What do you mean i have to pay for all of this user? i thought you already got a job moderating that famous website?

>what do you mean i have to pay for all of this user? i thought you already got a job moderating that famous website?

Attached: fgAXDDk.jpg (581x700, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dev.nextchan.org/.file/ac5888662391dc46c98f34fdf8c61c8b1018a47e4479c6d77a7c745c845f9c52/GPNZ story_SD_DOWNLOAD.mp4

oh god that hairline

Holy shit wtf


I get really upset with that shit
they're pulling their roots with their tight buns

women get away with it

Umm, who is this?

a qt

more room for 5head kisses, you plebs

my discountkpim gf :3

Attached: varvaravilizhanina - BxDEGC6h5lW_BxDEF19hhmR.jpg (1080x1350, 135K)

That's unpaid lol WTF how can you not know this??? Do you browse Reddit or something, YOU FUCKING SLUT TELL ME THE TRUTH ILL FUCKING KILL YOU?!?



she's pretty toit, desu, another gymnastfu

Attached: varvaravilizhanina - Bwy_xC1BRQw_Bwy_w-dB-Lj.jpg (1080x1350, 249K)

Asking in here since I heard they ban everyone that replies as damage control

Why did you heavily moderate Yea Forums all last week 24/7 and now you're nowhere to be found? Are you being paid by studios

I'm curious what the background operations are and motivations behind such ridiculously strict moderating now. literally get 30 day bans for just saying "cunny" it's beyond ridiculous.
guess it's game of thrones season so they want as much traffic and ads as possible. but shit like this is killing Yea Forums's soul

Gtfo kpim is an old hag

Attached: maisie_dek - Bw1_S09FTSR_Bw1_SxQlwVK.jpg (1080x1350, 169K)


another good question would be how come they have blocked almost every shithole country in the world, yet they don't block india... coincidentally where most of the shill farm are located

really makes you think eh? :^)

Attached: varvaravilizhanina - BngCExyHmpW.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)


You can literally find this at any middle school

Attached: 318_ouch.gif (320x200, 490K)

continue fighting the good fight

#free cunnyposters

Those damn kikes kek

Attached: amitgoffmanlevi - BmOXF6yBrkG_BmOW8uzHG92.jpg (827x1034, 77K)

fucking kek, one of the mod's been in total meltdown mod, banning thousands of proxies for the past couple days, affecting probably hundreds if thousands of innocent posters, and didn't even slow down the bot one bit

the actual state of 4cuck moderation, lmaoooooooooooooooo

Attached: varvaravilizhanina - Bk0MdJdniSc_Bk0Mc8VFOv0.jpg (1080x1350, 2.29M)

>coincidentally where most of the shill farm are located
I didnt know that




Attached: kristinapimenova - Bsnx44SlyeI_Bsnxw9BAHVY.jpg (1080x1225, 109K)

there's no point in banning innocent IPs, the cunnyposts always arrive like clockwork anyway. they still have to be removed manually every time

> white "people"

holy shit, dem quints


thanks, brotha


Attached: cbot - 050.jpg (460x528, 89K)

>You can literally find this at any middle school
gtfo no way you can find random maisies that easy

Attached: maisie_dek - Bp1-uyKlL8Y.jpg (1080x1350, 140K)

Gookmoot seriously needs to fuck off. give the site to somebody who actually cares about Yea Forums beyond a trying ti turn it into a soulless shekel farm

>I'm curious what the background operations are and motivations behind such ridiculously strict moderating now
I suspect its redwood again because shit that usually gets deleted is now staying up and that only happens when he's doing it for free
If this is true then I think you've cracked it desu. If you can put together solid proof then we can finally end gingers career on this site

I'm gonna covert amit to national socialism, you'll see


the more you know :^)

Attached: amitgoffmanlevi - Bw_JC7GlV6w_Bw_JCvlF6_x.jpg (1080x1233, 116K)

kek, it is literally moronic

but you get what you pay for, I guess :^)

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BxDGcGUBxu5.jpg (1080x1220, 172K)

she used to be a qt but time to move on dont be a waifufag kekekekek

Attached: kristinapimenova2005 - BIfwF1eBJi9.jpg (1080x1080, 256K)


there is literally no one as pefect as my maisie wife in the whole galaxy

Attached: maisie_dek - BxATtrelN0S_BxATthtFnR9.jpg (1080x1350, 127K)

imagine being such a fucking pathetic little cretin that the highlight of your day is the power trip you get from banning people who simply reply to cunny threads lmao

Why is Yea Forums so infected with pedos? It is not like this on other boards. Something attracts them to this board.

