You just know

You just know.

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joe let him get away with spouting a lot of tranny bullshit

Why is Joe smiling?

hes asserting his alphaness by grabbing the other guys ass and smiling about it

So is Eddie full blown tranny now?

No he hasn't transitioned

Is that Eddie Bravo? Wtf. How?

anyone else just thought it was part of his comedy routine?

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look into it bro

I get you're meming but if you don't know it in the pic its Eddie Izzard

I opened this video, no idea who eddie izzard is. skipped around for a bit then instantly exited it. wtf was this dude thinking. It's insulting that he thinks we're dumb enough to believe that is a woman.

But like is he identifying as a woman? He was always just a transvestite, a cross-dresser. I don't even think he was gay, was he?

That's what I was wondering, in all his roles that I've seen he's always been obviously male. I thought his crossdressing thing was something he put on every now and then

Do you honestly think Joe is a heterosexual? Oh poor you.

Damn joe rogan kinda looks like my dad. Fucking dirty ass looking piece of shit

My sides

because Eddie Izzard is a great comedian that Joe probably looks up to and was inspired by.

Oh it’s THAT smile.

looks up to

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Joe didn't respond to his humour at all. Rogan stomped on Izzard's jokes worse than he did Theo Von's.

>Eddie Bravo chops off Joes dick and balls and starts fucking his own ass with them while ejaculating all over the mess that is Joe
>Joe begins to condescend Eddie in his houlier than thou voice
>Eddie just exclaims "I'm fucking with you bro. Im not actually a discord tranny. I'm the ultimate skeptic, haha!
>Joe is still seething and has to do 1900 kettle bell lifts while inverted in his isolation tank to stop from killing Eddie
all that apple juice went staright to his 4 dimension

Remember how many times Joe shit on that Radiolab episode about the guy who switched between genders? Why didn’t he bring that up with Eddie?

Why does everyone need to bow to this mental illness?

I have literally never seen Joe respond appropriately to guests' intentional humor on his podcast. It's so fucking weird. He's either has zero social awareness in that area, a horrible sense of humor, or he's just a fucking smug prick when it comes to comedy and refuses to laugh at anybody's jokes but his own.

This. I'm not sure if Joe even realized how out of his league he was, intelligence wise. Izzard was more than kind here.

Eddie is this generation's danny la rue

He's not gay at all. It's transvestite vs transgender, he's the former. Doing it in public is perhaps a dubious career decision (or not, let's be honest) but he's straight as far as I know.

I have two theories:

>1: Joe is surreptitiously basic as fuck, and his testosterone-induced alpha status stops him from acknowledging comedic talent. Deep down he wants to totally undermine every man around him.
>2: Joe is surreptitiously autistic as fuck, and is only able to write comedy by watching Sam Kinison over and over again. Deep down he just wants to talk about chimps.

Toe "fancypants" Rogan

But what confused me was in the podcast he referred to himself as a transgender man, which technically is supposed to mean a woman who transitioned to a man, so what the fuck. I guess trying to figure it out logically is useless since these people have thrown logic out the window and everything is subjective now

Izzard is bandwagoning. He's always described himself as a transvestite and he's always fucked women. Maybe he feels "genderless" but that's not transgender.

Is Izzard still funny?

dude weed and chimpanzees lma0

The first time I ever saw or heard of Eddie Izzard he was dressed as a woman.