Who was the best alcoholic in film/tv?
Who was the best alcoholic in film/tv?
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leaving las vegas
I'm gonna pay you 100$ to fuck off, OP.
The entire town of Bundanyabba in pic related, but most specifically the doctor.
We need a tpb equivalent of sneed so we can rid this place of the faggots that like it.
'best' is a vague term, but I'd say either Don Draper or The Dude
I love Saul, most underrated character in the show.
Blatantly ripped off from Lahey. Apollo was Bubbles.
frig off randy
Was drunk during the entire filming.
That scene where Lahey watches himself on tape shitfaced and says "when did that happen"
Too real
Captain Ron. Hands down. He went to rehab at least. Don't know for sure that it was for alcoholism
all this television and filmposting is getting in the way of my BLACKED threads
I wonder how much tea he drank during filming.
>hurr go back to r*ddit
I kind of agree. It was 15 years ago. Let it go. And the new seasons are unironically unwatchable.
Lahey is practically the drunken master. He can't be beaten on the levels of feels and reals this man brings to the table of being an alcoholic
>you will never go drive around drunk and shoot on a 'roos
The cast of cheers
>let's stop discussing things because they're old
you're right, this place should be nothing but Avengers and GOT threads 24/7
Guys I'm starting to black out on a regular basis. Drank a bottle of wine last night and while shitfaced from the wine decided to drink half a bottle grand marnier. Can't account from 10pm to 9am, woke up naked on the floor covered in vomit. Can't even remember why I was drinking in the first place or what I was doing. Am I past the point of no return
Lahey was pretty good. Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas nailed it pretty good
>just starting
Shit, you just described my Thursday nights for the last 5 years.
I mean Sopranos ended over 10 years ago and it has multiple threads up daily
Lahey. Foster Brooks. Otis Campbell.
I used to be able to drink like a motherfucker now one beer in and my right side hurts I get heartburn and extreme nausea whats happening?
Came here to post this
They did not live a good life there, user.
You may have developed an allergy to alcohol.
Probably youre dying
Alcohol destroys your organs user. It's a poison. It destroys your throat, stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, I could keep going. It can give you ulcers all sorts of bad shit
It's been estimated that the average life expectancy would be 10 years higher for males in the U.S. if it wasn't for booze. Around 15-20 years in countries like Russia.
Are those the symptoms?
Def feels like my pancreas that pain is horrific
just stop drinking for a while
By the AA definition of an alcohol allergy you develop the phenomenon known as craving. It's a mental obsession mixed with a physical craving, once you have 1 drink, you will continue drinking, because all else becomes secondary to the need for more booze. Sounds to me like you're damaging something, possibly your liver. Pancreas issues will be up in your chest around your heart region, if will feel like a hot burning sensation. Dry out for a bit man, if you can't quit seek some help. I'm moving towards my 5th month in recovery. GodSpeed lad
A sober birthday week sounds awful. Usually that works but man so boring
So cool it for a little and go all out on your birthday. I'm assuming that you hate your birthday here.
It's right front ribcage and behind it pain. The most I drink is a 12 pack of Heineken lately it's just 3 beers and do everything in my power not to throw up. I can give it a break it's just boring as fuck
You can't really recover from alcoholism. Once you have it you're stuck with it. You can embrace it try becoming a functional alcoholic (at least maintaining job/home) or become a miserable sober alcoholic who is in constant agony and afraid of falling of the wagon at any second.
You don't want pancreatitis bud. You can get sepsis and go into a coma or die and it's very painful. Will feel like a hot/sharp pain in your chest near your heart, with bad nausea. Your actual skin will feel warm from inflammation. The pancreas will start leaking fluid into your bloodstream
Allergies affect people in different ways, especially if you develop them as an adult. When I was younger I dated a girl who was allergic to alcohol, she once blacked out right in front of me from just a few swallows of beer. You should go get checked out if it keeps happening. Allergies can get worse over time, bad enough to send you into anaphylactic shock.
Yeah can and will do.
Yeah when that pain kicks in I notice I get hot as fuck or cold it's really weird. Hurts so much it drains me energy mad
Is that why the movie was so shit?
