Whats the most accurate representation of the modern working class in cinema?

Whats the most accurate representation of the modern working class in cinema?

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how do I avoid this fate?


Holy shit I thought Americans were exaggerating about their wagie culture


Stay in school.



How much tip is optimal?

In civilized countries like france and germany the enforced tip % is 70%

in south american shitholes it's 10% but it's not enforced

School is a giant lie

Anything post GED is a scam

Randall was a faggot who stood there and collected money. A fucking monkey could have done his job.

Optimal tip is 15%, though if you're making enough money for it not to matter than you typically tip a nice, even number for quicker number crunching.

God, what delusional suit thought wagies singing(screaming) would be "inviting" and not uncomfortable at all for everyone involved besides that wheezing, fat boomer demanding a song.


Fuck tipping


Am*risharts are OK with being paid $1.25 an hour to be laughed at like circus animals


>Pizza chain charges a delivery fee
>it isn't a gratuity for the driver
can someone explain this?

>Am*risharts are OK with

seethiing cope etc

Tranny have sex etc

The capitalist oppressors

I, Daniel Blake

>tfw nurse
>tfw qt gf I met in nursing school
>tfw make more than enough money to comfortably live in a nice house, in a nice neighborbood, in a nice white town
>tfw only work 3 days a week and on my work days I get up at 6:15am, get home at 7:45pm and have 4 days off a week
>tfw work in the OR so I don't have to deal with patients, shit, or piss
Being a low wage wagie or working 5 8 hour shifts a week must be hell.

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Yurocucks stay in their sheds while Mehmet breed their women. Lazy cucks protesting and drinking all the time. Makes me sick.

An enforced tip is hardly a tip at all.

Looks comfy

>In civilized countries like france and germany the enforced tip % is 70%

lol what, calculated into the prices or what? because sure as shit nobody tips 70% anywhere in germany. ever.

get a marketable skill that not everyone can do

What would you do in this situation? I'd just quit especially if it was going online

>tfw we will never end central banking
>we will continue to reduce our living standards

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it's punishment for not ordering carryout like a good goy

Because you're not only asking the restaurant to make you food, but to deliver said food to your house.

All of these images are about hospitality/customer service jobs. Glad I don't do that

But the delivery charge doesn't go to the delivery driver.

Good for you, user

but I'm not poor lmao

i would avoid working there entirely but I thought the japanese people were fun also the black people

I thought only Americans tipped, that's been the running meme.

It technically goes back to the delivery driver because they're still paid a wage and the tip is not assumed, and since delivery drivers are often driving their own cars, burning their own gas and raking up miles, they need that little extra incentive.

>civilized countries

>"you're gonna be a cashier one day"

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>In civilized countries like france and germany

I just round up to the nearest $50

they are european

I actually think this would be literally the worst place to work at as a shut in autist. I couldn't imagine dancing and singing for 8 hours everyday without having a tard fit.

Living standards have never been higher. While it is true that there has been an increasing gap in real wages, a possible solution to it could be increasing the minimum wage, instilling wage insurance, or perhaps UBI as a supplement to people's income.

>no whites
Checks out

What kind of nurse? Been thinking of becoming a nurse too

Non-whites typically dominate the service industry in America, while white people dominate technical and white-collar industries.

I was a cna at a psych ward for a year, but it was shitty so I left.

nobody will admit this

>Living standards have never been higher.
Is this a joke?
A man used to be able to own a house, support his wife(who didn't have to work) and his children on a high school education job.

This is fucking gone now and you're a fucking liar.
Not an argument.

>minimum wage, instilling wage insurance, or perhaps UBI as a supplement to people's income.
Yeah right, lets implement more of the government intervention that caused this problem in the first place. Instead of actually manufacturing more and increasing real economic production, lets print more money. You fucking idiot holy shit.
You people are responsible for our decline in living standards you piece of shit.

>A man used to be able to own a house, support his wife(who didn't have to work) and his children on a high school education job.
My brother's doing this right now, it's not gone you ninny.

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what job?

I just whip out my engorged purple horse cock until they tell me to leave

Have sex.

>look at my brother he picks cherries for a living

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I do 20% because I'm not poor

Can we please get more like this? These always make me laugh

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Fuck if I know the specific name of the job, but he's working at the local GE Aviation plant making jet engines for something like $38/hr, they trained him at the site too.

Pun intended, I see.
CNA is literally Slave with a title

>>look at my brother he picks cherries for a living

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hows this?

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This is great! More please

they don't make me laugh.

why was I roped in with those people?

