Do you think that because of the negative backlash she got not only from fans but co-stars is what caused her to have...

Do you think that because of the negative backlash she got not only from fans but co-stars is what caused her to have so few scenes in the movie?

I mean she fucking peaces the fuck out despite being the strongest person out there currently and only shows up for the last act only to get punched in the fucking face by thanos. She had like 6 actual lines in the entire movie. Why introduce her if she was going to be so underutilized?

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she's a cunt in real life and was on a massive ego trip that made the entire crew hate her. that's why she's not in any scenes.

no, the problem with captain marvel is that she makes for boring storytelling. Since she is canonically stronger than Thanos with all the stones, whenever she is present, there is no tension. Captain Marvel should be able to btfo everyone on screen, and she did. This makes for a shitty movie though so she conveniently only shows up twice, and both times as a deus ex machina.

No, I think she was always not going to have a big role, because it'd be her meeting everyone else, but everyone else saying goodbye
They probably originally planned for her to try soloing thanos only to get her ass beat and then take up thor's offer to join forces, but that's the most I'd see them doing.
Remember, it's the Russos
They have their favorites to work with, and she isn't one of them

Captain Marvel feels like some sort of corporate mandate mixed Feige drinking his own Kool-Aid. Power level in the MCU have never been consistent. Most characters who gain power in these movies do so st some kind of lesson or cost. It’s usually supposed to be the thing that brings them back and humbles them before the big action set piece. But Carol doesn’t have a weakness and she’s basically OP as all shit. If she had actually stuck around she’d have made a 3hour movie a 30 minute movie.

I don’t know how Marvel Studios don’t see how fucked up Carol is right now.

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I think Larson is an accelerationist who is trying to stir shit up to cause backlash.

>her co stars hate her

because she had more important things to do than saving the entire fucking universe from being snapped

Hopefully she gets her powers sucked out by Rogue in the next movie she's in and only appears in flashbacks going forward.

She doesn't get along with Cheadle or falcon, but they're notorious sourpusses
But, she also got caught lying about having no stunt doubles and then got all offended when hemsworth asked if she was trying to be the new Tom cruise (who was known for doing his own stunts)
A lot of it can be written off as her being the new kid with a chip on her shoulder
But it's pretty obvious she thinks she should be a bigger deal than black panther but isnt

You know, that's actually a great way to nerf her
Have rogue show up after mutants are introduced, and suck some of her powers out.
The flight and super strength
Then she has to get a space suit with jets to fly she still has energy beams, but can't take a beating. She's closer to Wanda now.


Maybe directors are smart enough to tease her as the deus ex that can kill thanos only for the movie to be underwhelming but it got a huge bump in sales just from the IW tease. Then you just throw her in endgame in a cursory way and have a few cameos but heavily market her in trailers so everyone anticipates her having a big part and everyone geared up to hate the movie is pleasantly surprised.

Or her character is just utterly unlikable because its a male archetype that is just gender-swapped to female which just makes her come off as some know-it-all bitch that even other women fucking hate. Even women dont want to see a hotshot woman test-pilot because its unrealistic. That's an archetypal male who's story arc will always end up like tony's: he needs to get his ego in check just like maverick. Women archetypes are all about freeing themselves from fear and insecurity so they can feel empowered - the last thing an arrogant test pilot needs.

I like her power set, but tone it down just a little. Steamrolling a city-sized spaceship and speeding around the galaxy faster than light is just absurd.

marvel has been trying to shove carol down peoples throats for almost 10 years to act as their stand in for wonder woman, but even her best runs are leagues worse than wonder womans worse. she's shit and people don't care about her so they made watching her movie a statement and now people surprisingly all love her because if they don't they're a woman hating alt right nazi incel woman hater.

>because if they don't they're a woman hating alt right nazi incel woman hater
Just have sex

Women haters literally have tons of sex

I say part of it is because she's too strong. They couldn't have keep jobbing for no real reason, and her wiping the floor with the main villain would be meh. I think they should have done it in DBZ style where she holds up Thanos until the rest do something that requires a lot of time.

pretty sure she had no idea Thanos was going to time travel and re-appear

even when she did realize, she got to the scene in like 10 minutes?

She had a point before that she was also needed elsewhere, so it makes sense. They also couldn't give her a ring since everything was destroyed by that point

>I mean she fucking peaces the fuck out despite being the strongest person out there currently
Yeah no shit retard. Same reason Scarlet Witch and Vision got killed off.
They have stupidly overpowered characters

Remember when Nick Fury contacted her at the end of Infinity War as if her presence was needed to beat Thanos. And then she did almost nothing in Endgame? They didn't need her at all. HAHAHAHAHA

>Yea Forums complains all the time about her
>even when she gets less screentime they complain about how she isnt around enough and they cant complain about her as much as they want to
you guys have thought of everything

Got this from user the other day. Might get some (You)'s with it later.

