
A Thread of Great Value Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


1rd for season 8 is good

Does anyone have that Leaker user's post detailing who kills who in the final episodes?

I kill myself

Repost, don't care


>*little girls leave*

Yes, it's her skin color, bravo.

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This would make a hella sweet video game, though
imagine being an evil necromancer overrunning all of your foes and rivals with waves of skeletons and undead

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>I need this thread to be perfect Yea Forums

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Is that really a leak though?


>yfw Stannis.

Next episodes will show Victarion arrive and hand Euron the Valyrian Steel Armor and the Dragonbinder

How will Yea Forums react?

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I’m going to murder Catelyn Tully

To go forward with the plot you must go backwards in the writing. To find true reviews of season 8 you must go where only a fool would believe anything posted here. And to enjoy this show you must turn off your brain.

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You are a hedge knight in the Riverlands when war breaks out. Which house do you serve?


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you can lie to other people, but user don't lie to yourself

Checked, black walder

>can you be perfect for me?
>You don't want to wake the Mods, do you?

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nth for Sophie's bum

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oh yeah
what happened to quaithe
did she even show up ever again

It would just be sharpening up garbage. better than what we'll get, but you'd have to go back a few seasons to fix everything

B-but what if I can't do that for you?

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>doesn't even have a phylactery
What an absolute scrub fucking lich.

He will return to take his rightfully place on the throne.

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>giant wasting prime c*
was he a gay giant?

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How much do you think it bothers D&D that pretty much everyone liked Cogman’s A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms episode which was pretty low key way more than their garbage but huge budget Long Night? Also the fact that Cogman while not perfect is still the last bookfag writer they have and his spinoff got turned down makes the future of this franchise look bleak.

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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don't you have some sóy to drink?

If I’m a hedge knight I’ll serve whoever pays well and is smart enough to not get me killed, so I’m going with House Ryger

Can someone tell me what compels a man to create then link a thread early?

wheres the leeaaakkk?

>>doesn't even have a phylactery
what makes you say he doesn't? that could be Le Tweest

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Audible kek, this post is perfectly bad

Truly awful face

If he had one he couldn't be killed, that's what a phylactery is.

Name him Aegon, after his brother

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Bracken til I die m8

So why didn't the faceless men just send their most talented assassin to kill the ice king instead of letting the drop out do it?

but look at those milk trucks, imagine

>Mmmm, my baby sister's breasts...

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I’d put a finger in the bum if ya know what I mean

>taking the bait

It is her skin color. You should be mad at them for pretending it's wrong for fantasy to depict how two northerner little girls would react realistically during the medieval ages.

truly pathetic

I'm no expert on l*l*s, I just have a general high school tier level of understanding of physics. I sincerely doubt that little girl could wield that weapon efficiently, let alone even hold it steady like that without falling over.

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>not serving CHAOSH

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angry because he wouldn’t have his cool hand

Oh yeah... that shit did happen didn't it...

>just pretending

leaks when

Sorry I missed them on the list my dude, thought I had them

Is she going to get pregnant or not?

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>not pretending


nth for Stannis

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She'll marry Gendry and be named Lord and Lady of Storm's End after he is legitimised

God I hope she dies. She's worse than Dany at this point

can't it be both?
>in the North
>a fucking Targ shit
three strikes and you're out, user.

A phylactery stores a lich's soul or life essence, allowing him to recreate a new body if the old one is destroyed. It does not make the body indestructible. It allows a lich to respawn. NK was killed, but if he has a phylactery, his life essence/soul is safe and will just recreate a new body over a matter of days.

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leaks seem to happen like 6 hours before it airs.
gb2/bed/ and it'll be show time before you know it buddy.

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There’s a lot of houses so it’s easy to not keep track, no worries. The main rygar is bros with brynden and edmure and leads the guards at riverrun. He takes the black once Jaime takes it back. And even though after the war the House swears fealty to the throne again Jaime notes that their house isn’t helping siege riverrun

Imagine getting cucked by Khal Drogo. I'd be lashing out too.