I would have sex, but my fiancee is heavily pregnant with twins right now.

Surprisingly there was not that many instances where I had to clean shit. Maybe once. What made me want to quit was having to deal with some schizo fuck chimping out everyday, and having to work with ghetto negros and beaners.

>tfw currently interning for a major public media company
>got a paid position most grads in my uni’s Comm program have trouble attaining
>half my job is to be the first pair of eyes screening documentary content
>get to decide what’s shit and what’s kino enough to air
>guaranteed paid production position post-internship


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You can have sex up to the 8th month if I remember correctly.

just fuck her ass brah

>solder gun to cage
>go killdozer on bezos house
i dont see the problem

Adding onto what I said , jobs that pay well and don't require more than a high school education will be industrial jobs - working on a factory floor, dealing with welding and boxes and totes.

Now, if you want the really good money? Look into Technical School. It's cheap, its quick and it's in critical demand, with Welders, Plumbers and Non-Destructive Technicians seeing almost 100% employment rates within 6 months of graduation.

You won't want to admit it because it includes blacks and Asians in the working class, but it's absolutely accurate.

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She's has spent the last hour throwing up and is now sleeping.


Anal is gay

I inherited a lot of money from my grandfather and on a regular basis, I like tipping people that normally don't get tips. I'll give the person serving burgers or the man mopping a floor a $20 bill and they light up. I feel like a medieval lord looking upon his land and throwing pittance to the commoners.

But I never tip thots. If a woman is provocative, she already is flooded with gifts from the orbiters, I only give to the forgotten.

Your generosity is appreciated, user. More than you can know.

then perform a late term abortion with your dick for all i care


>I never tip thots.
fucking based

It doesn't seem he's being generous, more like living out a powerplay because he's insecure. Me, I give nothing, despite also inheriting money.

Don't work in retail/customer service sector.

I'm okay with hand jobs and blow jobs for the time being.

its just a way for them to make the pizza seem like a lower cost and steal the possible tips from delivery drivers

Just be gay and become a house husband to a cute breadwinner guy with better qualifications than you.

That's literally what I'm doing. Tony Stark kills Thanos by snapping with the infinity gauntlet

JUST be yourself.

you're a fucking homo, but only for thinking i give a fuck about capeshit

Well I am a wagie and I find them hilarious

Vote for me in 2036.

>using spoiler tags for spoilers
you're doing it wrong

australian here. went to hooters in NYC and the waitress was very down to earth and seemed normal. went to my local hooters back home and the waitress was acting like one of the barbies in toy story. during our meal some music came out and the waitresses started dancing on the tables. very awkward

I always picture what people like this were like in their teens and 20s and wonder what happened

guy in the middle was really proud of this ludicrous display of fuckery

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>it's not gone
>it's just a fucking white rhino
No one said it was gone. But thing is, that kind of thing used to be the norm. Now it's so incredibly rare because the entire manufacturing sector has been shipped overseas. Lucky for your brother, but don't pretend like anyone nowadays can just graduate highschool and immediately fall into 40$ an hour in the manufacturing sector. That's just now how things are now.

Now I can see why the suicide rate is so high. Jesus fucking christ how degrading.

Sorry to Bother You

>make $34 dollars an hour
>dont waste my money on frivolous shit
>still have to live with 2 roommates in the ghetto because Commiefornia

Shit is going to burn before 2030, you can feel the anger and hatred building up more by the day. I personally cant wait to brutally rape and kill. I have no delusions about surviving through the chaos, but a this point I truly dont care. I'd rather fight and die then run on this kike hamster wheel forever.

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How can you even work in America and not become a Tankie? I live in Germany, working a pretty alright, if underpaid, deskjob and seeing this shit even I think "Stalin did nothing wrong"

Based arnachychad

We are we are Walmart
We are we are Walmart
We are we are Walmart
We are we are Walmart
Young man young girl welcome to wallyworld your gonna be a cashier someday
Got fight on your face
You love this place
Moving those carts all over the place singing

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Do you need an mre?

Lmao get 100s of thousands of dollars in debt to make barely anything
School is for sheep

I want to end autism and inceldom through genetic engineering

The rapping black kids were pretty legit desu senpai

I wish you the best user

What part of CA are you living in?

Working on this right now. Can't wait. Becoming a CNA rn cuz grades are shit and hope to work up from there.

I don't do percentage.

