Any movies that accurately depict the future clash when East meets West?

Any movies that accurately depict the future clash when East meets West?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex with white women.

RIght honestly is disgusting to me.

brie is fine. anyone who says otherwise is a legit faggot. amy is a fat gross pig tho

The last samurai

How can white women compete?

Attached: asianvswhitegf.jpg (922x1024, 141K)

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

Attached: brutal wifemog.webm (1280x670, 2.94M)

Brie is fucking disgusting

>brie is fine

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201 beta male votes = 0 votes worth counting. Have sex.

I'd say that's more of a clash of modern thinking vs the old way

What was Brie punching? Also,
>arm freckles on both wh*te bitches

以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland.
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people.
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated.
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work.
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻
Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.

Attached: Hu_Jintao_at_White_House_2011.jpg (1286x1929, 326K)


White women have been on decline over the past 2 decades while Asian women just keep getting better

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she has always looked weird but the ageing is making it harder to cover up, honestly she's ugly

Amy Schumer would look much better, if she wasn't fat. Still would rather do her there. Larson's got dead eyes.

>brie is fine

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Stay in /r9k you fucking incel

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stop liking white women

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 소원, 예린 이니스프리 광고 촬영 Behind-Bv2kt9JDI (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Look at this beta orbiter.

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his wife has a witch face. she even has unsightly moles

this is why we need a hapa future

>choose between insectoids or feminazis

like choosing the plague or cholera

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How can asian women stay sexy but classy at same time but when white women do it it's just come off slutty????

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jewish women > asian women > white women

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Pathetic. You all will NEVER have sex.

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legit homosexuals

i would rather die an incel than have sex with a white woman


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this is the True Redpill
this too

sounds like you will definitely die an incel

shut up beta

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reminder that breeding with asian women is the only way to maintain the white race

Asian-gf Master Race reporting in. AMA

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Acquire some standards. She was hired specifically BECAUSE she's ugly.

I can see why

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how big is your apu folder

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only if you want your soul sucked out of your body

>complains about white women
>complains about white genocide
Why are white men like this? Are you just programmed to self destruct?


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white genocide will be averted once white females are exterminated

I choose brown gf.

Attached: mulatto 3.webm (640x640, 1.17M)

white genocide is happening because white women are being disgusting whores who are impossible to live with or marry.


Don't you fucking plebs realize that if the mother is Jewish, the child is Jewish? That's how they get you. I swear I'm embarrassed to be an American sometimes.

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I went through my yellow fever phase when I was a child and now I just don't even see Asian women as sexual beings. They have no ass or tits and all look the same

>actually believing the rabbi
and you're calling me the good goy

Attached: kat's eyes.jpg (1080x1921, 255K)

now wait for the 100,000 posts accusing you of being a white roastie

The Jews are smart. They realize how much influence the mother has, unlike every other culture in human history where the father has the most influence in the household. Plus their men are just weak enough to not care.

The only white men I personally know who don't have an Asian gf or wife are those too poor to live or travel abroad. Every white man I currently work with has an Asian wife.

Sorry you had to settle because of your poor socioeconomic standing.

I'm a hairy Portuguese guy with a big dick and long nuts. They can call me whatever idc, i just prefer women with ass and tits

rent free

>Sorry you had to settle for your own race
jesus christ white people

What are you on about. I'm just not attracted to them or any non-Caucasian women, it's not that deep

>tfw no persian-navajo gf

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SE Asian (se)xpat here. Gook women are bigger whores than white women. This is what incels and yellow fever betas, red pills etc etc don't know. They don't know this because they've been conditioned to want to fuck gooks because they're weebs or closet pedos. Asian women are not pure, innocent, less slutty than whites. They are many times worse in those respects. A gook woman will jump your dick first date because you're white. Meanwhile Stacey is gonna at least get two dinners out of you or so. If you're a beta who wants to know what a peepee in vagoo feels like then yeah a gook woman is your best bet. Its as easy as being white. But they're annoying as fuck, have no hips and the more westernised ones you're most likely to encounter are as conventionally vapid as anyone you're likely to meet on a given uni campus. Stop romanticising this shit and have some self respect. If you're a white male with a gook gf its pretty clear your desperation got the better of you

