What happened?
What happened?
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He died of a heart attack.
I don't remember at what point exactly but at some point they decided to make Tony a full on psychopathic narcissist instead of a nuanced character and in the end he gets whacked.
the good parts of him got swallowed by the darkness of all the horrible shit he did.
Season 6 has multiple references to terrorism. The place blew up. Family survied but shell shocked. Follwing season dealing with questions of if it was a hit or not.
Man in members only jacket shot him and he died
another panic attack
The episode hit the 60 minute mark so the credits played. The movie never ends it goes on and on and on
LOL this guy here never read the +20,000 word essay about Tony’s Vicarious Patricide. Shame
she looks like she fucks hasidic homeboys
Literally too subtle for you user
I think some New Yorker with cowboyitis clipped him.
>at some point
I'd say it was the result of the stress of being boss and the multiples traumatic experiences that happened to Tony through the series.
Except you don't just turn into a psychopathic murderer, you're born like that.
It's pretty obvious that near the later seasons they completely switch his character. Right around the time Melfi has her "epiphany" about all the jews being right and him manipulating her.
Anyone got a note from their doctor saying they like to suck DICK?
Yeah, he was more interesting in the earlier seasons.
>Tony sees Johnny Boy cut Satriales pinkie. Johnny Boy tells Tony he was a man for not running
>Sends AJ to military school, afraid he’ll end up like Jackie Jr, or worse Tony himself. He does not want him to follow him in his life
>Tony’s extreme reaction to Junior’s varsity comment
>Tony’s Uncle-Nephew relationship with Junior. Mirrors Tony-Chris relationship
>Tony tells Melfi and expresses throughout the show his father was never around much
>Tony finds out Johnny Boy practically lived with Fran
>Tony’s Cadillac dreams
>The Test Dream wasn’t about killing Blundetto “yo, aint that the Tony there you should have whacked to prevent all this from happening?” “I don’t know, I guess not.”
>John F Kennedy and Camelot
>Junior shoots Tony. Melfi tries to talk to Tony about the PTSD from the event. Tony refuses to talk about it
>Tony making Bobby commit a hit when Bobby Sr prevented him from doing so
>Christopher no longer is the “cute kid” or little nephew, he is now a father with a daughter
>The tornado talk with the scientist dude and the concept of the solar system in the casino
>I GET IT scene
Connect the dots you dumb fuck
Don't see how that has anything to do with what I said.
If you don’t want to read it, fine. But you look retarded going on about how Tony completely switched characters like it wasn’t warranted or developed properly
[Spoiler] Sneed [/Spoiler]
dey took her
It's pretty jarring and no amount of rationalization warrants it.
When someone switches personalities in a short timespan it never ever has anything to do with psychobabble but either brain damage or some disease causing brain damage or changes in body chemistry.
Now if you want to entertain the fantasy that in some weird Freudian way Tony metamorphoses into someone else then I guess that's just not cutting it for me.
kill yourself 90s born queer
>psychopathic murderer
Dumb fuck.
Reminder the Members Only guy is Eugene Pontecorvo's brother
Reminder to kill yourself reddit nigger
Tony gets fucking shot by Junior, his closest surrogate father that is also partially responsible alongside Johnny Boy and his many other surrogate fathers and mentors like Paulie and Dickie. Tony expresses how hes been feeling depressed, being in something at the end, as he says in the pilot episode. His upbringing, PTSD from being shot, bottling in and being unable to confront the fact that he hates his father and eveyone who he blames for forcing the life on him explains why he becomes a monster near the end. It explains why he made Bobby commit the hit, jealous of Bobby never having a domineering father that had him commit a hit. Paulie, the one who was there to coach him during the Bookie murder and telling him to “hurry up.” Manhood and growing up being tied to manhood. Hesh being Johnny Boy’s father and a criminal as well. Chrissy about to repeat the same mistakes as Tony and Johnny-Boy and preventing the relationship from happening again. It’s all there
Fucking phoneposting. Meant manhood being tied to committing violence
Yes, or some other immediate death thing like a massive stroke or aneurysm. He was pretty beat up and hard living and his body gave out. Many of his peers and associates died of natural causes over the course of the show as well.
what about the cat?
>if you want to entertain the fantasy that in some Freudian way Tony metamorphoses into someone else
You mean like a fictional character?
It's like I said. Freudian bullshit that doesn't account for a complete destruction of his previously established character.