I read that women make nearly 60% more on tips than men, so to counter this I never tip a woman. She could bend over backwards, but I don't freight at the stupid sluts. Wearing skimpy clothing in hopes some beta nigger tips his wages. I only tip men, and usually go above 100% of my bill. Makes me happy to help a man out rather than some slutty shank.

Why don't feminists ever talk about the tip wage gap? Really makes ya think.

based as fuck

>also commifornia
>only make $27/hr because I'm not ambitious enough to push it
>but also I like what I do and and have insane job security
>own 2 cars because I don't like borrowing a ride on the rare occasion that mine needs work
>otherwise relatively frugal so I can pay my house off faster
>will have zero debt by 2022
user you need to move out of whatever overcrowded city you're stuck in and enjoy some rural freedom

Why can't incels be productive like this? Hating on women and making shitty memes for your hive mind does nothing, retards. Make a difference.

I dont think people understand just how horrible it is working some kind of food service job, not even fast food like mcdonalds, BK, or taco bel/whatever

People are fucking retarded. They cant read simple signs,they cant find a product directly in front of them, they ask for the most asinine portions of things, and and they are just oblivious to food and health standards. It doesnt matter how dry, rancid, or awful looking food looks, even if you tell them youre taking it down BECAUSE it looks nasty, they will demand to buy it

Godspeed user.

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This is genuinely upsetting to watch.

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>thinking there will be physical jobs in 50 years
>thinking there will be any jobs in 100 years
>thinking there will be humans in 500 years
>thinking there will be organic consciousness in 1000 years
>thinking that the observable universe won't be transformed into computronium in 10000 years

I'm 23 and make $70 a month AMA

what's your movie of the year so far

They all suck. Didn't watch any of them.

>>tfw only work 3 days a week and on my work days I get up at 6:15am, get home at 7:45pm and have 4 days off a week

This seems like it would be great as long as too much shit doesn't happen during your shit that you can't handle while tired. I feel like a four day work week would be the shit, knowing you'd either get a three day weekend or only have to work two days in a row at most. Automation is so high that it's stupid that more people don't get to do this.

Get an education. Work hard. Make connections. Move out and become an adult.

never tip, all you are doing is paying staff wages so the company they work for dont have to

>UBI as a supplement
What do you think happens to prices if every consumer suddenly has more money? They go up in proportion.
More importantly, poor people are barely distinguishable from retards. They have zero impulse control and zero ability to save up money. You give poor people money today and they'll be back to ask for more gibs tomorrow.

>Shit is going to burn before 2030

>you can feel the anger and hatred building up more by the day.
only your mass shooting ass. everyone else is doing great

>I personally cant wait to brutally rape and kill.
in a video game maybe.

>I have no delusions about surviving through the chaos, but a this point I truly dont care.
written like a retard

>I'd rather fight and die then run on this kike hamster wheel forever.
you will go kill yourself like the rest of the deluded fucks here

Yes, UBI needs to come with strict price controls.

>Now it's so incredibly rare because the entire manufacturing sector has been shipped overseas. Lucky for your brother, but don't pretend like anyone nowadays can just graduate highschool and immediately fall into 40$ an hour in the manufacturing sector. That's just now how things are now.
Why aren't you going to Technical School and getting a certificate in something that's in high demand? The Aviation industry is quite literally running out of people for Non-Destructive Testing, and those jobs will net you 60/70k a year.

I'm just frustrated sometimes when I talk to people IRL who bemoan the fact their degree isn't getting them anywhere, but when I suggest Technical they get "that look." You know the look, the one where I'm making sense but they don't want to "demean" themselves by going into that sort of industry. Some people would rather be poor than be working class.

Can someone explain to me how the two are related?

or failing that, at least link a video?

Confirmed for not living in a California city.

Also you literally sound scared

>Non-Destructive Testing for aviation

How do you even get into something like this? I need to get THE FUCK out of my shitty bank job.

How fucking old do you think everyone is you moron? You're acting like everyone in the world isn't in college yet. Your argument isn't even a fucking argument, either, and while that happens to be a guaranteed money maker for you that won't necessarily translate for anyone else, particularly if they're not in the US.

califag here
everyone is doing great here. go do your mass shooting and kill yourself already.

Dragged Across Concrete

>How do you even get into something like this?
By applying, generally. If you're looking for something shockingly quick and reliable, I'd suggest looking into signing up for courses with the American Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, or AINDT - the majority of it is done online and you can schedule when you want to go to their site in Baxter, Minnesota (Brainerd, technically. Gorgeous country up there) for an 18-day training course. All in all, it'll cost you maybe 10k after factoring in books, tuition and the hotel.