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I want to fuck that haha

shut the fuck up temple master

have sex

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All women are whores except the Asian ones

khazar milkers are an evolutionary tactic for jews. just like how flowers developed beautiful patterns to attract insects to carry their pollen, jews developed big milky breasts so they can carry on their parasitic genes. don't fall for it.

I'm so fucking

I don't care if they are whores, as long as they don't act like one in public, I'm fine with that.

t. alberto barbosa

Pom is perfection. Just wow!

maybe we could post evidence so that us aryan chads can learn to ignore them

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Asian women are fucking trash can tier.
What you posted on the left OP is the highest quality Asian women you could possibly find vs 2 washed up haggard whores.

There is no comparison between the hottest of white women vs the hottest of asians.
Asians spend thousands of dollars to have similar looks of white wome and they still look like shit.

Not to mention their disgusting mud colored eyes and their pre-pubescent boyish bodies. I scoff at the idea of white men chasing after Asians. It's absolutely pathetic.

haha what the heck? haha you want to fuck that? haha but actually me too

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caucasians are asian

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What's wrong, jew boy? Don't like being outed?

what counts as acting like a whore in public?
>I'm fine with that
lmao you'd be livid if a white girl fucked a guy before she met you but you're willing to apologise for a 5'1 gook sucking her way across a backpacker bar

Brendan is a perfect example of a victim of the white whore. Ironic that you made this post yet used that image of him.

why are white women skin so shit? She literally looks like she's in her 30s

Imagine cumming on her pearly white tits haha

When I say Caucasian I mean like the genetic Caucasian facial features. Arabs, Europeans, Latinos etc, as long as it's not the flat face and slanted eyes or nappy hair and wide nose of blacks and Asians

do you seriously think gook women aren't born gold diggers? Let me tell you something if you end up with a Filipino girl its not your 16000 hours total on WOW or your little pot belly she likes about you its your western passport and a higher standard of living she's after. Your blindness is astounding and on the off chance you actually achieve your fetish and get a gook you're gonna pay the price. You're also ignorant enough to have zero idea about the vast cultural differences so enjoy having her freak out when you point your toes at her while talking or something like that

This. We all know that only Jewesses can birth Jewish children, if a mother is a Jew then the larva is a Jew.
If you've ever seen one irl you'll notice how much they stare. I always thought they were in awe of peak physical perfection. However I've heard it whispered, albeit never confirmed, that it's actually an attempt at soul stealing. Being cowards, they'd never openly contest you in 1v1 physical combat for it, and we know, for fact, that they procure souls.
So you can see how the theory does hold a lot of weight and also why my curiosity was initially aroused.

I married an Asian woman. But its kind of like a reverse gold digger situation because I'm from a white working class family and her father is a Chinese millionaire.

sauce on this qt

she's not white you filthy goy

There are plenty of hard working, conservative Asian women who come to the states for the massive opportunities they have here that they wouldn't have in Asia due to their culture being more male-dominated in general. It's bullshit to say they are all whores, especially when compared to today's American white woman.
My girlfriend is very successful and always gets a nasty attitude from much older, fatter white women who work as admins and the black women who serve lunch in the cafeteria.

is her father an escalator salesman?

your gf fucks black guys

I would disagree and say there are gold diggers from all races. I am not defending asian women at all. But the way you slam gook females makes you sound bitter and jaded towards them, and that white females are ultimately the better option. In all honesty, both are shit because western media has totally warped the millennial female brain, both in the west and in asia. Both suck, because women generally suck in this modern day and age.

haha what the heck

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imagine how soft those scrumptous tits are lol, how many strokes can you last with your dick between them haha

they seem kinda big haha, i wonder what it'd feel like to put your peepee between them and then cum on her face while she tells you she loves you.....haha

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Holy shit, have sex my dude

how can other race compete?