>muh scary shark!!
You do recovery programs like AA, that stops you from being miserable or what they call a dry drunk. It's life or death desu
My sister hit 30 and developed an allergy to pretty much any nsaid. Sucks for her because she's also starting to get arthritis.
If your work/financial situation permits it, look into weed. It's something to do that replaces the urge to drink/boredom of sobriety with fewer health consequences (but greater legal ones if you get caught).
Weed just lowers my inhibition and makes me more likely to binge drink
>quit shooting heroin and cocaine
>still can't shake the booze
and i don't think i want to
Yah quit drinking ASAP. Drink plenty fluids. If you find you cannot stop thinking about drinking or will never be happy without alcohol again, I suggest checking out AA. It ain't for everyone, but it does work for people willing and gives you your life back. I was drinking about 24-30 beers a day, hospital with pancreas issues, was throwing up blood, you name it. Quit finally last year, went through horrible DTs, got my start of sobriety in the VA, and now am involved with AA. The obsession for me is gone, I get passing thoughts, but no more craving/obsession. I personally don't ever wanna fuckin go back, pretty sure I was dying, and psychologically I was a trainwreck
Weed causes me major panic attacks especially since I'm untreated and apparently people around here abuse anxiety medicine so it's impossible to get
You need an Indica type marijuana and not Sativa. Indicas are more sedatory and for anxiety. High CBD and Indica is good for anxiety
sounds like you need a shrink
How do people chug shit like this? I can drank *maybe* a 6th of a bottle of whiskey before my throat starts burning so badly that I start to gag
you get used to it
i can down vodka like water
I'm a beer drunk man I have no idea how those liquor drunks do it.
Sounds like you fucked up because you thought chugging alcohol like water was a good idea. Retard.
t. moderate drinker.
Years of experience. When I get drunk enough I can chug unlimited amounts of liquor without feeling anything. I don't even feel the burn anymore. Almost died one time and spent 2 nights in a hospital because I nearly drank myself into a coma just watching netflix alone at home.
You can like go to AA meetings and remove the obsession to drink. I have been sober and going to meetings for like 7 years and still have a blast doing fun stuff. I just don't feel the need to drink anymore when I'm doing, well, anything.
I'm a raging alcoholic (averaging a bottle of 151 a night) but I also have no desire to quit. I'm completely bored out of my mind when I'm sober. I was never able to find a degree, field of work, or hobby that really interested me. I hate my current job but can't think of anything better to do. Luckily my job doesn't require me to interact with other people much so I always get away with being drunk 24/7.
Based. Another AA user here as well. Obsession left me relatively quickly, really surprised. Not dry or miserable at all like that one user you quoted said. People who are proper alcoholics don't drink moderately it is impossible. The craving dominates all other affairs in life, you drink until you can't anymore every time
>alcoholic thread on tv got to me and I went out and bought a 12 pack
>threw away 2 weeks sober
not falling for this one again OP
based velcoro
I drink less by myself
I don't drink much at all if I have access to weed
I have a 12-pack in my fridge but I'm not drinking at all tonight, got too drunk the last two nights
I like how he did coke to keep his buzz going for a bit. I've done the same thing, but feeling my heart pounding in my chest scares the fuck out of me.
Trying to finish off this 12 pack I got on Thursday let's see if I can keep it down with the Carrabba's dinner I had earlier
The only good thing that came from my cocaine habit is it killed my desire to drink unless I had Coke. Stopped me from drinking everyday. Yeah yeah I know.
>go to AA
>yeah man, I had it real bad. at one point I was drinking 8 to 10 beers a night! I swear the devil had a hold of me.
Im not slandering the program. but half the guys in there are there for meth recovery and the few alcoholics are all old guys who stopped drinking in the 80s for their wives.
like these guys never drank in the shower. these guys never drank at work. these guys never hid bottles of hard stuff around the house and put their empties in a neighbors trash can to keep it quiet.
>I've been sober for 30 years
Well how the fuck are you supposed to help me motherfucker I need someone at like a year to talk to
drinking in the shower is a sign of alcoholism now?
