Bernie 2020
Bernie 2020
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Thanks for the third house lmao
>people still think bernies a socialist
Is that shopped
based socialist jew redistributing campaign donations to businesses
Im a nihilist. I just vote for the people i know are going to make the elite mad. So a wwe hall of famer on the right and socialist on the left sound good.
See this as giant fuck you to the neoliberals/centerists who made you a minority in your own country, outsourced all the jobs, and kept pushing sjw garbage into everything
>Is that shopped
He's a "democratic socialist." That's bad enough.
he is. socdem is socialism lite
4 more years
>literally "it will work this time!"
Adding "democratic" doesnt change the fact that its be socialism. It just means that stupid Californians would vote for all of us to starve and get ran over instead of a government coup
no thanks
phd stemfag here, i dont vote but this is correct
that's what i said
Most Amricans have a Boomer tier understanding of what is "socialism", but actual socialists are hardly better
>everyone who disagrees with me is a red fascist/revisionist/reformist...
Yes. What America needs is an actual period of harsh, authoritarian Marxist-Leninist socialism to purge reactionaries. Afterwards they can liberalise again but America unironically needs a socialist vanguard that takes no prisoners.
Socialists and communists already say this shit though and people laugh at them. This is just a slight twist on the "Real communism has never been tried" meme
>Trump is actually going to win again
The asshurt will be brilliant
This guy fucks
this random tweet by literally nobody definitely needed its own thread on Yea Forums..yeah...for the win!
Holy shit the salt in that pic
>heroic wartime leader
the brits voted churchill out of office during the fucking war
Cope tranny
>making the elite mad
pick one
I decided im an anarchist, voting doesnt matter, capitalism ruins everything, there is no future for me.
But if it is to be this way then im going to ruin their dreams too
>gets butthurt he poses for a picture in Churchill's chair
>prints the picture
Is this a satirical magazine?
Reactionaries being anybody who disagrees.
It will depend on the white working class. If Trump wins Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan again he will get a second term. April jobs report looks like Trump will win those states.
The last thing the elite want is trump as president. He lacks their bourgeoisie decorum that masks thier true evil.
The last thing the elite want is a socialist jew to be president and kick the shit out of israel and tax the rich.
the last thing the elite want is for white men to arm themselves, organise, and carry out open insurgency against the ruling order
don't you mean it depends on if le epic /pol/tards MEME him into office with their le epic memes
>healthcare fot all
>Do I forget to mention all those illegals? They are Americans too!
you probably actually believe this, which is insane to think about
if thats the case then all bernie has to say is "so about that wall". "Hey did ya build the wall yet" "Oh wait actually you didnt and actually there are even more people streaming in"
"ha ha"
actually they do want that because it gives them an excuse to censor people. You are a useful idiot . Most normal people are docile cows who like comfort and non violence and will call upon the government to kick you in the nuts.
Have a nice power fantasy while you jerk off thouhg
Whites will become a minority, the factories have been outsourced, the media is filled with mentally ill sjws.
Im going to vote for the guys that are going to be the bull in the china shop. Might as well wreck thier place too
lets get a clown to be president who fucks everything up :)
No, even better, lets get a socalist to be president and fuck up their little empire :))))
have a nice democratic fantasy while your country gets blacker, browner and more islamic
the elite will NEVER allow a white interests party or politician. they will NEVER allow a white interests media. they will NEVER allow pro-white laws. it is all literally illegal. there is no solution to vote for
I'm so glad I've got blurry photographs and the lack of willingness to google "bernie sanders sports car" forms my perception of reality. Fuck commies.
>gives them an excuse to censor people
Yea because it's not like Democraps have been doing that for years or anything.
>muh wealth redistribution
based Bernie not buying shitty american cars
>as a nihilist