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I wouldn't last a single stroke and would prematurely ejaculate before she'd even taken her top off as I am a virgin who has never known the touch of a woman

aya is pure, she is NOT for fucking of anykind, ONLY hand holding okay?

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sowon is cute!

meanwhile in reality...

for me it's jenny

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This. I want Brie to smack me around with her pussi flaps

this is the worst thread on all of 4channel and Yea Forums

haha could you imagine having to settle for a white """qt"""
i literally can't, such desperation is unthinkable forf me

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wtf I want a kazakh wife now

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uggh you incels seriously think this chinkoid wearing traditional dress are superior to western queens

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Seething roastie/white knight

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Jewesses age like curdled milk and are shrill cunts. Khazar milkers are not worth it

EEWWW!!! GROSS!! I would kms if a white women like pic related wanted to have sex with me. Just gross, sorry ladies, this cock is made for Asian girls only!!

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Why is she melting?

unironically an ugly girl with nice boobs

nancy of momoland

if you think the woman on the left is more attractive than the woman on the right you need to kys yourself

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Is this Finns compared to Mongolians?

>getting this mad that white man prefers bug eyed insects over you.

She's pretty ugly on the inside judging by how most people react to her. Including her co-stars. Still, I'd love to be double teamed by two blonde narcissist celebrities.

a good blasian is best


For me, it's black women

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You going to give us her name or not, nigger?

Let's mix the perfect race for women.

1 part some kind of Asian
1/2 part some kind of mongrel race
1/2 part whitey

Attached: muhposhins.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Its very easy to tell when an user is a nigger

Anime has really done a number on your virgin brains, holy shit.

thanks fäm

you know asians have fucked white people in eastern europe for 2 thousand years now right?

>wh*te """women"""

ah, a man of refined taste has arrived


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Blue eyes and blonde hair are just disgusting. And pale skin? Don't even get me started. Fuck white women like pic related, I belong to the oriental yellow goddesses

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no idea lol

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Pink pussies and nipple are just disgusting. I prefer the purple pussies and brown nipples of my Asian goddesses

I don't get how anyone can find those flat faced, squinty eyed monsters attractive in any way

>I prefer Asian women.

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We talking about you or what?

Wh*te roasties btfo

Attached: white roastie btfo.webm (268x478, 1.74M)

No, I'm not Asian.

Attached: whitewimin.jpg (960x723, 103K)

>white whore wouldn't even touch him
>ugly asian literally sucking his dick
is this why ugly white men go for asians?
guess it makes sense.

>micro dick
>ugly asian gf

Those Asian girls on kpop or Japanese idol shit are amazing, but 99% of foreigners with yellow fever settle down with pic related. Be real, you fucking faggots, you will never land a beautiful Asian. Ling ling the basket weaver or some nigger loving Asian-american is your future.

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not exactly an accurate equivalence comparing 20 year old gravure models to late-30s B-list american actors.

really makes you think

amy jewmer's face is 0/10 but i'd still fuck her for the tits and hnnngh belly fat

I've honestly given up on the west. Not only because of feminism and Judaism has corrupted our women and made them no longer value traditional gender roles, responsibility, and femininity, but also because endless immigration of non-whites has all but ensured that every western country will be minority majority in ours, or our children's lifetimes. In our grandchildren's, or our great grandchildren's, lifetimes every western country will see whites be a true minority with at least one non-white race having a higher population than whites.

That is an inevitably, at this point only a full on race war can prevent that, that will never happen. I don't think non-whites will be able to maintain our countries, well maybe Canada will be able to be maintained by Asians, but that's about it. By our great grandchildren's lifetimes East Asian countries such as Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc., will be the best countries to live in.

