I finally marathoned throught this, and fucking loved it. Besides some pretty dumb moments...

I finally marathoned throught this, and fucking loved it. Besides some pretty dumb moments, it's the most "Star Wars" of the Nu-quels, and quite certainaly the most entertaining by far. The story was good, the characters were good, the action setpieces were good, and even the romance between the leads felt authentic and engaging, which I found surprising.

So, why did it fail at the box office, when cinematic puke like TLK didn't?

Attached: Han-Solo-Movie-Poster-slice-small.jpg (780x682, 143K)

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Because the budget was doubled due to reshoots ordered.

You marathoned through one movie?

this, fucking kek. what's your attention span OP?

It fucking sucked

It was dumb, but better than TLJ.

Justify this casting choice

Attached: IMG_4330.jpg (1000x600, 58K)

I feel like the only person in the world who doesnt like this smug prick

RO>TFA>Solo>TLJ for Disney Wars

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

Rogue one was absolute garbage. Nothing in it is memorable, you already knew what was going to happen, the action is fucking boring, the characters are shoe-horned into their roles to try to make the audience feel bad for them, and the dialogue is spoken like it's a blind reading with hardly any emotion.

You have shit taste.

Cringe and manchild-pilled

It seems too obvious that Kathleen going through 3 directors ruined the movie. From epic world building and theme in the beginning, only to deteriorate into space opera schlock by the time they’re in the Crimson Dawn spaceship at the end? Much missed potential on the second half of a movie that could have been a masterpiece.

>So, why did it fail at the box office
russian bots

This. I have no idea why Yea Forums hyps RO so bad, that shit was so bland and unremarkable. Who gives a fuck if they kill all the characters if I don't even remember their names.

It's a long running meme on the board. Other variations include that someone has "already marathoned half of the movie, what did I think?"

Is this supposed to be impressive?

Rian Johnson was the pneumonia that took the life of the franchise after JJ Abrams acted as the AIDS virus which compromised its immune system.

That's one thing about TFA. I thought that in spite of all the JJ mystery boxes he clearly had no intention or plan to open, it left a terrible foundation for any sequel. I thought TLJ sucked for reasons unrelated to TFA but I can't say TFA did a good job preparing the trilogy to be a trilogy.

I loved the original trilogy but I really hated the ewok shit. I absolutely hated the prequels but I liked some of RotS. While watching TFA, I felt cheated with each scene because we were lied to that it was a new Star Wars story but it was nothing more than an intellectually lazy remake of ANH. I left the theater absolutely despising TFA. I truly believed that the franchise would redeem itself with TLJ. This was clearly going to be the Luke Skywalker arc we were all waiting for. There was so much wrong with TLJ that I never felt in the moment, I felt outside of the film the entire time. I left the theater believing I just saw the worst film in the Star Wars franchise.

With that said, I am happy to say that I enjoyed Solo. It was a fun movie. I also enjoyed Rogue One. I still believe that Rogue One feels the most like a Star Wars movie of all the Star Wars movies since ESB other than RotS.

ESB > ANH >>> RotS > Rogue One > RotJ > Solo >>>>> TPM > AotC >>>>>>>>>> TFA >>>>>> TLJ

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>I truly believed that the franchise would redeem itself with TLJ.
You had more hope than me

KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2 are better than TFA & TLJ. Prove me wrong.

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>explaining memes

Thanks, it was so hard. Like legit had to stay seated the entire time, was close to yelling for my mom to bring me 3DS but I got past the urge lol

>I really hated the ewok
Literal boomer of contrarian underage b& detected.

>I absolutely hated the prequels but I liked some of RotS
Based. I take back my contrarian teen comment. You're a boomer.

>I felt cheated with each scene because we were lied to that it was a new Star Wars story but it was nothing more than an intellectually lazy remake of ANH
This is true.

>I also enjoyed Rogue One. I still believe that Rogue One feels the most like a Star Wars movie of all the Star Wars movies since ESB other than RotS.

I agree with the majority of your opinions, but your hate for the Ewok is clouding the realisation that RotJ is the third best SW movie. RotS was mediocre as hell, it only looked after seeing watching the other prequels.
My list would be:

and TFA is only so high because it is similar to ANH. It is like a soft reboot. If ANH didn't exist, TFA would have been great.

The aesthetics were nice, and the actor actually did a decent job of channeling Han. The plot and writing was a mess though.
Best part was the brief scene of him being a grunt in the Imperial army. It would be nice to see more Star Wars stuff with that gritty war movie feel.

Also why were the imperials transporting their extremely valuable hyperfuel on a poorly guarded train through winding rugged terrain when they could just fly it there instead?