>stabbed multiple times in the gut then swims through peepeepoopoo water
Yeah she’s gonna get pregnant unironically

>gives up on her entire many faced gods arc.
>when the night king is coming she just pays to coin and names the night king
her whole arc is pointless.

k im going to sleep then
thx anime girl

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Stannis The Mannis is the best dad for westeros

Then why did all the undead fall motionless instead of just rampaging?
He's dead as a doornail.

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You'd think Ned would have beat the retardation out of Arya considering the bedlam his retard sister Lyanna caused

Mine was some Tarly boy at the battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword I knocked him down with a hammer, Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted ‘Wait! Wait!’.

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>I’d put a finger in the bum if ya know what I mean
No, I don't. Could you be more specific?

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What do you mean?
Is Jon going to abduct and rape (marry and impregnate) Arya?

Heck Ned KNOWS the entire fucking thing was pointless because Lyanna was never really abducted.

Can't wait to get burnt alive as a bribe to the Lord of Light for victory and then Stannis loses anyway. That's my favorite part.

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Hey Robert what's your opinion on this Rhaegar Targaryen guy?

No, Gendry is, finally properly uniting Baratheon and Stark.

that's jewish imaginary, cuck, not canon

His mother was a stupid whore with a flat ass!

>Renly offered me a peach. At our parley. Mocked me, defied me, threatened me, and offered me a peach. I thought he was drawing a blade and went for mine own. Was that his purpose, to make me show fear? Or was it one of his pointless jests? When he spoke of how sweet the peach was, did his words have some hidden meaning? Only Renly could vex me with a piece of fruit. He brought his doom on himself with his treason, but I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother’s peach

post the most ancient /got/ meme you have

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lel at that straight up normal looking dude

Why do people always think it's cool and creative to flip off the camera? I never understood this phenomenon.

>I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother’s peach

What does the rest of the world think of Westeros?

Stannis is a big time homo. Probably the one who molested Renly who in turn molested Loras.

Drogo was the ultimate chad, if you were going to get cucked you'd prefer it be somebody like him. And how the fuck did Viserys even get cucked anyways, he sold her to Drogo willingly, he literally demanded that she go with him

for the love of R'hllor, someone photoshop pic related as the guy in that image

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>Want to go to Burlington Bar(tm) with me to watch Game of Thrones(tm) with me, user?

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I think you know why but If you really need an interpretation it's her saying shes a wild card, a badass, unpredictable, a little rebellious. And if its not fabricated it explains why shes a fuckin train wreck.

I imagine it was a rhetorical question.

the most ancient /got/ meme you have

She's getting her head chopped off tomorrow. Say something nice before she goes

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He wanted to fuck her himself but couldn't because he had to give Drogo a virgin.

No I'm gonna lay in my own comfy ass bed and watch it on my 50" 4k TV and then shitpost on Yea Forums afterwards

she knows she's not welcome in white man's town and doesn't resent whitey for it

Only that she doesn't deserve it and it's a pitty the man she loves doesn't have a dick

I'm rewatching that scene from S7 where they're stuck on an island surrounded by the deadites, and this is the stupidest fucking scene of the whole show.

>Bobby's bastard can somehow run, in the snow, to Castle Black in less than half a day
>convenient wight who wasn't rezzed by the WW who's shepherding him that day (what, are they training him, is this some kind of exchange program)
>the wights collapse into the pond in a perfect circle around the group because that's how the breakdown of its crystalline structure works on a macro scale
>the wights re-swarm the group but for some reason don't recollapse the ice under them
>shit tons of wights running right up to the island in the background but still wights are 1v1ing our heroes while the rest wait their turn
>the dragon's don't instinctively cut another circle around the group to prevent even more 1v1ing
>Jon just running off to 1v1 because he's got the bloodlust or whatever
>NK not javelining the dragon that's ON THE FUCKING GROUND
>a fucking 10 second reaction shot of everyone just sitting on fucking Drogon while the wights take a breather and stop swarming
>Dany barely giving a fuck about Vis's death
>Not just continuing to finish off the fucking WWs while you're there, I mean why wait, keep dodging fucking ice spears
>Dany's lack of reaction to Jon falling into the soup
>Jon's fucking sword pommel opening its eyes
>Benjen Ex Machina
>once again a fucking horse outruns the deadites, even though they also have horses

Jesus fucking christ this was bad.