Knowing that I have given up on white women. I started dating a Japanese girl 4 years ago. I didn't intend to marry and have babies with her, since I was very insecure about having hapas and I wanted white babies. However, when I realized that the white race, and the west, was doomed due to immigration I started learning Japanese. Eventually, my GF and I will move to Japan and have hapa babies. There my hapa babies can have Asian babies and my bloodline will effectively become Asian.

It pains me in a way to leave the white race behind and turn my bloodline Asian, but at the same time I know that my future bloodline will have a much better life as Asians in Japan than they would ever have as white people in a totally browned and ruined west.

Sorry to my fellow whites, but we've lost and at this point I want to give my future bloodline the best life they can have, unfortunately they can't get that as whites anymore.

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plz giv khazar milkers mommy

I think the main issue is that white women are fat nowadays

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>brie is fine. anyone who says otherwise is a legit faggot.

americans arent even human

they're actually matrilineal because they have a long history of being cucked by pretty much everyone (which is why they're still obsessed with it and try to push it today), and if they had remained patrilineal they wouldn't exist today.


The reality is that Asian women love white cock. A white guy can always get an Asian women out of his league, whereas white guys can only get white girls in or below his league.

For example a 6/10 white guy can pull a 7/10 Asian girl, while a 6/10 white guy would have to settle for a 6/10, 5/10, or even lower white girl.

Now there is a lot of truth to beta males getting ugly Asian girls. But that's because that beta male 3/10 white guy would rather be with a 4/10 Asian girl than a 3/10 or lower white girl. That Asian girl may be ugly, but she's better looking than any white girl he could pull.

As a white guy, it's much easier to pull a beautiful Asian girl than it is a beautiful white girl. And on top of that Asian girls stay beautiful for much, much longer than white girls do since white girls age like milk.

Except right is a cursed image.

this, but ironically

His sister is way hotter than that gook but I would never complain about getting my dick sucked so good for him

>proceeds to write this literal definition of cope
lmao never change Yea Forums

Yes, depending on who exactly you are your MS paint pictures are a cope for how you deal with the fact that the white population is declining, your women are being stolen, your father is a beta male, or white men don't want to date you.

Fact of the matter is that white men can always pull a better looking Asian girl than they could a white girl. I don't blame ugly beta males for going after Asian girls, they're way better than any white girl they could get.

And as a 6/10 white guy, I love my 7/10 Asian GF, it feels good not having to settle for 6/10 or 5/10 white girls/

>I love my 7/10 Asian GF
doubt she's hotter than a 5.
you're just ugly, so your standards are much lower.

no shame in that, but don't pretend your situation is better than it is.

Here you are, coping again. Have fun settling for uglier white girls I guess.

Nice fictional ''GF". From what anime does your waifu come from? Also you're not white, Mohamed.
You're just a beta who can't get any superior white pussy. Stay seething.

Attached: 0085.jpg (340x503, 61K)

Nice cope. Enjoy settling for uglier white girls friend.

lol k.


Blackhawk Down.
Pearl Harbor.

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Way ahead of you. I've yellow fever since 1990.

Except less than 5% of whites racemix.
The only people who racemix are weirdos.

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>all that caner on her chest

Americans are not white.

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Whenever one of these threads happens and I see all the anit Asian girl posts I can't tell if it's women who are jealous and want our dicks or if it's guys who are ??? and possibly want our dicks.

Attached: 54d.jpg (622x494, 40K)

Why would anyone want the dicks from Yea Forums?
It's just people here like mocking weaboo delusions.
If you want a safespace, go to Yea Forums or /jp/

Jeezus who is she???

I doubt it's women, they don't really post here. It's mostly hapas bitter that they were raised by beta male fathers, Asian men jealous that their women live white dick, and /pol/tards insecure over the declining white population.

