankruptcy in 1996

No this can't be happening. DC is in charge here

silly cope.

If Cameron was so good.. why didn't he make 22 SUCCESSFUL MONEY MAKING movies in a row and then release Avatar?

Short Version: He can't because he doesn't have the creativity.

Feige is your master JC.

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James Cameron's contributions to pop culture (Terminator) and to memes (IMAGINE) are greater than those of all the Marvel movies combined.
You cannot dispute this.


I love Jim but let's be honest, Avatar was fucking garbage.
I'm glad it's gonna get dethroned in the box office.

Quality over quantity buddy

I am inevitable.

Never said they were good at business

MCU has Zero good movies.

Inevitable, I'm CIA.

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Avatar is nothing but thinly veiled libshit propaganda, I don't know how it ever grossed so much

You do know you are posting an image of an article that says Endgame will beat Avatar?


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Avatar is objectively better by every metric, critics just don't get it because they're dumb.

>IMDb, RT audience and Cinemascore are critics


Disney paid them off anyway.

cope harder faggot

Avatar is a mindboggingly boring tech demo.

imagine being this retarded

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The MCU is a 2 hour+ long Video Game cutscene video from YouTube.

Last I checked Avatar is still a bigger hit than your little superhero movie.

Shazam is just another failed attempt by DC. Unlike Marvel, they are unable to produce quality content.
Sorry but this is fact.

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Enjoy your last week or so on top, Jim! You'll die staring up at capeshit for eternity


Waiting for my boy Sallis to get a billion dollar box office next.

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>>They're low-intelligence movies for the masses

This is what elitists would say about the original Star Wars trilogy back in the 80’s.

Were they wrong?
Yes, because Star Wars had high quality story-telling, effects with soul and humor that wasn't reliant on post-ironic quips

Name five characters from Avatar.
Name five characters from Marvel.

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Colonel Man
Sigourney Weaver
Flying thing that Jakesully has weird head sex with
As opposed to
Quip Man
Quip Man Jr.
Quip Man female
Quip Man green
Quip Man purple

Marvel is this generations Star Wars.


But Shazam was kino. All good movies are not box office hits.

The Shawshank Redemption flopped
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford flopped
The Iron Giant flopped
Original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory flopped
This Is Spinal Tap wasn't a box office success either, but it was kinda "indie" film with budget of 2 million USD.

shazam was unironically great. I enjoyed it better than endgame and it was undeniably better than captain marvel


V based

When did you realize that Cap giving his shield to a black man and going back in time to fuck his gf symbolizes America's departure from whiteness and white couples that are only a thing of the past?