Attached: 1521065899641.jpg (1024x937, 69K)

rip in piss addie ._.

Attached: zhenyakotova_official - BuJAy4ygumg_BuJArdBlzNE.jpg (1080x1080, 166K)

Why are hollywood celebs allowed to fuck children and walk away free but OP's IP will be permanently banned? answer me this Janny

>If this is true then I think you've cracked it desu. If you can put together solid proof then we can finally end gingers career on this site

well, can't think of any other reason why india, pretty much the major source of proxies second to china, hasn't been blocked

dunno, or maybe "POST BOBS AND VAGENE" posts are very important :^)

Attached: maisie_dek - Bw7KPuFlVo8_Bw7KPh9l3-1.jpg (1080x1349, 115K)

>Why is Hollywood so infested with pedophiles? It is not like this in other industries. Something attracts them to that city.

>dont be a waifufag kekekekek


you know I'm just memeing, I'm gonna drop her like a bag of bricks are soon as she holds hands with a boy :^)

Attached: danataranova - BxDFK8Sh3w7_BxDFKudhlys.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)

>ride free
that's a bit bold of you, young lady, but don't mind if I do!

Yea Forums has always been the best board

>I'm gonna covert amit to national socialism, you'll see
No hope for any kike even amit jew genes will awake at some point and she will be as subversive any other chosenitr

Attached: amitgoffmanlevi - Bnf7GDilbE-_Bnf7ATfnDQD.jpg (1080x1350, 141K)


kek, I love that word

>simply reply to cunny threads lmao

that is literally the most pusillanimous shit ever

ever for the average modcuck, desu

Attached: danatar2007 - BxC4j5yBvbd.jpg (1080x1350, 510K)

>If this is true then I think you've cracked it desu. If you can put together solid proof then we can finally end gingers career on this site
Implying gook moot isnt part of this

Attached: 18646110_771923176314841_6588482043972157440_n.jpg (1080x1113, 81K)

I'd let her occupy my west bank if you know what i mean

this board was literally built on the little shoulders of cunnys, user

Attached: welcome.jpg (886x674, 865K)

Thats the niggermod rite?

Attached: cbot - 259.jpg (765x853, 209K)

more bans and moderation has definitely been happening for about a month or so now

sucha short career ;____;

jani's about to get deducted several hotpocket packages from his salary today


Attached: 1548863819886.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Attached: christy smeagol.jpg (607x348, 32K)

you need to have a bike this big to ride, tho

Attached: anfisa_siberia - Bvlpi2IBYSx.jpg (1080x1351, 119K)

but there has to be way ;__;


Attached: amitgoffmanlevi - BwJgN8jlJVx.jpg (1080x1351, 103K)

Attached: 1471984997482.jpg (480x720, 156K)

>that dana video
wew that video made me a believer
Also do you happen to have the edit of the soiboi reacting to it

Attached: images(36).jpg (143x80, 3K)


asalamicuncun salam

yup, totally work, desu

Attached: amitgoffmanlevi - BwYYLWBFJaq.jpg (1080x1350, 108K)

gonna make a game in sims where I'm a single neet and I adopt 10 daughters/ gfs

why does she sit on it so sexually? my lewd-o-meter is at full mast!

>select all images with bicycles

>average Yea Forums waifu

and then people ask why do we love cunny


kekek, let me check

Attached: alexkruk - BxAkwTtF-xb_BxAkAeLgPZW.jpg (1080x1349, 178K)

"work", you can't deny that there has been less long lasting and less cunny threads in the past month

Attached: sMiUVWr.jpg (2160x2702, 938K)

ansifa is max lewd. she has the most suggestive gaze of any instacunny

is /cel/ down?

eh too young for my taste

me likies a real woman

Well put slap some proof in a spam worthy image and join the cause
I don't think he is otherwise more mods would come out like ginger
ye and the main mod for Yea Forums
>uploading images from your range is blocked
Amazing and I didn't even do anything

I mean shit like this happen

Attached: DyubqHGXQAELy4D.jpg (1365x2048, 519K)

here, 2big4/tv/


Attached: danataranova - BxAVVPABz_N.jpg (1080x1350, 130K)

Its because of muh capeshit

Attached: varvaravilizhanina - Bw44NwBB3yr_Bw44NlaBDRh.jpg (1080x1350, 106K)

y-you're just imagining things, cause she's so pretty user :3

that's pretty common, tho, it comes and goes

we've had a few large ones, tho, and we've had some hilarious ones in other boards too, /pol/, /int/, Yea Forums all boards have cunny threads now

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BvvhtlCB5Kn_BvvhthkhG7k.jpg (1080x1080, 163K)


well, her mom says she's 14, so...