Shes really not looking too appealing in this one. In particular the thick brows, awful complexion and that little bit around her lips.. looks like a stache.

>She's getting her head chopped off tomorrow
It has to be fake, how would this sequence of events even happen?

cute mulata desu

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So they left Bran as bait in the godswood for the night king, but who did they plan to actually have fight him? Theon?

Valar Morghulis.

all mutts must die

Jon I think, but yeah it was retarded of him not to be there in the first place

The plan was to kill him with Dragonfire but NK had that sick plot armor

Burn the iron cunt

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where are the childrenniggers when you need them

>how would this sequence of events even happen?
Captured and beheaded by Cersei's solders as cliffhanger before the Big battle next episode. I know it sounds fake but it's the same guy who said some shit last season that turned out right. Also it's not that surprising with how fast the plot is being plowed

idk man but the big guy is pretty skilled in quickly decapitating people

>Kingslayer Kingslayer Kingslayer
We’re ironically posting this, right?

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What leak said that? I haven't heard it

Some of the Brits on the show are more inbred than the Targs

twenty good men infiltrate winterfell and kidnap her from and teleport instantly to kings landing to execute her and send back her head all in what seems to be one day

didnt jon lost his place as heir when he joined the nw?

How long were they on that island, is my question. It seemed like just one day, but Gendry sent a raven from Castle Black to Dragonstone, then Daenerys took the dragons from Dragonstone north beyond the wall in the time it took.

The scale of Westeros makes no sense, in general. If the wall is really three hundred miles long, then Westeros is absolutely enormous and would have a much larger population then is shown in the books. Why is central Westeros, hundreds of miles across, supposedly all farmland and only nobles are allowed to hunt, if at the same time thirty thousand is considered a large army?

Daily reminder that the children started the long night

Fuckin nazis i tell ya

>tfw child of destiny event in the CK2 mod
>wasn't with Ned and Dayne waifu's kid


We should get back to playing Westeros RISK, does /bant/ still do that shit?



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Which one had the chick with bigger tits? I know Aegon the Unworthy got bastards on both, but I think one was supposed to be really known for her tits

coping harder edition

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>yfw people confuse Stannis relentless pursuit of the throne as desire for power

He's literally an autistic lawfag. He doesn't want the throne but the law says its his. So he has to fight for it.
The only time we've ever seen him break law was in the rebellion, and there's that one amazing voice over that used to come with the home release for GoT, where he says "Aerys was the king by all the laws of Westeros, but there are deeper, older laws. The younger brother bows before the old"

were either of them named Bessie?

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>little bear charges giant with ace
>gets picked up
>doesn't have axe
>magically pulls sword/dagger out of her ass
>kills giant with it

Reminder that these are the heroes of The Long Night. (No indirect fire/magic/etc. or dragons involved).

Arya: 22 Confirmed Kills (Night King as one)
Theon: 20 Confirmed Kills
Jorah: 19+ Confirmed Kills (Fought in the initial wave and Front Lines and then some)

It pisses me off to no end that
>1. Can't appoint sub-vassals to Small Council
>2. Small Council all fuck off when mega-war starts

The game recognises this as an issue and tries to jury rig fix it by making Littlefinger sworn direct to Robert/Joffrey but then a de jure war happens. Just fix the mechanic lazy devs

Didnt nudes of her and the other Burlington girls get leaked?

If so someone post em

but LOOOOOOL le epic snarky reddit kid! she's cool and badass and a LADY so LOOOOL have sex, incel!

bearloli was a mistake. It was one thing having her be proudly loyal to Jon. It was another thing entirely for her to somehow be the smartest and bravest of all the northern lords when she's just a preteen girl.

No thanks, I’d rather watch it with my cat at home. Your like her, she’s a fat pussy too.