Shit, that's my favorite place to drink
AA is a cult. I met a dude once on vacation in Japan who was also a tourist but still insisted he find the local AA chapter to go to, even though he didn't speak the language. They replace the need for booze with the need for their community, which is better I guess, but people have improved their lives without them.
To add to this, I need to talk to someone close to my age. I'm single what the fuck do I do to meet new people and do fun adult activities where booze isn't involved? Meet a new girl on the first date tell her you don't drink because you're a drunk. You'll never hear back.
Fuck AA. I just need a hobby to do with friends that doesn't involve drinking.
Im this guy
but Im still gonna give AA a year and see how things go. it really does work for people. I dont really enjoy the fanaticism.
>got lectured for telling them Im drinking NA beer every night
>guys talking about being a slipper for years just going to meeting and not drinking but relapsing 4 or 5 times a year
like thats not a step up for me? like thats a fucking goal for me and they are bitching about it like thats just so terrible and disgusting.
what life is out there? how do I meet girls?
have you ever been sober around drunk people before? its fucking awful. makes you want to yell at people. I dont want to be miserable the rest of my life.
and thats what I am now. miserable.
we need to start a /recov/ board. who do we submit that to? ever since they stopped the alk threads on ck we addicts need a place to go here.
>Trying to finish off this 12 pack I got on Thursday
I really am an alcoholic. I have zero understanding of people wired like this.
Do you seriously not meet girls at work? It's not like women believe in keeping one job. I've only had 3 but in all of them the turnover rate for women was like ridiculous. Even the ones that can hold jobs don't stick around long.
Start doing less harmful drugs like psychadelics or ketamine. You'll never want to drink again and it's easier to manage your life on those drugs
Dude I'm in my 30s I can handle getting laid. Getting laid isn't the issue. I want to meet a good chick but you can't meet a chick at adult functions that don't involve booze. At least not in the south where I live. I realize this doesn't seem like a big deal and I should stop but I need it in order to remain social so I don't die some lonely 50 year old man with no kids who gave up.
Don't say dating sites. The quality of women is shit. I want to meet someone who can function in society. I just need to figure out how to drink 6 beers instead of 30.
Meeting a good woman is just as difficult for anybody else, but it's easier when you're relatively sober.
I'm much smoother and confident and successful when I've got some drinks in me. There's the rub.
You're generalizing the AA around here is nothing like what you describe. There are users in there sure, maybe 20-25% of the ones in meetings near me but none for meth that I know of only dope(H). The guys and girls in alot of my groups are actual full-blown alcoholics, MULTIPLE rehabs, hospital visits, everyday drinkers, etc...so don't generalize based on your limited experience. I personally was drinking 24-30 a day everyday before I started recovery, I was pretty much ready to die and was probably on my way. Also groups here are mixed, some are old timers but other groups are people in their 20s-40s as well
Meh. I thought that at first too, with the slogans. I'll admit it is brainwashing, and cult esque like you mentioned you rely on the group, but that's only part of it. Having a higher power (whoever you call God) is the other big one, as well as doing the 12 step work and helping any and all alcoholics in need that want help. There are also no requirements except wanting to quit drinking, no fees, dues and nobody will force you to stay, control you, or even ask you to leave, so it's alot more free than a proper cult. That's not saying there aren't strong personalities in some groups, but when you're basically at the bottom from drinking and yelling uncle you're basically willing to try anything and I'm glad I gave AA a shot and checked my Ego. It's helping me restructure my thinking and handle life normally without going to the bottle. This is my personal experience, I know it's not for everyone but I truly don't wanna go back to boozing it was really fucking bad for me at the end
>Where do I find sober people my age to do stuff with
>Fuck AA
AA will be there when you've finally had enough and hit your proper bottom. Groups around me have alot of people my age(32), men and women. ...continued...
..continued...Most people don't wonder into AA because they were looking for friends and life was going well however, but you will find companionship and friendship there, as well as a good network to rely on for pretty much anything life throws as you.