You don't have to be a rosy-cheeked high schooler to get your technical training, user. I've seen people well into their 30s getting their certificates.

Pacific northwest it's mostly 20% all around

I'd be more sympathetic if the fast food places in my town weren't filled with absolute retards that seem to get a sick thrill out of fucking with their customers

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my hands look like this [picture of me counting fat stacks] so your hands can look like this [picture of you handing me my fucking milkshake already]

>I go to the same McDonald's every weekday night for my large mocha
>mfw they recognize me
>mfw they're happy to see me
>mfw I'm happy to see them
>mfw I make some smiles

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sale shit on aliexpress

Civilized countries do not tip

increase minimum wage and america will end up like australia; undervalued currency, huge cost of living, bloated retail prices, and absurd house prices and rent fees; only it'll be a hundred times worse

>everyone is doing great


coping or underage, or both.

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>All in all, it'll cost you maybe 10k after factoring in books, tuition and the hotel.

deluded fucking faggot. most of us are barely surviving and dont have mommy and daddy to drop 10k on a cert

Do you have a single fact to back that up, or are you speaking Corporate-brand nonsense?


college and degree-worship has destroyed the ability to make a living

>tfw dropped university in the last year to join the police

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they get orders from corporate to "inspire your workers" and shit like that. its all really vague and pointless, something only a woman sitting at a desk full time could come up with.

I’m not even a /pol/ fag but I feel confident that America is going to go full turner diaries once global warning is in full swing. Will you spare a fellow user even though I’m cucked?

yeah the fact of living in australia. try it yourself if you like the thought of being perpetually price gouged

I feel like they'd do that regardless of tips

Have sex.

I need to escape LA before I kill myself. Is this a meme or do those who complete this program actually have job prospects?
This sounds just niche enough to actually be something viable. But being able to slide into a decent job after an 18 day course sounds too good to be true, but then again Im used the utter pozzed "normal" of California.

Your housing prices are fucked because you've pumped your country full of immigrants, Bazza, a country where only the coast is actually livable

no, it's because the australian dollar is undervalued and as a result everything costs 2 to 3 times as much as it does everywhere else

his country dont pay minimum wage and has to rely on peoples charity, not gonna make it


hello there worker bees


what is going on in that pic? that looks like rat park done on humans

isn't that because of chink investment buyouts that your politicians were too craven to do anything about

I showed this to a wage slave acquaintance and he didn't seem to understand it was demeaning. It not like he understood what I was implying when I showed it, he just viewed the video as a normal, banal work video. Slave caste gonna slave caste.

Just don't work, wagies will give you tribute(welfare, UBI etc) in the hopes it will placate you and you won't go rambo on them.

no it's because every time the aud's value increases, exporters bitch and cry about it, so the central bank manipulates the currency and lowers the value

I forgot I was on Yea Forums
my sides

What the other user said about foreign investors buying aus production land and real estate doesn't help either.

ok how do I go on about advertising myself as a cute trophy house husband? I want a sugar daddy desu

God damn I'm glad I live in a country without tipping, my mental math sucks.

Unironically the state of the peasantry is massively exaggerated by 'muh dark ages' fags. Serfs literally didn't work at all for a third of the year.

>tfw FIFO mine surveyor
>tfw job is to dick around with drones and lasers for 6 hours a day
>tfw pay is 4K AUD a week (2 years out of uni)
>tfw when only work half the year
Living the dream, lads.

>went from respectable neet to cleaning toilets for 10 bucks an hour

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Econ graduate student here, this graph is fucking RETARDED. Productivity skyrocketed because of automation and computers. How can anyone be this stupid to believe this garbage? This is literally the same level of stupidity as chem-trails

any highschool level economics

better just plan the economy instead of half assing it and causing all sorts of industry inefficiencies

>I'm a freshman economics student, I officially know everything there is to know
So fucking typical, only med students are worse, and I don't even disagree with you.

women toilets are the worst right?

I work at a college. They're not bad because I clean them literally every day so they don't have a chance to build up shit or anything. The worst part though is changing the cunny boxes. Shit smells like fish.


Your brother is fucked. Give it like 5 years and hes out of a job.

Unironically this, there's a lot of shitty jobs you could fall into but those two make people genuinely unhappy and should be avoided at all costs.