>finish up, presumably, the big white walker plot in the first 3 eps of S8
>they could've just had a S7 with 10 episodes and finished the season with The Long Night
>everyone would've gone apeshit and hyped up the final season during the hiatus
>S8 could've just been two big movies bookending summer 2020

Nigger with smelly hair


Jon takes the throne in the final episode.

They'll do a short epilogue that features Jon and Sansa saying goodbye to Arya boarding a ship back to Winterfell. She becomes the Lady of Winterfell.

Sansa stays permanently in the South with Jon in King's Landing. She's with him for good in King's Landing and has moved with him. They will make that clear. Now why that is I got told two different things on this one. One was they marry. The other was she becomes his Hand. They'll unveil a new Targaryen/Stark symbol over King's Landing as well (perhaps this lends some credence to the idea that they marry).

Sam becomes the Warden of the South and marries Gilly.

The Jon/Sansa dynamic is a mystery. They kept this under wraps big time. Like I said it's either a marriage or she is his Hand.

The reaction to all this will probably be more amazing to watch than the actual episodes.

They don't exist anymore.

I don't mind it since she is a Mormont, but they should have made her older, 16 or so at least so it'd be a tad more believable in terms of her dictation and actual strength/knowledge.

maybe you should just have sex user, itll feel nice

The Bracken had the big tits and gave birth to the chad Bittersteel, the Blackwood was flat as a boy and gave birth to the virgin Bloodraven. Blackwoods constantly have le trope-breaking cringe tomboys.

>last episode
>Cersei is dead
>Jon killed Danny
>bran's arm where the Night King touched it start turning blue
>episode end with Jon's brooding face





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This. In the books dany even thinks to herself “I thought viserys loved me, why doesn’t he want me as his bride T_T” we don’t get much time with him so an implication is a stretch but since everything else he does causes him grief but he is thinking of the future I think dany’s virginity was just another thing he sacrificed for the throne.

And then he got murdered ez

Ayy love me some redheads I do, fiery crotch they have, that blonde vanilla shiet ain't workin I tell ya.

I just never appoint any of the Paramount Lords as small councillors unless they're 25 or more
Because I can't be arsed to constantly replacing them and then getting the replacement lords pissed when they're inevitably sacked upon the War's conclusion.
What's REALLY pissing me off about this Eddard run is I can't figure out what law I need to change to let me appoint female commanders and councillors. If it's even possible
>stuck with diplo guy at 15
>fucking Ashara has 17
It's annoying both gameplay and roleplay wise.

He was freed from those vows when his watch ended.


I don’t believe they were on the island for a day. I think it had been a few days. If not then it’s beyond believable; I have to believe


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At once, your grace!

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So GOT is turning out to be a big nothingburger, huh?

Jorah got way more than Arya, she had one quick montage before she got hit in the face and ran away.
Jorah was on the front line for the entirety of the battle

Read a neat post on Reddit about this once. Iirc the population density in westeros is similar to medieval Italy. Not that grrm intended this, just a reference

But the only reason she is a character at all is so that we could have that Davos scene

Would match that face to be named lord and lady tbqh

Dany's knowledge of things is also about pure bloodlines and all the nonsense that comes with it, especially with the rest of the Targs virtually dead. This on top of being a 14 year old girl that was pampered and protected and naive of the world.

I honestly think people are too harsh on book Dany, she's a kid who gets sold off from her comfy life to be raped by a barbarian horse lord, and then thrust upon some magic dragon destiny of Targaryans as a teen girl. Bit much I I might imagine, especially when the closest loved one is a 50 year old bear.

>Sam becomes the Warden of the South

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Remember that scene when that rich guy tells Bane "I'm in charge", and Bane replies "Do you... feel... in charge?"

That's basically Viserys' relationship with Drogo.

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>I swear with the old Gods as my witness if so much as one goddamn mongoloid or sandnigger steps foot on Northern soil unchallenged my knees will unbend.
Wow, well I guess Jon should've seen that coming.

Yeah but what if the south won the civil war?

