Jordyn Jones has a new music video

Extremely talented imho

Attached: 55752841_2425437074155985_5929406050382393629_n.jpg (1080x1260, 144K)

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Why do you shill her here?

I like how most of the video looks like it was filmed in her uncle's basement.

eh too young for my taste


Had to mute to fap

if only her music has something like a coherent structure or even a melody. shame because she cute, despite what the mentally ill cunny posters say


another blacked bitch

hard pass

Attached: BLACKED.webm (1920x1080, 787K)

just give me webms of the shit that I can ejaculate to

the virgin sperg

the unapologetic chad

David Ortiz lost a lot of weight

Attached: 59694245_2893951964164216_8344321862066503680_n.webm (640x800, 2.91M)

I read that as "extremely talented bimbo"

Attached: katzidancesmall.gif (460x338, 3.66M)

Reminder that she is friends with the girl that cucked moot
the whole banji thing was a genuine shill campaign


lol whos in the mood for sources and fake news?
nobody, im a little bit sleepy arent you?
lets go to sleep lol

yikes the wall certainly got her

thats not Yea Forumsrelated