If characters don't act realistically then they're not characters. That's why no one writes about fantasy races/aliens unless their culture is rooted in some human culture first, however distantly.
It was the onion rings
Why don’t you pick out a scene and explain how it goes against what was preciously established.
>Fucking phoneposting
You only have yourself to blame cocksucker
Certain circumstances have led me to do this
>be eating with my family
>guy comes out of the bathroom, shoots me
It's been a while since I watched it, but the whole Melfi "waking up" arc pretty much exemplifies it, and it goes directly against what we the viewer have been shown of Tony. Which is that he's a nuanced character with emotions for friends, family and even his victims, even in his ruthlessness.
fuck off faggot
Literally remains being so to the end. Melfi leaving him is because she finally accepts that he can’t be fucking helped. He had his peyote experience where he finally gets it, then tells Melfi that the best is gone, he doesn’t remember. His revelation and arc was a “blue comet”
She’s been trying to make him let go of his blame on his own mother and everyone else as well as making him realize his father is also to blame. There are two therapy sessions where he was close to but never does
All very reasonable observations.
There's two things though: therapy doesn't work factually so the fact he can't be helped is unsurprising.
And the therapy or any of his experiences don't explain his sudden change in demeanor. It's hard for me to reference because it's been so long, but early Tony while prone to outbursts would not seriously wish harm upon Melfi. While later I believe he does.
Anyway that was my impression, I feel like many people read too much into things that can be ascribed to a decision on the writers' part.
which two therapy sessions does this happen? hes a sociopath so it would never happen anyway.
I think therapy for sociopaths actually makes them even worse.
Not so much Tony realizing, more like the subject is brought up and Melfi tries to make Tony realize what is happening
3.13 when Tony says he can’t put AJ in military school, which would have put him away from his influence and in the hands of better role models.
And in season 6 during the “how about the fact I hate my son.” Melfi is the most blunt about it there
>zits on ass
>fat plain face
>wearing heels in the gym
I'd love to see this whore in my gym so I could toss her out of the ring when I want to spar.
>.13 when Tony says he can’t put AJ in military school, which would have put him away from his influence and in the hands of better role models.
Im sure it had nothing to do with the pediatrician telling them it was a bad idea because of the panic attacks you stupid fuck.
>Tony a full on psychopathic narcissist
Being psychopathic implies that you're a narcissist, too. Stop being redundant with your words, retard.
What are you talking about fuck head, obviously AJ had a panic attack you cocksucker. There no disputing here
he got fat
Two different conditions that have comorbidity. They're separate in the DSMIV although psychopathy has been rebranded as antisocial personality disorder, and back in the DSMV.
Don't try to call others retard when you're retarded yourself.
Kill yourself reddit nigger
you're a fucking moron trying to argue your worthless opinions based on half baked memories. fuck yourself.
consider having sex
I do enjoy your sisters cunt
no, he had a panic a attack again and fell to the floor in a bad way and broke his neck.
Why don’t you go fuck yourself or explain why you’re sperging like a faggot. I don’t even know why you’re being a faggot
daily reminder that Christopher was an annoying character and that all of the children were useless characters that made the show worse
>She’s been trying to make him let go of his blame on his own mother and everyone else as well as making him realize his father is also to blame.
This never really made sense to me. His parents were objectively cunts and asking a child to just pull himself out of that life trajectory on his own is asking way too much. Also, what was the peyote epiphany agaim?
Chris was the second best character. The child characters were typical stock child characters. Except Meadow and AJ, Meadow was hot, and AJ was great
also junior was annoying and janice was a good character and silvios face was annoying and that kid who vito shoots in the back of the head and the ugly kid from bronx tale were extremely annoying
the epiphany is never explained
the scene in the hotel room with the lighthouse is extremely good, probably one of the best scenes ever done in the show
They were cunts and obviously are responsible for his trajectory but he keeps on blaming everyone. He even blames Janice who was literally only 2 years older, she was as much a victim as he is. And when she tries to change, he prevents it from happening. He made the wrong decision by deciding to follow his father’s footsteps instead of becoming a coach like he wanted
>It’s my mess, all my choices were wrong
meadow shot him
She was payed off by the vipas
Also, the youngest sister is the only one that managed to escape
Yeah, whatever happened there?
