pic related
/havesex/ general
I havesexpost, I sneedpost, I accuse anons of being incels, I create garbage threads to bump genuine discussion off the board, and I will never ever stop.
based chaos poster
Christ almighty in heaven deliver us from these mentally ill tranny subhumans
Have sex (with a trans woman)
me too[/spoiler
If anyone doesn't do exactly this they're retarded. It's the only way to still have fun here.
Imagine being the incel that gets butthurt about some dumb meme words that you waste hours making a collage in a saturday. lmfao.
Seems like a fruitless endeavor, but if you want to waste your time making yourself look like an asshole, I suppose you have every right to do so.
Same boi, I can be yuor MAGAloser or I can be yuor tranny discorder as long as I get me those sweet sweet (you)s
they look like they fuck black men
imagine cutting off your dick
have sex
actually took about 3 mins to make that collage
if you aren't trolling both sides you are a retarded zoomer born with the internet who takes it too seriously.
You know being a tranny is worse?
have sex incels, trolling imageboards is fucking pathetic lol
Holy shit that girl/thing in the middle wearing the choker looks exactly like me when I was a seven year old boy except for the hair. Same embarrassed lopsided grin. Imagine looking like an opposite sex prepubescent in your mid twenties.
this nigga in the turtle club?
he’s playing both sides!
have kids
I actually am an Incel.
So calling me an Incel is just describing a fact.
>this is an image composite of random Facebook retards that probably post on Yea Forums
Stopped reading there.
MOST based and FANTASTICALLY redpilled
I mean, you can make a collage of kekistanis too
>only way to have fun
Also take every post literally and assume everything is 100% genuine. Makes Yea Forums much more fun
This is much easier to do when you're piss drunk.
no whats pathetic is trying to push political ideology here, you seething tranny. have sex.
They are both cringy as fuck. Kekistani golems need to be gassed.
yeah but even the ugliest kekistanis still don't do things like cut their dicks off and live their lives as the opposite sex.
The worst part about the culture wars is that both sides are just the rejects of the species arguing with each other on the internet because no one in real life wants to have sex with any of these fat obnoxious undeveloped children.
No more have sex Stephen.
Yes they do. The Donald faggots are filled with "based tranny" posters. You're both inverted forms of each other.
>The Donald
Found the redditard.
The curious case of Dr Janny and Mr user
Do you live under a rock, you retard?
yeah this basically nails it. 99% of people you meet in the real world are totally normal. 1% are pasty neckbeard magashitters or green armpit hair turbodykes but they completely dominate discorse on social media because they have no social lives, relationships or jobs.
Lonely uninteresting people who let a politically ideology become their entire identity because they lack any semblance of self-worth.
Trannies are promoted by the media and the globohomo elite though. Neckbeards are rightfully derided. That's the difference.
So MAGA turds are just jealous of trannies because they get showcased on stage for cash/ratings like a carnival freakshow? Both group are carbon copies of each other but don't even realize it.
They should meet and have sex.
Most trump supporters are heterosexual white men with wives and children. Most trannies are legitimate nerd white male incels who pretty much have given up being a male
They are outcasts for a reason.
Most normalfag Trump supporters are random plebs but the faggots that bitch and moan about degeneracy 24/7 online, meet up for IRL larpfests, and unironically consider themselves kekistanis are inverted SJWs.
He reppin' Franklin
So is this like, the latest "They Live" meme?