Good luck. You sound like you gotta work on you first user, square yourself away first then worry about what kind of woman you "deserve".
I've been to AA groups around here. Court ordered in my past. Those people are full of shit and just lonely. All they talk about is drinking. How is that supposed to make me wanna think about anything else. I remember walking past some guys around the coffee machine "this coffee is bad, but not as that position we used to drink to get here." Nah dude. I can't relate to you. I want to be social and meet people, but I want to make it home at the end of the night without drinking 10 more by myself. Once I start I don't stop until I pass out.
Who are you quoting? Where did I say deserve anything?
It's all willpower, moderation, and cognizance of your own situation. You need to reach a baseline level of fulfillment in social life/work/general satisfaction to the point where you don't need to continue drinking no matter what. If you can set baselines of:
>am I gonna drive home tonight
>am I gonna get home tonight
and reliably drink enough that you can achieve one, you're doing OK. It's the baseline that's the problem. Work on yourself first.
That makes sense. I get where you're coming from and there's truth to that. Only sensible reply to me in this thread.
Well sounds like you've got it all figured out and things are going great for you! Good luck and Godspeed user
Doesn't work for an alcoholic. The obsession/craving overrides everything, I mean everything, any and all prior engagements, plan of actions, etc...out the window...It gets worse and worse, basically progresses as you get older and continue drinking. Moderate drinkers are as dumbfounded and confused about alcoholics as alcoholics are about moderate drinkers. To me being able to drink 2 drinks and quit is insane
>old friend who was a complete piece of shit to me near the end from a few years ago texted me and apologized
Must be on whatever step that is where you have to apologize to everyone you fucked over.
Haven't responded. Fuck him. And I'm an alcoholic. I've never done anything as bad as he has.
I can manage one or two drinks just fine during the week, its the weekend where I end up blackout drink-anything-thats-not-turps drunk
>Once I start I don't stop until I pass out
You're never gonna be able to fix that either bud. You'll never be able to moderate, switching drink types, going dry for awhile, none of it will work. You'll always revert back to drinking till last call/all your drinks, that's reality
No. Fuck him. I'm drunk and have to work in 8 hours. He was also a manlet who got laid more in a month than I do in a decade. So that women don't like manlets meme is bullshit.
Zoomer genocide when
He probably shouldn't have texted you, but called and he probably shouldn't be apologizing but rather admitting he was wrong and attempting to ammend it. It's basically to clear his side of the street so he doesn't harbor guilt/negative feelings. Resentments, guilt, past acts are all reasons people end up drinking again, so doing the steps helps bring ego deflation and relieving yourself of all that inner baggage so to speak
My grandfather apparently had a drinking problem that he beat in his late 30s. The only person that could really put ahit in perspective and give me a guideline. Life is funny like that. I can't take anyone seriously that I feel is full of shit. And my experience with AA most of them are full of shit. A good bullshitter can tell when they're being bullshitted
Im not him but you dont want to hear AA stories from anons
there are 3 kinds
1. physical ailments from drinking
you wouldnt believe how much booze can wreck your body and what people go through and still drink. imagine leaving a toilet looking like you just poured a pint of blood into it. scandinavian dna also has a thing where the tendons retract and become stone so guys end up with crippled claws for hands.
2. Fucked over wife/buddy/family/kids. usually this is cheating/blackout accusations of rape on both sides of the gender/getting kids taken away by grandparents/fucking your best friends gf for no reason. truly having an alcoholic parent must be terrible.
we need to hear alcoholic parent stories. those have got to be great.
3. how much I drank/law troubles/fighting
all the same. guys list what they used to go through and their legal entanglements.
each of us alkies ITT have 1 of each of those.
So you're only angry at him out of resentment? If you're both alkies, shouldn't you support each other?
Obviously a text message is a shitty way to apologize for transgressions, but when you suffer self-imposed social isolation as many alcoholics do, it's an enormous and difficult first step. I apologize for the cliche, but forgiveness does feel good, for both parties.
I've been arrested like 5 times for booze related incidents. Fought in my teens but I'm too old for that bravado shit.