I just assumed she dropped it when she got grabbed and picked up but you may be on to something. If so good eye.

There are a lot of things to complain about, but people always pick the worst things.
The dagger was sheathed across her waist

Who gets Casterly Rock, Storm's End, Highgarden, Riverrun, Sunspear
Who are master of ships, laws, coin, whisperers, lord commander, grand maester

Man, how mad would the normies be it Robert rose from the grave with no explanation and just murderrr Jon and Danny while spewing lines designed to trigger the audience

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Sorry, wrong image.

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Not the entirety, he came back after the Dothraki got slaughtered, but that still implies he had to fight his way back, as well as go back out there. But 19 is the only ones we for sure saw. Jorah by far was the MVP in terms of pure kills. It all would have went to shit with Dany/Jorah to be honest, even with giving Arya the dagger.


What is their tax policy?

Got a link?

The Dothraki gave everything for Dany and gained nothing.

She's in the books as well, albeit only briefly, she tells Stannis off and that she won't bend the knee unless its to a Stark.
Bloody fuckin' Targs, I swear they keep poppin up like rats round here.

They needed her strictly for political reasons. Having her above ground in the battle was fucking retarded. Having her standing around on a battlefield juxtaposed to Sansa telling Tyrion that they're in the crypt made it feel even more ridiculous. What the fuck were they thinking?

>7 seasons of Dothraki raping and earning their trust thrown into the trash

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they have to be your wife to be councillors, its culture based not a law you can change at least im pretty sure. for female commanders i think they just need to have 20+ martial

There might be some hope left lads

>Arya doesn’t board a ship west to see what’s west of Westeros
Absolutely shit tier writing in terms of both what normies want and what bookfags want. Their ability to continually fuck up fascinates me


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I realise I'm being autistic but knowing how the realm is organised and the small council structure is my favourite part

the signs been there for years
im only still here because i am immune to cringing at things

>Art Admirer

I remember these faggots, what happened to them?

>“I thought viserys loved me, why doesn’t he want me as his bride T_T”
Poor Dany. Viserys should have run off with the dragon and then returned after they had matured and take back his sister-wife.

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Don't forget the classic formation of cavalry - trebuchet - infantryman. Or the fact that one of your best fighters is the first man you send against the entirety of the army. Or that there were no obsidian arrows, etc. It was a botch all around, i get they were still preparing, but jesus.

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cute hood. i miss my britbong team. all the best girls except queen elizabeth

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Reminder that CotF are green Asian cuties

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Bend the knee

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Good. Let the normies cry "muh racism"

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Did they imply it was wrong though? Greyworm and Missandei basically knowingly look at eachother and just say "well I guess we should leave these people's country we clearly don't belong here." It's actually pretty redpilled
I saw a pic here from a lefty journalist crying that they should instead be planning to stay in westeros so they can culturally enrich everyone

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Truly Deanerys Cuckborn of the House Nerotaryen, First of Her Name, the Orbited, Queen of the Betas and the Incel.

>Not the entirety, he came back after the Dothraki got slaughtered
Because the front line was gone. He was still at the front line the entire time

>Playing as Riverlord
>Targaryen civil war
>Literally every Lord joins the same side so it's just a stomp
Thanks game I didn't even want to have fun

Hmm, well fair enough. Either way, he did have the most kills, but what we saw confirmed was 19.

My posts never make the collage :(
The only cutie I see there is best girl

>Japs handing Anne Frank over to the Nazi's - 1942 (colorized)

The Dothraki are like if someone read the the medieval mongols conquered and pillaged half the know world and literally stopped reading after that

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What did leak user say would happen next episode?

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Aren't they more like the huns?

GoT started just as the culture wars went into overdrive. It will be the last majority white popular fantasy.

The ending of Hold the Door is really dumb when the zombies go around the fire but then don't just JUMP DOWN OFF THE FUCKING HILL into the cave entrance. There's no fire on top of the cave. Fuck is this show stupid.

according to russian twitter the episode is leaking in a couple of hours. we'll find out soon enough.

Jon stabs Danny in the chest.