>So I believe that, in that desert sunrise on the cusp of Arizona, in fulfillment of his identity as Kevin Finnerty, solar heating salesman, Tony saw his “son” – Christopher – “rise” and realized that, in murdering him days before, he (Tony) was really “rising” as a “son” against Johnny Boy. And in that linkage, he suddenly realized that “everything is [indeed] everything.” He is both Chris and Johnny Boy, both abused and misguided son and abusing, misguiding father. He is murdering uncle and would-be murdered nephew. He is both the mother that sees suffocation as mercy killing and the son who is suffocated. Christopher is both his son and his father. Johnny Boy is Coach Molinaro. “Kennedy” is “Heidi”. Opposites are really two sides of the same coin. In that fleeting moment of insight, Tony was truly feeling “one” with the universe.
You kind of have to read the entire 20,000 word essay, otherwise it sounds gay, but that epiphany is linking
>Johnny Boy and Tony, Tony and AJ, Junior and Tony, Tony and Chrissy, Dickie and Tony, Chrissy and his daughter relationship
>Principle of the Solar System that Tony mentions while gambling and the “Everything is Everything” speech from the Quantum Physicist
This is obviously bait but I agree that Janice is a great character, even thought I know you are just saying that because she is unpopular
At that point i think it was NY taking out tony while their crew was leak. Phil really was right when he said that they were at best a crew. After all the killing tony did who exactly did they have left? If ralph, chris, vito, tony b and jackie were there they would have been a stronger force.
it isn't bait. she is funny sometimes and kills that manlet. she is a good character
Liking Janice is a patrician mindset, patricians don’t hate Chrissy, AJ, and Junior. That’s how I know you are b8ing
they are annoying and im not apologizing.
Janice is supposed to be hated and if you like her because she is hateable, you have a problem. people like her should be unironically killed for the better of society
shut up idiot. we like the character
I don’t just like her user. I think early season Janice was downright mommy material. What do you think about that fuckhead?
lol this. She's a hateable character and you can appreciate that she's well written, but that is not the same thing as liking her.
turbo cringe
extremely based and redpilled
just how much of a little bitch are you that you need your hatred of a - FICTIONAL, MIGHT I ADD - character vindicated unanimously?
And why shouldn't he blame them? They are responsible for the emotional catch-22 he's doomed to live in forever. Tony was always gonna become a mobster and now he can't leave because he doesnt know what to do with himself if he left. He wants to be a good person but he's committed too much evil to seriously consider reinventing himself like by going into witness protection. Melfi even drops him because he won't ever really change. It's not a practical option and he realizes that.
a couple or three things
>Janice had great calves
>Richie was only half a fag
>Tony Uncle Whateverthefuck was too stock a character archetype for the show
>Chrissy should still be in the car with his goddamned opinion
Maybe he died, maybe he didn't: Don't Stop Believin'
Under the boardwalk...
Tony doesn't change his personality, his process changes.
'Did I not learn anything from Richie April?'
Season 1-3 Tony was impulsive, immature and angry. Season 6 Tony is wise, more self aware, but still completely careless and close-minded.
Personalities do not change, but our decision making does
For future reference it's 'closed' not 'close'.
He played everyone. And acted like a retard. Based.
based Jamal GINSBERGING these hoes
>being anti social means you are a psychopath now
lol okay, whatever it takes to get rid of incels i guess
>>that moltasanti kid, he never had the makings of a varsity screenwriter
>Vitus Spataforus, 35AD
forgot to include
you don't get it
you don't get it
you don't get it
first of these stupid images to make me kek, well done
Best one yet
he stopped believing
He literally murders a man in cold blood 4 episodes into the show
Anyone who hasn't had a psychedellic experience can't truly understand season 6 or Tony's character
That's EXACTLY what I said after I saw a weird Simpsons store sign joke and an user explained it to me
the show ended
Richie definitely got raped in prison
Ralphie was half a fag because he got molestered
You can like her for being hateable as a character. She isn't real so it's entertaining to watch her be a malignant cunt
this is a really good read, thank you for posting it
>Except you don't just turn into a psychopathic murderer, you're born like that.
lauren summer
>Julius Caesar, my arch nemesis!
choked on an onionring
They updated the tier list with the recent patch... most notable nerf is fir gary cooper but i can get why he was fuckin broken so good for them
And commandetore is a welcome change for the melee based characters with his ranged shenanigans but i still hope they nerf him in the future