Attached: Let's see if it happens.png (1908x919, 374K)

women aren't holes you disgusting shitlord

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>I mean she fucking peaces the fuck out despite being the strongest person out there currently
There, you answered your own question.
This has been a common thing in Avengers movies: when a character is noticeably stronger than the rest, the writers always find something else for them to be doing instead of fighting because they'd make everything too easy.

that sounds pretty terrible, but believable. still I'll believe it when I see it.

I honestly loved how they handled her character. A recently introduced character, and the strongest to boot, but they managed her perfectly... except for peacing out at the very begginning. THOUGH she wasn't informed of the time travel at the time, so she really had more important things to do.

She had little screentime, but her scenes were memorable. Everyone felt relief when she showed up and cut through the spaceship like butter and that's a thing only she could have done, I mean fucking Thanos was trying to purge the battlefield so yeah her OPness is needed there.
And everyone talks about how she got BTFO'd by Thanos and dissappeared for the rest of the movie. Oh, and she saved Tony at the beginning (though no one will remember that for.. reasons).

For a 3 hour longs movie, her few minutes of screentime were nice.
Also, no, there weren't any changes, this movie was filmed alongside IW before her own movie. They didn't have any feedback yet.

>they didn't need her at all
Thanos could kill all of them and snap his fingers easily if she didn't show up at the end.

>canonically stronger than all the stones
>gets her power from one of the stones

For all the hype she had, she was underused imo. She was too conveniently shelved for most of the movie because they wrote themselves into a corner i.e. Superman syndrome.

>>canonically stronger than all the stones
Who are you quoting?

>completely unsourced rhetoric that conveniently fits Yea Forumss hyper conspiratorial polnigger narrative

Not really stronger.. it's just that MCU Thanos can't freely use the stone's powers. He only hits hard with the hand currently holding the power stone, that's why he manually grabbed it with his free hand.
I mean he turned things into bubbles with his imagination in IW, but the writers forgot about that here and he needed to snap his fingers to do anything.

thank you VERY much

Oh so that's why the two noticeably stronger characters, Thor and Hulk, always just disappear when action happens, haha

He needs to clench the gauntlet fist to activate a stone.

What about strategically holding a stone between your buttcheecks or something? No one would know it but you clench your ass and suddenly warp through portals or manipulate reality itself.

Your mom tried that last night, bro, and it didn't work so well, even tho they call her the "infinity ass"

That's just asking for Ant-Man to steal it.

>Your mom
what a mess

End Game was filmed before Captain Marvel even had a script.

Guarantee youre a white guy with either no girlfriend or a retarded one.

it's just the next stage of cope from these fags after it didn't flop.

They used her to sell tickets to the next movie. Period.

And then they remembered whoops she's a boring character that most people don't know or care about that completely breaks the villain they focused their first film on. It's a send off for characters ten years into this and she just shows up.

Either they wrote themselves into a corner or this was forced on them by Big Disney.

How does it feel Marvelfags? That this was the better character and movie. Also, the last 15 minutes being of the film being kino as fuck.

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Well she lost her best friend, mentor and all her memories. I would argue that counts as having a price to pay.

>they used her to sell tickets
but I thought everybody hates her and she's going to have a negative impact on the movie with her negative charisma, how does that translate to more ticket sales?

It would also create more opportunities for gay butt jokes.

dunno haven't seen it lol

I'll concede that Shazam was pretty fun but you're wrong on the kino part. The action was shit on this movie, the best parts were whenever they weren't fighting.
The first fight against the bald dude was fine though because it looked like a parody, tons of jokes and Shazam cowardly trying to escape and getting trashed.

Once the fights were supposed to be serious and it still looked like shit, that's when it failed.

>the two noticeably stronger characters, Thor and Hulk
That was only during the first movie, and notice how neither Thor nor Hulk actually fought Loki until it was time to wrap up everything. neither did they directly confront Ultron, nor were they present during Civil War. The same goes to Wanda and Vision, and Strange during EG. Thye're far too powerful, so they're kept out of sight or entertained doing something else until their time comes to do the one thing.

>you don't have a girlfriend
>if you do though, she is stupid

Wow, nice safety net there

there was really nothing she could do desu. She is in the movie just becuase stronk womyn, not to sneak around in the past and gather stones, once the Thanos from the past comes to the present she actually tries but gets btfo