The Long Night Killcount (No Dragons, No Indirect (Mel's Fire).
>Arya: 22 (Night King)
>Theon: 20
>Jorah: 19+ (Assumed far more due to being on the Front Lines)
>Tormund: 17 (Highest Kills Per Minute)
>Brienne: 16
>Jon: 15
>The Hound: 12
>Jaime: 11
>Wight Giant: 10
>Podrick/Gendry: 9
>Greyworm: 6
>Beric/Sam/Dany: 4
>Night King: 1 (Theon)
>Lyanna: 1 (Wight Giant)
>Edd: 1

Total amounts actually.

leaks out boys

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>just hangin out with grandpa watchin his sexy neighbor bend over to work on her garden

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what the fuck are you talking about


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Someone do this for the entire show, I want to see who actually comes out on top, discount shit like Bronn's blackwater wildfire nuke since its uncountable technically.

what's supposed to be so intimidating about this twerp? he's a skinny manlet who looks like he can't even fight, if i saw him in the street i would chuck him into the nearest bin or give him a wedgie.

fire circle around cave entrance. they go around it and climb up the hill around the cave. instead of just going to their right/left a few feet and dropping off the top of the hill into the entrance, in front of the cave, they continue traveling across the hill to find places to dig their way through.

Don't forget Dany, this is the first time she's ever held a sword in her entire life and fought properly with it.
I may later. A lot of shit to rewatch though.

I only tuned in to watch episode 3 of this season, but I don't know how anyone could suspend their disbelief so hard with all the stupidity going on here

>lighting so dark some people can't even watch the episode
>nonsense Unsullied 'yoga formation'
>catapults and trebuchets in front of the formations
>not manning the walls until AFTER the undead break through the moat
>allowing your cavalry to charge off by itself (could believe it was just pure recklessness on their part spurred on by cool fire weapons)
>positioning the trench/caltrops-thing behind your troops in such a horrific way that a retreat is entirely bottlenecked
>not positioning your troops BEHIND said trench so it can be lit to cover a retreat
I'm sure there's much more I've missed

i want twow to come out just so we can get more stannis. he'll crush the freys charge, and wyman manderly will reveal his betrayal and produce one unscathed onion knight, and the mannis will take winterfell once and for all.

have sex

have sex

Yeah as well as other horse nomads from far Eastern Europe/near Central Asia, the Jogos Nhai are more like the Mongols

The mongols would have absolutely decimated the Dothraki. Also the Mongols would have never been so dumb to charge an army of the dead just because someone lit their swords on fire

Apparently both Stannis AND Littlefinger are alive

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>TWoW releases
>No more /got/ to shitpost about it
Cursed world

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>Why wouldn't a medieval kid feel scared about strange looking foreginer?

I remember travelling to Italy when I was 6 and crying because I was scared of black lady next to me

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exactly, that scene was based and redpilled but the maga retards just don't get it


Why does LF say that Aegon's Conquest's story is a lie?

>Apparently both Stannis AND Littlefinger are alive

Am I dreaming this?

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She had friends at my university and would come here to party. Every so often rumours would fly that she was in one club or another railing ket

stannis is 100% dead the boltons found his body

Don't lie, user. I can't take any more pain...

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GRRM fucks up a lot of the history. He also likes to portray knights as clumsy, bumbling buffoons when in reality they were hardcore killing machines.

Because the show couldn't physically build the book Iron Throne so they changed the lore


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Man I feel bad for characterfags who still hold on to hope.
He's talking about the power structure being an illusion that everyone agrees upon. Chaos shatters that illusion and allows for opportunists to seize power.