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BuaguNYhKMm_BuaguIaBthN.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)

>she has the most suggestive gaze of any instacunny
Its common among siberians

Attached: IMG_20190413_060709.jpg (745x708, 42K)

is anfisa a logposter?

new instacun stuff is unironcally better than old school softcore stuff

yes, for now ;___;

hang in there, /cel/mates

>Well put slap some proof in a spam worthy image and join the cause

I'm too much an "enemy of the state" for that

anything I post or say will immediately get tainted, that's a job for a different person, desu

Attached: fivedancewear - Bw-aEcTA-M9.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

holy shsity mydikc


Attached: zhenyakotova_official - Bw7URx4ANqH_Bw7URk_gOet.jpg (1080x1080, 161K)

woah this chick looks tall

She knows how to ride bikes

Attached: IMG_20190503_015609.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

>ywn be rich and start a new candydoll esque studio and scout insta for talent

oi paypal for gifts, nothing to sell

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BuaguNYhKMm_BuaguIaBxNP.jpg (1080x1080, 230K)

meh i only go on tv, glad you guys are fighting the powah though

forever and ever it had a good run

despite all the retarded anti-pedo craze, we're living the golden era of cunny right now, desu

Attached: kris_maurer_official - Bw7wKGiFK6k_Bw7wJ_ilOCL.jpg (1080x1289, 52K)

Being a cunnysseur is literally one step away from being a kino connoisseur, it's not just a pun, if you have any aesthetic sense at all you must appreciate the beauty of little girls and many great films feature them.

Attached: 077290.jpg (1600x1067, 373K)

pls richfag reading this, please do this. in this age of postmodernism you can just make something up about female empowerment and "don't sexualize us for what we wear or how we act". maybe do some boys as well for plausible deniability. we have faith in you!

>otherwise more mods would come out like ginger
What does that mean

Attached: 14294773_184291212000739_492537118_n.jpg (1080x1080, 154K)

I think she's normal cuncun height, desu

5'2, 5'3

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BvMCZx2Bj4W_BvMCZtEhTd0.jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

Say what you will, but this is far better for these girls than the alternative for 99% of them
that alternative being capped on periscope/omegle type sites fingering themselves for some pajeet pretending to be a white chad

>well, her mom says she's 14, so...
No way sges so old

Attached: anfisariazhkina_Bsj2pXUhyvm~2.jpg (1080x1080, 123K)

Not really, I mean it's cool to follow them in real time, but it doesn't surpass a Newstar in quality and lewdness for example.

thanks, brotha

4channel blocks don't apply to Yea Forums, btw, just so you guys know

RIP ;___;

Attached: miss_gemma_fied - Bw6puVNhnI_.jpg (1080x1172, 121K)

whats that supposebto mean

this. being a cunnyseur proves that you value aesthetics over anything else. you are willing to put your fear of being ostracised below appreciation of raw beauty. it's a transcendental mindset

literally this

killing /cun/ was literally the same as killing /film/

enjoy your 24/7 manchildrenfest now, /q/rybabies :^)

Attached: sienna.mia.stubbs - Bw79RmYhbhZ_Bw79RajBy_W.jpg (1080x1350, 230K)


Attached: me_and_kay_+_BkvxZaRn4iP.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

>I'm too much an "enemy of the state" for that
No only can you saves us cunnybot

Attached: zhe bane.jpg (614x713, 59K)

it has to be the russians

no one else can pull it off


so many truth bombs ITT

absolutely based&redpilled

Attached: ce_merri - Bw8I23knGnD_Bw8I2uUnuHx.jpg (1080x1350, 183K)