You're asking for advice/help but then you start acting like you have it all figured out already. That's Ego user. Ego causes drinking and drinking causes Ego in my experience. When you hit your proper bottom you'll be ready to tap and try again, hopefully you'll be alive or not in jail bud. Like I said earlier I was drinking 24-30 a day everyday, if not beer Vodka/soda or vodka/tapwater. I'm an Iraq combat cet as well. I do not want to go back to where I was, I thought I was gonna die from the DTs, they were traumatizing, physically and mentally. Anyway good luck to you man, really I hope you don't gotta fall too far before you figure out a good plan of action
I'm not doubting that it worked for you. Al I'm saying is that one won't work for me. Take care man.
I recently texted a former friend of mine who hurt me quite a bit telling her that I didn't harbor any resentment or ill will toward her.
But I was just trying to be the bigger man, I really do feel incredible ill will and resentment toward her and I hope her shitty grades continue and she has to drop out
You're literally telling this dude he has to fuck up his whole life before he gets a clue and fixes his habit. That's bad advice. When you recognize there is a possible problem, you fix it, regardless of whether it has landed you in jail or not. The goal should be to help people before they hit rock bottom so they don't rely on your cult for the rest of their life. And that is possible.
>die from the DTs
how does it get that bad?
lets hear alcoholic stories.
anyone have anything to share? any children of alcoholics?
I wrecked a car and passed out and got tazered by a cop when I woke up and tried to run.
I'm not telling him he has to do anything I've been replying to him, sharing my experiences, trying to give him some hope. I can't force it on him, he stated he doesn't want that method and said he's already checked it out and I simply stated he probably hasn't fallen hard enough. Everyone has a different bottom. Too bad we don't have IDs so you could see my previous posts before that one. But yah everyone's bottoms are different he might not be at his yet and his is not what mine was or what yours is. That's just reality. And alcohol is a cult, it's a death cult of fake friends, depression, and an inability to cope/live a functioning life. Nobody forces anyone to stay in AA, it's a free program you can come and go as you please, you can stay there and drink, you can be atheist, you don't even have to work the steps. Reliance on the group and the synchronized slogans are the only cultish aspects, but many organizations seek reliance on group/community, we're social creatures user
My dad is a child of an alcoholic. She hid booze all over the house, was beaten to shit by her abusive husband, after he died let the whole house go to shit, and eventually died under the supervision of her daughter who was a diagnosed schizophrenic who refused treatment and eventually met her own end by trying to treat advanced stage cancer with electroshock therapy.
I'm terrified of having children and passing my own genes on.
Alcohol and benzos are two of the only drugs where the withdrawal can kill you. And they're fucking miserable I've withdrawn from both before. Alcohol withdrawal can include heavy shaking, extreme anxiety, paranoia, visual/audible hallucinations, psychosis, tremors, heart palpitations, vomiting, sweating, sleep deprivation, stroke, or death. I'm sure there's more. It's easily the most destructive drug on the planet, because it's so widely consumed and available, plus accepted. You ever seen Leaving Las Vegas? Check it out great Cage Kino and accurate
>I threw away a guaranteed threeseome with ex stripper gf and her bartender friend because I got angry over something stupid and threw a fit that escalated into violence and I ended up breaking a huge picture frame and throwing something through a glass window and instead got two girls punching and pulling my hair over getting laid
really costanza'd that one
>It's easily the most destructive drug on the planet, because it's so widely consumed and availabl
I was driving today and I passed 3 liquor stores in the span of less than a mile and this thought came to me. I'm no "420 blaze it bro" guy but Jesus Christ, I bet having 3 dispensaries within a mile of one another wouldn't have the disastrous societal effects that 3 liquor stores in that span could have
Id post more details but it was on the local news and everyone I know saw it.
We'll get to the point where weed is legal soon enough.
I used to like weed a lot. Then I quit for a job for a couple years and when I tried to go back to smoking pot and I hated it. It's too strong it makes me panic.
If weed makes you panic your mental state is too far gone. You need to calm down.