If leaks are coming out then I’m just gonna stay out of these threads until after tomorrow’s episode. But that means I’ll have no one to talk to about GoT now, let alone people I can talk to who feel my pain. I’m gonna miss you guys :(

spoilers for the last episode

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the realm is the lie, the iron throne a farce. the exchange before this he mentions its not a thousands swords, barely even a hundred. that's what he was referring too.

he is just saying its a house of cards in a really D&D pseud way

I don't think the lie is referring to the fact that there aren't 1000 swords there, because that's obvious to everyone

i really don't care anymore I just want to know what would have happened if the south won the civil war

Except she wasn't proudly loyal to Jon. She never bothered to defend Jon's argument for why he surrendered his royal title. She stuck around because-

-she was one of the most educated people in all the North and was able to understand the true threat that the WWs posed. Of course, this is due in part to how the general IQ for the people of the North is on par with a sack of bricks. So it falls on the smarter people to tell the dumber people that this battle is actually worth fighting. This is why Bearloli and Sansa stood on the field, to at least legitimize this foolhardy strategy. Sansa left when there was no further point to her presence once people started dying, and Bearloli is a stubborn Mormont so she gets to die.

It was to emphasize that they truly had nobody around who knew how to command siege defense. The greatest champions of Westeros were fucking amateurs at war. The deepest ditch was a few feet high, for fucks sakes.


*ring ring*


*ring ring*

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who the fuck is ket?

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someone was saying that Missandei was going to be beheaded, but I found nothing on that

Arya is going to die tommorow. Mark my words.

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reminder D&D wrote this epic dialogue, while the fat fuck talked about Daenyers shitting in the woods.

He’s not alive and that’s the point. Everything went to shit because he died.

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>no Timur the Lame inheritor Dothraki after drogo dies

And american plains warriors
What is really retarded is that you have both descriptions of them being like the Mongols, devastating a numerically superior enemy by a mass feigned route only to turn and destroy the enemy that has broken formation, as well as descriptions of them charging an unsullied pike wall 18 times because men on foot are to be ridden down

I gotcha at least up to Season 6.

What knights are you talking about? Dontos Hollard?

Arthur Dayne, Jaime Lannister, Gregor Clegane are all knights and are hardcore killing machines

I wish, but how would that even work? Likely next episode will have no deaths

What game is that text from?

Davos would have eventually told on her, and he has enough political pull to put her on a witch trial. She saved him the trouble and just did herself in.

What Russian twitter is this?

You mean Khal Pono?




Ketamine. Railing means snorting it.

>the two types of GOT fan

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I can't believe how incredibly quickly this board has been flooded with normieshits. I can scarcely believe that there are people here who DISLIKE getting the fucking helm's deep boring-ass explosion battle out of the way so that the show can focus on what it does best; intrigue.

The BOOKS are called "A Song of Ice and Fire". They can be about the great big helm's deep yawnfest battle with the evil ice power rangers for all I care. Because they're a more suitable medium to talk about all aspects of a great battle.

The SHOW is called "Game of Thrones". It has always been about the intrigue, first and foremost, contains the greatest actors and actresses of our age, and the best and most memorable scenes have been just two of them talking. Why would anyone choose to waste that talent on some fucking boring "epic" battle scene we've all seen a hundred times before?

TL;DR: It's fucking disgusting that Yea Forums is arguing FOR le epic battle at the end rather than cerebral intrigues.

who is this btw

Missandei isn't Melisandre

Besides a few key figures like the ones you named, GRRM likes to pretend knights were just mediocre fights carried by the fact they have horses and plate armour because of his anger against Chad. In reality this was pretty much the opposite.

Go to bed

LF is going to kidnap Missandei and hand her to Cersei who will execute her in front of Denarys which will motivate her to burn the city

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>I can't believe how incredibly quickly this board has been flooded with normieshits
Yea Forums has been filled with normalfags for almost a decade now. You just sound like some reddit retard trying too hard to fit in.

>stannis is 100% dead the boltons found his body

That’s not what was said in the bolton conversation

the show has always done action poorly. this story is all about the palace intrigue. and now they can't even do that right.

episode isn't leaking tonight, don't get trolled by Yea Forums incels my fellow redditors

Are the leaks REAL?

Nice reddit post

Unless D&D subvert the subverted expectations, I don't see how Arya would die


I've done a few dissociatve anesthetics in my day and I'm not sure i'd want to do them in a club. I'd question the legitimacy of those rumors.