Do you go to every thread and say this to everyone? You give 5 years to college grad jobs and 10 years to trads. It's fucking ridiculous you're probably trying to justify your depression and neetdom or something. Those 5 years of making dosh will be better spent than whatever the fuck you're doing.

seething lmao

Just give whatever you feel like if the service was better than whst you otherwise paid for
Don't tip by default, people don't need to get paid extra for doing their job they already get paid for

die faggot

Maybe it's gonna take longer, I hope it happens asap. There are giant pressures rising up here in Europe. The longer the fabric of the world holds these, the larger are the forces which are released when the fabric breaks.

All this gay shit to try and make them feel better about not being able to afford a one bedroom apartment.
Lynch the rich.


I had a job interview here, knowing nothing about the singing. Near the end of the interview they wanted to see how well I sang songs, and handed me a few lyrics of happy birthday songs n shit. I asked, "I have to sing songs to the customers?" and they said yes. The interview ended there.
most the people in this video look like theyre having fun, except the first two dudes.
some find singing demeaning, some find taking off their clothes demeaning. some people love doing it.

Probably the audience.

>He actually believes the global race war crypto-apocalypse will break out in 11 years
every time with these out touch time related predictions

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Yeah we need MORE inflation

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this. we need one big conventional war first before people will have the stomach for civil wars. no telling when that's going to happen

there will never again be a conventional war. not in the first world anyway

That's how competition works. Everyone is one-upping each other left and right and the job market has transformed to a dragon ball series.

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>whites dominate the tech industry
Why lie like this
Every customer support team and lead programmer is either Asian or Indian
Whites can't code for shit
Also britbong or dirty spainard(it's always either of you obsessed with anything american)

It's the future.

The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck themThe fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!The fucking faggot mods and jannies for banning me for talking shit to a pedo. Seriously fuck them!!

Since the boomers sold their countries to cheap labor and the international clique instead of their children, I'm thinking the only way a young millennial or zoomer is going to get rich is by moving to some developing shithole and just being smarter than the subhuman mudskin filth and praying that you don't get murdered. All of the smartest people come to our country to compete and the average white child doesn't have a chance. It's not fair, my mom should have killed me in the womb.

housing is so bad in California cities that "people" will actually pay 1500+ a month for one of those bunkbeds and a communal kitchen+bathroom


it's not really a competition when the market is open to only one group

I am french and I never tip more than one euro no matter what the service is unless it's some really high end restaurant in which case I tip nothing at all

unironically imagine the smell

>you'll be a cashier someday
My God

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>California cities
>only one place

Dunno, the traitors sent all the real jobs to fucking foreign countries so all we have are shitty corporate locality slave labor.

>cunny boxes
>Shit smells like fish

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>haha I only know those countries through the internet and memes haha

>not knowing its evolution, baby
White entitlement mentality being used against yourselves

You guys have no imagination. And frankly, I like it that way. Saves all the good jobs for me. When you go to university, you corral yourself into a single job, so when you don't get a job in a quantum mechanics field, you just work as a waitress until you get your "real job". You don't want to enter a different field because then you'd have to admit you wasted your money on a degree.

Anyway, here's a list of high school education jobs that support families:

Train Conductor
Police Officer
Forest Ranger
Private Investigator
Taxi Driver/Bus Driver/Semi Driver/Ambulance Driver/Limousine Driver
Oilfield worker(You don't actually have to get drenched in oil, there are plenty of well-paying oilfield support jobs such as sandwich maker)

And the list goes on and we can't forget that there are hidden advancement opportunities in all these jobs. You might not believe it, but even for janitor, there is a career path. You can go work at remote resorts and clean, or you can eventually enter the supervisory role where you have several janitors under you.

I'm rather well versed in these sorts of thing, I've been a jack of all trades and funnily enough, I'm now a career counselor. Makes sense right, you want someone who knows the ins and outs of several industries to be giving advice.

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not being a creative entrepreneur

its like you want to be automated into serfdom

As much as I don't have anything against the trades since they are often just a less educated version of my job, you tradesfags really need to stop thinking you're better than everyone, because I know people who went into trades and most of them are dumb as bricks and too low IQ to get into a proper uni program.
>b-but muh job
Only applies against people who were even lower IQ and went to take a sociology degree, anyone who took a proper engineering degree will outearn your trade job, and unlike you, his salary will never stop growing, you might outearn him the first 3-5 years, but after that you'll get left behind fast. He'll also not fuck up his body with welding fumes or heavy construction work, no less.

Baby steps, user.

I'm not competing with engineers I don't even know to see who makes the most money.