That would be an impossible task

The gameplay's poor and the controls are a constant nuisance but I can't say the story or characters are worse than those movies.

Rogue one wasn’t that good.
The last Jedi was pretty bad.
Han Solo gets a shitty ending in TFA.
Why would I go see a movie from a studio who demonstrably can’t make good Star Wars movies?

Did they improve the fucked up lighting in the home release?

He wasn't as smooth and charming as Lando should've been but who would have been a better choice age and race wise

SOLO is butthole. there's people who enjoy butthole but it doesn't make them right.

I have no idea, but fucking Donald Glover is not it

I like when in the movie they retroactively nonchalantly killed off Aurra Sing via some throwaway dialog.

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Another standout moment was when Lord and Miller went on a nationwide casting search for Han Solo only to discover that the part was already chosen by Kennedy and Spielberg

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I was going to call them new or berate them to lurk more, but I just don't know what the point is anymore, might as well educate them to fit in so others won't have annoyance later.

Kill yourself reddit nigger

That faggy robot fucked up every scene it was in. The lighting was fucking horrendous. Other than that it was just a plain movie.

>Listen kid, you let me fuck your buy-pussy and I’ll make you the next Han Solo

they tried to appeal to the trendy negro crowd for a fucking han solo movie top kek

>make a solo movie about a daring and dangerous pirate hero
>spend the movie emasculating him
Why even bother

I likedthis movie but literally cannt remember this faggot's name

I wish I could see the Lord and Miller cut. Every time the studio types get spooked and have to complete gut and overhaul a project, I get suspicious. It makes me wonder if the thing started to show just a little spark of soul, so they had to immediately step in and smother it out.

>It's the most star wars of the nu quels.
No it isn't, the storyline was trash, the actor was trash, the acting was trash, the setpiece was ww1 with lasers (trash). Everything single thing about it was crap. It wasn't entertaining.

Rogue One is the only good nu wars movie.

>If ANH didn't exist, TFA would have been great.

TFA is mainly seen as a let down because it was a soft reboot of ANH. If ANH didn't exist and TFA was made, TFA would have been seen as great.

>TFA is mainly seen as a let down because it was a soft reboot of ANH.
It's seen as a let down for dozens of reasons that would remain even if ANH never existed.

Name them.
>inb4 mary sue
TFA Rey was not much more of a mary sue than ANH Luke. TLJ Rey was a colossal mary sue though.

Terrible script
Bad acting
Lack of character development for many characters
Rushed character development for the few who did
Atrocious practical effects
Lack of practical effects
Overuse of CGI beyond TPM
Feminist agenda taking priority over everything else
JJ Abrams mystery boxes

Fucking kill yourself reddit nigger. It's been discussed ad nauseam. faggot tourist.

>TFA Rey was not much more of a mary sue than ANH Luke
ANH Luke was trained by Obi Wan on the Millennium Falcon and had his ass kicked by everything in existence. He's significantly less than Rey anywhere.

Clinton Spilsbury

>I have a shitty memory
>this makes it a bad movie

go back spoonfeeding faggot

I don't think you watched either movie.

Turn-based combat in a game designed to look like a 3rd person shooter is one of the worst technical choices ever made in video gaming history, up there with top-down cameras on sidescrolling maps and Fallout 1&2s turn-based isometric clicker.

>Rogue One is the only good nu wars movie.
>there are niggers who think like this

There is NO good nu wars movie.

Welcome Reddit newb

Youre part of the problem redditfag

I pretty much agree with your order, but could swap over RotJ and Solo. Or not. I figure them about the same in kino-wality.
Also I'd order the worse movies
TPM>some waiter taking an actual shit in my soup>AotC> etc

I didn't love it, but I was pleasantly surprised by it. I think there's a good movie somewhere in there, but it's piled real high with so many REMEMBER THIS? moments that it's distracting. I kind of wish the movie didn't have the real cliched tortured street rat origin story, set on the planet he one time mentioned recognizing ships from in ANH. I would have been fine if it was him signing up with the Empire to go to flight school and he washes out due to boredom and problems with authority. I think that would have been a fine start to the movie. Work in Emilia Clarke as some other cadet or something he meets. I felt like the beginning ate up a shitload of time since they were aiming to hit so many other beats after it.

>Joins Empire to be a pilot
>Disillusioned with their efforts
>Joins band of space rogues
>Band of space rogues all die in job that goes wrong
>Make up job that needs to introduce all the seedy underbelly characters and factions
>Subplot about a resistance group mistaken for space pirates
>Job detour to another planet with slave liberation subplot
>Job, resistance, underbelly sideplots all merged together in end

It felt like writing backwards; they went with space Aladdin opening because they needed a reason for the love interest to be involved with the seedy crime organization in a capacity where she couldn't just leave, but honestly, it didn't really seem to be a factor in the movie. She speaks freely and confidently in front of the dude that supposedly owns her and even double crosses him. I don't know why they needed a slave angle.

