Bilbo blows a smoke ring

>bilbo blows a smoke ring
>gandalf blows a ship that penetrates the ring
>bilbo: gandalf my friend, this will be a night to remember
what in the fuck was implied here?

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he meant that in the hot blistering sweltering summer of 3001 bilbo was raped at staffpoint by gandalf the grey and a pack of orcs

kek what a bitch


Gandalf being sexually attracted to Hobbits would explain a lot tbqh

Gandalf and Bilbo got hella stoned and stayed up until 4 AM watching Friday

Do you think Gandalf ever sucked Numenorean cock?

Honestly the most unrealistic thing in the whole trilogy was no menfolk came to the Shire for sex tourism.

>my dear frodo, you could learn all there is to know about hobbits and yet after a hundred years, they still won't have sex
What did he mean by this?

>disturber of the peace

Nothing degenerate like what you are thinking, go away watch game of thrones you will never expierence true male friendship so you will never get this kind of scenes

That gay sex is superior because there's no chance of impregnation, no chance of having a daughter, and thus, no chance of cuckoldry.

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Greedy dunedain and gandalf (and some dorfs) were keeping them for themselves.

>what in the fuck was implied here?
That they were having a smoke before a big party, calm down queer

>be crowned king of men
>first thing you do is say that the celebration doesn't belong to men alone
>proceeds to kiss an elf
>then makes all of Gondor kneel to some hobbits
Was Aragorn an SJW?

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he said, fully erect xP

Hobbit pussy is too small and thight for men.

Enjoy your high fantasy AIDS

Bumping to support the best thread on Yea Forums at the moment

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they were all white. I don't think he would go all Hollywood and adopt a baby orc and make him transgender

No, he just wanted that tight, self-regenerating elf pussy.
The way he heavily taxed pipeweed imported into the Shire shows he didn't care that much about Hobbits after all.

Definitely liberal, but his compassion wasn’t poisoned with obsession and was hard won.

Those hobbits helped save the world

>be elrond
>fight against the literal personification of evil
>chance to destroy it forever
>let some human with a cartoonishly evil smile waltz off with it instead
>he turns up dead
>artifact which is the source of power for evil incarnate goes missing
>spend the next 3000 years braiding your hair in etheral light doing fuck all and forget about all that horrible business

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>I-Isildur can I see that ring real quick
>Nah, finders keepers faggot

Implies youre a faggot

>what in the fuck was implied here?

He was going to blow Gandalf's mind by taking him to the aquarium.

Attached: Gandolphin.webm (640x480, 2.49M)

Hobbits cultivate their own strains of pipeweed in the Shire

After the Ring is destroyed, they'll board the ship to Aman and leave Middle-earth forever. You degenerate.

>they were all white

Hobbits are like on the level of Greeks or Italians at best.

>Hobbits are like on the level of Greeks or Italians at best.
lolwut? They literally represent pastoral english village which as on the edge of extinction when Tolkien write his books