You do believe me, don't you Yea Forums?
You do believe me, don't you Yea Forums?
Even the prosecution that let him go free admitted that he lied.
>He butt fucks guys on the reg but paid millions to stay out of a place where you get ass fucked
>I mean, w-why the fuck would I make this up? Ya know?
>Made it up
Literally all it takes in america to stay out of jail of you are black is to not kill somebody or steal something major.
Also the head prosecutor in Chicago was friends with Smollett and his family
>America is so great you need to fake a actual hate crime
The End
And being a millionaire doesn't hurt
imagine if some white guy had been in the area at that time, his fucking life would be ruined
Gentle reminder that his buffoonery was unsanctioned and the second people forget about it he's going to commit "suicide" under mysterious circumstances for inconveniencing his masters
In this case, money had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. This was 100% politically motivated
That is what helped the police to get him. When they originally found the two hooded figures, Smollett immediately said that they were the perpetrators and was willing to work with police, then when it was revealed to be the Somalian brothers, he stopped answering the police's request
No, all it takes is to be rich.
People always say its a black vs white thing, privilege etc, but that always kinda misses the mark
Black people = tend to be poorer = cant pay legal fees for good defense = get buttfucked by the law as a result of an ill-equipped defense
White people = tend to be richer = can pay legal fees = get off on lighter sentences because of good legal teams using legal jargon to muddle things in their favor (guess you could say thats a "privilege" of being richer)
And it only scales with money. The more money you have, the better defense you can afford and likely the better connections you have, making it easier to get off with a slap on the wrist.
It has literally always been a class thing. Rich people get off, poor people don't.
white people dont get lighter sentencing though, thats a lie.
when taking into account repeated offenses and multiple charges for the same occasion. ie, getting caught with a bag of weed while stealing a car gets stiffer sentencing for the weed charge than some guy who only gets caught with a bag of weed.
When taking these into account blacks get lighter sentencing for the same criminal history as whites.
There is only one point there to an entire equation. Why are they so poor? Why are they the ones being arrested in droves? Why do they make up over 2/3 of the prison system in the US?
Pro tip:
it isn't racism or lack of money. Plenty of poor white trailer trash get locked up every day. It isn't a racist judge because in 2019 most judges are very liberal. It isn't police because my police force is made up of shit tones of black female and male officers. It isn't a "broken system".
based lil boosie
Also, where are all the protest of whites getting shot?
I never stopped believing him. Not even joking.
The media isn't covering it any more (surprise, surprise - we do have an upcoming Democratic election to think about), but the whole cast signed a petition basically saying they're glad Jussie was found "innocent", they support him, and welcome him back to the show with open arms.
So yeah... I'd like to take my Fo-Fo and make sure ALL their kids don't grow! Seriously, they disgust me.
This fucking nigger got away with it.
Isn't this specific infograph famously incorrect because Trump himself retweeted it? I'm aware that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, but I think this one might be wrong.
So is this all done now? Anons were saying there would be a federal case? Something to do with the postal service and mail fraud?
thr rich and connected don't go to 'pound me in the ass prison'
It's more like a gentleman's clubs with family weekend stay overs, tennis and no fences.
The Jews even have their own special ones
Just Google NYC homicides for whatever year that's not a source from CNN. If it incorrect, I'm sorry, I try not to do that but the inaccuracies can't be too far off, honestly. It will still end up practically the same infographic regardless. It always does.
>imagine if some white guy had been in the area at that time
He would have been robbed, and beaten or killed in minutes for being white in a nigger hood
They kicked him off though, didn't they? I remember reading something somewhere that he isn't coming back. Sounds like he was blackballed
He only got dropped for one season. People suspect they were just waiting for it to die down so they could bring him back.
You need to keep people's awareness high
Muh white privilege
I thought he wasnt coming back but he's still getting paid
I don't even think he was dropped for one season yet. He just hasn't been announced for next season (they actually are still paying him and keeping him under contract, which they don't have to do, signifying they plan to bring him back eventually).
It's fucking bullshit. Trying to start a race war was wrong. And that's one thing. Protecting the guilty party, condoning his actions, in order to keep the Empire money train running is utterly irreprehensible. Not shocked considering Terrance Howard is a greedy shameless pig.
in 2016 733,012 niggers were arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, other assaults, and other sex offenses not including rape and prostitution. 733,012, in other words 1.75% of black people.
1.75% of black people are rapists, murderers, burglars, and other types of violent criminals or thieves. Now it's very important to remember that of those 733,012 niggers, the vast majority of them were black men between the ages of 14-44, which is about 3.5% and 25% of the black population (10,500,000)
If you assume all 733,012 of those criminals were black men between the ages of 14-44 than 70% of black men between the ages of 14-44 are one of those types of criminals.
However, obviously not all of them are, the numbers aren't that high when you account for black people outside of that age range or gender. But when accounting for unsolved crimes it's a safe and fair to assume that out of black people between the ages of 14-44 anywhere from 10-40 percent, in other words every 1-4 out of 10 are murderers, rapists, burglars, and other types of violent criminals and thieves. Way to be misleading OP. Black males are dangerous and need to be avoided.
The fact that he doesnt want to press charges against the African brothers for assaulting him tells me all i need to know. He made all this shit up.
Before this thread gets deleted here is a tear down of his psychological bullshit
A part of me wishes we could all die and go to heaven en masse just so we could watch and see how nothing improves for blacks and whoever else once we're gone. Oh, once we were all gone there was nobody to protect you and the Chinese exploited the fuck out of you? No kidding!
Wait?! Now the guys who "assaulted" him are getting away scott free?
Literally zero accountability for any of the guilty parties. That's fucked.
They will be happy.
Blacks want to live like african savages
Asians want to be isolated.
Arabs want to ravage across the planet raping everything.
They would all love it.
You might be right. Very depressing.
i think the area was one of those downtown residential areas that is literally deserted late at night, like tribeca in nyc
arabs seem the laziest of all in my experience
Even that ugly toad Kim Foxx knows he's guilty but they're buddies so that's that.
Him having ties to some rich influential people and politicians is the only reason why the charges were dropped.
It was off by like 4%
.Low IQ and culture that reinforces ignorant behavior.
Okay, cool. I'm just trying to keep yous guys' rhetoric on point because I know that you're right. Might want to ditch that infograph or just improve upon it.
Is he going to be charged by the feds?
>You do believe me, don't you Yea Forums?
Fuck no.
If White guy did that shit he'd be eviscerated and fucking crucified by the media, Hollywood and pretty much most of society.
But, Smollet's Black so he gets a pass on being a racist prick.
I never believe nigger no matter what.
I love how when democrats do this shit it's like a blurb on the bottom of a website but when Trump is cleared of any wrongdoing in a 2 year investigation the left still tries to spin it like it's a defeat for him.