I'd go for asians, but the way we effortessly destroyed their entire culture and plunged them into a circle of faggotry for 70 years now just makes me feel nothing but contempt for them.
Really weak people who's only succesful attack on the west was a surprise backstabbing, and even then it wasn't a succesful attack because most of the targets they wanted to destroy weren't there.

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So is just an angry hapa and or Asian? I'm inclined to believe it. I feel like the only guys that get upset at people jerking off to Asian women are Asian guys or hapas for obvious reasons.

Why would /pol/ care?
No one in Yea Forums is going to have kids anyway.

I used to argue against this before I moved to Arizona

gook women are bigger whores than white women because all gook women you've encountered are literally whores you fucking idiot


I think the majority of them are insecure /pol/tards.

who is this

based seoulstealer

Attached: brown babe.webm (1920x1080, 1.71M)

I used to date this Asian chick who hated that stereotype. Whenever we visited Thailand she kept looking around suspiciously and saying, "These fucking people probably think i'm your whore or something." cuz she was a jungle Asian. Whenever someone would speak Thai to her she'd get pissed.

She was a fun little firecracker. Anyone who thinks Asian women are subservient though have never dated one.

/pol/ cares because white people have hapas means even less white people. And plenty of people on Yea Forums have, or will have kids. That's a bit of a projection.

>posts least best gfriend

Attached: Halloween Moon 2.webm (660x1178, 1.03M)

>20k in plastic surgery
>still average
shamefur dispray

California, the south West, and Texas are not America, that's mexico.

plastic is perfection, cuckmeister

Attached: Seoulhyun.webm (572x800, 2.94M)

Yeah. But try posting black or Asian girls on /pol/. They show their true colors when confronted with nonwhite babes.

No they will not.
People who waste away their 20s discussing idealized women who might as well be 2D waifus are not going to have any kids, because they are going to be too busy doing the exact same thing in their 30s, and then their 40s.

sleepover with Twice

Attached: twice happy.png (1920x966, 2.82M)

That they get shitposted to death and 404 in no time?
As they should.
Also, why is this thread still up?

>tfw love black hair and chinky looking girls

I wish they'd go all natural.

God i want an asian wife. I dont give a shit about
>they only look good with make up Xdddd
I want to ram their crooked teeth slanted eye chink face with my white cock. make up or not
my yellow fever is so strong, that i would still prefer a fat no make up wearing gook princess over a white super model.

i dont get why people say its easy for white guy to get an asian gf. ive been rejected by so many in college, and only had luck with white girls. But i know it would be impossible for me to settle even with the hottest white girl; knowing that asian girls are out there.


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daycare with Momo

Attached: momo pizza.webm (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Cope and projection. Not everyone spends all their time on Yea Forums doing that.

>having any kids

And thank god they won't.
Last thing we need is a generation of autists educating an entire generation of hapas and half niggers.

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Man this is what I mean. She looks so real and down to earth on the left. I love that.

>one chance at life to get an asian gf
>not asian
>not white
>be born a fucking spic

Attached: 1553599304166.jpg (1046x1566, 112K)

Sorry millennial, but "u mad" got old long ago.

>Not everyone spends all their time on Yea Forums doing that.
Yes they do, like everyone on the internet.
Even social media is full of these people who will live and die alone, and rightfully so.

>no ass
>showing it off like it's nice

Ok, keep coping and projecting if you want.

we get it, wh*te roast*e

Attached: seoulhyun gap.webm (640x1110, 780K)

>t. low standard beta male

Again, typing the word "cope" it's not an argument.
All millennials, men and women, who spend time on the internet will die alone.
And i'll be here to laugh at their suffering.
There's no other people who deserve to live such an empty existence as much as millennials.

>flat as a pancake
>has a gap that every woman her size has
wow, amazing!! she'd love my 4" white COCK!