All I'm after is making sure I'm happy in what I do :)

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Evolution would be like if the monkey races were superior to white people and used their superiority to hijack our culture and slowly kill us. The current state was caused by jewish propaganda on the boomer generation to hate their own children, their own nation, and sell their culture for cheap labor and international competition so their own children will just have to od on heroin because the average white boi can't compete with the top tier chang/pajeet, and there's like 2.5 billion of them so there's like a fucking ton of top tier changs/pajeets plus the brown slaves who take slave tier wages so white children can't even learn what a hard days work feels like when they are teenagers. Add the economic consequences of the "free(jew) market" with atheism, escapism, racial shame, overwhelming feminism, shitty journalism that you can't trust, etc, and it's no surprise that white people just want to kill themselves with drugs or mutilate their own dicks.

perfectly good job here for anyone who wants to go get it. they offer full benefits:

>Extended medical and health coverage that includes medical, dental and vision.
>Basic life insurance, disability and wellness programs.
>RRSP with 5% employer match.
>Paid holidays and generous paid time-off.
>Bonus programs that include annual performance, sales goals and profit sharing.
Scholarship program for children of employees.
>Reimbursements for fitness memberships.
>Free chair massages.

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Why did you cut off the part asking for 5 years experience and a degree in management?

I had to do similar shit in a previous job. You get used to it after a few hours the first day. Then you dont give a shit anymore. Its like ripping off a bandaid.

Does this kinda shit only happen in america?

Dropping out of school, large population being a NEET, getting stuck with counter/kitchen job at McDonald's after 19 or after college, etc. I don't see this anywhere else in Asia here.

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This job is on Annacis island, an Industrial area of Vancouver. The apartments in that area are cheaper than the memes you have heard about vancouver being expensive, because surprisingly, people want to live in downtown vancouver and not warehouse island. But you can get a good job and a cheap apartment there, and you're just a train ride away from a cosmopolitan city.

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>at wagamamamas
>not enough food and overpriced
>card nachine asks if I want to tip
>hit no
>devilish grin towards the short thicc ass waitress
>still stare at it anyway

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>Private investigator
>no college
BS mate look up the state requirements for a PI license in California:

Have at least three years (2,000 hours each year, totaling 6,000 hours) of compensated experience in investigative work;

have a law degree or completed a four-year course in police science plus two years (4,000 hours) of experience;

have an associate's degree in police science, criminal law, or justice and 2 ½ years (5,000 hours) of experience.

a fate worse than death

In Asia dont you get a job straight out of uni due to co-operation with companies? Not very common in the west so most people have to find a job themselves.

>How can you even work in America and not become a Tankie?
Years and years of anti-socialist propaganda. Just look at the Americans on /pol/ who unironically call democrats far left communists.

People have other measures of happiness here so nobody's family shames them into committing subaru

customers in USA really like these clowfiestas? or it's just "let's mock the wagie" feel that enjoy?

Dick size and sexual orientation?

yeah but you have to live in canada

>tfw working in a rough English pub
Thank God I wasn't born in America


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looks like some wacky comedy/art project not an actual depiction of wageslavery

Laws vary by region, but there is something similar in British Columbia, I believe it's 1000 hours of supervised detective work. It's an apprenticeship right, you need to get a detective agency to sponsor you through this period, but it's not too difficult to obtain that.

Whereas in Alberta you can just pay 600 dollars and pass the easy internet course and voila, you're a private eye. Funny thing about that is, if I remember correctly, it's not too hard to transfer qualifications between provinces.

That's not a terribly difficult thing to do. I do it every day, myself.

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>hunter gatherers barely worked at all, maybe 2 hours a day
>humans settle down, farming is hard work but still 1/3 time off
>modern cities, work every day and barely weekends off if you're lucky

They are enslaving us aren't they? Slowly and steadily. We didnt even notice it happening.

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if you're not scared of heights, which most people are, these guys will pay you well to keep people around.

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Have sex

hell would be preferable

If you put in the time here, you get paid while you learn a trade and after you are qualified, you can relocate to an area with less competition and start your own locksmith practice.

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The Rich have already probably prepared for the Wagie uprising, they are Rich after all.

While you are posting interesting and good fields that make a lot of money, I do feel as if getting a trade job just for the money may not be fulfilling. The money may be good but that doesn’t compare to people who love what they do for a career

Most people don't know what they love, and the best way to find out is to go out and do things. Me, I never really loved work, I just do it to get money so it doesn't matter what job I had. As long as it was easy and paid well.

On the other hand, I don't really love people either, so I think I need to make a choice, either start a family or throw myself into work. but that's not really important right now.

