"Marvel"? Never heard of it.
"Marvel"? Never heard of it
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I thought Gigachad was a devout Christian
Upboated fellow ledditor
Is this dude like literally 0% body fat or are these photos shops? Cause I honestly can't tell.
>are these photos shops?
So is he real or not?
i think he has a condition
yeah its called
>being based af
Are you being sarcastic or stupid? GigaChad mode is literally attainable natty.
Never gonna make it, user.
>Why yes, Sneedposting and creating Sneed OC is one of my favourite hobbies, how could you tell?
I don't know if you'd really even WANT to be as ripped as that guy. Do you realize how much you have to eat on a regular basis if you have zero fat reserves and you don't want to pass out?
no, it's called lipodstrophy
Hot take: This guy isn't a Chad. He's too vain and gay to be Chad. Like Helmut Strebl. Guys like Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill are Chads.
One ticket to "Marvel Studios, Avengers: Endgame" please.
This steroid addict for sure has a 3 inch penis, compensating so hard.
>hemsworth and cavill aren't vain
it's the body you get when you don't constantly shitpost and whine about black people on Taiwanese basket-weaving forums
he's a normal guy, his girlfriend just photoshops the shit out of him
Even I'm vain to an extent. And I don't mean to compare myself to these two, but Chris and Henry are nowhere near as vain or as gay as that fella.
>one ticket
So the giga Chad goes to the movies alone?
the no-singles policy doesn't apply to ascended beings
He's a fairly normal looking guy, not even really handsome, his gf just photoshops the shit out of him.
>Gigachad isn't even real
>cute body kid, but you look like a twig
retard here. could she easily fake this because it looks real to me
looks like a younger even more ripped billy herrington