I was a big fan of Sharon's theatrical film, Twiceland (2018)

Attached: mina whore 1.webm (608x1080, 2.94M)

>half embarrassed


Attached: 61q2fSkYBQL._SY450_[1].jpg (450x450, 19K)

Is this a landwhale thing?

literally a seething hambeast

she's ugly and that dick is really tiny

Of course you have gone from trying to argue to just "c-cope", like a millennial.
Enjoy having your skeleton found in your apartment years after you died.

trip to the zoo with sana&dubu

Attached: sana dubu giraffe.webm (1920x1080, 644K)

At least he's

>have sex

black hawk down was in africa

We should have invaded Japan and ignored their laughable surrender attempts.
Pearl Harbor won't be avenged until all of the gooks live through that hell.

Attached: 1552526068180.gif (307x292, 2.69M)

Recently watched Season of GFRIEND, great movie

Attached: purepop.webm (1112x778, 2.45M)

Gingers>>>>>everyone else

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Nice cope.

Only if they have a scottish accent.

come on dude im eating right now

freckles ar eliterally a skin disease

a woman's subservience is based on the man. if a woman isn't submitting to you, it's because you have neither an intimidating physical presence nor social/financial power.

You are the one who thinks he's going to make it.
I already have.
You will not.

Attached: 161008 코리안 뮤직 웨이브 - 신비 '너 ᄀ� (586x1080, 2.73M)

Keep coping.

What's up with Yea Forums's obsession with broscience?
Why do so many people believe shit they just make up on the spot?
Are you American or something?

asian americans don't count, you dumb cuck
you just dated a white girl with narrow eyes

Attached: 1550149208597.webm (720x960, 1.87M)

i like a light smattering of freckles across the nose, but this is way too much. it's like looking at someone under a UV light except all the time.

>plastic is perfection
you're right there

Attached: 1474034278551.webm (640x640, 601K)

Women are scum.
If you can't handle yourself on a battlefield, you are a worthless being, which discards some men, but 100% of women.

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they look gross and unhealthy.

She was from Singapore but I can understand. It's basically mini America in Southeast Asia.

that is a reeeally long torso 2bh

>that decadent tattoo on her upper arm
Western women deserve death

Not as much as your brown skin, Am*rican.

Attached: whitest American woman.jpg (453x453, 91K)

she's a western woman not an actual asian.

itt: virgins

Quite the screen presence, our Eunha

Attached: youngeun.webm (536x952, 1.94M)

brown skin looks better.

She was Malay from Singapore. She was a Leo though.

Most American post i've seen today.

Attached: 1526126998362.webm (640x362, 2.42M)


well RDJ, Evans and Hermsworth signed for 9 and those counting cameos too.

Yeah, tattoos are only cool when you are young.
I got one in the military on my forearm, and I cut it out one night when I was drunk.

Attached: 1555984328084.jpg (400x352, 36K)

>She was a Leo though.
this means literally nothing.

That's a quadroon
possibly an octoroon

it's like if you dated one of those taiwanese bitches in that hip hop sub-culture obsessed with twerking and black dudes and were like
>submissive asians are a meme, I constantly have to stop my asian girlfriend from volunteering for blackedraw

fuckin hell dubu is hideous

Attached: 1551058800698.jpg (600x448, 32K)

Wait, you can differentiate them?

dubu is not made for looking at from the front

Attached: 1544832723109.jpg (346x1098, 90K)

we get it, white cave bitch

White women are disgusting.

Attached: bad trip dubu.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

have you ever told her that she's one numerical point higher than the hypothetical white gf you could have gotten?

I'm a white dude, you thin skinned faggot, I simply can't differentiate people from other races because I wasn't born in a multicultural shithole.
God, you jump at the gun almost as much as SJWs.

Sorry, but we all know Mexican girls are superior.

