Will we be seeing more of him? in a flashback perhaps?

will we be seeing more of him? in a flashback perhaps?

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he will be back and it will be the original one. He comes back in the comics and we have not seen the end of his arc as he has not gone full anti hero just yet, he will defeat a future big bad when the heroes fail. How long will it take? Thats the question it could be 10 years before they bring him back.

Oh wow, I actually recognize that ass.
It belongs to Adam Killian.

Man, I'm truly addicted to porn.


y didnt thanos just use the infinutty gems to shrink and teleport the avengers into his anus????

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That is a grade A butt. I could see myself slippin' it in there, just for shits 'n giggles.

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the Yea Forums version of "wait, i recognize that gay blowjob"

include me in le epic screencap bros!!!!!!!!!

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Nigga you gay

reminder that there is a timeline where he rests on his farm for all eternity and the avengers never come after him
he never lost.

sure but there's also a timeline where I'm king of the world, but where does that get us

redpilling has gone too far.

>I recognize that bulge

Based and fagpilled

EPIC gaming moments

Adam Killian is not that short
T. Actual degenerate fag

What kind of workouts do I need to do to get an ass like that? Asking for myself

Have sex reps x7

Be short

epic roastie meme

>I recognize that bulge!

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I hate this fucking website so much

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No shit retard

I wish reddit would fucking leave

any idea where we can find the original image?

I remember it came from a photo where he was crouching on all fours on a roof. The ass has also been photoshopped to be plumper and with the tattoo removed (or maybe it's his left asscheek but the photo is flipped), but that's definitely Killian's ass.
No idea where the arms and calves come from. They're not his.

I also know he was wearing black boots

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It’s luke garret and he’s 5’8 that’s why the big ass

Yes, we’ll see him by the end of the second MCU Saga, Secret Wars, where he’ll confront the final villain of the next decade: Doom.

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Why does he look so shopped?

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>be short
It's true though. Short people are able to put on muscle a lot easier and faster than lanklets, and because they're naturally smaller the muscle has to go somewhere. The manlet hate originated from /fit/ because manlets get gains a lot faster
t. Manlet

Huh. Could've sworn it was Killian.
Alright, I admit defeat.

Lots of anal sex

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I think talking about the scene where he’s fucking a an officer

I hope we'll be seeing all of him

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>this thread
love you Yea Forums, kek

Heavy Deadlifts and heavy ass hip thrusts

You think Thanos ever tried to shove a home grown cucumber up his ass while living on his garden planet? What if the remaining Avengers walked in on that, Thor opens the door and a plum pops out of this thanus

>This music

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this place really has become reddit huh