You ever watch a show you know is terrible, just for a girl who isn't even very attractive?
You ever watch a show you know is terrible, just for a girl who isn't even very attractive?
>show about chinks
>it's canadian
lmao this fucking country is fucked.
Hey, come on now, she's a solid 6. Plus, she's tiny and she's probably make your dick loom big by comparison.
the pastor chick is kinda cute too
My boiner told me to ask what show?
no one is that beta
Kim's Convenience
i totally would
Orange is the New Black.
Flat as a board too
Sad when the bra is the sticking out
I stopped watching after I think the 3rd season. Did she ever get her tits out?
I stopped at the end of season 3 or 4, never saw them. Show would unironically have been 10x more bearable if every black chick besides the cop and Poussey were removed, so fucking annoying.
How do Chinese behave in Canada? Do they keep to themselves or integrate heavily with the local population, with their women slutting it up with whites and pajeets?
They're actually Koreans
>92 KB
>Anonymous 05/05/19(Sun)00:35:37 No.1140
Actually love this show
Fuck at first I thought OP was saying his GF made him watch it but he's waifufagging a plain asian girl
Titanic with a Canadian girl. I promised myself to never watch that movie. Hot blonde and vodka won in the end, though.
So do you watch Doom Patrol now?
does she get her tits out in that?
>season 4 confirmed
I'm glad, Kim's is comfy, Also fuck you OP, Janet a cute.
No,. Neither did pic related, breaks my heart.
She is cute, but she's not hot. And the show actually isn't that bad.