Attached: chola.webm (640x640, 1.07M)

sure thing, ashley

Is there anywhere I can find an asian girl that will be subdued, instead of being this kind of spastic, try hard mess?
Why doesn't any woman on this planet behave like a normal person?

seriously. what are all these memes about white guy getting asian chicks easily?
i have 100% scandavian blood in me and all the asian girls on campus never gave a flying fuck about me. been rejected by 10 so far
most of the asian girls date within their own race and avoid contact with foreigners. plus theyre the most unfriendliess, stuck up, and spoiled race of girls on the planet. i maybe seen one white guy and asian girl couple of campus.
shits hard.
i have no idea why anyone would think its harder to get a white gf or an asian. To get a white gf, all you have to do is walk outside.

all in all, the only race of girls ive seen lust after me are black chicks

Attached: 1537206080680.jpg (564x697, 55K)

>the only race of girls ive seen lust after me are black chicks
My condolences, what a curse.


Why did JYP have to make cub become lewd?

Attached: twice (1).jpg (900x1353, 327K)

imagine what her butthole smells like

White girls only go for chads, why would they be here when there's only Americans?

Black girls love white boys who treat them like human beings

white girls hate her

Attached: eunha thighs 1.webm (678x1080, 2.65M)

>treating them like human beings
Asking a bit too much there.

>on campus
This is your problem. Asian girls that go to a uni are either there to focus on getting excellent grades before moving back home, or they are so accustomed to Western culture that your whiteness isn't unique at all. Go to Asia or look outside of your uni.

>going to another continent just to get a girlfriend
Thank god I was born attractive, jesus christ.

She probably has an amazing personality and unwavering loyalty. I would marry her and she'd raise my children and take care of the home.
She's not a looker, but she knows her place and she plays the role well.

Don't make fun of her.

Attached: 1528804397387.jpg (250x250, 7K)

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Attached: 1542148307178.gif (380x286, 754K)

>people try to tell me hapas are bad

Attached: 14.webm (1120x1988, 2.39M)

Attached: 1555618248941.jpg (1537x2048, 276K)

what's her name you stupid fucking nigger

Michinomiya Hirohito

Aya Kawasaki

Attached: kawasaki_aya_43249826_331936947581305_4288668879128531073_n.jpg (641x801, 94K)

What's with millennials and their insistence that one individual example redeems an entire demographic?
Reminds me of

does she do JAV porn?

The unholy things I would do

Based and chuckpilled

Attached: 1006.jpg (351x338, 28K)

Millennials can't argue.
They value anecdotical evidence over actual statistics.
That's why Yea Forums is full of people who unironically think racemixing is common and that having a folder with 4 cherrypicked tweets proves it.

The internet was a massive mistake and is a cancer for humanity.
The internet must be destroyed for humanity to live on.

>Does she do Japanese adult video porn?
No, learn to Google

>here's your Princess bro

Attached: Crown Princess Aiko.jpg (2000x1333, 1.07M)

Nah gravure only so far

Attached: 02.jpg (1133x1600, 1.29M)

stop seething and hide the thread already

Attached: joy walk.webm (544x800, 2.85M)

Said the 250 overweight incel

Attached: 211.png (330x259, 90K)

learn to lick my gooch, nigger

I'm not letting a millennial live in delusions.
Exposing the truth is way too much fun, if only to make millennials suffer.

>please leave our offtopic thread

Attached: 1535025939268.png (128x125, 18K)

>white women.
landwhales? No thanks bro, I'd rather bust a nut using my hand.


Attached: close up.webm (768x678, 2.73M)

They aren't.
Most Europeans are healthy.
I really hope you are not implying that Am*ricans are white.

Attached: average American woman.jpg (720x725, 218K)

Attached: 10.jpg (1034x1600, 1016K)

You mad the only pussy you've touched was your mom's hairy cunt while she was pushing you out her filthy hole?

>hapas aren't bad
>when a hapa is the one who has been spamming BLACKED threads all over Yea Forums for years now

Attached: 1553912167540.png (963x908, 981K)

Me? I'm a fan of Yabuki Nako, star of Majisuka Gakuen (one episode)

Attached: thighs 1.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

why do japs always have negative ass

my mom is shaved, nigger
jokes on you

Just stop pretending to act cute and get naked, bitch.
God, this is why these sluts are so insufferable, drop the act and spread your legs already.