I remember this! Hippy rent-a-bed commune thing. What's happened with that, is it still going?

>the only people who dance are women, slaves, and faggots. t. big lenny's dad
wageslaves never change

for those who want to broaden their horizons a little, there are websites that offer free food and lodging in exchange for helping out on their farm. This used to be common practice in america and canada, just having a transient live on your farm with you, but overseas it appears to still be thriving.

This ad is from Ireland, you could go work canning jam for a nice family, and even work towards obtaining irish citizenship while you try to seduce their cute french boarder.

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Become more feminine

>le 100k male nurse LARP
Pics or gtfo

more that the boomers absolutely fucked the housing market and economy thanks to their greed

the majority of our foreign home ownership are by Brits

Fair enough, and you make sense. I was just coming from a different but uncertain perspective. I personally have a choice between continuing college or I could go for a trade. I’m just unsure of what to do and where the balance of doing what you love vs. doing what makes you money.

Frenchfag here
We rarely tip, except maybe in big cities, I heard that some countries where tipping is almost obligatory we're considered very rude

Get bullied by me
I don't even work and I die inside every time

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Honestly looks comfy as fuck for a few months if you don't live with assholes or people stealing your stuff

They literally have squat toilets everywhere.

Well, I know that I wouldn't spend thousands of dollars on an education that I may not like, or even be able to use in a saturated market.

The penalty for failure is lesser in the normal job market. And after all, you can go to college anytime. There's so many things out there to do in the meantime, you could even start a doughnut stand with your college investment money instead. For a pretty low entry fee, you can work for yourself and make doughnuts, set up a little place, you don't need a storefront even, just a cart since people don't typically dine on donuts. If you focus on just doughnuts and maybe making good coffee you could carve out a nice little niche for yourself. With no storefront you can even relocate to where pedestrian traffic is higher, on a daily basis.

it could work, or it could fail, but so could anything. I think you see what I'm driving at.

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>tfw the state pays for all my schooling

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Been wage-slaving in a shipping warehouse for the past 6 months. It's actually made me consider actually trying to pursue my childhood dream of being a pro-wrestler. Because even though there isn’t a chance of it being what my child-self thought it would be, there’s no way it can be worse than the bullshit I’m doing now.

Thanks user. Good wisdom there. Do you live in America by any chance?

Stalin was paranoid maniac

In Canada, wildfire season is getting to be it's own economy in the past few years. Over the hot months, they'll pay people well to go live in the forest and either fight fires or support those who do. And you can use the old winter unemployment trick for those lines of work.

In Prince Rupert, a lovely coastal town, they need a mailman. Everyone in Canada hates the mailman because they do essentially nothing but walk around all day and get exercise and get paid way too much. It's a great job. And once you're in Prince Rupert you can make connections and friends in the sea shipping industry. Those jobs are cushy too. Sometimes you need to take an entry level job in the right area to start making connections once you reside locally, because people don't like to hire people they haven't met from far away.

whole wide world of jobs out there. They even still need losers without degrees to teach english in China.

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>tfw work in as a receiver in a warehouse for 3 months
It’s lame and management is consistently losing people. I’ve also been having thoughts of a dream job or something fulfilling. Because that crap sure as heck isn’t.

No, I don't, but the job avenues and advice I give are generally applicable everywhere. You just have to tailor them for yourself somewhat.

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Don't fall for the temptations of liberal arts. Don't fall for the lie that trades/tech is lower class and university is upper class. Go to school for something useful and that matches your talents and lifestyle.

>this "argument" again
just look at the graph, look at the numbers

Thanks, user. You got good advice, and I hear you. I do. But look at what said. Is that true? I know I keep giving you (you)s and bumping the thread but I’m 23 going on 24 and I don’t wanna be stuck and work at Walmart for the rest of my life.

So glad I got out of retail.
tfw work in lab and get paid to do experiments every day

think you could make an experiment that accidentally spreads to all nonwhites and makes them die?

think that experiment could accidentally be leaked?

A degree, even a liberal arts degree, will open doors for you. These days, several jobs that could easily be performed by entry level fellows will now reject anyone without a degree. They don't actually care what degree, cause it doesn't matter. There's just been a bit of education inflation in western society so to speak. Jobs that don't require high school education are almost nonexistent now.

Whether or not you care to spend the money to have these doors opened to you is something only you can decide, but there are certainly avenues of success that don't involve getting degrees. And yes, he's right, there's a stigma in society about people who don't have degrees, but you shouldn't listen to it.

