So true

so true

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name 3 kinos were this happens

Whoever made that picture was so white it hurts

Agreed actually

anybody above 14 is not a child anymore.
women want to push the age of consent up to 18 to remove millions of women from the dating pool and thus inflate their own market value.

bravo mr. bay

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>tfw 14yo is AoC here
>tfw have a 14yo gf and I'm 27

i agree bu todayt most 16 girls look like they are actually 20.

I don't think they even consider that. Seems way too thought out.

16 is too old tho. no self respected pedo would tap that.

I'm under police investigation for posting something on Yea Forums that may or may not have been cheesy.

Actually a lot of women consider 18 pedo now too

Yeah, it really sucks. If I wanted to date an old hag, I'd date an old hag.

Women spend their entire lives in seething jealousy. It's an instinct.


>tfw your daughter's boyfriend flashes his "I can fuck kids licence"

What a power play

You mean jealous wine aunts

Women who are 18 are fucking stupid. I don't know why anyone would want to deal with women who are younger.

some even 19-21 too

The age of consent a most of western europe is 16 because they're not prudes and recognize that a 16 year old is sexually mature even though they may have pudding for brains.

But the age of consent is 16 here in California.

The age of consent in most of America is also 16.

How is this television and film?

But 16 is the age of consent in most US States
Why do morons like to pretend that 18 is the cut off when most states have normalized fucking teenagers?

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> things that never happened

and that "homeboy" is always black.

True and redpilled

Most of those 18s should have an asterisk as well. For instance you can fuck a 16 year old in Florida as long as you are 23 or younger,

>can walk outside right now and fuck a 16 year old trap
Feels good man

Everyone is stupid until they're over 25. The only reason I stopped dating 23 year olds when I hit 30 was because I literally could not stand to listen to them talk anymore.

t. Jealous of his homeboy getting prime pussy

16 years old is the age of consent in most states in the USA. A 23 year old dating a 16 year old might raise some eyebrows but no crime is being committed.

i don't think that's true, some 18 year old got jailed for banging a 16 year old

What? Don't most states have Romeo and Juliet laws to prevent that?

Preach it /pol/ and discord trannies preach it

Probably because of nudes. I had sex with my gf when she was 15 and I 17

>pedophilia won't be legal in your lifetime

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>doesn’t understand consent laws
Good for you I guess

my country is 13 Lul

16 years old is legal here in Australia. Picture is incorrect.

What the fuck are you on about? It says in plain English that there is an exemption for people 23 and under to fuck 16 year olds. If you don't trust Wikipedia look anywhere else.

how do you know that? based if true

how are images worse than actual sex?

Based alpha Bay

Even if it was people would still kill you for being a freak

depends on their lifestyle and upbringing

That may have been true years ago, however, the infantilization of the masses over the past 3 decades has really changed things. You have men in their early 20's who line up for hours to see a faggot in spandex fly around. You have so called adults who still live at home with their parents. It seems being a child no longer has an expiration date. Your average 18 year old still has the mind of a pre-pubescent child. So therefore, I agree with OP.

Either written by a female or a jealous bro.

if everyone is underage, they can fuck eachother


Satanically unethical, hypocritical laws that nobody dares change for fear of being branded with a scarlet letter. To even attempt to make the laws morally congruent is asking to be lynched.

I literally believe this. We have been fucking girls who are capable of reproducing for 19 centuries and now i'm supposed to feel like a broken deviant for finding them attractive.

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Literally every straight man would fuck a 16 year old if they could. It's literally legal in half the planet

ok i checked that shit was passed in 2007 so i might be thinking of some older shit

What's the age of consent in Mexico again?

>You have men in their early 20's who line up for hours to see a faggot in spandex fly around.

Yeah haha how stupid

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imagin the day mexicans are the ones making the laws in cali

Lower in the shittiest parts.

>there are non-shitty parts
lol whole country is a toilet

Because images can be spread around and you should have some awareness of the consequences before you let it happen.

nice breakable tripcode haha

>Because images can be spread around

So can STDs. So can stories about how you peed into a sixteen year old’s rectum and watched her shit it out into the shower. You can tie her on a wall and stick needles into her nipples and then take a watery dump on her face, and then have her peg your anus with a ten inch strap on and tickle your nipples until you come like a woman and she calls you a woman, and it’s so legal that you can recount the story standing in front of a judge grinning while he releases you.

But for god fucking sake, take a picture of her tits afterwards and you’ll be raped to death in prison as god is the judge’s witness. Have fun getting a job or living anywhere if you took a picture of her tits, you sex offending felon, have fun informing all your neighbors.

or any woman over 30 who tries to date any man 29 or younger