Attached: tsuuuu.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Wait the dude who did the thousands of "Here are all of her AMWF scenes and asian boyfriends PS: She has never done interracial" shitposts also is blackedposting? How is that consistent?

She's 17 (for a little while longer)
And you sound younger than that

Attached: nakopractice 2.webm (628x682, 2.4M)


Cringe, that's how you get a society like in the west where the girls are all whores who flash their tits every second they get

Pedo incel

who are the slags on the left?

What's the point of pretending women are for anything but pump and dump?
They are stupid, they are weak, they sperg out constantly. The vagina is the only useful part of them, so might as well not waste my time.

Stop saying white when you mean American

If you were actually getting pussy, you wouldn't be such a bitter faggot.

>get naked
Do you live in a fake country where there's no real laws?

Attached: nako 1000percent.webm (462x800, 2.95M)

No, I just don't live in a shithole when they only let women get naked when they are old hags.
Age of consent is 16 in a ton of parts of the world.

Airi and Maimi from C-ute


Attached: OECD-obesity report.jpg (710x811, 104K)

You talk like an autistic virgin

But they all dress like whores anyway.

Never seen such project

Yes, retard. The AoC is 16 where I live
But notice how there's not any 16 year olds in porn

Attached: nako wony.webm (718x720, 1.57M)


>notice how there's not any 16 year olds in porn
There's plenty of porn of 16 year old girls, and younger.

>barely any asian supermodels
enough said.
shit ugly race from top to bottom.

And you talk like a boomer.
Now, when is she getting naked?

Yeah great, post some now, see what happens you fucking idiot

Attached: yukata 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.72M)

fuck off fbi

Girls I know personally have openly voiced that they don't like white guys getting with asian girls

>dude why isn't child porn legal everywhere else like it is in my ukranian server farm town

>claims about racemixing in Yea Forums
90% chances it's not real.
99% chances it's not real if it's anecdotical "evidence".

For example, this picture tends to make a lot of millennials pretty angry.

Attached: 1530834910975.png (1675x1536, 2.61M)

But how? Doesnt that mean the child is only half jew.

now post dating site statistics

>not having a modern european gf

pic related
stay jelly whiteshits

Attached: euro girl.png (670x461, 340K)

>12 to 16 year old
>when they are all losing their virginity at that age

I remember punching one of these bitches when I was drunk, and she just ran away like mad, almost tripped with her long clothes.
God, that was a fun night.

what kind of mental problem do you have?
you think age of consent laws apply to pornography?

okay I'm convinced

>dating site
Dating sites are only used by two kind of people:
unfuckable millennials who are too autistic or have given up on meeting someone through normal means, or whores who don't even feel like trying.
Only weirdos and the filthiest of whores use dating apps.
Getting laid has never been easier, and someone using a dating app is a huge redflag.

They should.

the teenager that saved Korea

Attached: wony red 1.webm (632x1080, 2.99M)

try arguing that to a fucking cop you imbecile

Thanks for proving my point you retarded mutt

can i get a source on that image

If anything, i'd argue with the ones who make these stupid laws.

The absolute STATE of amerifats.

Attached: 1538299266796.jpg (2048x1536, 679K)

What are you talking about? In my country girls constantly say whatever the fuck they're thinking including voicing they don't like seeing guys with asians

The vast majority of people don't racemix, and don't even think about the act of racemixing.
Only Yea Forums is obsessed with that.

thanks for your anecdote

There's a difference between being obsessed with race mixing and bringing up mixed couples in conversation

you know some people say they hate women, and that's fair, but you know who I hate?
women enablers
they only get away with this shit because of thirsty bastards

336 people who have never gotten laid.