Just because you choose not to go to university, doesn't make you lower class than others.

Have you been working at Wal-mart long?

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An enforced tip is an oxymoron, it's just a tax at that point.
>americans (and apparently yuropoors too) get taxed by restaurants, the private sector is allowed to tax you
think about this

I would rather be homeless than work that kind of job

Get a useful trade like electrician. Pay is pretty good after a few years and tons of opportunity for OT for when you want some extra cash.

I was more basing arts than promoting post secondary. It's a numbers game though and you have to look how useful you or your ideal is, and how good you are at it in comparison to others. The amount of people who've taken off without training is low but possible. Another parting piece of advice is don't make a hobby your job, focus on talent rather than interest.

I work in the marine coating industry, I don't work in biological weapons, sadly.

Does this actually work. I was thinking of trying dropshipping but seems like its overcrowded nowadays

It's not really a good idea to work at a Wal-mart because of the low experience benefits you gain. Sure you get some, but as far as entry level jobs go, you should do something like security guard. Then you have a good experience path to follow and get many options so you don't end up stuck somewhere.

>save up pay the cheap security guard license fee
>work as a security guard at a construction site
>now you have security experience and you can go work at the local jail and get a bump in pay and benefits
>now you have law enforcement experience and you can brand out to Prison Guard or Cop or a bunch of other things from security consultant to K9 handler

(K9 handler is sort of entry level, but you really need experience before they'll give it to you)

the point is you just want to keep building your options, which walmart really doesn't do.

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Oh no the horror of a bunch of young people having to stand around in a refrigerated shop pretending to be happy.

These people actually end up having sex unlike the depressed neet.

>in 2017 a family of 4 with a household income of 100k in San Fransisco was eligible for government subsidies
>even if this tax payer money came from people making less than 100k elsewhere

>it's a blue collar dad and stay-at-home wife living in a 4 bedroom house episode

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Hmm. I suppose I could continue my education. I’m graduating with an associates degree this month on the 31st. Right now I work at a warehouse just doing receiving, but I have experience working at Walmart for about 9 months or so.
>don't make a hobby your job, focus on talent rather than interest
Hmm. Is it wrong to not be sure what my talent consists of? I am interested in talking to people and I think I have a calling to be a minister or something in relation with helping people.
That’s a good idea about building my options. Using things as springboards for further careers. Well, before I had my warehouse job, I had a choice of working at a nursing home which could’ve helped me build a path into healthcare, but I chose the quick cash option, which isn’t bad, but I think I have to overcorrect my position.


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does walmart really pay more than nursing homes in america?


Based faggot.

Depends on what you do there. I was offered a part time position paying 10/hr. That’s not a lot of money. Walmart where I live will start off with 11/hr as a sales associate. Each state in America has different minimum wages, but it’s generally tougher having a low paying job in the coastal states versus the southern and some midwestern states

>enforced tip in sweden is 12% for native swedes and 250% for muslim immigrants
>native swedes must be tipped for their services, while immigrants must be tipped for every service or goods you get from them

imagine that in the US

>buy $1000 TV from a muslim
>must pay him a $2500 tip

school must have taught you nothing if you're a rwbyfag

>>enforced tip in sweden is 12% for native swedes and 250% for muslim immigrants
>>native swedes must be tipped for their services, while immigrants must be tipped for every service or goods you get from them
Isn't that a good thing, no one will buy anything from them. Or many/most won't.

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Why you not criticize retardness of enforced tip itself

I worked at a coldstone and had to sing for money. Big fucking deal, I got tips on top of the wage, as many ice cream samples as I wanted, and I could make myself whatever dessert I wanted at the end of my shift. Honestly one of the best minimum wage jobs I had. Better than standing around for 10 hours watching people try on shoes or literally cleaning people's shit off of toilets.

People who have too much pride to do shit jobs are usually the ones complaining about "m-muh work experience requirements why can't I move out of my parent's house"

Join the Army.


>unironically aspiring to be a fucking male nurse


no, we did it to ourselves because we wanted more and more

>He does it for free
Literally as bad as a janny

Can you mow my lawn?

Based and redpilled.

Have sex

50 bucks a day. Also no privacy curtains please. We can’t have you doing something illgeal or perverted in there.

mowing lawns is evil

don't hurt innocent grass that did nothing wrong

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>4 bedrooms
>completed basement and attic
>just outside of major metropolitan city
>2 big ass recent model SUVs
>Kids all play expensive sports like hockey and regularly go on travel matches

Me on the upper left

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>a fucking shoes salesman

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