Modern weed is too strong honestly. Especially if you have no tolerance for it
I got stoned for the first time in a month last night while watching a baseball game and even that was too fucking intense for me. All I could think about was how intense the pitcher-batter showdown is and how these are basically superhumans throwing a tiny ball faster than any human being should be able to
It was actually kind of interesting though to be honest, I saw the game in a different way than I have in a long time
Why is it when you tell potheads you don't like pot they call you insane?
Knock knock Cyrus.
Drink more. I mean, don't, but that's how you get numb to it.
I haven't smoked in 3 years, since I was in college.
>Who was the best alcoholic in film/tv?
the actual homeless alcoholic that was found dead after the film released?
>The film circulated into the mainstream news when actor Gary Poulter was found dead in a shallow body of water on February 19, 2013, before the film was ever released.[10][11] Poulter, who played Wade in the film, was homeless, suffered from alcoholism and was already seriously ill. His only other acting credit was as a background extra in the TV series Thirtysomething. Producers worried that casting Poulter in the film would be a risk because of his alcoholism, but Green stayed committed to having him in the film. Writing for RogerEbert.com, Peter Sobczynski called Poulter's performance "stunning" and "one of the great one-shot performances in the history of the cinema".[12]
There's an episode of Mad Men where Don wakes up alone in his apartment after Megan left him and he was circling the drain of alcoholism. He grabs a bottle of whiskey and draws a line on it to signify his limit for the day, and I think that's just such a perfect way to show an alcoholic
In The Verdict there's a scene where Paul Newman's character goes to a bar on his way to work and orders a shot. His hand is shaking so much that he can't hold the glass so he places the glass on the table and picks it up with his mouth and throws his head back to take the shot. Another perfect alcoholism scene to me
Uhhh let's see
Drinking cologne cause it smelled like booze, kinda
Countless barbrawls over fucking one word or two taken wrong in a conversation
Trying to get in on with a strangers' wife, she seemed into it, he and his friends didn't. Fucking beat me into a bloody pulp, had stitches in face and shit
Getting kicked out of most of my jobs
And my most proud one, walking like 10 miles from one town to another, blackout fucking drunk, cause I lost keys to my car and said fuck it
>Countless barbrawls over fucking one word or two taken wrong in a conversation
fuck man I hate drunks like you, no offense. I just don't get why people get so angry while drunk. I either get depressed or I'm the life of the party. I can't imagine getting in a fight with someone while drunk
I was walking my dog past a bar the other night when this guy threatened to kick my ass because I smiled at him and his girlfriend. She had to hold him back from coming at me
Thank you ever so much for the suggestion.
when it starts being less about drinking and more about necessity you too could drink like that
Nah man, I feel you, I'm happydrunk, the problem was that THE OTHER SIDE took something wrong amd immediately jumped at me. And you know, my fragile male ego can't handle getting fists in my face for free.
Fucking faggot last month had a problem with me over shit I talked about with my friends. Like, he just overheard me calling a shitty club, a shitty club and jumped me lol.
Didn’t Chips Rafferty drink 30 pints a day while they filmed this? I read somewhere he insisted that he drink actual pints when they shot the scenes, and they might have to do 5-6 retakes and he’d drink 2 pints in every retake.
I’m living alone in a shithole in China and just got done with a 4 day long bender. Surprised I didn’t end up arrested.
dont ever go near injuns.
native americans and booze are beyond belief.
>mom taught on the rez
>rez casino has little emergency boxes every 20 feet along the walls
>man why do they need all these fire extinguishers?
>oh its actually insulin shots and all the waitresses are trained to give shots of insulin because injuns just smoke and drink for 48 hours straight and all have diabetes and they pass out so often its become a problem
>rez bans alcohol sales outside the casino
>injuns load up on pallets of 30 packs at the local walmart along with bottles of booze using pallet jacks to move tons of alcohol once the checks come in
my favorites
>400% per capita spousal abuse households
>when they cant find booze they spray aqua net hairspray into a cup and mix it with apple juice
>once a year a few dozen people go to the hospital from drinking some mass made rotting pruno concoction from some guys tub
>Who was the best alcoholic in film/tv?
you wanna know how I know you've never had anyone in your life deal with a fatal and family ruining crippling addiction?