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I think Crichton goes a bit full on medievalboo in his book, but he portrays medieval society in a very different and slightly more accurate light.
People often forget details like ancient forests filled with centennial trees that don't exist any more because of intensive forestry. It's like taking a trip to a different planet.

>thought that LF was the ultimate game player
>turns out all he wanted was the daughter of a women who rejected him

What a fucking waste of potential. God I hope he wants more in the books

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It's not about le epic battle you dense cunt, it's about every mystery and plot thread of the Others being thrown away for no purpose despite being built up as the major threat in the narrative. Literally every type of fan agrees that the Others are the real enemy, fighting between houses is just a big dumb game. Even dumb normies get this, the fact you don't exposes you as a single digit IQ fag

Littlefinger and stannis come back only for dnd to rape them some more

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Man house tully is such a disgrace, they're weaker than a lot of their sub houses according to the fire and ice book

and if I had to choose, Frey or Bracken easy. Fuck fighting for the raventree niggers, and fuck helping the Mallisters since they're fighting the Ironmen most like getting raided constantly, fuck anywhere near saltpants or Darry they get fucked in the ass because of their position in every war

fuck the epic battle, but if we're going to have one they should at least make tactical sense. Beyond that, people are more upset about the complete and utter non-issue the WW threat really was. People deserved a season-long Long Night with an alliance of all the southern kings to even attempt to stand a chance, because that was what was hyped up.

They rape each other.

>D&D have effectively transformed Arya into their own OC dont steel

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Arya won't die.
Jon won't die.
Stannis is dead.
Harrenhal is off the table.


were there any good Jorah "Khaleesi please... just a crum of pussy" posts today?

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martin always makes prophesy's bullshit, the others sucked cause they're not good. The intrigue is about the characters not some big bad evil.

Why are we still watching? the greatest threat is over

GRRM has a true hatred of Chads and masculine virtues is general. Any truly good guy is a fat idiot, or dies horribly, or gets fucked over somehow. It's a shame he's such a fag hippie boomer fag, the series could be even better if he weren't so cucked


cant wait for them to bring their nigger boyfriends home

Getting Sansa and becoming Lord of Winterfell and the Vale is all he ever wanted.

Considering everything else, Arya being an anime character has greatly increased my enjoyment of the final season.

That baby is better dressed than me

That's not true. Most chads win. All the white knights get fucked as they should.

You've clearly never been to a club in the UK if you doubt widespread use of ketamine. It's literally everywhere.

Will they even bother bringing him up again? If they do, will Jon go beta and forgive him again or kill him or say he would kill him but they're on the side of the living and need him to take down Cersei?

Fuck off with your jonsa fanfic



mhm mhm
what else happens tho

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There is no intrigue left to be had, and all the character opposition feels horribly forced and awkward

Actual New and Proper Edition:

KILL COUNTS FOR GAME OF THRONES (No Direwolves, Dragons, Indirect (Mel’s Fire), Uncountable Kills Discounted, No Mooks/Nameless, etc.)

Dany: 14
Jon: 12
The Hound: 10
Arya: 10
Ramsay: 9
Daario: 6
Cersei: 6
Theon: 5
Brienne: 5
The Mountain: 4
Ygritte: 4
Jaime: 4
Ned: 3
Jorah: 2
Robb: 2
Melisandre: 3
Bronn: 2
Drogo: 2
Jaqen: 2
Rickard Karstark: 2
Sam: 2
Tyrion: 2
Tormund: 2
Obara: 2
Ellaria: 2
Tyene: 2
Greyworm: 2

I wasn't counting random grunts, mooks, etc. This is anything above 1, up to Season 6.

why couldn't it have been like this bros?

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I wish

please don't tease me like this user


Garlan Tyrell

Lads i need help is putting £100 pound on Littlefinger to rule Westeros stupid? Anyone got any juicy info?

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>Melisandre: 3
That one dude with poison. Shireen. Who else?

Why is Shae even an option lmao

Beyond stupid. Leaks seem to suggest Sansa, but my bet would be no one.

Renly probably