I enjoyed reading the Yea Forums janni log threads

coc nut

that's what I thought, desu

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BuaguNYhKMm_BuaguIcBoJ0.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

it's a Yea Forums meme, look it up for an explanation
>coco nuts
she can slobber all over my coco nuts if you catch my drift

i really thought her other cat died good thing it didnt

Attached: 1503091454188-1.jpg (540x960, 115K)

yup, all the greatest artists are, or must be, cunnysseurs, desu

Attached: 1518753221367.jpg (647x578, 117K)

someones calling you!

cat is scared she'll get the peanut butter out again

I'm too much of a bad guy at this point

also, I'm genuinely clownworld, and thrive more towards chaos than justice, desu

Attached: ellagross - Bw7NOIPhnYw.jpg (1080x1350, 234K)


Attached: 155349-sleepin.webm (300x100, 534K)


holy shit, that was priceless

I'm gonna contact the admin and maybe ask for a backup

will keep you guys updated

also feel free to crash on 4keks for now, while we cook something up, same rules than /cel/, except no meme age limits

Attached: kris_maurer_official - Bw492fGlkx5_Bw492TjF4_Z.jpg (1080x1080, 57K)


Attached: robyn_contortion_BvPdJb1hd5e.jpg (1080x1350, 196K)

Why are little girls so hot bros?

IT is back frens, do you think its safe?

Attached: lorena queroz g.jpg (807x901, 179K)

>1993 + 25
>still not zhezhe lgf


that lucky son of a bitch ;__;


Attached: zhenyakotova_official - Bv3jbBhg1eu_Bv3ja9ogD67.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)

Is that the one with diana?

>he doesn't know


wtf how is this even legal?

I think so, I'm more of a Bambi, Cutie, Sunshine, Krissy guy.

russians don't care about nudity at beaches. all little girls are naked

Attached: 0.jpg (213x251, 13K)

>he DOESN'T know

>someone saved the banner


here's the full vid for the bros

dev.nextchan.org/.file/ac5888662391dc46c98f34fdf8c61c8b1018a47e4479c6d77a7c745c845f9c52/GPNZ story_SD_DOWNLOAD.mp4

Attached: 1407959231981.jpg (1049x699, 147K)



what was it?

ansifa dfc


Attached: anfisa_siberia - BvMCZx2Bj4W_BvMCZtFh2gT.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

>still posting this old hag

Attached: 33043051_396609900838310_1319115620607852544_n.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

he's missing out though lol



Nice beetle forehead, slut.

where's the janitor?

Attached: 1555863303986.webm (800x450, 443K)

Thread reported for obvious reasons. Pedo scum

how the fuck is this thread still up

Honestly why do women always get a pass for the weirdest hairlines yet man are immediately stigmatized by fags?

Women usualyl literally have the worst hairlines and they are supposed to be the feminine gender.

Attached: 1556991653044.jpg (1024x1024, 164K)

cara is CUTE

Attached: cara 2003.jpg (638x1400, 155K)

little girls are cute

but cunnys can be semi-hot :3

Attached: kris_maurer_official - Bw492fGlkx5_Bw492Thl1Eh.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)

fug i miss it

t. reddit

just go back to got threads and remember please don't use adblocker nothing to see here

Do you have info/sauce on those guys? I only found some Vimeo videos and a couple of pics around, I'd like to know more.

Attached: eternal question Vimeo.jpg (1280x720, 274K)

Im starting to think that janitors make these threads....

Attached: 1556407215033.jpg (177x278, 9K)

Anyway, pedophiles should kill themselves.

wheres that from

Attached: sara_descalzo - BvEE9YKlAWC_BvEE9UkFKnm.jpg (1080x1229, 73K)

That boy looks drugged


they are not THAT based

janitors are waiting for that webm to purge the thread... cmon... DO IT

he said he waits for everyone to post then he blanket bans everyone in the thread

holy keks

some turbobased bro posted this today, btw


Attached: danataranova - Bw7Fbi8h8uY_Bw7FbVlBMql.jpg (1080x1350, 204K)

Best thread on Yea Forums in a long time

You should kill yourself, meanie!

Attached: 1547235425350.jpg (1037x1200, 138K)

>russians don't care about nudity at beaches. all little girls are naked

wtf, I love global warming now

Attached: 1486616289754.png (1348x1072, 37K)

/cel/? No

Attached: maisie_dek - BvUJ76alPXn_BvUJ73KFQJU.jpg (1080x1350, 171K)

>even has the same sixhead


Attached: 65E78A5F-5470-4E94-8D94-781AF76D3A47.png (720x1280, 614K)