>who do you think was the best intergalactic villain actor
>dude think about the people who lost their planet
Patrician taste. Now tell me; did pretty boy get bummed?
In fairness alcoholism covers a pretty wide spectrum. There's the casual alcoholic like myself who has to drink himself to sleep most nights but doesn't have a problem working sober, and then there's whatever kind of alcoholism your family member had/has. I certainly emphasize though. I still don't need to drink throughout the day but my average sober mood is deteriorating rapidly. I imagine every fatal alcoholic starts somewhere.
Little oversensitive, lad. Calm down. Have a drink.
I miss the days where I could pound them back every night and wake up good to go. Body it eventually catches up with your body and you'll wake up just craving more. My downward spiral began when I started to morning drink.
nick nolte in warrior
I'm drunk as fuck and this thread was a real downer
Do alcoholics like the taste of alcohol or they just do it to get drunk?
way she goes buddy. lighten up
What a waste of a thread with this pathetic circle jerk of wannabe victims looking for hugs.
More GOT and Marvel Comics shilling coming right up
Ben Affleck as himself.
damn, we should have let them genocide themselves then we wouldn't have to be blamed for it
I quit drinking too at newyears. Had been going for 3/4 years never going to bed sober.
I alternated between vodka, beer and wine (red).
I started drinking to help me sleep or whatever. Then i got afraid of quitting and not getting any sleep, atleast thats what i told myself. I started with beer, but the cans kept piling up so i switched to vodka.. Give it enough time that shit started piling up too. Not only that, i used to piss in the empty bottles too. It was fucking disgusting. So every 14 days or whatever i had with a bag of piss filled vodka bottles and throw them somewhere far from home.
Then i got worried about my organs and started drinking wine.
Took forever to get drunk now. So i had to start earlier and earlier.
I got home from work and immedeately started drinking to be able to get drunk and fall asleep early enough to be somewhat sober when i woke up to drive to work.
I saw a doctor about my "issues". Went to a psychologist. It was all just bullshit and they were mostly worried about me driving, and wanted me to do check-ins and if i failed those they'd revoke my license, so i just abandoned it and kept on trucking.
I finally quit now because of how fucking disgusting my body had become. Alcohol is liquid bread. I had gained atleast 30 lbs of pure fat. So i just quit drinking, started getting up at 4am, working out from 5am - 6am and then going to work, and trying to work myself into a fucking coma so i could quiet my stupid brain and fall asleep. Works pretty good, been keeping at it for 5 months now. All the while having a box of wine in my closet and two bottles of vodka in my fridge, not been remotely tempted for the last 2 months. No idea if i've done any damage internally, i dont want to know, but if i have shaved 10 years off my life i'm okay with that. I dont really want to stick around for retirement anyway, since i'm a colossal fuckup in life all-around. Just thought i'd share.
Hey man, you sound like me. I just posted about itAnd that was kinda my issue too, boredom. I somehow lost all my friends along the way to 30, and i honestly feel drained by social interactions. But having too much free time when you have no friends seem to cause loneliness regardless. So thats why i shaved most of my free time down to nothing. Waking up at 4am, getting out of the house by 4:50 and then returning home at aprox 12 hours later, to then make dinner, shower and pack lunch for the next day leaves me with about 2 hours of free time a day (not counting sat/sun).
That makes a whole world of difference from say 5 hours a day. You dont have time to get bored in 2 hours, atleast i dont. If you do you need to add another hour of activety.
Do drunks still get hangovers?
i cant remember past the fog of memory
i was either still drunk from last night and didnt notice or just ignored it and worked and waited till i could drink again
donald pleasance def raped him
how the fuck do most of you work/make money being drunk all the time?
Also first reformed is pretty kino
>Birthday week
How about just celebrating your birthday for just one day?
Just make more /alc/ threads. This ain't reddit; new boards are a small miracle. Or maybe start /recov/ on /fit/.
unironically lahey
Go back to Toronto bud