Also, too many side characters that the movie tries to get us invested in for them to only exist in one scene before dying. I did like Woody Harrelson's character though.

i honestly liked it. it would be better if it wasn't a star wars movie

Rankingsfags were a mistake, rankingsfags who include nu wars should be executed

You people criminally underrate ROTJ. It has flaws sure. It squanders Boba Fett and it would have been a lot cooler if they'd used Wookies instead of Ewoks but the confrontation between Luke, Vader and the Emperor is one of if not the best scene in the original trilogy. Plus it has gangster space slugs, gold bikini's, speeder bike chases and fish admirals.

ESB > ANH > ROTJ > ROTS > Rogue One > TPM > Solo > TFA > AotC > literal shit > rectal cancer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ

Attached: Star Wars Drinking and Flying.webm (665x500, 1.38M)

I legitimately cannot tell which of you is memeing and which of you is serious at this point

then you're clearly a newfag because everybody here hates him

I've seen it 3 times and still have almost no lasting memories from it.

Lurk more fucking tourist

Kill yourself reddit nigger

Personally, I give RotJ lots of credit for actually having payoff for ESB's established things. If RotJ handled shit like Vader being Luke's father badly, it'd ruin ESB retroactively.

>You people criminally underrate ROTJ
This is strictly a Yea Forums meme for zoomers. I've learned to ignore it.

It’s absolutely criminal that they never used the han solo song for this


Kill yourself newfag

It's not as good as The Last Jedi but it's good.

It failed at the box office because people are stupid mean-spirited retards who think Disney is out to ruin Star Wars - when all the senior Lucasfilm brain trust people have been there since ever. Solo was something Larry Kasdan talked about with George

>It's not as good as The Last Jedi

Attached: 1553397139117.jpg (700x700, 32K)

Lord and Miller, in 4 1/2 months (with only 3.5 weeks left in schedule) had only shot 30% of the film. Ron Howard had to shoot the 70, and reshoot 10 (e.g. Dryden Vos was played by Michael K Williams but he couldn't keep coming back) in those 3.5 plus a 5 week extension.

They were hired to do a job and they simply couldn't do it

absolutely backwards

>sticctay nevermore agaii.4cdn.org/tv/1557025619273.jpgn

You "marathoned" through one movie? lol

yeah unlike the amazing foundations laid by the movie starring qui-gon jinn or the standalone original star wars

Oh look, it's another episode of user torrent a film and has a contrarian opinion months later.

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why do the imperials use mechanical elephants to attack the rebel base that can be tripped by tow-cables when they can just fly there instead?


Oh no, not Aurra Sing.

I didn't hate the movie. there were a good many scenes I felt didn't contribute to the movie at all and were honestly annoying, and some creative choices I don't agree with (such as Solo's name origin), and I think Han was miscast. I think it had potential it never full realized.

1. V
2. IV
5. VII
6. VI
7. Solo
8. Rogue One
9. I
10. II
11. III

it's the definition of mediocrity

Kill yourself disney nigger shill

You know what Lord and Miller do? Comedy. You know what Star Wars has always reliably failed at whenever it attempted it? Also comedy.

Utterly misguided attempts at comic relief where the main issue of Last Jedi and the designated comic relief character in Solo was still by far the worst part of it.

He's right and I hate The Last Jedi

>yeah unlike the amazing foundations laid by the movie starring qui-gon jinn or the standalone original star wars
Thousands of times better

>Star Wars has always reliably failed at whenever it attempted it? Also comedy.

I wouldn't say that. The original trilogy had decent comedy because it was kept to a minimum. Comedy works in Star Wars when its a quick aside like a snarky comment or C3PO and R2 bickering. The sort of thing that lasts a few seconds elicits a quick smirk and then its done with.

When you try to set up a scene around a gag like Attack of the Clones did with C3PO or The Last Jedi did repeatedly then you kill the tone of the film.

Attached: han-shoots-first.jpg (640x326, 95K)

I liked it too; it was a straightforward space adventure, it didn't try and subvert my expectations, and it didn't have any stupid twists or especially glaring plot holes (at least that I remember).

I think part of the reason for it's failure was that it came out 5 months after TLJ, and people didn't want to go see another Star Wars movie, especially the fans who didn't like TLJ.

Kill yourself nu wars reddit nigger

Come on faggot get some new material. This is just lazy. I mean what's even the point?

Kill yourself nigger shill. Nu wars is fucking garbage.